Maintainance Release for Music Album Creation.
- change download backend from youtube-dl to lightwight pytube
- change interactive dialogs backend from legacy pyinquirer to questionary
- retire prediction service due to legacy dependency with scikit version & pickeld model weights
- update python dependencies using poetry version 1.4.0
- migrate from Travis to Github Actions
- full CI/CD pipeline
- add structured documentation and host it in
- fix for python2.7
- support python2.7
- Fix identation error
- Write integration test
- Fix 3 minor security issues and 2 medium
- Implement alternative method to retrieve album name
- Improve 'front-end' architecture
- Fix track segmentation in linux systems.
- Settle for 9 minor and 3 medium issues of security severity
- Improve security
- Enable Appveyor CI build trigerring for windows platform.
- Use tox as 'front-end' for testing (locally/Travis-Ci/Appveyor)
- Improve test coverage
- Add a universal wheel
Initial release.