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GPS Tracker Example

Timothy Woo edited this page Feb 6, 2018 · 24 revisions


A great way to use the SIM7000 shield is for asset tracking. This can be used in many situations for things like fleet management (like seeing where pizza delivery vehicles are) and is a great way to test the GPS and remote capabilities of your device!

In this tutorial we'll be going over the IoT_Example sketch which you can find on Github. This example allows you to send GPS, temperature, and supply voltage data to the cloud with HTTP GET and POST requests as well as via MQTT. If you're only interested in sending to Adafruit IO via MQTT then please take a look at the LTE_MQTT_Test example sketch.


If you haven't already, please see the previous tutorials to get your shield set up with the LTE_Demo sketch and make sure it's connecting to the network and successfully sending data to the cloud using the "2" command!

Defining Transfer Protocol

Before we move on, let's briefly talk about the different methods of sending data. Currently there are three main methods of sending data to the cloud with the example sketch:

  • HTTP GET request
  • HTTP POST request
  • MQTT publish

The main differences between these methods is that HTTP GET puts all the info (for example, sensor data, device ID, etc.) all in the query string, whereas HTTP POST requests put the important stuff in a message body. Typically both of these types of HTTP requests allow sending data but are not well-suited for two-way communication. For more info about HTTP GET vs POST I'd recommend checking out this article.

MQTT is a slightly different animal; it's a much more "lightweight" protocol using less bandwidth and allows you to send data back and forth. Both of these advantages make it a great option for IoT devices!

The first thing you need to do in the IoT_Example sketch is to define which protocol you want by un-commenting out the line for the desired protocol and leaving the other ones commented out:

Doing this is crucial because this sets which blocks of code will run in the program. Later when you upload the program, feel free to try each method! Note that there are two platforms used for MQTT: Adafruit IO (which I'll classify as proprietary) and CloudMQTT (which can be seamlessly expanded to most other non-proprietary MQTT protocols simply by changing the credentials)

The next thing you need to do is make sure the right APN is set in the setup() function. By default it is set for the Hologram SIM card that comes with every shield kit, but if you're using a different SIM card please change the APN accordingly.

fona.setGPRSNetworkSettings(F("hologram")); // For Hologram developer SIM card

Sampling Rate

In the sketch you will also see a line that sets a variable called "samplingRate". This defines how often you want the GPS tracker to send data to the cloud. For example, if you set "samplingRate" to 10 (default), the device will post data to the cloud, pause for 10s, then post again, etc. Note that if you only want the device to post once until you push the button again (maybe you're afraid you'll burn too much data lol?) then you can simply comment out the "samplingRate" line altogether.

Also notice that there's a "turnOffShield" variable which is actually commented out by default. This variable sets whether or not the SIM7000 turns off after posting data or remains completely on and active. Note that if you uncomment this line it will take a bit longer for it to get GPS location data than if it were left on. However, you might want to turn it off to save energy if your're not sampling very often and don't care about a little latency in readings.

HTTP Protocol

The default test cloud API used in the example sketch is, a super easy-to-use and free API that allows you to test GET and POST methods.

GET Method

Using the GET method is really simple. All you have to do is reference the API documentation for whatever API you're using (in this case and plug in the values in the "sprintf" function:

Note that in general, for GET requests since everything's in the query string it usually looks like this:

and you can just fill in the data. However, this differs from API to API and you should check the exact format of the one you're using. However, the example works perfectly for dweet!

POST Method

Using the POST method in the example code is very similar to GET except that now you'll have to define a message body and include this body as an input to the "postData" function:

Testing if it Worked

So how do you know it actually posted? At least for dweet it's super simple. Just go to "{IMEI}" where you should fill in your device's IMEI number in the URL and you can find it printed during the initialization process near the beginning of the serial monitor when the code runs. If you see "{"this":"failed","with":404,"because":"we couldn't find this"}" then yea, it probably didn't work, but if you see "success" and a bunch of data, then good for you!

IoT Dashboards

Maybe you're a helicopter mom and want to track exactly where your teen is driving to? No problem! Just follow this GPS tracker tutorial I made on how to use and to create some killer-awesome dashboards in a jiffy!

MQTT Protocol

MQTT Setup

If you aren't using MQTT you can skip this step. However, if you are using MQTT then listen up! In this example we will be sending data to either Adafruit IO or CloudMQTT. As such, the obvious thing to do is to login or create an account on Adafruit IO or CloudMQTT or both.

You'll also have to make sure to uncomment the "PROTOCOL_MQTT_AIO" line if you're using Adafruit IO and if you're using CloudMQTT then you should uncomment "PROTOCOL_MQTT_CLOUDMQTT" as described in a previous section.

Adafruit IO

In Adafruit IO you should then see a "View AIO Key" tab on the left hand menu. Click that and it will give you your username and key to use the example code.

Now look near the top of the code and find the MQTT setup section. Change the gap-filler username and key to your own:

In the next section you will see a bunch of "feeds" being initialized for Adafruit IO. If you're using CloudMQTT then you don't have to worry about this:

These are essentially the MQTT "topics" that the device can publish to but since Adafruit wants to have their own deal it's not set up exactly the same as other MQTT brokers. Here we set up the actual names of the feeds as well as their corresponding names in the code. For example, the device can send info to the "latitude" feed but this feed is referred to as "feed_lat" in the code to make it distinct. In order for you to see the values appear in Adafruit IO, however, you must first create these feeds. You can do this in Adafruit IO by going to the "Feeds" tab and clicking the "Actions" dropdown menu then clicking "Create a new feed". Make sure that you name the feeds exactly how they appear in the code otherwise you will be staring at them wondering why the data isn't going through! After you create all the feeds it should look like this:

After uploading and running the code your device should send all the data to whichever platform you're using and you should see the values appear in real time under each feed!


In CloudMQTT you have to go to the "Details" tab where you will see the server, username, password, and port number:

Enter these values in the CloudMQTT setup section:

Upload and run the Arduino sketch and for CloudMQTT you have to go to the Websocket UI in order to see the values:

Simply refresh the page to clear the values. Note that the latest values are on the bottom, not the top

Other MQTT Brokers

You can also publish to pretty much any other basic MQTT service that does or does not support username and password. In this case you can just change the CloudMQTT settings such as the server name, port number, username, and password. To actually connect to the broker just follow the CloudMQTT example in the sketch. The main steps in using MQTT are the following:

  • Use "fona.TCPconnect(MQTT_SERVER, MQTT_SERVERPORT)" to first connect to the server via TCP connection
  • Use "fona.MQTTconnect(PROTOCOL_NAME, MQTT_CLIENT, MQTT_USERNAME, MQTT_KEY)" to send an MQTT connect packet to the server to actually connect to the broker. Note that the "PROTOCOL_NAME" field varies depending on the service. For example, CloudMQTT requires "MQIsdp" but most others require "MQTT". Note that the username and key parameters are optional in case the MQTT service does not require them.
  • Use "fona.MQTTpublish("topic_name", message_content)" to actually send (publish) data to a "topic". Topics are just as they sound and can be thought of as different "rooms" or "threads" in an instant messaging app that hold the message content. You can publish to as many topics as you'd like!
  • Finally, use "fona.TCPclose()" to close the TCP connection entirely!

Note: there are some other features (like subscribe, etc.) that aren't yet implemented.