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botprof committed Mar 21, 2022
1 parent fef5eac commit 16f2e71
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Expand Up @@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ Filename | Description
Filename | Description
-------- | -----------
[]( | Simple EKF implementation for a differential drive vehicle with wheel encoders, an angular rate gyro, and GNSS.
[]( | Introductory problem illustrating a basic unscented transform (UT) of statistics for Gaussian inputs, after [Julier and Uhlmann (2014)](
[]( | Introductory problem illustrating a basic unscented transform (UT) of statistics for Gaussian inputs, after [Julier and Uhlmann (2004)](
[]( | Example implementation of a UKF for vehicle navigation by using odometry together with a range and bearing sensor, similar to the example on p. 290 of the book [Principles of Robot Motion: Theory, Algorithms, and Implementations (2005)](

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333 changes: 333 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
Author: Joshua A. Marshall <[email protected]>

# %%

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Circle
from scipy.stats import chi2
from numpy.linalg import inv
from scipy.linalg import block_diag
from mobotpy.integration import rk_four
from mobotpy.models import DiffDrive

# Set the simulation time [s] and the sample period [s]
SIM_TIME = 30.0
T = 0.04

# Create an array of time values [s]
t = np.arange(0.0, SIM_TIME, T)
N = np.size(t)

# %%

# Set the track length of the vehicle [m]
ELL = 1.0

# Create a vehicle object of type DiffDrive
vehicle = DiffDrive(ELL)


# Number of features
M = 150

# Map size [m]
D_MAP = 100

# Randomly place features in the map
f_map = np.zeros((2, M))
for i in range(0, M):
f_map[:, i] = D_MAP * (2.0 * np.random.rand(2) - 1.0)

# %%

# Uncertainty in wheel speeds [m/s]

# Max and min sensor ranges
R_MAX = 15
R_MIN = 1

# Set the range [m] and bearing [rad] uncertainty
SIGMA_BEARING = 15 * np.pi / 180

# Create a range and bearing sensor model
def RandB_sensor(x, f_map, R):

# Define how many total features are available
m = np.shape(f_map)[1]

# Find the indices of features that are within range [r_min, r_max]
a = np.array([])
for i in range(0, m):
r = np.sqrt((f_map[0, i] - x[0]) ** 2 + (f_map[1, i] - x[1]) ** 2)
if np.all(
r < R_MAX,
r > R_MIN,
a = np.append(a, i)

# Compute the range and bearing to all features within range
if np.shape(a)[0] > 0:
# Specify the size of the output
m = np.shape(a)[0]
y = np.zeros(2 * m)

# Compute the range and bearing to all features (including sensor noise)
for i in range(0, m):
# Range measurement [m]
y[2 * i] = np.sqrt(
(f_map[0, int(a[i])] - x[0]) ** 2 + (f_map[1, int(a[i])] - x[1]) ** 2
) + np.sqrt(R[0, 0]) * np.random.randn(1)
# Bearing measurement [rad]
y[2 * i + 1] = (
f_map[1, int(a[i])] - x[1], f_map[0, int(a[i])] - x[0]
- x[2]
- np.pi
+ np.sqrt(R[1, 1]) * np.random.randn(1)
# No features were found within the sensing range
y = np.array([])

# Return the range and bearing to features in y with indices in a
return y, a

# %%

def UKF(x, P, v_m, y_m, a, f_map, Q, R, kappa):

# Set the augmented state and covariance
xi = np.append(x, v_m)
n_x = np.shape(x)[0]
n_xi = np.shape(xi)[0]
P_xi = block_diag(P, Q)

# Define a set of sigma points for for the a priori estimate
xi_sig = np.zeros((n_xi, 2 * n_xi + 1))
P_xi_sig = np.linalg.cholesky((n_xi + kappa) * P_xi)
for i in range(0, n_xi):
xi_sig[:, i + 1] = xi + P_xi_sig[:, i]
xi_sig[:, n_xi + i + 1] = xi - P_xi_sig[:, i]

# Propagate each sigma point through the vehicle's model
xi_sig_hat = np.zeros((n_xi, 2 * n_xi + 1))
for i in range(0, 2 * n_xi + 1):
xi_sig_hat[0:n_x, i] = rk_four(
vehicle.f, xi_sig[0:n_x, i], xi_sig[n_x:n_xi, i], T

# Compute the mean and convariance from the transformed sigma points
w_xi = 0.5 / (n_xi + kappa) * np.ones(2 * n_xi + 1)
w_xi[0] = 2 * kappa * w_xi[0]
xi = np.average(xi_sig_hat, axis=1, weights=w_xi)
P_xi = np.cov(xi_sig_hat, ddof=0, aweights=w_xi)

# Help to keep the covariance matrix symmetrical
P_xi = (P_xi + np.transpose(P_xi)) / 2

# Set the vehicle state estimates
x_hat = xi[0:n_x]
P_hat = P_xi[0:n_x, 0:n_x]

# Find the number of observed features
m = np.shape(a)[0]

# Compute the a posteriori estimate if there are visible features
if m > 0:

# Compute a new set of sigma points using the latest x_hat and P_hat
x_sig = np.zeros((n_x, 2 * n_x + 1))
P_sig = np.linalg.cholesky((n_x + kappa) * P_hat)
for i in range(0, n_x):
x_sig[:, i + 1] = x_hat + P_sig[:, i]
x_sig[:, n_x + i + 1] = x_hat - P_sig[:, i]

# Find the expected measurement corresponding to each sigma point
y_hat_sig = np.zeros((2 * m, 2 * n_x + 1))
for j in range(0, 2 * n_x + 1):
# Compute the expected measurements
for i in range(0, m):
y_hat_sig[2 * i, j] = np.sqrt(
(f_map[0, int(a[i])] - x_sig[0, j]) ** 2
+ (f_map[1, int(a[i])] - x_sig[1, j]) ** 2
y_hat_sig[2 * i + 1, j] = (
f_map[1, int(a[i])] - x_sig[1, j],
f_map[0, int(a[i])] - x_sig[0, j],
- x_sig[2, j]
- np.pi

# Recombine the sigma points
w_x = 0.5 / (n_x + kappa) * np.ones(2 * n_x + 1)
w_x[0] = 2 * kappa * w_x[0]
y_hat = np.average(y_hat_sig, axis=1, weights=w_x)

P_y = np.zeros((2 * m, 2 * m))
P_xy = np.zeros((n_x, 2 * m))
for i in range(0, 2 * n_x + 1):
y_diff = y_hat_sig[:, i] - y_hat
x_diff = x_sig[:, i] - x_hat
P_y = P_y + w_x[i] * (y_diff.reshape((2 * m, 1))) @ np.transpose(
y_diff.reshape((2 * m, 1))
P_xy = P_xy + w_x[i] * (x_diff.reshape((n_x, 1))) @ np.transpose(
y_diff.reshape((2 * m, 1))
P_y = P_y + np.kron(np.identity(m), R)

# Help to keep the covariance matrix symmetrical
P_y = (P_y + np.transpose(P_y)) / 2

# Update the estimate
K = P_xy @ np.linalg.inv(P_y)
x_hat = x_hat + K @ (y_m - y_hat)
P_hat = P_hat - K @ P_y @ np.transpose(K)

# Help keep the covariance matrix symmetric
P_hat = (P_hat + np.transpose(P_hat)) / 2

return x_hat, P_hat

# %%

# Set the covariance matrices
Q = np.diag([SIGMA_SPEED ** 2, SIGMA_SPEED ** 2])
R = np.diag([SIGMA_RANGE ** 2, SIGMA_BEARING ** 2])

# Initialize state, intput, and estimator variables
x = np.zeros((3, N))
v_m = np.zeros((2, N))
x_hat_UKF = np.zeros((3, N))
P_hat_UKF = np.zeros((3, 3, N))

# Initialize the state
x_init = np.zeros(3)

# Set the initial guess of the estimator
x_guess = x_init + np.array([5.0, -5.0, 0.1])
P_guess = np.diag(np.square([5.0, -5.0, 0.1]))

# Set the initial conditions
x[:, 0] = x_init
v_m[:, 0] = np.zeros(2)
x_hat_UKF[:, 0] = x_guess
P_hat_UKF[:, :, 0] = P_guess

KAPPA = 3 - np.shape(x)[0]

for i in range(1, N):

# Compute some inputs (i.e., drive around)
v = np.array([2.05, 1.95])

# Run the vehicle motion model
x[:, i] = rk_four(vehicle.f, x[:, i - 1], v, T)

# Model the rate sensors
v_m[0, i] = v[0] + np.sqrt(Q[0, 0]) * np.random.randn(1)
v_m[1, i] = v[1] + np.sqrt(Q[1, 1]) * np.random.randn(1)

# Run the measurement model
y_m, a = RandB_sensor(x[:, i], f_map, R)

# Run the UKF estimator
x_hat_UKF[:, i], P_hat_UKF[:, :, i] = UKF(
x_hat_UKF[:, i - 1],
P_hat_UKF[:, :, i - 1],
v_m[:, i - 1],

# %%

# Find the scaling factors for covariance bounds
alpha = 0.01
s1 = chi2.isf(alpha, 1)
s2 = chi2.isf(alpha, 2)

# Set some plot limits for better viewing
x_range = 0.5
y_range = 0.5
theta_range = 0.1
phi_range = 0.1

# Plot the errors with covariance bounds
sigma = np.zeros((3, N))
fig1 = plt.figure(1)
ax1 = plt.subplot(311)
sigma[0, :] = np.sqrt(s1 * P_hat_UKF[0, 0, :])
plt.fill_between(t, -sigma[0, :], sigma[0, :], color="C0", alpha=0.2)
plt.plot(t, x[0, :] - x_hat_UKF[0, :], "C0")
plt.ylabel(r"$e_1$ [m]")
plt.setp(ax1, xticklabels=[])
ax1.set_ylim([-x_range, x_range])
ax2 = plt.subplot(312)
sigma[1, :] = np.sqrt(s1 * P_hat_UKF[1, 1, :])
plt.fill_between(t, -sigma[1, :], sigma[1, :], color="C0", alpha=0.2)
plt.plot(t, x[1, :] - x_hat_UKF[1, :], "C0")
plt.ylabel(r"$e_2$ [m]")
plt.setp(ax2, xticklabels=[])
ax2.set_ylim([-y_range, y_range])
ax3 = plt.subplot(313)
sigma[2, :] = np.sqrt(s1 * P_hat_UKF[2, 2, :])
plt.fill_between(t, -sigma[2, :], sigma[2, :], color="C0", alpha=0.2)
plt.plot(t, x[2, :] - x_hat_UKF[2, :], "C0")
plt.ylabel(r"$e_3$ [rad]")
plt.setp(ax3, xticklabels=[])
ax3.set_ylim([-theta_range, theta_range])
plt.xlabel(r"$t$ [s]")

# Plot the actual versus estimated positions on the map
fig2, ax = plt.subplots()
circle = Circle(x[0:2, 0], radius=R_MAX, alpha=0.2, color="C0", label="Sensing range")
plt.plot(x[0, :], x[1, :], "C0", label="Actual")
plt.plot(x_hat_UKF[0, :], x_hat_UKF[1, :], "C1--", label="Estimated")
plt.plot(f_map[0, :], f_map[1, :], "C2*", label="Transmitter")
ax.set_xlim([np.min(x_hat_UKF[0, :]) - 10, np.max(x_hat_UKF[0, :]) + 10])
ax.set_ylim([np.min(x_hat_UKF[1, :]) - 10, np.max(x_hat_UKF[1, :]) + 10])
plt.xlabel(r"$x_1$ [m]")
plt.ylabel(r"$x_2$ [m]")

# Show the plot to the screen

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