This retriever microservice is a highly efficient search service designed for handling and retrieving embedding vectors. It operates by receiving an embedding vector as input and conducting a similarity search against vectors stored in a VectorDB database. Users must specify the VectorDB's host, port, and the index/collection name, and the service searches within that index to find documents with the highest similarity to the input vector.
The service primarily utilizes similarity measures in vector space to rapidly retrieve contentually similar documents. The vector-based retrieval approach is particularly suited for handling large datasets, offering fast and accurate search results that significantly enhance the efficiency and quality of information retrieval.
Overall, this microservice provides robust backend support for applications requiring efficient similarity searches, playing a vital role in scenarios such as recommendation systems, information retrieval, or any other context where precise measurement of document similarity is crucial.
VDMS is a storage solution for efficient access of big-”visual”-data that aims to achieve cloud scale by searching for relevant visual data via visual metadata stored as a graph and enabling machine friendly enhancements to visual data for faster access.
VDMS offers the functionality of VectorDB. It provides multiple engines to index large number of embeddings and to search them for similarity. Based on the use case, the engine used will provide a tradeoff between indexing speed, search speed, total memory footprint, and search accuracy.
VDMS also supports a graph database to store different metadata(s) associated with each vector embedding, and to retrieve them supporting a large variety of relationships ranging from simple to very complex relationships.
In Summary, VDMS supports:
- K nearest neighbor search
- Euclidean distance (L2) and inner product (IP)
- Libraries for indexing and computing distances: TileDBDense, TileDBSparse, FaissFlat (Default), FaissIVFFlat, Flinng
- Embeddings for text, images, and video
- Vector and metadata searches
- Scalabity to allow for definition of different relationships across the metadata
To start the retriever microservice, you must first install the required python packages.
pip install -r requirements.txt
docker run -d -p 6060:80 -v $volume:/data -e http_proxy=$http_proxy -e https_proxy=$https_proxy --pull always --model-id $model
Health check the embedding service with:
curl \
-d '{"inputs":"What is Deep Learning?"}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
You need to setup your own VectorDB service (VDMS in this example), and ingest your knowledge documents into the vector database.
As for VDMS, you could start a docker container using the following commands. Remember to ingest data into it manually.
docker run -d --name="vdms-vector-db" -p 55555:55555 intellabs/vdms:latest
export TEI_EMBEDDING_ENDPOINT="http://${your_ip}:6060"
export RETRIEVE_MODEL_ID="BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5"
export INDEX_NAME=${your_index_name or collection_name}
export TEI_EMBEDDING_ENDPOINT="http://${your_ip}:6060"
cd ../../../../
docker build -t opea/retriever-vdms:latest --build-arg https_proxy=$https_proxy --build-arg http_proxy=$http_proxy -f comps/retrievers/vdms/langchain/Dockerfile .
To start a docker container, you have two options:
- A. Run Docker with CLI
- B. Run Docker with Docker Compose
You can choose one as needed.
docker run -d --name="retriever-vdms-server" -p 7000:7000 --ipc=host -e http_proxy=$http_proxy -e https_proxy=$https_proxy -e INDEX_NAME=$INDEX_NAME -e TEI_EMBEDDING_ENDPOINT=$TEI_EMBEDDING_ENDPOINT opea/retriever-vdms:latest
docker compose -f docker_compose_retriever.yaml up -d
curl http://localhost:7000/v1/health_check \
-X GET \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
To consume the Retriever Microservice, you can generate a mock embedding vector of length 768 with Python.
export your_embedding=$(python -c "import random; embedding = [random.uniform(-1, 1) for _ in range(768)]; print(embedding)")
curl http://${your_ip}:7000/v1/retrieval \
-d "{\"text\":\"What is the revenue of Nike in 2023?\",\"embedding\":${your_embedding}}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
You can set the parameters for the retriever.
export your_embedding=$(python -c "import random; embedding = [random.uniform(-1, 1) for _ in range(768)]; print(embedding)")
curl http://localhost:7000/v1/retrieval \
-d "{\"text\":\"What is the revenue of Nike in 2023?\",\"embedding\":${your_embedding},\"search_type\":\"similarity\", \"k\":4}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
export your_embedding=$(python -c "import random; embedding = [random.uniform(-1, 1) for _ in range(768)]; print(embedding)")
curl http://localhost:7000/v1/retrieval \
-d "{\"text\":\"What is the revenue of Nike in 2023?\",\"embedding\":${your_embedding},\"search_type\":\"similarity_distance_threshold\", \"k\":4, \"distance_threshold\":1.0}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
export your_embedding=$(python -c "import random; embedding = [random.uniform(-1, 1) for _ in range(768)]; print(embedding)")
curl http://localhost:7000/v1/retrieval \
-d "{\"text\":\"What is the revenue of Nike in 2023?\",\"embedding\":${your_embedding},\"search_type\":\"similarity_score_threshold\", \"k\":4, \"score_threshold\":0.2}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
export your_embedding=$(python -c "import random; embedding = [random.uniform(-1, 1) for _ in range(768)]; print(embedding)")
curl http://localhost:7000/v1/retrieval \
-d "{\"text\":\"What is the revenue of Nike in 2023?\",\"embedding\":${your_embedding},\"search_type\":\"mmr\", \"k\":4, \"fetch_k\":20, \"lambda_mult\":0.5}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'