diff --git a/book/02-module/lesson-2c.ipynb b/book/02-module/lesson-2c.ipynb
index d1cc882..0075dd0 100644
--- a/book/02-module/lesson-2c.ipynb
+++ b/book/02-module/lesson-2c.ipynb
@@ -1452,7 +1452,7 @@
     "```{admonition} Questions:\n",
     ":class: attention\n",
-    "Import the airports data as `airports`. The data contains the airport code, airport name, and some basic facts about the airport location.\n",
+    "Import the [airports data](https://github.com/bradleyboehmke/uc-bana-6043/blob/main/instructor-material/module-2/data/airports.csv) as `airports`. The data contains the airport code, airport name, and some basic facts about the airport location.\n",
     "1. What kind of index is the current index of `airports`? \n",
     "2. Is this a good choice for the DataFrame's index? If not, what column or columns would be a better candidate?\n",