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388 lines (233 loc) · 11.7 KB

Changes between Langohr 1.0.0 and 1.1.0

RabbitMQ Java Client Upgrade

RabbitMQ Java client dependency has been updated to 3.1.3.

clj-http Upgrade

clj-http dependency has been updated to 0.7.4.

Cheshire Upgrade

Cheshire dependency has been updated to 5.2.0.

Changes between Langohr 1.0.0-beta13 and 1.0.0

Queueing Consumers

In its early days, Langohr has been using QueueingConsumer for langohr.queue/subscribe. It was later replaced by a DefaultConsumer implementation.

The key difference between the two is that

  • QueueingConsumer blocks the caller
  • with QueueingConsumer, deliveries are typically processed in the same thread

This implementation has pros and cons. As such, an implementation on top of QueueingConsumer is back with langohr.consumers/blocking-subscribe which is identical to langohr.consumers/subscribe in the signature but blocks the caller.

In addition, langohr.consumers/ack-unless-exception is a new convenience function that takes a delivery handler fn and will return a new function that explicitly acks deliveries unless an exception was raised by the original handler:

(require '[langohr.consumers :as lc])
(require '[langohr.basic     :as lb])

(let [f  (fn [metadata payload]
           (comment "Message delivery handler"))
      f' (lc/ack-unless-exception f)]
  (lb/consume ch q (lc/create-default :handle-delivery-fn f'))

Contributed by Ian Eure.

Shutdown Signal Functions

Several new functions in langohr.shutdown aid with shutdown signals:

  • langohr.shutdown/initiated-by-application?
  • langohr.shutdown/initiated-by-broker?
  • langohr.shutdown/reason-of
  • langohr.shutdown/channel-of
  • langohr.shutdown/connection-of

Clojure 1.5 By Default

Langohr now depends on org.clojure/clojure version 1.5.0. It is still compatible with Clojure 1.3 and if your project.clj depends on a different version, it will be used, but 1.5 is the default now.

We encourage all users to upgrade to 1.5, it is a drop-in replacement for the majority of projects out there.

Changes between Langohr 1.0.0-beta12 and 1.0.0-beta13

1.0.0-beta13 has BREAKING CHANGES:

langohr.consumers/subscribe Options Renamed

The options langohr.consumers/subscribe takes now have consistent naming:

  • :handle-consume-ok becomes :handle-consume-ok-fn
  • :handle-cancel becomes :handle-cancel-fn
  • :handle-cancel-ok becomes :handle-cancel-ok-fn
  • :handle-shutdown-signal-ok becomes :handle-shutdown-signal-ok-fn
  • :handle-recover-ok becomes :handle-recover-ok-fn
  • :handle-delivery-fn does not change

This makes handler argument names consistent across the board.

Previous options (:handle-cancel, etc) are still supported for backwards compatibility but will eventually be removed.

Changes between Langohr 1.0.0-beta11 and 1.0.0-beta12

Clojure-friendly Return Values

Previously functions such as langohr.queue/declare returned the underlying RabbitMQ Java client responses. In case a piece of information from the response was needed (e.g. to get the queue name that was generated by RabbitMQ), the only way to obtain it was via the Java interop.

This means developers had to learn about how the Java client works. Such responses are also needlessly unconvenient when inspecting them in the REPL.

Langohr 1.0.0-beta12 makes this much better by returning a data structure that behaves like a regular immutable Clojure map but also provides the same Java interoperability methods for backwards compatibility.

For example, langohr.queue/declare now returns a value that is a map but also provides the same .getQueue method you previously had to use.

Since the responses implement all the Clojure map interfaces, it is possible to use destructuring on them:

(require '[langohr.core  :as lhc])
(require '[langohr.queue :as lhq])

(let [conn    (lhc/connect)
      channel (lhc/create-channel conn)
      {:keys [queue] :as declare-ok} (lhq/declare channel "" :exclusive true)]
  (println "Response: " declare-ok)
  (println (format "Declared a queue named %s" queue)))

will output

Response:  {:queue amq.gen-G9bmz19UjHLBjyxhanOG3Q, :consumer-count 0, :message_count 0, :consumer_count 0, :message-count 0}
Declared a queue named amq.gen-G9bmz19UjHLBjyxhanOG3Q

langohr.confirm/add-listener Now Returns Channel

langohr.confirm/add-listener now returns the channel instead of the listener. This way it is more useful with the threading macro (->) that threads channels (a much more common use case).

langohr.exchage/unbind was missing in earlier releases and now added.


langohr.core/closed? is a new function that complements langohr.core/open?.


langohr.queue/declare-server-named is a new convenience function that declares a server-named queue and returns the name RabbitMQ generated:

(require '[langohr.core  :as lhc])
(require '[langohr.queue :as lhq])

(let [conn    (lhc/connect)
      channel (lhc/create-channel conn)
      queue   (lhq/declare-server-named channel)]
  (println (format "Declared a queue named %s" queue))

More Convenient TLS Support

Langohr will now correct the port to TLS/SSL if provided :port is 5672 (default non-TLS port) and :ssl is set to true.

Changes between Langohr 1.0.0-beta10 and 1.0.0-beta11


Langohr 1.0.0-beta11 features initial bits of RabbitMQ HTTP API client under langohr.http.

More Convenient TLS Support

Langohr will now automatically enable TLS/SSL if provided :port is 5671.

RabbitMQ Java Client 3.0.x

RabbitMQ Java Client has been upgraded to version 3.0.2. is a new function that performs passive exchange declaration (checks if an exchange exists).

An example to demonstrate:

(require '[  :as lch])
(require '[ :as le])

(let [ch (lch/open conn)]
  (le/declare-passive ch ""))

If the exchange does exist, the function has no effect. If not, an exception (com.rabbitmq.client.ShutdownSignalException, will be thrown.

Changes between Langohr 1.0.0-beta9 and 1.0.0-beta10

langohr.basic/reject now correctly uses basic.reject

langohr.basic/reject now correctly uses basic.reject AMQP method and not basic.ack.

Contributed by @natedev.

Changes between Langohr 1.0.0-beta8 and 1.0.0-beta9

1.0.0-beta9 has BREAKING CHANGES:

Return Handlers Body Now Passed as-is

Langohr no longer instantiates a string from the message body before passing it to return listeners. The body will be passed as is, as an array of bytes.

Changes between Langohr 1.0.0-beta7 and 1.0.0-beta8

1.0.0-beta8 has BREAKING CHANGES:

langohr.basic/get Return Value Change

langohr.basic/get now returns a pair of [metadata payload] to be consistent with what delivery handler functions accept:

(require '[langohr.basic :as lhb])

(let [[metadata payload] (lhb/get channel queue)]
  (println metadata)
  (println (String. ^bytes payload)))

Changes between Langohr 1.0.0-beta6 and 1.0.0-beta7

1.0.0-beta7 has BREAKING CHANGES:

langohr.basic/consume Handler Names

The options langohr.consumers/create-default takes now have consistent naming:

  • :consume-ok-fn becomes :handle-consume-ok-fn
  • :cancel-fn becomes :handle-cancel-fn
  • :cancel-ok-fn becomes :handle-cancel-ok-fn
  • :shutdown-signal-ok-fn becomes :handle-shutdown-signal-ok-fn
  • :recover-ok-fn becomes :handle-recover-ok-fn
  • :handle-delivery-fn does not change

This makes handler argument names consistent across the board.

Changes between Langohr 1.0.0-beta5 and 1.0.0-beta6

1.0.0-beta6 has BREAKING CHANGES:

langohr.consumes/create-default Delivery Handler Signature Change

langohr.consumers/create-default's :handle-delivery-fn signature is now consistent with that of langohr.basic/subscribe:

(fn [^Channel ch metadata ^bytes payload]

This makes delivery handler signatures consistent across the board.

Changes between Langohr 1.0.0-beta4 and 1.0.0-beta5

More Connection Settings

langohr.core/connect now supports several more options:

  • :ssl (true or false): when true, Langohr will use the default SSL protocol (SSLv3) and the default (trusting) trust manager
  • :ssl-context ( SSL context to use to create connection factory
  • :sasl-config (com.rabbitmq.client.SaslConfig): use if you need to use a custom SASL config
  • :socket-factory ( use if you need to use a custom socket factory

Client Capabilities

Langohr now provides its capabilities to the broker so it's possible to tell the difference between Langohr and the RabbitMQ Java client in the RabbitMQ Management UI connection information.

Broker Capabilities Introspection

langohr.core/capabilities-of is a new function that returns broker capabilities as an immutable map, e.g.

{:exchange_exchange_bindings true
 :consumer_cancel_notify true
 :basic.nack true
 :publisher_confirms true}

Clojure 1.4 By Default

Langohr now depends on org.clojure/clojure version 1.4.0. It is still compatible with Clojure 1.3 and if your project.clj depends on 1.3, it will be used, but 1.4 is the default now.

We encourage all users to upgrade to 1.4, it is a drop-in replacement for the majority of projects out there.

Changes between Langohr 1.0.0-beta3 and 1.0.0-beta4

Payload is Now Longer Assumed to Be a String

langohr.basic/publish no longer assumes the payload is always a string. It can be anything the langohr.conversion/BytePayload protocol is implemented for, by default byte arrays and strings.

queue.declare :exclusive Default Value Change

langohr.queue/declare now uses default value for the :exclusive parameter as false. The reason for this is that exclusive queues are deleted when connection that created them is closed. This caused confusion w.r.t. non-auto-deleted queues being deleted in such cases.

Changes between Langohr 1.0.0-beta2 and 1.0.0-beta3

URI parsing

langohr.core/settings-from is a new public API function that parses AMQP and AMQPS connection URIs and returns an immutable map of individual arguments. URI parsing is now delegated to the Java client for consistency.

RabbitMQ Java Client 2.8.6

RabbitMQ Java Client has been upgraded to version 2.8.6.

Changes between Langohr 1.0.0-beta1 and 1.0.0-beta2

Breaking change: message handler signature has changed

Previously message handlers registered via langohr.consumers/subscribe had the following signature:

(fn [^QueueingConsumer$Delivery delivery ^AMQP$BasicProperties properties payload] ...)

starting with beta2, it has changed to be more Clojure friendly

(fn [^Channel ch metadata payload] ...)

All message metadata (both envelope and message properties) are now passed in as a single Clojure map that you can use destructuring on:

(fn [^Channel ch {:keys [type content-type message-id correlation-id] :as metadata} payload] ...)

In addition, in explicit acknowledgement mode, ack-ing and nack-ing messages got easier because consumer channel is now passed in.

It is important to remember that sharing channels between threads that publish messages is dangerous and should be avoided. Ack-ing, nack-ing and consuming messages with shared channels is usually acceptable.

RabbitMQ Java Client 2.8.x

RabbitMQ Java Client which Langohr is based on has been upgraded to version 2.8.1.

Leiningen 2

Langohr now uses Leiningen 2.