Two icon packs (chromatic and monochromatic) that are compatible with Trebuchet, Kiss Launcher, Lawnchair Launcher, OpenLauncher, Adw, and many more launchers (basically any launcher that supports icon packs). It's a material design inspired theme that aims to provide a consistent and minimalistic look to your device. Some code from the Frost icon pack is utilized (thank you dkanada!). Mainly F-Droid hosted apps are supported. and only icon requests of FOSS apps are accepted.

For requesting icons or contributing, please use the Issue Tracker or make a Merge Request
Please run following command before pushing any commit. The output should be self explaining. Else, open an issue to get help.
$ ./
- Extract the activity name and add it in appfilter.xml --> Use Turtl to find the activity name line
- Copy one of the templates into the
directory and create the new icon.
- Extract the new activity name and add it in appfilter.xml --> Use Turtl to find the activity name line
- Copy the broken icon (here the icon is called
, to find the name check in the appfilter.xml) from chromatic icon directory to todo:$ mv icons/chromatic/broken_app.svg todo/broken_app.svg
- Delete old monochromatic icon:
$ rm icons/monochromatic/broken_app.svg
- Modify the icon in the
directory and push changes.
- Copy the old icon (here the icon is called
, to find the name check in the appfilter.xml) from chromatic icon directory to the deprecated:$ mv icons/chromatic/broken_app.svg other/deprecated\ or\ old/broken_app.svg
- Delete old monochromatic icon:
$ rm icons/monochromatic/broken_app.svg
- Copy one of the templates into the
directory and create the new icon.
You can be creative, the icon does not have to be a 1-to-1 clone of the original. For many overloaded icons out there it is even beneficial to simplify them.
- the name should be in lower case
- The name should start with a character, not a digit
- The icon should be white only without any transparency
- The icon should fit into one of the three hint outlines
- The icon should be vertically and horizontally aligned
- The minimum gap and stroke width is 0.6
- All paths should be united to a single path
- Use Paths-objects only
- Do not use any Text, Mask, etc. Instead, convert them as path via
Path>Stroke to Path
orPath>Object to Path
- Do hide the
layer after aligning the icon within the hint - Do not rename any layer
- Do not change
layer Do not add additional layers
GPLv3 and other libre / open licenses for the artwork