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Brent Thorne edited this page Jun 18, 2019 · 2 revisions


posterdown_html generates a "classic" scientific conference poster where there are two main components: (1) the title scetion and (2) the body. The title contains a title, author names and affiliations, as well as logos. The body contains the columns of the poster where the content is inserted top-to-bottom and left-to-right. See the live example poster here or click the image bellow!


YAML Option Default Value Description
title "A Title" The title of the poster. If you wish to use markdown syntax within the title please use quotations.
poster_height "38in" Height in inches of poster.
poster_width "45in" Width in inches of poster.
font_family Palatino Font family for the poster text. Standard HTML fonts or google fonts can be used. To change the font of the poster title see titletext_fontfamily.
titletext_fontfamily Palatino Font family for the title of the poster, see font_family for more options.
author none List of the authors. Contains sub options for a list of authors and their affiliation: name & affil
affiliation none List of affiliations of the authors.

Main Colour Scheme

YAML Option Default Value Description
primary_colour "#008080" Main colour used for poster design.
secondary_colour "#0b4545" Secondary colour use for poster design.
accent_colour "#cc0000" A third colour option for adding some "pop" to the poster colour pallette.

Further Customization

Title Box

YAML Option Default Value Description
titlebox_bordercol "#0b4545" Colour of the title box border.
titlebox_borderwidth "0cm" Width of the title box border.
title_textcol "#ffffff" Colour of title text
author_textcol "#0b4545" Colour of author text.
affiliation_textcol "#FFFFFF" Colour of affiliation text.
title_textsize "75pt" Poster title fontsize.
author_textsize "50pt" Author list font size.
affiliation_textsize "40pt" Affiliation font size.
logoleft_name "Figures/posterdownlogo.png" Location of the image to use.
logoright_name "Figures/posterdownlogo.png" Location of the image to use.

Poster Body

YAML Option Default Value Description
body_bgcol "#ffffff" Colour of the poster main background.
body_textsize "45px" Size of the main poster body text.
body_textcol "#000000" Colour of main text in the body of poster.
column_numbers 3 Number of columns that the poster body has.
column_margins "0.5in" Margin spacing for columns.
columnline_col "#008080" Colour of the column line dividers.
columnline_width "1mm" Width of line between each column.
columnline_style dashed Style of the column line seperator.
sectitle_textcol "#ffffff" Colour of the poster section titles.
sectitle_textsize "65pt" Text size of the section titles (H1).
sectitle2_textsize "40pt" Text size of the section titles (H2).
sectitle_bgcol "#0b4545" Colour of the section title box.
sectitle_bordercol "#0b4545" Colour of the border around the section title box.
sectitle_borderwidth "2mm" Thicknes of the section title box border.
sectitle_boxshape "4mm 0mm" Changes the shape of the section title box.
sectitle2_textcol "#0b4545" Color of 2nd level header text.
link_col "#0b4545" Colour of other links within the poster.
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