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{"nodes": [{"id": "question_6", "label": "What wraparound services are critical to student success and how available are those services across districts?", "type": "demand"}, {"id": "question_8", "label": "What is the best way to assess teachers for their bias-awareness and effectiveness working with students of color?", "type": "demand"}, {"id": "question_9", "label": "Do our schools have the adequate facilities and materials to provide a comprehensive learning experience?", "type": "demand"}, {"id": "question_10", "label": "What supplies are teachers most in need of across districts, and what is the impact of having adequate access?", "type": "demand"}, {"id": "question_12", "label": "How can we support teacher preparation to meet the shortage of teachers, especially teachers of color?", "type": "demand"}, {"id": "question_13", "label": "Which schools/districts are \"bright spots\" in serving homeless students, and what enables them excel at student outcomes?", "type": "demand"}, {"id": "question_14", "label": "What are students\u2019 Internet and technology needs at home and in school, and to what extent can they access on-line education materials?", "type": "demand"}, {"id": "question_15", "label": "Where are the most leadership vacancies and how can we address principal shortages in our state?", "type": "demand"}, {"id": "question_16", "label": "What types of activities/interventions have schools put in place to address needs of students with varying skill levels?", "type": "demand"}, {"id": "question_18", "label": "What teacher professional development is needed to support an asset-based approach to engaging student families?", "type": "demand"}, {"id": "question_19", "label": "What are effective psychometric instruments for making SEL, trauma, and mental health needs visible?", "type": "demand"}, {"id": "question_20", "label": "To what extent does our emphasis on testing influence school climate and sense of belonging for students and teachers?", "type": "demand"}, {"id": "question_21", "label": "What lessons have we learned from School Climate Transformation Grants and Multi-Tiered System of Support?", "type": "demand"}, {"id": "question_22", "label": "What teacher professional development and technical support is needed to address mental health challenges?", "type": "demand"}, {"id": "question_23", "label": "Which students are vulnerable to adverse childhood experiences, and how do we decide what mental health programs to implement?", "type": "demand"}, {"id": "question_24", "label": "What school, city, and state collaborations can be used to ensure students have their basic needs met and are ready to learn?", "type": "demand"}, {"id": "question_25", "label": "What evidence-based criteria should we use to evaluate if a Bottom 5% school\u2019s improvement plan will be effective?", "type": "demand"}, {"id": "question_26", "label": "What are the outcomes of state mandated policy and programs on student well-being and outcomes? ", "type": "demand"}, {"id": "question_27", "label": "What influences how district level funding decisions are made? What is the impact?", "type": "demand"}, {"id": "question_28", "label": "How can we support students below reading grade who are ELL, did not complete pre-K and/or do not get reading help at home?", "type": "demand"}, {"id": "question_29", "label": "What key ingredients of family engagement interventions lead to increased motivation and achievement of students?", "type": "demand"}, {"id": "metric_5", "label": "Educator mindset by student success", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_6", "label": "Teacher bias as measured in virtual simulations by student success", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_7", "label": "Average graduation rate by programming space", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_10", "label": "Average student graduation rate by library condition score", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_11", "label": "Average student graduation rate by outdoor learning and play space", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_12", "label": "Average student graduation rate by school site score", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_13", "label": "Average mechanical and electrical systems score by student demographics across state", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_14", "label": "Building envelope and interior condition score by student demographics across state", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_15", "label": "School accessibility ADA score by student SWD status across state", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_16", "label": "Ratio of student to health and mental health facilities space by student demographics", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_17", "label": "Distribution of school operational efficiency score by student demographics", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_18", "label": "Ratio of student to desk by student demographics across state", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_19", "label": "Distribution of school technology infrastructure score by student demographics across state", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_20", "label": "Distribution of school safety and security score by student demographics across state", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_21", "label": "Ratio of student to computers and tablet devices in school by student demographics", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_22", "label": "School instructional aids MTSS training score by student demographics over 5 years", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_23", "label": "Ratio of student to learning resources by student demographics across state", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_25", "label": "Ratio of student to general writing supplies by student demographics across state", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_26", "label": "Ratio of class size to general craft supplies across state", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_27", "label": "Average teacher retention rate by teacher hours per week spent on planning", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_33", "label": "Average student graduation rate by percentage of grade appropriate assignments issued", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_34", "label": "Average student graduation rate by teacher hours per week spent on instruction", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_36", "label": "Average teacher retention rate by instructional aids score", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_37", "label": "Average teacher retention rate by school operational efficiency score", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_38", "label": "Average teacher score by instructional aids score", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_39", "label": "Ratio of student to chairs by student demographics across state", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_44", "label": "Presence of School Nurse's Impact on Student Attendance", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_45", "label": "Presence of School Nurse's Impact on Visits to Emergency Room", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_47", "label": "Ratio of Counselor to students by student success", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_48", "label": "Ratio of paraeducators impact on teacher workload ", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_49", "label": "Ratio of paraeducators impact on teacher morale ", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_51", "label": "Ratio of behavioral intervention specialists on student SEL skills", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_55", "label": "Student attendance rate by operational efficiency score", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_56", "label": "Student discipline rate by outdoor learning and play space", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_57", "label": "Student extracurricular participation by operational efficiency score", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_60", "label": "Results from trials of recruiting paraeducators (who tend to be disproportionately from minority backgrounds) into teacher prep programs to level up their credentials", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_61", "label": "N students interested in teaching as a profession to be collected during college entrance exams like ACT/SAT, disaggregated by race", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_62", "label": "Scores from teacher wellbeing surveys disaggregated by race", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_63", "label": "Rate of transfer from 2-year college to 4-year college for students of color pursuing a teaching credential", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_64", "label": "Retention rate of teachers of color", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_65", "label": "Results from trial teacher residency programs which incubate and place future teachers of color", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_66", "label": "Teacher licensure examination pass-rates disaggregated by race", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_67", "label": "Pass-rates disaggregated by race of licensure standards that include multiple measures of educators\u2019 ability to perform, including the potential to impact student achievement and growth.", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_68", "label": "Relationship between teacher dissatisfaction, race, and departure from position", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_69", "label": "Schools providing backpacks and hygiene items to homeless students", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_70", "label": "Schools keeping some buildings open later to provide quiet study space", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_71", "label": "District staff trained to accurately identify homeless youth", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_73", "label": "FTE dedicated to homeless services per district", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_74", "label": "Graduation rate for homeless students", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_75", "label": "Districts posting public information about programs available to homeless students", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_76", "label": "Barriers to the enrollment and success of homeless children and youths.", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_77", "label": "Different ways homelessness is identified by districts", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_78", "label": "N and quality of outside partnerships between schools and organizations supporting homeless students", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_80", "label": "Districts monitored for compliance in serving homeless students by the California Dept. of Education", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_81", "label": "Ratio of average teacher out of pocket expenses to average class size", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_83", "label": "Ratio of average teacher out of pocket expenses to instructional aids", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_84", "label": "Results from trial scholarship programs at state or district level to students of color pursuing school leadership as a career ", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_86", "label": "Retention rate of principals of color", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_87", "label": "Results from trial principal residency programs which incubate and place future principals of color", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_88", "label": "Reasons for leaving principal position disaggregated by race", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_89", "label": "Principal vacancies per district", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_90", "label": "Impact of grant money on principal vacancies", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_91", "label": "Measures of principal quality on student success", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_92", "label": "Experienced principals at high-needs schools", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_93", "label": "Impact of the Tennessee Rural Principal Project on principal retention", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_94", "label": "Impact of the Tennessee Rural Principal Project on teacher effectiveness", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_95", "label": "Class size impact on student success", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_96", "label": "Paraeducators per student's impact on student success", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_98", "label": "Impact of differentiated instructional techniques on student success", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_109", "label": "Number of staff PD sessions held on the topic of family engagement", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_110", "label": "Number and type of family engagement events", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_113", "label": "Observation data from Family Engagement initiatives - was the initiative relational, meaning focused primarily on building positive relationships between families and schools?", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_114", "label": "Observation data from Family Engagement initiatives - was the initiative interactive, meaning were participants able to practice new skills?", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_115", "label": "Observation data from Family Engagement initiatives - was the initiative collaborative, meaning allowing for an equal exchange so that teachers learn from families?", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_116", "label": "Observation data from Family Engagement initiatives - was the initiative developmental, meaning did it build on existing strenghts to cultivate new skills?", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_117", "label": "Observation data from Family Engagement initiatives - was the initiative linked to learning, meaning directly tied to district learning goals?", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_118", "label": "Valid, reliable and internally consistent measurement of SEL competencies in districts", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_119", "label": "Number of students diagnosed with depression", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_120", "label": "Number of students diagnosed with anxiety", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_121", "label": "Realtime daily reports on student emotional wellbeing ", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_122", "label": "MTSS average student belonging score by students in testing and non-testing grades", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_123", "label": "MTSS average teacher climate score by teacher hours on testing", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_124", "label": "MTSS average student belonging score by teacher hours on testing", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_125", "label": "Percentage of identified Tier 1 students who are receiving Tier 1 services", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_127", "label": "Change of MTSS scores by School Transformation grantees", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_128", "label": "Change of MTSS scores by MTSS professional development provided", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_130", "label": "Effectiveness of Tier 1 support for family engagement", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_161", "label": "Ratio of staff with ACE Aware Accreditation to students with high ACE scores", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_162", "label": "Ratio of wrap-around services score to students with high ACE scores", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_163", "label": "Average ACE intervention response time by student demographics", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_164", "label": "Average ACE intervention response time for teachers with above average ACE diagnotic scores by student demographics", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_166", "label": "Change in ACE screening time after teachers scores above average on a ACE diagnostic simulation", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_167", "label": "Change in ACE services referral after teachers score above average on ACE diagnostic simulation", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_168", "label": "Change in ACE staff resilience after teachers scores above average on ACE diagnostic simulation score", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_169", "label": "Change in ACE self reporting after teachers scores above average ACE diagnostic simulation score", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_170", "label": "Percentage of students with (Student ACEs score > 4) by student demographics", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_171", "label": "Percentage of students ACE score by student demographics", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_172", "label": "Percentage students (MTSS student behavior score = 2 or more)", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_176", "label": "Average (Student ready to learn self reported score) over the semester by (student demographic)", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_177", "label": "Percentage of students with declining (Student ready to learn self reported score) ", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_183", "label": "Evidence-based criteria for evaluation an improvement plan", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_184", "label": "Average funding per student by policy", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_185", "label": "Average funding per teacher by policy", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_187", "label": "Graduation rate by policy funding", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_188", "label": "Ratio of change in Teacher out of pocket expenses to change in Average funding per teacher in school ", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_189", "label": "Ratio of change in Teacher retention rate to change in Average funding per teacher in school ", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_190", "label": "Ratio of change in ACE intervention response time to change in Average funding per teacher in school ", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_191", "label": "State assessment scores by policy funding", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_194", "label": "Ratio of change in Student ready to learn self reported score to change in Average funding per student in school)", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_195", "label": "Ratio of change in MTSS Teacher training score to change in Average funding per teacher in school", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_196", "label": "Ratio of change of Instructional aids to change in Average funding per student in school", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_197", "label": "Ratio change in facilities scores to change in average funding per student", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_198", "label": "Percentage change in number of students by student demographics", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_199", "label": "Change in average enrollment in district compared to state by student demographics", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_200", "label": "Percentage change in average funding per student in school by student demographics", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_201", "label": "Percentage change in average funding per student by student demographics", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_202", "label": "Percentage change in students identified for MTSS Tier 1 - Intensive Intervention", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_208", "label": "Influences on district funding decisionmaking", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_209", "label": "MTSS ELL scores of ELL students", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_210", "label": "Number of students with priority level for below grade ELL needs", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_211", "label": "Ratio of ELL students to reading coaches", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_212", "label": "Ratio of high priority students to teachers trained for intensive intervention in ELL", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_214", "label": "Impact of use of Dual Capacity framework family engagement elements on student success", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_215", "label": "Impact of use of Dual Capacity framework family engagement elements on student motivation", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_216", "label": "Number of staff PD sessions held on the topic of family engagement's impact on student success", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_217", "label": "Number of family engagement intiatives by type by student success", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_218", "label": "N family engagement intiatives - capacity building initiatives to help families learn new skills to support learners's impact on student success", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_219", "label": "N family engagement intiatives - fun activities (movie nights, dinners, performances, etc.) held to promote school-community interconnectedness's impact on student success", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_220", "label": "Postsecondary students in teacher prep programs who complete with a teacher certificate by race/ethnicity", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_221", "label": "Computer access at home by student demographics", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_222", "label": "Number of students identified for wraparound services", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_223", "label": "Wrapround services implemented by student success measures", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_224", "label": "Student discipline rate by demographic", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_225", "label": "Relationship between staff evaluation and student disciplinary and academic outcomes", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "metric_226", "label": "Relationship between school improvement plan and student disciplinary and academic outcomes", "type": "metric"}, {"id": "element_1", "label": "Assignment End Date", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_2", "label": "Assignment Start Date", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_3", "label": "K12 Staff Classification", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_4", "label": "Local Education Agency Identification System", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_5", "label": "Local Education Agency Identifier", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_6", "label": "American Indian or Alaska Native", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_7", "label": "Asian", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_8", "label": "Black or African American", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_9", "label": "Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_10", "label": "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_11", "label": "White", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_12", "label": "Employment End Date", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_13", "label": "Employment Start Date", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_14", "label": "Staff Member Identification System", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_15", "label": "Staff Member Identifier", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_16", "label": "Credential Expiration Date", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_17", "label": "Credential Issuance Date", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_18", "label": "Credential Type", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_19", "label": "Paraprofessional Qualification Status", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_20", "label": "Teaching Credential Basis", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_21", "label": "Teaching Credential Type", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_22", "label": "Degree or Certificate Conferring Date", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_23", "label": "Degree or Certificate Title or Subject", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_24", "label": "Degree or Certificate Type", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_25", "label": "Highest Level of Education Completed", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_26", "label": "Teaching Assignment End Date", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_27", "label": "Teaching Assignment Start Date", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_28", "label": "Control of Institution", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_29", "label": "Level of Institution", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_30", "label": "Institution IPEDS UnitID", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_31", "label": "Student Identification System", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_32", "label": "Student Identifier", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_33", "label": "Enrollment Entry Date", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_34", "label": "Enrollment Exit Date", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_35", "label": "Entry Date into Postsecondary", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_36", "label": "Student Level", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_37", "label": "Degree or Certificate Seeking Student", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_38", "label": "Teacher Preparation Program Enrollment Status", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_39", "label": "Employment Separation Reason", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_40", "label": "Employment Separation Type", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_41", "label": "Employment Status", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_42", "label": "Academic Award Date", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_43", "label": "Academic Award Title", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_44", "label": "Classification of Instructional Program Code", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_45", "label": "Postsecondary Program Level", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_46", "label": "Professional or Technical Credential Conferred", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_49", "label": "High School Diploma Type", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_50", "label": "Enrollment Status", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_51", "label": "Exit or Withdrawal Status", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_52", "label": "Exit or Withdrawal Type", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_53", "label": "Responsible District Identifier", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_54", "label": "Responsible District Type", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_55", "label": "Facility Space Use Type", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_56", "label": "Building Library or Media Center Specialty Space Type", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_58", "label": "Building Outdoor Athletic or Physical Education Space Type", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_60", "label": "Facility Inspection Score Result Description", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_61", "label": "Demographic Race Two or More Races", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_62", "label": "Sex", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_63", "label": "Disability Status", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_64", "label": "Economic Disadvantage Status", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_65", "label": "English Learner Status", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_66", "label": "Homelessness Status", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_67", "label": "Migrant Status", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_68", "label": "Building Cooling Generation System Type", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_69", "label": "Building Mechanical Conveying System Type", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_70", "label": "Building Mechanical System Type", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_71", "label": "Building Electrical System Type", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_74", "label": "Facility Furnishings Type", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_78", "label": "Facility Compliance Status", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_79", "label": "Facility Federal Mandate Interest Type", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_80", "label": "Disability Condition Type", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_81", "label": "IDEA Indicator", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_82", "label": "Primary Disability Type", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_83", "label": "Personal Information Verification", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_84", "label": "Student Support Service Type", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_86", "label": "Building Student Support Space Type", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_87", "label": "Health Screening Equipment Used", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_89", "label": "Facility Lease Amount", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_90", "label": "Facility Lease Type", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_91", "label": "Facility Mortgage Type", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_92", "label": "Facility Total Assessed Value", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_93", "label": "Facility System or Component Condition", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_94", "label": "Building Energy Conservation Measure Type", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_95", "label": "Facilities Plan Description", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_96", "label": "Facility Maintenance Standard Type", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_97", "label": "Available Utilized Instructional Space", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_98", "label": "Building Net Area of Instructional Space", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_99", "label": "Building Space Utilization Area", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_100", "label": "Building Unassigned Space Indicator", "type": "element"}, {"id": "element_101", "label": "Building Use Type", 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