We welcome contributions from the Airflow community!
There are several types of contributions for which we will accept pull requests without prior communication:
- Addition of support for currently-unsupported Airflow operators
- Updates to documentation
- Addition of tests
- Bug fixes, assuming steps are provided to reproduce the bug
For any other type of change, please submit an issue so that we can discuss before you go ahead and implement anything.
These are the steps for submitting a proposed contribution to boundary-layer:
- Create an issue unless your change falls into one of the categories listed above
- Fork from the master branch
- Make your changes
- Document new functionality as appropriate
- Add new tests if possible
- [Recommended] Run the test suite locally with
tox --recreate test
- Push your changes to your fork
- Send a pull request!
Every pull request will be tested by Travis CI. The CI build runs unit tests, pycodestyle and pylint. All tests must pass, including the code style and linter tests, before a pull request will be considered.
- Kevin McHale mchalek
- Jessica Fan jfantom
- Aaron Niskode-Dossett dossett
- Nikki Thean nixsticks
- Julie Chien jj-ian
- Andrey Polyakov andpol
- Sahil Khanna SahilKhanna129
- Kiril Zvezdarov kzvezdarov
- Hyun Goo Kang hyungoos
- Nick Sawyer nickmoorman