From 0ef87b6d4eb825f3d2d822fa08feb2aa972dd4ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Bjarne Riis Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 07:39:40 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Added more descriptive error message to Wrong Station ID --- custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/cs.json | 2 +- custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/da.json | 2 +- custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/de.json | 2 +- custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/en.json | 2 +- custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/fr.json | 2 +- custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/it.json | 2 +- custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/nl.json | 2 +- custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/sv.json | 2 +- 8 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/cs.json b/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/cs.json index cd8ed18..3dc15d9 100644 --- a/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/cs.json +++ b/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/cs.json @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ "unique_id": "Stanice WeatherFlow už je nakonfigurovaná." }, "error": { - "wrong_station_id": "Zadané Station Id je chybné.", + "wrong_station_id": "Zadané Station Id je chybné. Zkontrolujte, že nepoužíváte Device ID.", "server_error": "WeatherFlow servers encountered an unexpected error", "wrong_token": "Zadaný Api Token je chybný.", "offline_error": "Stanice je buď offline nebo nemá žádné nedávné pozorování. Zkontrolujte stav stanice nebo odeberte senzory a zkuste to znovu.", diff --git a/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/da.json b/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/da.json index e9cfe9f..8113ddf 100644 --- a/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/da.json +++ b/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/da.json @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ "unique_id": "WeatherFlow Station er allerede konfigureret." }, "error": { - "wrong_station_id": "ID på stationen er ikke korrekt.", + "wrong_station_id": "ID på stationen er ikke korrekt. Tjek at der ikke bruges Device ID.", "server_error": "WeatherFlow serverne har en intern fejl.", "wrong_token": "Api Token er ikke korrekt eller matcher ikke Station ID.", "offline_error": "Stationen er enten offline eller har ingen nylige observationer. Tjek stationens status eller fjern sensorer og prøv igen.", diff --git a/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/de.json b/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/de.json index 8e09628..bdcdd27 100644 --- a/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/de.json +++ b/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/de.json @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ "unique_id": "WeatherFlow-Station wurde bereits konfiguriert." }, "error": { - "wrong_station_id": "Die Station-Id ist falsch.", + "wrong_station_id": "Die Station-Id ist falsch. Überprüfen Sie, dass Sie nicht Device-ID verwenden.", "server_error": "WeatherFlow servers encountered an unexpected error", "wrong_token": "Der eingegebene Api-Token ist nicht korrekt.", "offline_error": "Die Station ist entweder offline oder es liegen keine aktuellen Beobachtungen vor. Überprüfen Sie den Status der Station oder entfernen Sie Sensoren und versuchen Sie es erneut.", diff --git a/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/en.json b/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/en.json index 961d81e..90755e6 100644 --- a/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/en.json +++ b/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/en.json @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ "unique_id": "WeatherFlow Location has already been configured." }, "error": { - "wrong_station_id": "The Station ID entered is not correct.", + "wrong_station_id": "The Station ID entered is not correct. Check that you are not using Device ID.", "server_error": "WeatherFlow servers encountered an unexpected error", "wrong_token": "The API Token is incorrect or does not match the Station ID.", "offline_error": "Station either is offline or no recent observations. Check station status or remove Sensors and try again.", diff --git a/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/fr.json b/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/fr.json index 76bdca6..ff60fdb 100644 --- a/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/fr.json +++ b/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/fr.json @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ "unique_id": "La localisation du WeatherFlow est deja paramétrisée." }, "error": { - "wrong_station_id": "La Station ID est incorrecte.", + "wrong_station_id": "La Station ID est incorrecte. Vérifiez que vous n'utilisez pas l'ID de l'appareil.", "server_error": "Une erreur inattendue a été détectée avec le service infonuagique de WeatherFlow", "wrong_token": "Le Jeton-API est incorrect ou ne correspond pas à la Weather Station.", "offline_error": "La station est soit hors ligne, soit aucune observation récente n'est disponible. Vérifiez le statut de la station ou retirez les capteurs et réessayez.", diff --git a/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/it.json b/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/it.json index b471c2f..dcdcd28 100644 --- a/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/it.json +++ b/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/it.json @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ "unique_id": "La stazione WeatherFlow è già stata configurata." }, "error": { - "wrong_station_id": "L'ID della stazione non è corretto.", + "wrong_station_id": "L'ID della stazione non è corretto. Verifica che non stai utilizzando l'ID del dispositivo.", "server_error": "WeatherFlow servers encountered an unexpected error", "wrong_token": "Il Token API inserito non è corretto.", "offline_error": "La stazione è offline oppure non ci sono osservazioni recenti. Verifica lo stato della stazione o rimuovi i sensori e riprova.", diff --git a/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/nl.json b/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/nl.json index 8036234..7d9ebff 100644 --- a/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/nl.json +++ b/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/nl.json @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ "unique_id": "WeatherFlow station is reeds geconfigured." }, "error": { - "wrong_station_id": "De Station Id is niet juist.", + "wrong_station_id": "De Station Id is niet juist. Controleer of je geen gebruik maakt van het apparaat-ID.", "server_error": "WeatherFlow servers encountered an unexpected error", "wrong_token": "Het Api Token is niet juist.", "offline_error": "Het station is ofwel offline of er zijn geen recente observaties. Controleer de status van het station of verwijder sensoren en probeer het opnieuw.", diff --git a/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/sv.json b/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/sv.json index fdf250e..7473f55 100644 --- a/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/sv.json +++ b/custom_components/weatherflow_forecast/translations/sv.json @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ "unique_id": "Denna WeatherFlow Station är redan konfigurerad." }, "error": { - "wrong_station_id": "Angivet Stations-ID är inte korrekt.", + "wrong_station_id": "Angivet Stations-ID är inte korrekt. Kontrollera att du inte använder Device-ID.", "server_error": "WeatherFlows servrar stötte på ett oväntat fel.", "wrong_token": "Angiven API-token är inte korrekt.", "offline_error": "Antingen är stationen offline eller så finns det inga nyligen genomförda observationer. Kontrollera stationens status eller ta bort sensorer och försök igen.",