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ZSON is the human-readable, text-based serialization format of the super-structured Zed data model.
ZSON builds upon the elegant simplicity of JSON with "type decorators". Where the type of a value is not implied by its syntax, a parenthesized type decorator is appended to the value thus establishing a well-defined type for every value expressed in ZSON text.
ZSON is also a superset of JSON in that all JSON documents are valid ZSON values.
A ZSON text is a sequence of UTF-8 characters organized either as a bounded input or an unbounded stream.
The input text is organized as a sequence of one or more Zed values optionally
separated by and interspersed with whitespace.
Single-line (//
) and multi-line (/* ... */
) comments are
treated as whitespace and ignored.
All subsequent references to characters and strings in this section refer to the Unicode code points that result when the stream is decoded. If a ZSON input includes data that is not valid UTF-8, the input is invalid.
ZSON names encode record fields, enum symbols, and named types.
A name is either an identifier or a quoted string.
Names are referred to as <name>
An identifier is case-sensitive and can contain Unicode letters, $
, _
and digits (0-9), but may not start with a digit. An identifier cannot be
, false
, or null
A value may be explicitly typed by tagging it with a type decorator. The syntax for a decorator is a parenthesized type:
<value> ( <type> )
For union values, multiple decorators might be required to distinguish the union-member type from the possible set of union types when there is ambiguity, as in
123. (float32) ((int64,float32,float64))
In contrast, this union value is unambiguous:
123. ((int64,float64))
The syntax of a union value decorator is
<value> ( <type> ) [ ( <type> ) ...]
where the rightmost type must be a union type if more than one decorator is present.
A decorator may also define a named type:
<value> ( =<name> )
which declares a new type with the indicated type name using the
implied type of the value. Type names may not be numeric, where a
numeric is a sequence of one or more characters in the set [0-9]
A decorator may also defined a temporary numeric reference of the form:
<value> ( =<numeric> )
Once defined, this numeric reference may then be used anywhere a named type is used but a named type is not created.
It is an error for the decorator to be type incompatible with its referenced value.
Note that the =
sigil here disambiguates between the case that a new
type is defined, which may override a previous definition of a different type with the
same name, from the case that an existing named type is merely decorating the value.
The type names and format for Zed primitive values is as follows:
Type | Value Format |
uint8 |
decimal string representation of any unsigned, 8-bit integer |
uint16 |
decimal string representation of any unsigned, 16-bit integer |
uint32 |
decimal string representation of any unsigned, 32-bit integer |
uint64 |
decimal string representation of any unsigned, 64-bit integer |
uint128 |
decimal string representation of any unsigned, 128-bit integer |
uint256 |
decimal string representation of any unsigned, 256-bit integer |
int8 |
decimal string representation of any signed, 8-bit integer |
int16 |
decimal string representation of any signed, 16-bit integer |
int32 |
decimal string representation of any signed, 32-bit integer |
int64 |
decimal string representation of any signed, 64-bit integer |
int128 |
decimal string representation of any signed, 128-bit integer |
int256 |
decimal string representation of any signed, 256-bit integer |
duration |
a duration string representing signed 64-bit nanoseconds |
time |
an RFC 3339 UTC date/time string representing signed 64-bit nanoseconds from epoch |
float16 |
a non-integer string representing an IEEE-754 binary16 value |
float32 |
a non-integer string representing an IEEE-754 binary32 value |
float64 |
a non-integer string representing an IEEE-754 binary64 value |
float128 |
a non-integer string representing an IEEE-754 binary128 value |
float256 |
a non-integer string representing an IEEE-754 binary256 value |
decimal32 |
a non-integer string representing an IEEE-754 decimal32 value |
decimal64 |
a non-integer string representing an IEEE-754 decimal64 value |
decimal128 |
a non-integer string representing an IEEE-754 decimal128 value |
decimal256 |
a non-integer string representing an IEEE-754 decimal256 value |
bool |
the string true or false |
bytes |
a sequence of bytes encoded as a hexadecimal string prefixed with 0x |
string |
a double-quoted or backtick-quoted UTF-8 string |
ip |
a string representing an IP address in IPv4 or IPv6 format |
net |
a string in CIDR notation representing an IP address and prefix length as defined in RFC 4632 and RFC 4291. |
type |
a string in canonical form as described in Section 2.5 |
null |
the string null |
The format of a duration string is an optionally-signed concatenation of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as "300ms", "-1.5h" or "2h45m", representing a 64-bit nanosecond value. Valid time units are "ns" (nanosecond), "us" (microsecond), "ms" (millisecond), "s" (second), "m" (minute), "h" (hour), "d" (day), "w" (7 days), and "y" (365 days). Note that each of these time units accurately represents its calendar value, except for the "y" unit, which does not reflect leap years and so forth. Instead, "y" is defined as the number of nanoseconds in 365 days.
The format of floating point values is a non-integer string
conforming to any floating point representation that cannot be
interpreted as an integer, e.g., 1.
or 1.0
instead of
or 1e3
instead of 1000
. Unlike JSON, a floating point number can
also be one of:
, +Inf
, -Inf
, or Nan
A floating point value may be expressed with an integer string provided
a type decorator is applied, e.g., 123 (float64)
Decimal values require type decorators.
A string may be backtick-quoted with the backtick character `
None of the text between backticks is escaped, but by default, any newlines
followed by whitespace are converted to a single newline and the first
newline of the string is deleted. To avoid this automatic deletion and
preserve indentation, the backtick-quoted string can be preceded with =>
Of the 30 primitive types, eleven of them represent implied-type values:
, time
, duration
, float64
, bool
, bytes
, string
, ip
, net
, type
, and null
Values for these types are determined by the format of the value and
thus do not need decorators to clarify the underlying type, e.g.,
123 (int64)
is the same as 123
Values that do not have implied types must include a type decorator to clarify its type or appear in a context for which its type is defined (i.e., as a field value in a record, as an element in an array, etc.).
While a type
value may represent a complex type, the value itself is a singleton
and thus always a primitive type. A type
value is encoded as:
- a left angle bracket
, followed by - a type as encoded below, followed by
- a right angle bracket
A time
value corresponds to 64-bit Unix epoch nanoseconds and thus
not all possible RFC 3339 date/time strings are valid. In addition,
nanosecond epoch times overflow on April 11, 2262.
For the world of 2262, a new epoch can be created well in advance
and the old time epoch and new time epoch can live side by side with
the old using a named type for the new epoch time defined as the old time
An app that requires more than 64 bits of timestamp precision can always use
a typedef of a bytes
type and do its own conversions to and from the
corresponding bytes
Double-quoted string
syntax is the same as that of JSON as described
in RFC 8259. Notably,
the following escape sequences are recognized:
Sequence | Unicode Character |
\" |
quotation mark U+0022 |
\\ |
reverse solidus U+005C |
\/ |
solidus U+002F |
\b |
backspace U+0008 |
\f |
form feed U+000C |
\n |
line feed U+000A |
\r |
carriage return U+000D |
\t |
tab U+0009 |
\uXXXX |
sequences, each X
is a hexadecimal digit, and letter
digits may be uppercase or lowercase.
The behavior of an implementation that encounters an unrecognized escape
sequence in a string
type is undefined.
followed by anything that does not conform to the above syntax
is not a valid escape sequence. The behavior of an implementation
that encounters such invalid sequences in a string
type is undefined.
These escaping rules apply also to quoted field names in record values and record types as well as enum symbols.
Complex values are built from primitive values and/or other complex values and conform to the Zed data model's complex types: record, array, set, map, union, enum, and error.
Complex values have an implied type when their constituent values all have implied types.
A record value has the form:
{ <name> : <value>, <name> : <value>, ... }
where <name>
is a ZSON name and <value>
any optionally-decorated ZSON value inclusive of other records.
Each name/value pair is called a field.
There may be zero or more fields.
An array value has the form:
[ <value>, <value>, ... ]
If the elements of the array are not of uniform type, then the implied type of the array elements is a union of the types present.
An array value may be empty. An empty array value without a type decorator is
presumed to be an empty array of type null
A set value has the form:
|[ <value>, <value>, ... ]|
where the indicated values must be distinct.
If the elements of the set are not of uniform type, then the implied type of the set elements is a union of the types present.
A set value may be empty. An empty set value without a type decorator is
presumed to be an empty set of type null
A map value has the form:
|{ <key> : <value>, <key> : <value>, ... }|
where zero or more comma-separated, key/value pairs are present.
Whitespace around keys and values is generally optional, but to avoid ambiguity, whitespace must separate an IPv6 key from the colon that follows it.
An empty map value without a type decorator is
presumed to be an empty map of type |{null: null}|
A union value is a value that conforms to one of the types within a union type. If the value appears in a context in which the type is unknown or ambiguous, then the value must be decorated as described above.
An enum type represents a symbol from a finite set of symbols referenced by name.
An enum value is indicated with the sigil %
and has the form
where the <name>
is ZSON name.
An enum value must appear in a context where the enum type is known, i.e., with an explicit enum type decorator or within a complex type where the contained enum type is defined by the complex type's decorator.
A sequence of enum values might look like this:
%HEADS (flip=(enum(HEADS,TAILS)))
%TAILS (flip)
%HEADS (flip)
An error value has the form:
where <value>
is any ZSON value.
A primitive type is simply the name of the primitive type, i.e., string
, etc. Complex types are defined as follows.
A record type has the form:
{ <name> : <type>, <name> : <type>, ... }
where <name>
is a ZSON name and
is any type.
The order of the record fields is significant,
e.g., type {a:int32,b:int32}
is distinct from type {b:int32,a:int32}
An array type has the form:
[ <type> ]
A set type has the form:
|[ <type> ]|
A map type has the form:
|{ <key-type>: <value-type> }|
where <key-type>
is the type of the keys and <value-type>
is the
type of the values.
A union type has the form:
( <type>, <type>, ... )
where there are at least two types in the list.
An enum type has the form:
enum( <name>, <name>, ... )
where <name>
is a ZSON name.
Each enum name must be unique and the order is not significant, e.g.,
enum type enum(HEADS,TAILS)
is equal to type enum(TAILS,HEADS)
An error type has the form:
error( <type> )
where <type>
is the type of the underlying ZSON values wrapped as an error.
A named type has the form:
<name> = <type>
where a new type is defined with the given name and type.
When a named type appears in a complex value, the new type name may be referenced by any subsequent value in left-to-right depth-first order.
For example,
{p1:80 (port=uint16), p2: 8080 (port)}
is valid but
{p1:80 (port), p2: 8080 (port=uint16)}
is invalid.
Named types may be redefined, in which case subsequent references resolve to the most recent definition according to
- sequence order across values, or
- left-to-right depth-first order within a complex value.
The null value is represented by the string null
A value of any type can be null. It is up to an implementation to decide how external data structures map into and out of null values of different types. Typically, a null value means either the zero value or, in the case of record fields, an optional field whose value is not present, though these semantics are not explicitly defined by ZSON.
The simplest ZSON value is a single value, perhaps a string like this:
"hello, world"
There's no need for a type declaration here. It's explicitly a string.
A relational table might look like this:
{ city: "Berkeley", state: "CA", population: 121643 (uint32) } (=city_schema)
{ city: "Broad Cove", state: "ME", population: 806 (uint32) } (=city_schema)
{ city: "Baton Rouge", state: "LA", population: 221599 (uint32) } (=city_schema)
This ZSON text here depicts three record values. It defines a type called city_schema
and the inferred type of the city_schema
has the signature:
{ city:string, state:string, population:uint32 }
When all the values in a sequence have the same record type, the sequence
can be interpreted as a table, where the ZSON record values form the rows
and the fields of the records form the columns. In this way, these
three records form a relational table conforming to the schema city_schema
In contrast, a ZSON text representing a semi-structured sequence of log lines might look like this:
info: "Connection Example",
src: { addr:, port: 80 (uint16) } (=socket),
dst: { addr:, port: 20130 (uint16) } (=socket)
} (=conn)
info: "Connection Example 2",
src: { addr:, port: 80 (uint16) } (=socket),
dst: { addr:, port: 19801 (uint16) } (=socket)
} (=conn)
info: "Access List Example",
nets: [, ]
} (=access_list)
{ metric: "A", ts: 2020-11-24T08:44:09.586441-08:00, value: 120 }
{ metric: "B", ts: 2020-11-24T08:44:20.726057-08:00, value: 0.86 }
{ metric: "A", ts: 2020-11-24T08:44:32.201458-08:00, value: 126 }
{ metric: "C", ts: 2020-11-24T08:44:43.547506-08:00, value: { x:10, y:101 } }
In this case, the first record defines not just a record type
with named type conn
, but also a second embedded record type called socket
The parenthesized decorators are used where a type is not inferred from
the value itself:
is a record with typed fieldsaddr
is an unsigned 16-bit integer, andconn
is a record with typed fieldsinfo
, anddst
The subsequent value defines a type called access_list
. In this case,
the nets
field is an array of networks and illustrates the helpful range of
primitive types in ZSON. Note that the syntax here implies
the type of the array, as it is inferred from the type of the elements.
Finally, there are four more values that show ZSON's efficacy for
representing metrics. Here, there are no type decorators as all of the field
types are implied by their syntax, and hence, the top-level record type is implied.
For instance, the ts
field is an RFC 3339 date and time string,
unambiguously the primitive type time
. Further,
note that the value
field takes on different types and even a complex record
type on the last line. In this case, there is a different top-level
record type implied by each of the three variations of type of the value
Here is a left-recursive pseudo-grammar of ZSON. Note that not all acceptable inputs are semantically valid as type mismatches may arise. For example, union and enum values must both appear in a context that defines their type.
<zson> = <zson> <eos> <dec-value> | <zson> <dec-value> | <dec-value>
<eos> = .
<value> = <any> | <any> <val-typedef> | <any> <decorators>
<val-typedef> = "(" "=" <name> ")"
<decorators> = "(" <type> ")" | <decorators> "(" <type> ")"
<any> = <primitive> | <type-val> | <record> | <array> | <set> | <map> | <enum>
<primitive> = primitive value as defined above
<record> = "{" <flist> "}" | "{" "}"
<flist> = <flist> "," <field> | <field>
<field> = <name> ":" <value>
<name> = <identifier> | <quoted-string>
<quoted-string> = quoted string as defined above
<identifier> = as defined above
<array> = "[" <vlist> "]" | "[" "]"
<vlist> = <vlist> "," <value> | <value>
<set> = "|[" <vlist> "]|" | "|[" "]|"
<enum> = "%" ( <name> | <quoted-string> )
<map> = "|{" <mlist> "}|" | "|{" "}|"
<mlist> = <mvalue> | <mlist> "," <mvalue>
<mvalue> = <value> ":" <value>
<type-value> = "<" <type> ">"
<error-value> = "error(" <value> ")"
<type> = <primitive-type> | <record-type> | <array-type> | <set-type> |
<union-type> | <enum-type> | <map-type> |
<type-def> | <name> | <numeric> | <error-type>
<primitive-type> = uint8 | uint16 | etc. as defined above
<record-type> = "{" <tflist> "}" | "{" "}"
<tflist> = <tflist> "," <tfield> | <tfield>
<tfield> = <name> ":" <type>
<array-type> = "[" <type> "]" | "[" "]"
<set-type> = "|[" <type> "]|" | "|[" "]|"
<union-type> = "(" <type> "," <tlist> ")"
<tlist> = <tlist> "," <type> | <type>
<enum-type> = "enum(" <nlist> ")"
<nlist> = <nlist> "," <name> | <name>
<map-type> = "{" <type> "," <type> "}"
<type-def> = <identifier> = <type-type>
<name> = as defined above
<numeric> = [0-9]+
<error-type> = "error(" <type> ")"