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Samuel Friedman edited this page Jan 23, 2018 · 24 revisions

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Setup keras with Tensorflow backend Anaconda on GSA5 and Python 3.6

First grab the Anaconda dotkit:

use Anaconda

Now create a virtual environment with conda (you can replace p2 with the name you want-- it is good to be pithy with your environment name as you will have to type it every time you want to enter it):

conda create --name p3 python=3.6

Enter your newly created environment (once you have your environment setup this is the only command you will need to get everything loaded):

source activate p3

Now install all the things!

pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade
pip install keras
conda install -c bioconda pyvcf
conda install -c bioconda pysam
conda install -c anaconda biopython
conda install matplotlib
conda install h5py

Setup keras with Anaconda Theano backend on GSA5 and Python 2.7

First grab the Anaconda dotkit:

use Anaconda

Now create a virtual environment with conda (you can replace p2 with the name you want-- it is good to be pithy with your environment name as you will have to type it every time you want to enter it):

conda create --name p2 python

Enter your newly created environment (once you have your environment setup this is the only command you will need to get everything loaded):

source activate p2

Install all the packages you want! Press y at the prompts.

pip install keras

conda install --override-channels -c conda-forge bzip2

conda install -c bioconda pyvcf=0.6.8.dev0

conda install -c bioconda pysam

conda install -c anaconda biopython=1.68

conda install matplotlib

conda install scikit-learn

conda install -c conda-forge opencv

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