- EigoPost is a site for Japanese ESL students to study and practice their English - modeled after sites such as StackOverflow. Eigo means English in Japanese.
- Users can post English grammar and usage questions to be answered by other users.
- Users can then vote these answers up or down.
- Built on the Ruby on Rails Framework
- Devise for user authentication
- Bootstrap for styling
- Sass for SCSS preprocessing
- Figaro for password protection
- SendGrid for mailer deliveries
- Postgres for database functionality
- Pry for console db interaction
EigoPost is up and running on Heroku here
- This site was built by me for my final project at BLOC(Web Developer Program). I would like to give a huge thank you to my mentor Kinsey for her incredible support and dedication to my pursuit to learn the back end of web development via javascript and ruby. Without her, the world of back end web development would forever have remained a mystery to me.