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State of the Modules

peakpg edited this page May 30, 2012 · 42 revisions


This page is intended to be a quick reference guide to the available modules you can add to BrowserCMS projects. It’s not an exhaustive list, so see ‘Finding more Modules’ below for ways to discover new modules as they are released.

In addition to listing some of the more frequently used modules, this page covers version compatiblity to make sure you can easily figure out if there is a version of the module you want available for your version of BrowserCMS.

Module List

In most cases, BrowserMedia is maintaining the modules listed below, though some notable exceptions are also listed.

Name 3.1 3.3 3.4 3.5 Priority Notes
bcms_news Y Y N Y H
bcms_google_mini_search Y Y N Y H
bcms_blog Y Y N Y M
bcms_content_rotator Y Y N Y H
bcms_webdav Y N N N M
bcms_polling Y N N N M Need to specify gemspec dependency
bcms_download Y N N N M
bcms_settings Y Y N Y H
bcms_seo_sitemap Y Y N Y H
bcms_cas Y Y N N M
bcms_event_registration Y N N N L
bcms_event Y Y N Y H
bcms_rankings Y N N N M
bcms_page_comments Y N N N M
bcms_fckeditor Y Y N Y M
bcms_kcfinder N N N N M Under development
bcms_content_syncing Y N N N M
bcms_netforum Y N N N M :netFORUM Enterprise only Under development. Needs to be released
bcms_dated_content Y N N N M Under development. Needs to be released
bcms_feeds Y N N N M Not maintained by BrowserMedia
bcms_aws_s3 Y N N Y M

Table Legend


  • H – High – Somebody needs asap
  • M – Medium – Used frequently. Needs to get done eventually
  • L – Low – Rarely used. Candidate for deprecation

Versions of BrowserCMS

  • 3.5 – Rails 3.2.x compatible (a Release Candidate as of May 18, 2012)
  • 3.4 – Rails 3.1.x compatible
  • 3.3 – Rails 3.0.x compatible
  • 3.1 – Rails 2.3.x compatible

Finding more Modules

Besides the notable modules listed above, you can also look at Github and Rubygems to find modules.

  • Modules on RubyGems – A search of RubyGems for all modules that might be for BrowserCMS.
  • Modules on Github – A list of all github repositories which are ‘probably’ browsercms modules. These may be in various states of completeness.

Updating Plan

  • Rework all gems to use Bundler/Gemfile. Remove Jeweler dependency
  • Include gemspec dependency on browsercms, ‘~> 3.3’
  • Ensure homepage/source points to github projects.
  • Add documentation note that it works with Rails 3.
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