A collection of resources for the Tycho Testnet.
- 16 cores \ 32 threads CPU
- 128 GB RAM
- 1TB Fast NVMe SSD
- 1 Gbit/s network connectivity
- Public IP address
Before building from source, make sure to install the following prerequisites:
Install Rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
Install build dependencies:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential git libssl-dev zlib1g-dev pkg-config clang jq
Clone and build the node:
git clone https://github.com/broxus/tycho
cd tycho
git checkout tags/v0.1.3 -b mynode
cargo install --path ./cli --locked
Use the latest tag for git checkout
Generate node keys and configs
# --global-config: file path or URL to the network global config
# --stake: stake value per round
tycho init --systemd --global-config https://testnet.tychoprotocol.com/global-config.json \
--validator --stake 500000
"node_keys": {
"public": "18794f07dfdca1e4a2ffa655bbe5da4d396852d7ea8e55e4f92e60d209d3ae1f",
"path": "/home/my/.tycho/node_keys.json",
"updated": true
"elections": {
"wallet": "-1:eb1c97aa93dbb01ac6000ace8e7f08a8b8f0078ee53d861f2e924abcd7ca2c4c",
"public": "344659d1171701530b61f475c0795657bfacaf5a7e850050c5be2c8235d3689d",
"stake": "500000",
"path": "/home/my/.tycho/elections.json",
"updated": true
"node_config": {
"path": "/home/my/.tycho/config.json",
"updated": true
"global_config": {
"path": "/home/my/.tycho/global-config.json",
"updated": true
"systemd": {
"tycho-elect": {
"path": "/home/my/.config/systemd/my/tycho-elect.service",
"updated": true
"tycho": {
"path": "/home/my/.config/systemd/my/tycho.service",
"updated": true
Backup keys
- node keys which are used for the network and validation stuff;~/.tycho/elections.json
- keys and settings of the validator wallet;
Configure ~/.tycho/config.json
- node will listen on this UDP port;storage.root_dir
- DB path, you might want to move it to a separate disk partition;metrics.listen_addr
- Prometheus exporter will listen on this address;rpc
- set it tonull
to disable an RPC endpoint if you want to save some disk space;
services:systemctl enable tycho --user --now systemctl enable tycho-elect --user --now # Extend services lifetime sudo loginctl enable-linger
Wait until the node is synced:
# Check the current status tycho node status
{ "tycho_version": "0.1.3", "tycho_build": "v0.1.3", "public_addr": "", "local_addr": "", "adnl_id": "b947de73cff90aafe5ba17f17b94d05930e1eed8b64f332538ef9480bbfc42d4", "collator": { "supported_block_version": 50, "supported_capabilities": [ "CapCreateStatsEnabled", "CapBounceMsgBody", "CapReportVersion", "CapShortDequeue", "CapFastStorageStat", "CapInitCodeHash", "CapOffHypercube", "CapMyCode", "CapFixTupleIndexBug", "CapFullBodyInBounced", "CapStorageFeeToTvm", "CapsTvmBugfixes2022", "CapWorkchains", "CapStcontNewFormat", "CapFastStorageStatBugfix", "CapResolveMerkleCell", "CapBounceAfterFailedAction", "CapFeeInGasUnits", "CapSuspendedList" ] }, "init_mc_seqno": 0, "init_mc_block_id": "-1:8000000000000000:0:795ea223590f5ffa6a687ba090d37c5db6481b9d55b4bce375b0b48568413bf7:5e409bc128e785d56965294c99db2f8918005054d72c2d6a8c4080ee47ecf203", "latest_mc_seqno": 294019, "latest_mc_block_id": "-1:8000000000000000:294019:1bf1b3684c618a24dbad823453942695ff77a8cb29c7cdc9bb48f91c62bb5150:b7bbe2520bffa5bb02d9297d3f941253588e41e85e9575df4287ddd2d719a6d1", "time_diff": 4, "is_synced": true, "in_current_vset": false, "in_next_vset": false, "is_elected": false }
Send testnet tokens to the validator wallet. The required amount is
10 + 2 * stake
You can find the wallet address in ~/.tycho/elections.json
In case of major updates or fatal failures.
Stop node services:
systemctl stop tycho --user systemctl stop tycho-elect --user
Delete node database:
# Default db path, can be changed in ~/.tycho/config.json rm -rf ~/.tycho/db
Start services:
systemctl start tycho --user systemctl start tycho-elect --user