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(g/n)vim config

Don't use what you don't understand.


vim screenshot

Screenshot in terminal vim with a function signature in tabline

  • Custom statusline with minimal junk, showing short cwd - much faster than airline
  • Custom tabline used to show function signature (PHP, Python, Ruby, VimL, and others supported via tyru/current-func-info.vim, and I added regexps for JavaScript/es6.
  • FZF for Most Recently Used files and fuzzy file finder
  • Neomake + local use of eslint, custom detection of .eslint, .scss-lint, etc.
  • Language emphasis: JavaScript, VimL, PHP, HTML, SCSS (but not exclusive)
  • Lazy loaded plugins and keybindings -- a brand new Vim instance opens in <200ms (without plugins Vim takes around 100ms)
  • Lots more but you shouldn't use any of it unless you know what you're doing.


Best used with rest of dotfiles. Should self-install plugins via curl and vim-plug on first load.

Keep (g)vimrc (no dot in filename) in .vim -- Vim knows to look in there.

Even though neomake handles linting, the syntastic wiki still has a good list (Syntax-Checkers) and shows how to set them up.

Python Settings

  • Using pyenv, install python 3+.
  • Set up a virtualenv using pyenv-virtualenv: pyenv virtualenv neovim3
  • Activate the virtualenv pyenv activate neovim3
  • pip install neovim in the virtualenv
  • pip install jedi for python completion while still in the virtualenv
  • You can now switch back to whatever python (pyenv deactivate) you want, init.vim for Neovim startup is already configured to find the neovim3 virtualenv.
  • :UpdateRemotePlugins if installing/upgrading python-based plugins like deoplete.
  • :CheckHealth to see if the python3 setup and plugins are working. iTerm should use xterm-256color-italic terminfo if the backspace message is there.

Ruby Settings

  • Not used for anything right now.
  • Using chruby install and use a ruby.
  • Install the neovim gem
  • :CheckHealth to see if Neovim can find the gem.

JavaScript Settings

  • Using nvm install and use a node.
  • When installing/updating plugins, vim-plug will automatically install the associated dependencies.

Arch Linux

Comment out runtime! archlinux.vim from /etc/vimrc if you're on Arch Linux (in spite of its pleas not to.)



/ (dotfiles/vim root)

This is a Vim runtimepath that will load after the user and system runtimepaths but before the vim-plug ones. I.e., plugin/xyz.vim will load before plug/vim/pluginname/plugin/name.vim. Neovim plugins will be in plug/nvim/.


This is a runtimepath that will load after the system runtimepath but before the vim-plug one. I.e., after/plugin/xyz.vim will load after plug/vim/pluginname/plugin/name.vim.

Use this for settings that should override or extend system or plugin settings. This will take precedence over everything but local vimrc files.

local vimrc

Store local vimrcs in ~/.secret/vim/ and follow the standard Vim directory layout (plugin/, syntax/, indent/, etc.). A base (g)vimrc file there is probably enough.

All local settings load LAST (after all the system, user, plugin, and */after runtimes).

Plugin settings

Plugins settings are in plugin/ and after/ftplugin/ as appropriate. There is generally a wrapper around them that checks for exists('g:plugs["plugin"]) so grepping for g:plugs is an easy way to find them.

Super-non-standard keys

  • EasyClip changes behavior of pretty much all register operations ([y]ank, [d]elete, [s]ubstitute, etc.). Prefer [y]ank or explicitly [m]ove to populate registers.
  • <C-f> -- Expand neosnippet. I use <C-u>/<C-d> to jump pages instead.
  • gs no longer sleeps. It's an operator prefix for vim-operator-surround.

Function Keys

Key Desc
<F1> :FZFGrepper - custom, rg/ag with preview or git-grep
<F2> :FZFRelevant - custom, dirty/new files vs git master
<F3> :FZFProject - custom, :FZFFiles but from project root
<F4> :FZFMRU - custom, whitelisted recently used + buffers
<F5> :FZFFiles - files from Vim's cwd
<F6> :Neomake
<F7> :Neomake!
<F8> unused
<F9> UI - :QuickfixsignsToggle (on by default)
<F10> do not use -- gnome-terminal menu key
<F11> UI - dkotabline#Toggle()
<F12> UI - set pastetoggle
/ UI - incsearch
\ UI - :OverCommandLine

See plugin/mappings.vim (and other plugin/* files) for other mappings.

Junk defaults and unmapped keys

Plan to remap these at some point

  • n <C-b> -- backward one screen (page)
  • n <C-f> -- forward one screen (page)
  • n <C-g> -- show file status (everything's already in statusline)
  • n <C-s> -- nothing (terminal XOFF)
  • n zh/l -- useless wrap mode scroll

My Vim conventions

Adhere to vint and vim-vimlint linting rules.

Always try to keep as much in the main runtime as possible, using after/ sparingly (typically for setlocal ftplugin settings).

VimL Coding

  • Include dko#IsPlugged() or dko#IsLoaded() check if relying on plugins
  • Include &cpoptions guard if there are mappings
  • Use <special> if the mapping key is special (irrespective of &cpoptions)
  • g:DKO_FunctionName - DKO_PascalCase
  • s:FunctionName - PascalCase
  • g:dko_variable_name - dko_snake_case for my global variables
  • l:local_variable - snake_case function-local variables
  • s:variable_name - snake_case for script-local variables
  • g:dko#variable_name - prefixed autoload-provided global variable
  • dkoautocommandgroup - lowercasealphanumer1cnospaces
  • <Plug>(DKOMyPlugMapping) - Parentheses around <Plug> mapping names