This is a simple project monorepo built with nodejs to estableshing connection to access with auth like: Google, Facebook, etc.
- Docker and docker-compose
- vscode or your own preferred IDE
Before to start with docker or manually, you will need to install all dependencies of projects :
cd backend && npm install
cd frontend && npm install
Then, you can right up all containers using the next command:
docker-compose up -d --build
cd backend && npm run dev:server
cd frontend && npm run dev:server
docker-compose down
(down the containers)docker-compose up -d
(up again the containers) not necessary to rebuild
For update migration via docker container with the following commands:
docker exec -it oauth_backend sh # (to go inside docker container)
npx prisma migrate reset # to reset migration
npx prisma db push # to push migration
npx prisma generate # to update prisma client configuration