diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 513d7ad..b828b50 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ The configuration via `configuration.yaml` has been deprecated. If you have prev
| `name` | Yes | Sensor friendly name
| `frequency` | Yes | `"weekly"`, `"even-weeks"`, `"odd-weeks"`, `"every-n-weeks"`, `"every-n-days"`, `"monthly"`, `"annual"`, `"group"` or `"blank"`
| `manual_update` | No | (Advanced). Do not automatically update the status. Status is updated manualy by calling the service `garbage_collection.update_state` from an automation triggered by event `garbage_collection_loaded`, that could manually add or remove collection dates, and manually trigger the state update at the end. [See the example](#manual-update-examples).**Default**: `False`
-| `offset` | No | (obsolete) Offset calculated date by `offset` days (makes most sense for monthly frequency). Examples of use:for last Saurday each month, configure first Saturday each month with `offset: -7`for 1st Wednesday in of full week, configure first Monday each month with `offset: 2`(integer between -31 and 31) **Default**: 0.
This is obsolete feature. Use a [blueprint](#blueprints-for-manual-update) with `manual_update`.
+| `offset` | No | **🔴(obsolete)** Offset calculated date by `offset` days (makes most sense for monthly frequency). Examples of use:for last Saurday each month, configure first Saturday each month with `offset: -7`for 1st Wednesday in of full week, configure first Monday each month with `offset: 2`(integer between -31 and 31) **Default**: 0.
This is obsolete feature. Use a [blueprint](#blueprints-for-manual-update) with `manual_update`.
| `hidden` | No | Hide in calendar (useful for sensors that are used in groups)
**Default**: `False`
| `icon_normal` | No | Default icon **Default**: `mdi:trash-can`
| `icon_today` | No | Icon if the collection is today **Default**: `mdi:delete-restore`
@@ -86,14 +86,14 @@ The configuration via `configuration.yaml` has been deprecated. If you have prev
| `first_month` | No | Month three letter abbreviation, e.g. `"jan"`, `"feb"`...
**Default**: `"jan"`
| `last_month` | No | Month three letter abbreviation.
**Default**: `"dec"`
-| `exclude_dates` | No | (obsolete) List of dates with no collection (using international date format `'yyyy-mm-dd'`. Make sure to enter the date in quotes!
This is obsolete feature. Use a [blueprint](#blueprints-for-manual-update) with `manual_update`.
-| `include_dates` | No | (obsolete) List of extra collection (using international date format `'yyyy-mm-dd'`. Make sure to enter the date in quotes!
This is obsolete feature. Use a [blueprint](#blueprints-for-manual-update) with `manual_update`.
-| `move_country_holidays` | No | (obsolete) Country holidays - the country code (see [holidays](https://github.com/dr-prodigy/python-holidays) for the list of valid country codes).
Automatically move garbage collection on public holidays to the following day.
*Example:* `US`
This is obsolete feature. Use a [blueprint](#blueprints-for-manual-update) with `manual_update`.
-| `holiday_in_week_move` | No | (obsolete) Move garbage collection to the following day if a holiday is in week.
**Default**: `false`
This is obsolete feature. Use a [blueprint](#blueprints-for-manual-update) with `manual_update`.
-| `holiday_move_offset` | No | (obsolete) Move the collection by the number of days (integer -7..7) **Default**: 1
This is obsolete feature. Use a [blueprint](#blueprints-for-manual-update) with `manual_update`.
-| `prov` | No | (obsolete) Country holidays - province (see [holidays](https://github.com/dr-prodigy/python-holidays) ).
This is obsolete feature. Use a [blueprint](#blueprints-for-manual-update) with `manual_update`.
-| `state` | No | (obsolete) Country holidays - state (see [holidays](https://github.com/dr-prodigy/python-holidays) ).
This is obsolete feature. Use a [blueprint](#blueprints-for-manual-update) with `manual_update`.
-| `observed` | No | (obsolete) Country holidays - observed (see [holidays](https://github.com/dr-prodigy/python-holidays) ).
This is obsolete feature. Use a [blueprint](#blueprints-for-manual-update) with `manual_update`.
+| `exclude_dates` | No | **🔴(obsolete)** List of dates with no collection (using international date format `'yyyy-mm-dd'`. Make sure to enter the date in quotes!
This is obsolete feature. Use a [blueprint](#blueprints-for-manual-update) with `manual_update`.
+| `include_dates` | No | **🔴(obsolete)** List of extra collection (using international date format `'yyyy-mm-dd'`. Make sure to enter the date in quotes!
This is obsolete feature. Use a [blueprint](#blueprints-for-manual-update) with `manual_update`.
+| `move_country_holidays` | No | **🔴(obsolete)** Country holidays - the country code (see [holidays](https://github.com/dr-prodigy/python-holidays) for the list of valid country codes).
Automatically move garbage collection on public holidays to the following day.
*Example:* `US`
This is obsolete feature. Use a [blueprint](#blueprints-for-manual-update) with `manual_update`.
+| `holiday_in_week_move` | No | **🔴(obsolete)** Move garbage collection to the following day if a holiday is in week.
**Default**: `false`
This is obsolete feature. Use a [blueprint](#blueprints-for-manual-update) with `manual_update`.
+| `holiday_move_offset` | No | **🔴(obsolete)** Move the collection by the number of days (integer -7..7) **Default**: 1
This is obsolete feature. Use a [blueprint](#blueprints-for-manual-update) with `manual_update`.
+| `prov` | No | **🔴(obsolete)** Country holidays - province (see [holidays](https://github.com/dr-prodigy/python-holidays) ).
This is obsolete feature. Use a [blueprint](#blueprints-for-manual-update) with `manual_update`.
+| `state` | No | **🔴(obsolete)** Country holidays - state (see [holidays](https://github.com/dr-prodigy/python-holidays) ).
This is obsolete feature. Use a [blueprint](#blueprints-for-manual-update) with `manual_update`.
+| `observed` | No | **🔴(obsolete)** Country holidays - observed (see [holidays](https://github.com/dr-prodigy/python-holidays) ).
This is obsolete feature. Use a [blueprint](#blueprints-for-manual-update) with `manual_update`.