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First Steps

Oliver Fabel edited this page Aug 29, 2021 · 9 revisions

This section describes the first steps to create a design for BSI CX from scratch using this package. If you don't want to start from scratch we recommend the scaffold design.

Folder Structure

The following folder structure is recommended:

│   .gitignore
│   package-lock.json
│   package.json
│   webpack.config.js
│       ...
│       ...
        │   design.js
        │   design.twig
        │   preview.png
        │   preview.twig
        │   properties.js
        │   styles.less
        │   └───content
        │       ├───title
        │       │       index.js
        │       │       styles.less
        │       │       template.twig
        │       └───text
        │               index.js
        │               styles.less
        │               template.twig
        │       main.js

Files and Folders in the Project Root

The following files are placed in the project's root folder.


The package.json file of your project.


The Webpack configuration file. This file is mandatory.


The GIT folder. Make sure your project is under version control.


This folder will contain the build artifacts. It is recommended to exclude this folder from git. You don't have to create this folder, Webpack will do it for you.


Your project's NPM dependencies will be placed in this folder.


The source code for your design templates should be placed in this folder. In this example, there is only a design for a landingpage.

Files and Folders in the Template Root

A sub folder in the templates folder is called template root.


This file is mandatory and contains a CommonJS module, exporting the structure of your design. This will result in the design.json file (or, if you use the legacy format).


This file is mandatory and contains the HTML frame of the template and will result in the design.html file in the dist folder.


This file is optional and contains a preview image for your template, used in BSI CX. You have to require the preview image in your design.js.


This file is mandatory and is used to generate the preview of your design and will result in the preview.html file in the dist folder.


This file is optional and contains a CommonJs module, exporting the properties object.


This file is optional and contains your common CSS styles. You have to require this file in your design.js.


This folder contains your content elements, organized in content element group folders. A folder containing a content element is called content element root.


This folder contains your Java Script modules and is called modules root.


This folder contains your static assets (e.g. images, plain CSS or simple Java Script files).

Files in the Content Element Root

It is recommended to organize your content elements in folders. One folder per content element.


This file contains the definition of your content element as a CommonJs module.


This file can contain the CSS styles for your content element. You have to require this file in your content element's index.js.


This file contains the template of your content element. You have to require this file in your content element's index.js.


Since this package uses Webpack under the hood, we have to create a webpack.config.js file. It is recommended to place this file at the root of your project folder. In order to use the @bsi-cx/design-build package, you must create the Webpack configuration using BuildConfig objects and the WebpackConfigBuilder. The template from the folder structure in the previous section would result in the following webpack.config.js:

const path = require('path');

const {BuildConfig, ModuleConfig, WebpackConfigBuilder} = require('@bsi-cx/design-build');

module.exports = WebpackConfigBuilder.fromConfigs(
  new BuildConfig()
    .withRootPath(path.resolve(__dirname, 'templates', 'landingpage'))
      new ModuleConfig()

The webpack.config.js file must export a CommonJs module. You can't use ECMA script module imports and exports.

Design Specification

One of the most important files in a design build is the design.js file in the template root. It contains all necessary information about a design. For example what content elements, styles and HTML configurations are available.


Here is one possible example for the content of a design.js file:


const {ContentElementGroup, Design, Locale, SchemaVersion} = require('@bsi-cx/design-build');

 * @type {Design}
module.exports = new Design()
  .withAuthor('John Doe')
    new ContentElementGroup()

Since this is a JavaScript file you are free to use (most) features of modern JavaScript programming. More information about any limitations in the usage of JavaScript features inside the design.js file can be found here.

Be aware due to technical limitations the design.js file and all JavaScript files it requires must be CommonJS modules.

We strongly encourage you to use the builder classes to specify your design. However, it is also possible to export a JavaScript Object of the required format directly. The following example should illustrate such a file:

module.exports = {
  schemaVersion: '22.0',
  title: 'Landingpage',
  author: 'John Doe',
  date: '18.08.2021',
  previewImage: require('./preview.png'),
  defaultLocale: 'en',
  locales: [
  contentElementGroups: [
      groupId: 'content',
      label: 'Content',
      contentElements: [
          elementId: 'content-title',
          file: require('./content-elements/content/title/template.twig'),
          icon: 'heading',
          label: 'Title',
          parts: [
              partId: 'plain-text',
              label: 'Title'
          elementId: 'text',
          file: require('./content-elements/content/text/template.twig'),
          icon: 'text',
          label: 'Text',
          parts: [
              partId: 'formatted-text',
              htmlEditorConfig: 'extended',
              label: 'Text'

Content Elements

Content elements can also be specified using builder classes. Take a look at the following example:


const {ContentElement, PlainTextPart, Icon} = require('@bsi-cx/design-build');

 * @type {ContentElement}
module.exports = new ContentElement()
    new PlainTextPart()


You can write your templates using Twig or plain HTML. In the case of Twig templates, the resulting file will be plain HTML. Depending on your target CX version you may want to use Handlebars in your templates. Take a look at the following table for the supported template formats in BSI CX:

Version HTML Handlebars
Studio 1.0 Landingpage, E-Mail -
Studio 1.1 Landingpage, E-Mail -
Studio 1.2 Landingpage, E-Mail -
BSI CX 1.3 Landingpage, E-Mail, Website Website
BSI CX 22.0 Landingpage, E-Mail, Website Landingpage, E-Mail, Website

To give the design build a hint in what format a template should result you can use the following file extensions:

Source File Extension Target File Extension Parser
.html .html -
.twig .html Twig
.hbs .hbs -
.hbs.twig .hbs Twig

Keep in mind when targeting .hbs files from .hbs.twig files, that you have to escape Handlebars expressions:

<div data-bsi-element="content-text" class="element content-text">
  <p data-bsi-element-part="plain-text">
    {% verbatim %}{{bsi.nls 'text_'}}{% endverbatim %}

The example above would result in the following .hbs file:

<div data-bsi-element="content-text" class="element content-text">
  <p data-bsi-element-part="plain-text">
    {{bsi.nls 'text_'}}

Run the Build

To run the build open a new terminal session and navigate to the project root folder where your webpack.config.js file is located. Now execute the following command:

npx webpack --config webpack.config.js --mode production

It is recommended to create some NPM scripts for the build commands.

Start the Watcher

It is possible to start a file watcher, which rebuilds your design whenever one of the source files changes. To do so, run the following command:

npx webpack --config webpack.config.js --mode production --watch

Start the Development Server

For better testing experience, a development web server is available. In order to start the server, run the following command in your terminal:

npx webpack serve --config webpack.config.js --mode production

By default, the development server is reachable on http://localhost:9000/.