To obtain a copy of SaferWater, please see the related section in Simply drop the .jar
file into the plugins/
folder for your Bukkit installation, and then (re-)start the server.
The currently-supported versions of Bukkit are:
- 1.21.1
Please Note: This plugin may work with other versions of Bukkit, but is not guaranteed to.
Please see for information on configuring the plugin.
There is no main functionality that can be triggered or otherwise run by in-game commands. The plugin's functionality is in the backend spawning mechanics.
The only in-game command that can be run will reload the configuration file. The command, along with its respective description and permission node, is listed below:
Base SaferWater Command: The base command for all SaferWater commands. If this command has no arguments, a list of all subcommands that the sender has permission to use, and their respective syntax, will be displayed. Please Note: This permission MUST be granted to all that wish to use any SaferWater subcommand.
Reload Command: Reloads the configuration file, adding and/or removing mobs from the water-spawning blacklist.
/saferwater reload