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"Proceedings of the XI Majorov International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Systems" was published: jump to the proceedings
The "CEUR Workshop Proceedings" of the "The 11th Majorov International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Systems" was published: jump to the proceedings
Dear authors!
Based on the results of your participation in the conference, the organizing committee offers you to publish materials in the following collection of articles:
- "Proceedings of the XI Majorov International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Systems", which will be published in the first half of 2020 and will be indexed in the RSCI database. The list of selected papers: [download]({{ site.base_url }}/media/2019/MICSECS-2019-papers_for_RSCI.pdf){:target="_blank"}.
- "CEUR Workshop Proceedings", which will be published in 2020 and will be indexed in the Scopus and DBLP databases. The list of selected papers: [download]({{ site.base_url }}/media/2019/MICSECS-2019-papers_for_CEUR.pdf){:target="_blank"}.
- A special issue of "Computers" magazine, which will be published in 2020 and will be indexed in ESCI, Inspec, DBLP, and Scopus. The list of selected papers: [download]({{ site.base_url }}/media/2019/MICSECS-2019-papers_for_Computers.pdf){:target="_blank"}.
The instructions for each option are available at [Publication page]({{ site.base_url }}/publication.html).
This year, the number of applicants increased by 1.5 times, and as a result 173 applications were submitted, including from 5 far abroad countries. Russia was represented by authors from St. Petersburg primarily, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov, Ufa and 4 other regional centers. The authors represented 17 universities (ITMO University, St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI", Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Moscow State University, Ural Federal University, etc.), 4 research centers, 4 commercial companies and one lyceum.
All applications were reviewed by an international program committee of 58 scientists and research engineers from Russia, Germany, the USA, Great Britain, Portugal and Finland. They represented ITMO University, St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI", Space University of Aerospace Instrumentation, SPIIRAS, Innopolis University, Tampere University, Siberian Federal University, E-Government Center and others.
459 reviews were prepared (2.65 per submission) and 61% of applications were approved.
The detailed program is available by this link: [download program]({{ site.base_url }}/media/MICSECS-2019-program.pdf){:target="_blank"}.
[ITMO University]({:target="_blank"} kindly invites international researches to the 11th Majorov International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Systems (**MICSECS 2019**).
The conference is named after an outstanding scientist Sergei Majorov. He was the head of the Computer Engineering Department (1962 - 1986) and vice-chancellor for research at ITMO University (since 1962 to 1977). Sergei Majorov was founder of the scientific and pedagogical school "Organization of computing systems and networks" and created the computational center at ITMO University and the department of automated information systems of the higher school. He tirelessly worked on improving all forms of the educational process and sought to bring innovations in Computer Science.
Languages of the Conference: Russian, English.
The conference includes:
- Key notes presentaion
- Oral presentations
- Poster presentations
- Demo session
The research track welcomes novel papers addressing theoretical, applied, and empirical aspects of research. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- High-Performance Computing
- Computer Networks and Telecommunication
- Domain specific modelling and metamodelling
- Cloud Computing
- Virtualization
- Multi-core programming
- Computer Network Security
- Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
- Digital Forensics and Cybercrime Investigation
- Information Security and Privacy
- Embedded Systems
- Computer Aided Design
- High-level synthesis
- Modelling and Co-simulation
- Robotics
- Internet of Things
- Ubiquitous computing
- Programm languages
- Compilers
- Artificial Intelligent & machine learning
- Ontology Models and Semantic Web
- Algorithms and Optimization
- Computer vision
- Image processing and watermarking
- Audio and video processing
- Motion and tracking
- Pattern Recognition
- Real-time computer graphics
- Physically correct rendering
- Artificial intelligence in computer graphics
- Augmented, virtual and mixed reality systems
- Human Computer Interaction
- Human Computer Interfaces
Please refer to [Call For Papers]({{ site.base_url }}/call.html) to learn more about the conference.
- The chance to discuss your scientific results with experienced audience
- The proceedings will be published in CEUR with selectable DBLP and Scopus indexing
- The best poster presentation will be awarded