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A special issue of "Computers" journal will be published in 2020 and will be indexed by ESCI, Inspec, DBLP, and Scopus.
The list of selected papers: [download]({{ site.base_url }}/media/2019/MICSECS-2019-papers_for_Computers.pdf){:target="_blank"}.
Each submission to this Special Issue should contain at least 50% of new material, e.g., in the form of technical extensions; more in-depth evaluations; or additional use cases and a change of title, abstract, and keywords. These extended submissions will undergo a peer-review process according to the journal’s rules of action. At least two technical committees will act as reviewers for each extended article submitted to this Special Issue; if needed, additional external reviewers will be invited to guarantee a high-quality reviewing process.
All selected papers will be FREE of charge for the conference participants whose papers were accepted after peer review. The conference organizing committee will give a list of recommended authors to the publisher. The authors should submit their paper according the requirements of the journal.
Link to the journal page with requirements: go to the journal page{:target="_blank"}
The strict deadline for upload a camera ready version of authors papers is 1 May 2020.
"CEUR Workshop Proceedings" will be published in 2020 and will be indexed by Scopus and DBLP databases. The authors need to use the submission that they uploaded to the easychair platform to be published in these proceedings.
The list of selected papers: [download]({{ site.base_url }}/media/2019/MICSECS-2019-papers_for_CEUR.pdf){:target="_blank"}.
- Make sure that the LaTeX template is used : Latex template{:target="_blank"}.
- Correct the title of the submission so that the first letters of all the words (except for articles, conjunctions and prepositions) will be capital letters, means the Title Case is used. Examples: The Vitamins Are in My Fresh California Raisins, The Early Bird Catches the Worm, Historical Foundations of Modern English Spelling, The Last of the Mohicans.
- Change the title if you are planning to publish in "Proceedings of the XI Majorov International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Systems" also. The titles of this two publications should be different!
- Check that each author has an orcid ID. In case of absence, you should register ORCID{:target="_blank"} and add your orcid ID.
- Remove the line that indicated the oral or poster presentation.
- Increase the article size to 8 pages (for authors who made short presentations) and 12 pages (for authors who made long presentations) by adding new information.
- Correct your submission according to the reviewers' comments.
- Check that the article is high quality and worth publishing. The article should reflect the significance, technical soundness, novelty, relevance and, if applicable, the sufficiency of information to permit replication.
- Check spelling, clarity and quality of the language, proofreading by a native speaker is highly recommended.
- It is necessary to write a brief abstract, designed for the wide range of readers, in the volume of about 200-250 words to state the scientific content of the article: the subject, the purpose of the work, the method or methodology of the work, the brief description of the experiment, the results, the recommendations on their application.
- A new compiled document must be uploaded to easychar in an existing submission on Easy Chair{:target="_blank"}. You do not need to create a new submission!
- Each article will be re-reviewed. If the above requirements are not met, a submission for publication in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings may be rejected.
The strict deadline for upload a camera ready version of authors papers is 30 January 2020.
Publication in "Proceedings of the XI Majorov International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Systems"
"Proceedings of the XI Majorov International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Systems" will be published in 2020 and will be indexed in the RSCI database. The authors need to use the submission that they uploaded to the Easy Chair{:target="_blank"} platform to be published in these proceedings.
The list of selected papers: [download]({{ site.base_url }}/media/2019/MICSECS-2019-papers_for_RSCI.pdf){:target="_blank"}.
- Make sure that the LaTeX template is used: Latex template{:target="_blank"}.
- Correct the title of the submission so that the first letters of all the words (except for articles, conjunctions and prepositions) will be capital letters, means the Title Case is used. Examples: The Vitamins Are in My Fresh California Raisins, The Early Bird Catches the Worm, Historical Foundations of Modern English Spelling, The Last of the Mohicans.
- Check that each author has an orcid ID. In case of absence, you should register ORCID{:target="_blank"} and add your orcid ID.
- Remove the line that indicated the oral or poster presentation.
- Briefly correct your submission according to the reviewers' comments.
- Check spelling, proofreading by a native speaker is welcome.
- Participants from Russia should prepare and scan an expert analysis form ([example]({{ site.base_url }}/media/2019/expert_example.docx){:target="_blank"}) for the open access publication possibility.
- Fill out and scan the copyright transfer application ([example]({{ site.base_url }}/media/2019/authors_rights.docx){:target="_blank"}).
- Send the source TeX file, the compiled PDF file, the scan of the expert analysis form and the scan of the copyright transfer application by e-mail to mailto:[email protected]. Please indicate the number of your submission (from 1 to 175 in Easy Chair) in the subject line of the letter.
The strict deadline for upload a camera ready version of authors papers is 30 January 2020.