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Project stucture and Makefile

Init Project

Basic deployment:

# Init project
mkdir my-operator && cd my-operator
operator-sdk init --domain --plugins ansible
operator-sdk create api --group cache --version v1alpha1 --kind Memcached --generate-role

# Build and push image
make docker-build docker-push IMG=""

# Deploy operator to the cluster
make deploy IMG=""

# Create a CR
kubectl apply -f config/samples/cache_v1alpha1_memcached.yaml

# Watch operator log
oc logs -f -l control-plane=controller-manager -c manager

# Undeploy operator
make undeploy

Resources created:

oc kustomize config/default

  • namespace/bszeti-operator-system


  • serviceaccount/bszeti-operator-controller-manager





  • configmap/bszeti-operator-manager-config

  • deployment.apps/bszeti-operator-controller-manager


Kustomize tool is required by the Makefile scripts. If the kustomize binary is not available on the path, the Makefile will try to download the binary (to ./bin/kustomize). Some commands and parameters seem to be picky about Kustomize version number, so use the same version that the script downloads or update the commands to your Kustomize version.

Make sure you understand the project structure, the Makefile and the role of kustomization.yaml files. The default logic probably needs to be customized to the current project’s and environment’s needs.

Deployment Namespace

The default generated deployment creates a new namespace when make deploy is run and deletes it during make undeploy,

Deploy in a new namespace

To change the namespace name:

  • config/default/kustomization.yaml: Set namespace - should start with namePrefix to create a new Namespace correctly.

  • config/default/kustomization.yaml: Set namePrefix to anyting. This prefix is added to the created resource names.

Deploy in existing namespace

Probably you don’t want to recreate namespace everytime, especially if the operator requires some other resources (pull secrets, tls secrets, …​):

  • config/manager/manager.yaml: Remove Namespace

  • config/default/kustomization.yaml: Set namespace to existing namespace

  • config/default/kustomization.yaml: Set namePrefix to anyting

By default a ClusterRole is created for the operator and all namespaces are monitored, so have only one operator deployment in the cluster.

Image url

Make commands require IMG parameter poiting to the operator’s url. To set default: * Makefile: Set IMAGE_TAG_BASE and VERSION * Makefile: Change IMG ?= $(IMAGE_TAG_BASE):$(VERSION)

Then simply make docker-build docker-push and make deploy can be used.

Add imagePullPolicy: Always in config/manager/manager.yaml to avoid caching, if version is not latest.