ℹ️ OpenFin: OpenFin libraries are a commercial product and this repo is for evaluation purposes. Use of the OpenFin npm packages is only granted pursuant to a license from OpenFin. Please contact us if you would like to request a developer evaluation key or to discuss a production license.
This is a richer example of an implementation of an interop broker override and layout override showing to support an fdc3 app directory with support for context and intents.
It uses the @openfin/core-web library.
The platform supports multiple layouts and brings in a number of OpenFin sample applications that are used in our workspace platform starter examples.
The platform also supports:
- Reading multiple fdc3 app directories' endpoints to create a list of applications
- The ability to launch an app using fdc3.open
- The ability to raise intents or raise intents by context
- The ability to find instances of applications and target them when raising an intent.
- The ability to share context across content.
- The ability to share context across platforms and machines using our @openfin/cloud-interop library
To show content in a multi-layout UI we implemented a layoutManagerOverride so that we can:
- Add and remove layouts
- Load a saved collection of layouts
- Switch the layout that is being viewed
- Finding the identity of a layout that contains a specific piece of content.
- Get the current snapshot of all the layouts and the currently focused layout.
We bring in a number of apps from our workspace platform starter and dev tools. We also include 4 basic apps that support context and intents (using the fdc3 and Interop API).
- Install dependencies and do the initial build. Note that these examples assume you are in the sub-directory for the example.
npm install
- Build the example.
npm run build
- Start the test server in a new window.
npm run start
- Launch the sample in your default desktop browser (or copy http://localhost:6060/platform/provider.html into your Desktop Browser).
npm run client
There are a few things to note before trying to use @openfin/core-web:
- If your tsconfig file is using node for moduleResolution it will need to use Node16 instead as export/imports are defined in the package.json of the @openfin/core-web npm package. This is required for when you try to import @openfin/core-web/iframe-broker.
- You will need to copy the shared-worker.js file from the @openfin/core-web npm package to your public folder. We have created a copy-core-web.js script to do this and it is referenced in the build-client npm command.
- You will need to copy the styles.css file for styling the layout from the @openfin/core-web npm package to your public folder. We have created a copy-core-web.js script to do this and it is referenced in the build-client npm command.
To make it easier to update settings we include a definition of where to fetch settings in our web manifest.json inside of custom_settings.
"name": "OpenFin - Support Context and Intents",
"short_name": "OpenFinSupportInteropContextAndIntents",
"start_url": "./platform/provider.html",
"display": "standalone",
"background_color": "#fff",
"description": "An example showing a implementation of the OpenFin Core Web Library to support context and intents as well as layouts.",
"icons": [
"src": "common/images/icon-blue.png",
"sizes": "72x72",
"type": "image/png"
"related_applications": [],
"custom_settings": {
"endpointProvider": {
"endpoints": [
"id": "platform-settings",
"type": "fetch",
"options": {
"method": "GET",
"url": "http://localhost:6060/settings.json"
As you can see it will fetch a settings.json file. The shape of this file can be seen in client/src/shapes/setting-shapes.ts is as follows:
* Settings for the client
export interface Settings {
* Platform settings
platform: {
interop: {
sharedWorkerUrl: string;
brokerUrl: string;
providerId: string;
defaultContextGroup?: string;
overrideOptions: PlatformInteropBrokerOptions;
cloudInterop: {
connectParams: CloudInteropOverrideParams;
layout: {
addLayoutId: string;
deleteLayoutId: string;
layoutContainerId: string;
layoutSelectorId: string;
defaultLayout: PlatformLayoutSnapshot | string;
ui: {
logo: string;
title: string;
subTitle: string;
settingsResolver: SettingsResolverOptions;
app: {
directory: string;
appResolver: AppResolverOptions;