ℹ️ OpenFin Workspace: OpenFin Workspace is a commercial product and this repo is for evaluation purposes (See LICENSE.MD). Use of the OpenFin Container and OpenFin Workspace components is only granted pursuant to a license from OpenFin (see manifest). Please contact us if you would like to request a developer evaluation key or to discuss a production license.
A Content Provider is one of the personas you and your team may fall under (you can be more than one).
A Content Provider is mainly concerned with:
- Building html content that provides value and business functionality (this could be a single page application or more likely a collection of Micro UIs)
- Using feature detection to determine if they want to take advantage of the FDC3 API to provide context data sharing or intent workflow support.
- Using feature detection to determine if they want to take advantage of the Fin API to provide an enhanced experience.
- Deciding if they want to take advantage of the Notification Center registered by the host platform.
- Providing registration data so that their content can be discovered in Home, Store and Dock and whether it will participate in Intent based workflows.
A Content Provider is mainly concerned about providing content (generally in a micro UI format) that can be used by one or more platforms or run within a Browser or native app using an embedded view.