terraform-aws-website-module ( beta ) This module is used to create a static website hosted on s3 bucket with cloudfront distribution and custom domain. The module is able to protect certain routes using lambda@edge with cognito user pool authentication. Usage example: module "website" { source = "github.com/burib/terraform-aws-ui-module?ref=v0" domain_name = "example.com" wildcard_certificate_arn = "REPLACE_WITH_WILDCARD_CERTIFICATE_ARN" route53_zone_id = "REPLACE_WITH_ROUTE53_ZONE_ID_OF_TOP_LEVEL_DOMAIN_LIKE_EXAMPLE_COM" environment = "dev" # dev, staging, prod # Auth integration cognito_client_id = "REPLACE_WITH_AWS_COGNITO_USER_POOL_CLIENT_ID" cognito_domain = "auth" auth_urls = "REPLACE_WITH_AUTH_URLS" cognito_token_issuer_endpoint = "REPLACE_WITH_COGNITO_TOKEN_ISSUER_ENDPOINT" }