# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 expandtab: --- - authors: Juerd comments: - '? 2018-04-04' - very small script contact: juerd@juerd.nl description: Adds the uppercased version of the tab completes filename: guts.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2002-05-18 21:40:00 name: German Uppercased Tab Stuff url: http://juerd.nl/irssi/ version: 1.00 - authors: Uwe 'duden' Dudenhoeffer commands: chansync comments: - 2018-06-17 - silent event who - 'pull #514' - close pull contact: script@duden.eu.org description: /who a channel and optionaly executes a command filename: chansync.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2003-02-09 18:27:51 name: chansync url: '' version: 0.22 - authors: Geert Hauwaerts contact: geert@irssi.org description: This script shows a warning in the statuswindow if somebody preforms a /KlINE or /UNKLINE. filename: kline_warning.pl license: GNU General Public License modified: 2003-09-17 23:00:11 name: kline_warning.pl url: http://irssi.hauwaerts.be/kline_warning.pl version: 1.08 - authors: Marcin Rozycki comments: - '? 2018-09-05' contact: derwan@irssi.pl description: Automatically changes nick (to randnick or uid on ircd 2.11) when certain amount of nick colissionstakes place on channel filename: nocollide.pl license: GNU GPL v2 modified: 2004-02-16 10:08:59 name: nocollide url: http://derwan.irssi.pl version: 0.2.3 - authors: Tuukka Lukkala comments: - dcop -> KDE3 - 'Issue #358' contact: ragdim at mbnet dot fi description: Shows the song playing in amaroK in the active window (channel or query). filename: amaroknp.pl license: GPL modified: 2004-03-30 23:20:00 name: amaroknp travisfail: LOAD url: http://koti.mbnet.fi/ragdim/amaroknp/ version: 0.10 - authors: Geert Hauwaerts contact: geert@irssi.org description: This script will fix the Irssi problem with channel forwarding on the Dancer ircd. filename: dancer_forwardfix.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2004-05-09 01:19:25 name: dancer_forwardfix.pl url: http://irssi.hauwaerts.be/dancer_forwardfix.pl version: 0.03 - authors: Marcin Rozycki commands: se si unexcept uninvite comments: - '? 2018-09-02' contact: derwan@irssi.pl description: 'Cache of invites and ban exceptions in channel. Usage: /si, /se, /unexcept [indexes], /uninvite [indexes]' filename: modelist.pl license: GNU GPL v2 modified: 2004-06-05 22:38:59 name: modelist url: http://derwan.irssi.pl version: 0.7.2 - authors: Kristof Korwisi comments: - "Can't locate Xmms.pm <- xmms <- x ubuntu ✔" contact: kk@manoli.im-dachgeschoss.de description: '/xmms announces which _file_ is currently playing. E.g. Currently playing: "Kieran Halpin & Band - Mirror Town.mp3"' filename: ixmmsa.pl license: GPL modified: 2006-10-27 00:00:00 modules: Xmms Xmms::Remote name: iXMMSa travisfail: LOAD url: http://manoli.im-dachgeschoss.de/~kk/ version: 0.2+1 - authors: Tuomas Jormola comments: - Irssi::XMMSInfo -> debian pkg - libinfopipe-1.3.so -> www - run -> ok contact: tjormola@cc.hut.fi description: /xmmsinfo to tell what you're currently playing filename: xmmsinfo.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2006-10-27 18:00:00 modules: Irssi::XMMSInfo name: XMMSInfo travisfail: LOAD url: http://shakti.tky.hut.fi/stuff.xml#irssi version: 1.01 - authors: Chris 'raz' Hoogenboezem comments: - '? 2018-12-26' contact: chrish@carrier6.com description: 'Instead of displaying semi-raw data, a /whois now gives a tidy accountname on Asuka/lain servers (if applicable).' filename: accountname.pl license: Feel free to alter anything conform your own liking. modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:09 name: accountname version: 1.0 - authors: Petr Baudis commands: operit comments: - 2019-01-06 - row 198 nick* contact: pasky@ucw.cz description: Perform certain action (invite/op/...) on request authenticated by the IRC operator status. filename: operit.pl license: BSD modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:09 name: operit url: http://pasky.ji.cz/~pasky/dev/irssi/ version: 1.14 - authors: Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek comments: - interface to mldonkey broken - 'issue #473' contact: stefan@pico.ruhr.de description: equips Irssi with an interface to mldonkey filename: idonkey.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:11 modules: HTML::Entities LWP::UserAgent name: iDonkey travisfail: LOAD version: 2004051601 www: - http://edonkeyfakes.ath.cx/fakecheck/update/fakecheck.php - http://www.sharereactor.com/ - http://www.bytemonsoon.com/ - authors: Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek commands: poison comments: - 2019-01-06 - old website http://gift.sourceforge.net/ is offline - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GiFT - https://sourceforge.net/projects/gift/files/ contact: stefan@pico.ruhr.de description: equips Irssi with an interface to giFT filename: poison.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:09 name: Poison version: 2003020801 - authors: Espen Holm Nilsen comments: - '?' - '@holmie' - 2019-01-16 contact: holm@blackedge.org description: 'Print the real IP address of efnet.org clients when they join/part channels, and whois.' filename: efnetorg.pl license: GPLv2 or later modified: 2008-05-25 14:59:13 name: efnetorg url: http://www.holmnilsen.com/ version: 1.2 - authors: DonRumata comments: - 2019-01-19 - config in script contact: rumata@dragons.ru description: 'IrcNet.ru Auto Identify - changes nick and send identify command, then sets codepage' filename: iraident.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2008-05-25 15:05:46 name: iraident url: http://rumata.dragons.ru version: 0.6.1 - authors: Sebastian 'yath' Schmidt comments: - '@yath' contact: yath+irssiscripts@yath.de description: 'This script will automatically detect people using the Tor anonymity network and append ".TOR" to their hostname, to make things like /ignore -time 3600 *!*@*.TOR possible (e.g. when your favourite channel gets flooded).' filename: tordetect.pl license: Public domain modified: 2008-06-16 10:12:13 modules: Net::DNS name: Tor autodetection for Irssi version: 0.0.1 - authors: Mikachu comments: - "Can't locate Xmms.pm <- xmms <- x ubuntu ✔" contact: Mikachu @ quakenet|freenode|arcnet|oftc description: 'A script to show playing xmms song in channel or in a statusbar, and also control xmms. Be sure to read through the script to see all features.' filename: l33tmusic.pl license: GPL modified: 2008-09-04 21:12:26 modules: Xmms Xmms::Remote name: l33t xmms music showing script travisfail: LOAD version: 2.01 - authors: Peder Stray comments: - run stand alone - 256color by vague contact: peder@ninja.no description: 'convert mirc color and irssi interal formatting to ansi colors, useful for log filtering' filename: log2ansi.pl license: GPL modified: 2010-02-13 13:59:47 name: log2ansi travisfail: 'LOAD,HDR' url: http://ninja.no/irssi/log2ansi version: 1.9 - authors: Tijmen "timing" Ruizendaal contact: tijmen.ruizendaal@gmail.com description: Shows an IM nickchange in an Irssi way. (in a query and in the bitlbee channel). (For bitlbee 3.0+) filename: bitlbee_nick_change.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2010-07-28 00:00:00 name: BitlBee_nick_change url: http://the-timing.nl/stuff/irssi-bitlbee version: 1.3 - authors: Örjan Persson commands: spotify contact: o@42mm.org description: Lookup spotify uris filename: spotify.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2014-10-13 15:24:27 modules: HTTP::Request HTTP::Request::Common JSON LWP::UserAgent URI name: spotify url: https://github.com/op/irssi-spotify version: 1.1 www: - https://accounts.spotify.com/api/token - authors: "Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek, Obfuscoder" commands: xdccget contact: obfuscoder@obfusco.de description: 'enhanced downloading, queing, searching from XDCC bots' filename: xdccget.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2014-10-16 14:47:21 name: xdccget version: 20141016 - authors: Tobias 'camel69' Wulff commands: amarok contact: camel69(at)codeeye.de description: 'Retrievs song infos and controls amaroK via dcop, optionally running on another computer via ssh' filename: amarok_ssh.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-10-17 18:30:46 name: amaroK (via ssh) url: http://www.codeeye.de/irssi/ version: 1.0 - authors: Jean-Yves Lefort comments: - 2019-02-19 - '?' - /win new hide; /exec -interactive sh -i - ls - /wc - /exec - /exec -close %0 contact: 'jylefort\@brutele.be, decadix on IRCNet' description: Adds a setting to automatically terminate a process whose parent window has been closed filename: exec_clean.pl license: BSD modified: 2014-10-17 22:54:13 name: exec-clean url: http://void.adminz.be/irssi.shtml version: 1.01 - authors: Riku Voipio contact: riku.voipio@iki.fi description: responds to "!hl counterstrike.server " command on channels/msg's to query counter-strike servers filename: hl.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2014-10-17 22:54:13 name: half-life url: http://nchip.ukkosenjyly.mine.nu/irssiscripts/ version: 1.2 - authors: Uli Baumann comments: - Can't open isdnlog contact: f-zappa@irc-muenster.de description: Displays incoming ISDN calls filename: isdn.pl license: GPL modified: 2014-10-17 22:54:13 name: isdn travisfail: 'LOAD,CRIT' version: 0.3 - authors: Timo Sirainen comments: - 2019-06-07 - nick collision? description: Displays kills with more understandable messages filename: kills.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-10-17 22:54:13 name: kills version: 1.00 - authors: Wohmatak commands: np npinfo comments: - 2019-02-24 - https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=614854 - removed from debian on 2011 - https://github.com/pdenapo/orfeo 2015 contact: wohmatak@iglu.cz description: Displays the song played by orpheus filename: orphamp.pl license: GPL modified: 2014-10-19 11:54:16 name: orphamp url: http://irssi.org/ version: 0.9 - authors: Thomas Graf contact: irssi@reeler.org description: handle 005 and 010 server messages and reconnect to that server filename: redirect.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2014-10-19 11:54:16 name: redirect url: http://irssi.reeler.org/ version: 0.1 - authors: Maciek 'fahren' Freudenheim commands: addsms delsms listsms sms smsadd smsdel smslist smsstat contact: fahren@bochnia.pl description: '/ADDSMS, /DELSMS, /LISTSMS and /SMS - phone address-book with smssender, for now supports only Polish operators' filename: sms.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2014-10-24 23:01:30 name: SMS version: 1.5b www: - http://boa.eragsm.com.pl/sms/sendsms.asp - http://sms.plusgsm.pl/sms/sendsms.php - http://sms.idea.pl/sendsms.asp - authors: 'Timo Sirainen, David Leadbeater' comments: - 2019-03-01 - break things maybe contact: 'tss@iki.fi, dgl@dgl.cx' description: Display configurable title as XTerm title filename: title.pl license: GNU GPL modified: 2014-10-24 23:01:30 name: title url: http://irssi.dgl.cx/ version: 3.2b - authors: "Matti 'qvr' Hiljanen, Piotr 'Pieta' Szymanski" commands: vol wa contact: 'matti@hiljanen.com, pieta@osiedle.net.pl' description: shows what WinAmp is playing with /wa command filename: wa.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-10-24 23:01:30 name: wa url: http://matin.maapallo.org/softa/irssi version: 2.3.1 - authors: mizerou commands: xqf comments: - https://github.com/XQF/xqf - 'XQF is a server browser and launcher for games using id Tech engines, Unreal engines and many o.' contact: mizerou@telus.net description: automatically sends xqf data to irssi and optionally licq filename: xqf.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2014-10-24 23:01:30 name: XQF url: none version: 0.14 - authors: Sam Stoller contact: snstoller@gmail.com description: Assign colors to tweet message components filename: twitter_theme.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-11-10 12:02:36 name: Twitter Theme url: http://github.com/samstoller/irssi-twitter-theme version: 0.4 - authors: Lars Djerf contact: lars.djerf@gmail.com description: This script converts Slack emoji to smileys. filename: slack_emoji.pl license: GPLv3 modified: 2015-01-03 19:42:44 name: slack_emoji version: 0.03 - authors: mistr commands: gsi contact: mistr@sensewave.com description: /gsi checks number via http://gulesider.no. Norwegian 8-digit numbers only. Nice if you have caller-ID and are as paranoid as me. filename: gsi.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2015-01-18 02:15:41 modules: LWP::UserAgent URI::Heuristic name: gsi url: http://irssi.org/scripts version: 220904-04:30:00 www: - http://www.gulesider.no/gsi/numberSearch.do?tel=1234 - authors: John Morrissey contact: jwm@horde.net description: Translate nicks to HipChat "mention names" filename: hipchat_complete.pl license: BSD modified: 2015-01-18 02:15:41 modules: WebService::HipChat name: hipchat_complete version: 2.0 - authors: Simon Shine commands: np xmms contact: simon@blueshell.dk description: 'XMMS-InfoPipe front-end - allow /np [-help] [dest]' filename: xmms.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2015-01-18 02:15:41 name: xmms version: 2.0 - authors: Veli Mankinen contact: veli@piipiip.net description: Floods the channel about things that are hapening in your hl -server. Also enables you to send rcon commands to the server from channel. filename: hlbot.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2015-02-02 14:02:20 name: HL-log/rcon -bot url: http://piipiip.net/ version: 1.0 - authors: Timo 'cras' Sirainen comments: - can't create cache http://irc-galleria.net/list.php contact: tss@iki.fi description: 'Show IRC gallery (http://irc-galleria.net, finnish only) information on /WHOIS or /GALLERY' filename: ircgallery.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2015-02-02 14:02:20 name: ircgallery travisfail: LOAD url: http://irssi.org/ version: 1.13 www: - http://irc-galleria.net/list.php?letter=_ - authors: Benedetto commands: credstore comments: - 2019-06-13 - no irc server provide event 275 276 671 for public - freenode ? contact: dettox@gmail.com description: store fingerprints of know users so can verify filename: credstore.pl license: GPLv3+ modified: 2015-06-12 21:40:32 name: credstore url: http://irssi.org/ version: 1.3 - authors: Julie LaLa commands: xdcc comments: - 2019-07-28 - queue and -del 1 -> error contact: ryz@asdf.us description: Run an XDCC file server from irssi. filename: xdcc.pl license: Jollo LNT license modified: 2015-06-12 22:16:41 name: xdcc.pl url: http://asdf.us/xdcc/ version: 1.0 - authors: Thomas B. Ruecker comments: - 2019-07-28 - lib damage contact: 'thomas@ruecker.fi, tbr on irc.freenode.net' description: Sends out notifications via XMPP. Based on a script by Peter Krenesky. filename: xmpp-notify.pl license: BSD-3-Clause modified: 2015-06-30 12:00:46 modules: Net::Jabber name: XMPP-notify url: http://github.com/dm8tbr/irssi-xmpp-notify/ version: 1.0 - authors: Nathan Handler commands: grepbans comments: - 2019-07-09 - '?' contact: nathan.handler@gmail.com description: Greps the ban list for the specified pattern filename: grepbans.pl license: GPLv3+ modified: 2015-09-11 05:11:39 name: grepbans version: 1.0 - commands: clearable contact: Nei @ anti@conference.jabber.teamidiot.de description: make some command output clearable filename: clearable.pl license: ISC modified: 2015-11-16 19:32:11 name: clearable url: http://anti.teamidiot.de/ version: 0.1 - authors: Nei contact: Nei @ anti@conference.jabber.teamidiot.de description: Complete nicks after @ (twitter-style) filename: complete_at.pl license: ISC modified: 2015-11-16 19:32:11 name: complete_at url: http://anti.teamidiot.de/ version: 0.2 - authors: Nei contact: Nei @ anti@conference.jabber.teamidiot.de description: clear matching lines in scrollback filename: sbclearmatch.pl license: GPLv2 or later modified: 2015-11-16 19:32:11 name: sbclearmatch url: http://anti.teamidiot.de/ version: 0.2 - authors: Nei commands: dccrel contact: Nei @ anti@conference.jabber.teamidiot.de description: Relays DCC messages. Originally written by greeny & mute for NoNameScript. filename: dccrelay.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2015-11-23 21:36:07 name: dccrelay url: http://anti.teamidiot.de/ version: 0.1 - authors: 'unknown, Nei' contact: Nei @ anti@conference.jabber.teamidiot.de description: Permit to use /EXEC with arbitrary irssi commands. filename: execcmd.pl modified: 2015-11-23 21:39:34 name: execcmd url: http://anti.teamidiot.de/ version: 0.1 - authors: Jari Matilainen commands: notifyquit_show_exceptions notifyquit_show_watchlist prompt contact: vague!#irssi@freenode on irc description: Notify if user has left the channel filename: notifyquit.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2015-11-25 11:42:09 name: notifyquit url: http://gplus.to/vague version: 0.3 - authors: vague comments: - 2019-02-10 contact: vague!#irssi@freenode on irc description: 'tabcomplete, on an empty input buffer, over /set completion_keep_publics nicks in channel, parts for any reason(kick, part, quit) are removed from the tabcomplete list' filename: tabcompletenick.pl license: GPL2 modified: 2015-11-25 11:47:05 name: tabcompletenick url: http://gplus.to/vague version: 1.1 - authors: Nei commands: dumplines contact: Nei @ anti@conference.jabber.teamidiot.de description: dump the linebuffer content filename: linebuffer.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2015-12-03 21:04:35 name: linebuffer url: http://anti.teamidiot.de/ version: 0.3 - authors: 'Michael Tharp (gxti), Jilles Tjoelker (jilles), Mantas Mikulėnas (grawity)' comments: - bulit-in SASL contact: grawity@gmail.com description: Implements SASL authentication and enables CAP "multi-prefix" filename: cap_sasl.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2015-12-04 19:11:05 modules: Crypt::PK::ECC name: cap_sasl.pl travisfail: LOAD url: http://ircv3.atheme.org/extensions/sasl-3.1 version: 1.11 - authors: Wouter Coekaerts comments: - 2019-02-10 contact: coekie@irssi.org description: Keeps a prompt per window filename: per_window_prompt.pl license: GPLv2 or later modified: 2015-12-09 23:35:34 name: per_window_prompt url: http://wouter.coekaerts.be/irssi/ version: 1.1 - authors: Philipp Haegi commands: rotate_dict comments: - 2019-07-30 - /peo also completet contact: phaegi\@mimir.ch description: Adds Text::Aspell suggestions to the list of completions filename: aspell_complete.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2016-01-29 08:59:40 modules: Text::Aspell name: aspell_complete note: '' url: http://www.mimir.ch/ph/ version: 1.01 - authors: FoxMaSk comments: - 2019-08-18 - config in script contact: 'foxmask@phpfr.org ' description: manage tips ; url ; help in a doc file in the keyword=definition form filename: doc.pl license: GNU GPL modified: 2016-02-05 11:06:11 name: doc url: http://team.gcu-squad.org/~odemah/ version: 0.0.4 - authors: Juerd comments: - 2019-02-10 contact: '#####@juerd.nl' description: "Change 'nick: ' prefix if the nick is changed while you're still editing." filename: autonickprefix.pl license: Any OSI modified: 2016-02-06 01:40:08 name: autonickprefix version: 1.00 - authors: Michael Hansen contact: 'mh on IRCnet #help' description: show in channels when users go away/back or oper/deoper filename: mh_userstatus.pl license: BSD modified: 2016-03-03 13:39:04 name: mh_userstatus url: http://scripts.irssi.org / https://github.com/mh-source/irssi-scripts version: 1.05 - authors: Michael Hansen contact: 'mh on IRCnet #help' description: 'print invites in server, channel, query and active window' filename: mh_invite.pl license: BSD modified: 2016-03-05 15:31:20 name: mh_invite url: http://scripts.irssi.org / https://github.com/mh-source/irssi-scripts version: 1.02 - authors: Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason contact: avarab@gmail.com description: 'Hide your REGISTER and IDENTIFY password lines in &bitlbee from screen & logs ' filename: bitlbee_hide_password.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2016-03-15 17:52:13 name: bitlbee_hide_password.pl url: http://scripts.irssi.org & https://github.com/avar/dotfiles/blob/master/.irssi/scripts/bitlbee_hide_password.pl version: 1.0 - authors: Fernando Vezzosi & Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason contact: irssi@repnz.net & avarab@gmail.com description: 'For a configured list of nicks or nicks matching a regex, convert all their messages to a notices' filename: msg2notice_regex.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2016-03-15 17:52:13 name: msg2notice_regex.pl url: http://scripts.irssi.org & https://github.com/avar/dotfiles/blob/master/.irssi/scripts/msg2notice_regex.pl & https://github.com/bucciarati/irssi-script-msg_to_notice version: 1.0 - authors: Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason contact: avarab@gmail.com description: 'Strips the annoying mentions of your nickname on Slack via [cc: ]' filename: slack_strip_auto_cc.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2016-03-15 17:52:13 name: slack_strip_auto_cc.pl url: http://scripts.irssi.org & https://github.com/avar/dotfiles/blob/master/.irssi/scripts/slack_strip_auto_cc.pl version: 1.0 - authors: BCOW contact: anttip@n0-life.com description: Sets nick away when client discconects from the irssi-proxy. If away gathers messages targeted to nick and forwards them to an email address. filename: awayproxy.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2016-03-21 23:29:10 name: awayproxy url: http://www.n0-life.com version: 0.2e - authors: Jere Toivonen commands: replace contact: jere@flamero.fi description: Replaces regexps with predefined strings filename: replace.pl license: MIT modified: 2016-03-22 03:23:12 name: replace url: http://flamero.fi version: 1.0 - authors: 'Jari Matilainen, original script by nightfrog' contact: vague!#irssi@freenode on irc description: Autorun scripts/symlinks created in the scripts/autorun directory filename: autorun_scripts.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2016-04-18 15:11:40 modules: File::ChangeNotify name: autorun_scripts version: 0.1 - authors: Guillaume Gelin contact: contact@ramnes.eu description: Call a system command when receiving a hilight filename: hilightcmd.pl license: GNU GPLv3 modified: 2016-04-26 11:41:22 modules: String::ShellQuote Text::Sprintf::Named name: hilightcmd url: https://github.com/ramnes/hilightcmd version: 0.1 - authors: Matthew Sytsma contact: spiderpigy@yahoo.com description: Filters quit/part/join/nick notices based on time since last message. (Similar to weechat's smartfilter). filename: recentdepart.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2016-04-26 18:00:41 name: Recently Departed url: '' version: 0.7 - authors: Nei contact: Nei @ anti@conference.jabber.teamidiot.de description: right aligned nicks depending on longest nick filename: nm2.pl license: GPL v2 modified: 2016-04-26 23:30:46 name: nm2 url: http://anti.teamidiot.de/ version: 2.1 - authors: Nei contact: Nei @ anti@conference.jabber.teamidiot.de description: Periodically sends /who on configured channels to update away state. filename: autowho.pl license: ISC modified: 2016-04-26 23:37:32 name: autowho url: http://anti.teamidiot.de/ version: 0.1 - authors: Nei commands: key_insert_before_space comments: - 2019-02-10 contact: Nei @ anti@conference.jabber.teamidiot.de description: Rebind certain keys so that they are inserted before the space filename: beforespace.pl license: ISC modified: 2016-04-26 23:42:54 name: beforespace url: http://anti.teamidiot.de/ version: 0.1 - authors: Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason commands: chansort_configurable contact: avarab@gmail.com description: "Sort channels & query windows in a configurable way, based on Peder Stray's chansort.pl" filename: chansort_configurable.pl license: GPL modified: 2016-05-04 11:49:27 name: chansort_configurable url: http://scripts.irssi.org & https://github.com/avar/dotfiles/blob/master/.irssi/scripts/chansort_configurable.pl version: 1.2 - authors: Pablo Martín Báez Echevarría commands: mirccolors contact: pab_24n@outlook.com description: 'define a permanent text formatting (bold, underline, etc.) for outgoing messages' filename: frm_outgmsgs.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2016-06-18 12:01:20 name: frm_outgmsgs url: http://reirssi.wordpress.com version: 1.1 - authors: shabble commands: prompt contact: 'shabble+irssi@metavore.org, shabble@#irssi/Freenode' description: Helper script for dynamically adding text into the input-bar prompt. filename: uberprompt.pl license: MIT modified: 2016-06-25 15:46:46 name: uberprompt version: 0.3 - authors: Pablo Martín Báez Echevarría commands: buffer contact: pab_24n@outlook.com description: pastes a buffer into a channel or query window line by line with a specific delay between lines filename: buffer.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2016-06-28 00:45:27 name: buffer url: http://reirssi.wordpress.com version: 1.1 - authors: dwfreed contact: dwfreed@mtu.edu description: 'Prints caps; derived from cap_sasl.pl by Michael Tharp (gxti), Jilles Tjoelker (jilles), and Mantas Mikulėnas (grawity)' filename: cap.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2016-09-13 03:32:53 name: cap url: none yet version: 1.0 - authors: Pieter-Bas IJdens commands: cgrep contact: irssi-scripts@nospam.mi4.org.uk description: Lists users on the channel matching the specified regexp filename: cgrep.pl license: GPLv2 or later modified: 2016-09-20 14:26:40 name: cgrep url: http://pieter-bas.ijdens.com/irssi/ version: 1.0.0 - authors: 'Isaac Good (yitz_), Tom Feist (shabble)' commands: spellcheck comments: - 2019-02-10 contact: 'irssi@isaacgood.com, shabble+irssi@metavore.org' description: ASpell spellchecking system for Irssi filename: aspell.pl license: MIT modified: 2016-10-06 17:55:58 modules: Text::Aspell name: aspell version: 1.6.2 - authors: Isaac Good contact: irssi@isaacgood.com; irc.freenode.net/yitz description: Automatically IDENTIFY when prompted filename: ident.pl license: MIT modified: 2016-12-06 18:45:34 name: ident version: 1.0 - authors: Isaac Good commands: layout_load layout_save contact: irssi@isaacgood.com description: Reordering windows based on a textfile. filename: reorder.pl license: GPL modified: 2016-12-06 18:47:28 name: reorder version: 1.0 - authors: Nei comments: - please use .. instead of this script description: Disconnect from server if SASL authentication fails. filename: cap_sasl_fail.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2017-01-16 16:43:50 name: cap_sasl_fail travisfail: LOAD version: 2.1 - authors: Geert Hauwaerts commands: invitejoin contact: geert@irssi.org description: This script will join a channel if somebody invites you to it. filename: invitejoin.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2017-01-17 20:26:41 name: invitejoin.pl url: https://github.com/irssi/scripts.irssi.org/blob/master/scripts/invitejoin.pl version: 0.02 - authors: Felipe F. Tonello contact: eu@felipetonello.com description: Sends notification using the Desktop Notifications Specification. filename: desktop-notify.pl license: GPL v3+ modified: 2017-01-23 21:52:29 modules: Glib::Object::Introspection HTML::Entities name: desktop-notify version: 1.0.1 - authors: martin f. krafft contact: madduck@madduck.net description: hooks into every signal and writes the information provided to a file filename: print_signals.pl license: MIT modified: 2017-02-03 11:47:17 name: print signals debugger version: 1.0 - authors: Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek commands: postpone contact: stefan@pico.ruhr.de description: Postpones messages sent to a splitted user and resends them when the nick rejoins filename: postpone.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2017-02-04 02:11:54 name: postpone version: 20170204 - authors: BC-bd commands: chanact_window_alias chanact_window_unalias contact: bd@bc-bd.org description: 'Adds new powerful and customizable [Act: ...] item (chanelnames,modes,alias). Lets you give alias characters to windows so that you can select those with meta-' filename: chanact.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2017-02-13 17:21:07 name: chanact url: http://bc-bd.org/blog/irssi/ version: 0.6.0 - authors: martin f. krafft commands: ctrlact contact: madduck@madduck.net description: allows per-channel control over activity indication filename: ctrlact.pl license: MIT modified: 2017-02-24 07:41:29 name: ctrlact version: 1.2 - authors: David Leadbeater commands: dccself contact: dgl@dgl.cx description: |- /dccself ip port, starts a dcc chat with yourself on that host/port, best used with /set dcc_autochat_masks. filename: dccself.pl license: GPL modified: 2017-03-05 13:58:24 name: dccself version: 0.1 - authors: dreg contact: dreg@fine.lv description: translitiratar filename: translit.pl license: GPL modified: 2017-03-05 14:29:01 name: translit version: 0.1 - authors: Jean-Yves Lefort contact: jylefort\@brutele.be description: Notifies people if they send you a private message or a DCC chat offer while you are away; runs a shell command configurable via /set if they page you filename: pager.pl license: BSD modified: 2017-03-06 20:58:29 name: pager version: 1.2 - authors: Gabor Nyeki contact: bigmac@vim.hu description: kicking users for using colors or blinks filename: colorkick.pl license: public domain modified: 2017-03-07 22:28:22 name: colorkick version: 0.1 - authors: c0ffee commands: page contact: c0ffee@penguin-breeder.org description: Adds the /PAGE command to page a nick (use /page nick )... to ignore pages /set pager_mode off filename: page-c0ffee.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2017-03-12 21:57:08 name: mIRC pager url: http://www.penguin-breeder.org/?page=irssi version: 0.03 - authors: Lasse Karstensen commands: awayadd awayreasons awayreread raway contact: lkarsten@stud.ntnu.no description: Random away-messages filename: randaway.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2017-03-15 20:28:47 name: randaway.pl url: http://www.stud.ntnu.no/~lkarsten/irssi/ version: 1.14 - authors: Athanasius Emilius Arvanitis based on Simon Huggins quiz 0.7 contact: arvan description: Turns irssi into a quiz bot. Has greek language and many answers support filename: quizgr.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2017-03-16 17:31:18 name: Quizgr url: http://kronos.eng.auth.gr/~arvan/irssi/ version: 0.7GR03 - authors: Valentin Batz contact: vb@g-23.org description: adds a statusbar item which shows temperatures of harddisks (with multiple hddtemp-hosts support) filename: hddtemp.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2017-03-17 11:54:11 name: hddtemp url: http://hurzelgnom.bei.t-online.de/irssi/scripts/hddtemp.pl version: 0.15 - authors: Ian Peters commands: connectcmd contact: itp@ximian.com description: 'run arbitrary shell commands while [dis]connecting to a server' filename: connectcmd.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2017-03-18 12:17:25 name: Connect Command url: http://irssi.org/ version: 0.2 - authors: Gabor Nyeki commands: topicsed contact: bigmac@vim.hu description: editing channel topics by regexps filename: topicsed.pl license: public domain modified: 2017-03-18 23:06:54 name: topicsed version: 0.1 - authors: Clemens Heidinger commands: dau comments: - check 2017-03-19 contact: heidinger@dau.pl description: write like an idiot filename: dau.pl license: BSD modified: 2017-03-19 21:19:42 name: DAU url: http://dau.pl/ version: 2.4.3 - authors: Ricardo Mesquita commands: ogg123 contact: ricardomesquita@netcabo.pt description: Display current ogg123 track filename: ogg123.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2017-03-20 14:19:18 name: ogg123 url: http://pwp.netcabo.pt/ricardomesquita/irssi version: 0.01+1 - contact: jwm@horde.net description: Send highlighted messages via Signal filename: signal_hilight.pl modified: 2017-03-20 16:27:59 name: signal_hilight version: 1.0 - authors: Peder Stray comments: - 2018-12-16 - new version https://ninja.no/irssi/query.pl contact: peder@ninja.no description: Give you more control over when to jump to query windows and when to just tell you one has been created. Enhanced autoclose. filename: query.pl license: GPL modified: 2017-03-20 20:22:57 name: query url: http://ninja.no/irssi/query.pl version: 1.25 - authors: Jesper Lindh commands: delword sql_connect sql_disconnect contact: rakblad@midgard.liu.se description: Adds words from IRC to your tab-completion list filename: wordcompletition.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2017-03-25 22:50:36 modules: DBD::SQLite DBI name: IRC Completion with mysql-database url: http://midgard.liu.se/~n02jesli/perl/ version: 0.2 - authors: kjensenxz commands: rfaway rfme rfsay rftopic contact: kenneth@jensen.cf description: Prints colorized fullwidth text filename: fullrain.pl license: GNU GPLv3 modified: 2017-03-28 23:10:37 name: fullrain url: http://github.com/kjensenxz version: 1.0.0 - authors: Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek commands: localize comments: - 2021-01-11 - xpenguin broken - caida broken - astro broken contact: stefan@pico.ruhr.de description: 'Localizes users using traceroute, the localizer database or IP-Atlas' filename: localize.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2017-04-01 17:22:26 modules: HTML::Entities LWP::UserAgent name: localize url: '' version: 2017040101 www: - http://xml.utrace.de/?query=www.utrace.de - http://www.xpenguin.com/plot.php?address= - http://netgeo.caida.org/perl/netgeo.cgi?target=www.linux.de - http://www.astro.com/atlas/horoscope/?expr=vienna - authors: c0ffee contact: c0ffee@penguin-breeder.org description: Enhances /k /kb and /kn with some nice options. filename: kicks.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2017-04-01 17:30:41 name: Various kick and ban commands url: http://www.penguin-breeder.org/irssi/ version: 0.27 - authors: 'Juerd, Tronic' commands: sysinfo contact: trn@iki.fi description: Linux system information (with vPenis and other stuff) filename: sysinfoplus.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2017-04-02 20:30:12 name: SysinfoPlus url: http://juerd.nl/irssi/ version: 2.21 - authors: Simon Huggins contact: huggie-irssi@earth.li description: Turns irssi into a quiz bot filename: quiz.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2017-04-03 14:51:40 name: Quiz url: http://the.earth.li/~huggie/irssi/ version: 0.8 - authors: Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek commands: quizmaster contact: stefan@pico.ruhr.de description: a trivia script for Irssi filename: quizmaster.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2017-04-03 18:05:34 name: quizmaster url: http://irssi.org/scripts/ version: 20170403 - authors: Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek commands: quizmaster contact: stefan@pico.ruhr.de description: Un script de quiz pour irssi filename: quizmaster-fr.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2017-04-03 18:52:16 name: quizmaster url: http://irssi.org/scripts/ http://pierre.carlot.free.fr/tux/ version: 20170403+fr - authors: Alexander Wirt contact: formorer@formorer.de description: Shows your battery status in your Statusbar filename: apm.pl license: GNU Public License modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 name: apm url: http://www.formorer.de/code version: 0.4 - authors: Simon Shine contact: http://shine.eu.org/ description: Provides a menubar item with away message filename: awaybar.pl license: Public domain modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 name: awaybar version: 0.1.1 - authors: Marcin Rozycki contact: derwan@irssi.pl description: Displays in statusbar number of messages in awaylog filename: awaylogcnt.pl license: GNU GPL v2 modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 name: awalogcnt url: http://derwan.irssi.pl version: 0.2 - authors: Riku Voipio contact: riku.voipio@iki.fi description: shows bandwidth usage in statusbar filename: bandwidth.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 name: bandwidth url: http://nchip.ukkosenjyly.mine.nu/irssiscripts/ version: 1.0 - authors: Tijmen "timing" Ruizendaal contact: tijmen.ruizendaal@gmail.com description: '1. Adds an item to the status bar wich shows [joined: ] when someone is joining &bitlbee. 2. Shows join messages in the query. (For bitlbee v3.0+)' filename: bitlbee_join_notice.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 name: BitlBee_join_notice url: http://the-timing.nl/stuff/irssi-bitlbee version: 1.3 - authors: Joost "Garion" Vunderink contact: joost@carnique.nl description: Staturbar item which indicates how many new messages you have in your centericq filename: centericq.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 name: centericq url: 'http://irssi.org, http://scripts.irssi.org' version: 1.0.0 - authors: Jochem Meyers commands: dfupdate contact: jochem.meyers@gmail.com description: Adds an item which displays the current disk usage. filename: df.pl license: GPL v2 or later modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 name: df url: http://kaede.kicks-ass.net/irssi.html version: 0.1.0 - authors: Bitt Faulk commands: dr_who_refresh contact: lxsfx3h02@sneakemail.com description: Put a nick list in a statusbar filename: dr_who.pl license: BSD modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 name: dr_who url: http://beaglebros.com version: 1.0 - authors: Riku "Shrike" Lindblad contact: 'shrike\@addiktit.net, Shrike on IRCNet/QNet/EFNet/DALNet' description: Add a apache page hitcounter to statusbar filename: hitcount.pl license: Free modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 name: hitcount version: 1.4 - authors: BCOW commands: ircgcomments contact: bcow@iki.fi description: Tarkistelee irc-galleria.net:iä ja sanoo kun sinulle on uusia viestejä. filename: ircgmessagenotify.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 modules: HTTP::Cookies LWP::UserAgent name: ircgmessagenotify url: http://www.verkonpaino.net/ version: 0.1b www: - http://irc-galleria.net/login.php - authors: legion commands: anp anpa cleanbar np npa npinfo npsend contact: a.lepore@email.it description: Display the song played by mp3blaster in channels and statusbar. See the top of the file for usage. filename: irssiBlaster.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 name: irssiBlaster version: 1.6 - authors: Johan "Ion" Kiviniemi contact: ion at hassers.org description: Internet Time statusbar item. See http://www.timeanddate.com/time/internettime.html filename: itime.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 name: itime url: http://ion.amigafin.org/scripts/ version: 0.9 - authors: Jari Matilainen contact: jmn98015@student.mdh.se description: Licq statusbar thingy filename: licq.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 name: licq url: 'http://jari.cjb.net,http://irssi.org,http://scripts.irssi.de' version: 0.5 - authors: aki contact: aki@evilbsd.info description: display a loadavg statusbar item using vm.loadavg mib or /proc/loadavg filename: loadavg.pl license: public domain modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 name: loadavg version: 0.4 - authors: 'Timo Sirainen, Matti Hiljanen, Joost Vunderink, Bart Matthaei' commands: mailbox contact: 'tss@iki.fi, matti@hiljanen.com, joost@carnique.nl, bart@dreamflow.nl' description: Fully customizable mail counter statusbar item with multiple mailbox and multiple Maildir support filename: mail.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 name: mail url: 'http://irssi.org, http://scripts.irssi.de' version: 2.92 - authors: David "Legooolas" Gardner commands: mailcheck_imap mailcheck_imap_help mailcheck_imap_stop contact: irssi@icmfp.com description: 'Staturbar item which indicates how many new emails you have in the specified IMAP[S] mailbox' filename: mailcheck_imap.pl license: GNU GPLv2 modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 modules: IO::Socket::SSL name: mailcheck_imap url: http://icmfp.com/irssi version: 0.5 - authors: Marcin Rozycki contact: derwan@irssi.pl description: Adds statusbar item mailcount and displays info about new mails filename: mailcount.pl license: GNU GPL v2 modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 modules: Mail::MboxParser name: mailcount url: http://derwan.irssi.pl version: 1.4.5 - authors: 'Michael Kowalchuk, Nei' contact: michael.kowalchuk@gmail.com description: Shows a mIRC-style colour popup when you hit ^C. filename: mirc_colour_popup.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 name: mirc_colour_popup version: 1.1 - authors: Marcin Rozycki commands: se si sr unexcept uninvite unreop contact: derwan@irssi.pl description: 'Cache of invites, ban exceptions and reops in channel. Script commands: /si, /se, /sr, /unexcept, /uninvite, /unreop (version only for ircd >= 2.11.0).' filename: modelist-r.pl license: GNU GPL v2 modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 name: modelist-r url: http://derwan.irssi.pl version: 0.8.0-rc4 - authors: BC-bd commands: bw contact: bd@bc-bd.org description: Adds an item which displays the current network activity. Needs /proc/net/dev. filename: nact.pl license: GPL v2 or later modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 name: nact url: https://bc-bd.org/svn/repos/irssi/trunk/ version: 0.2.6 - authors: BC-bd contact: bd@bc-bd.org description: BitchX like Nickcompletion at line start plus statusbar filename: niq.pl license: GPL v2 modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 name: niq url: https://bc-bd.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=irssi.git;a=summary version: 0.5.7 - authors: Petr Baudis contact: pasky@ji.cz description: 'Reformats some server notices, which may come i.e. from &clients or &servers at IRCnet. You can turn the script on/off bytoggling variable mangle_server_notices.' filename: operview.pl license: 'GPLv2, not later' modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 name: operview url: http://pasky.ji.cz/~pasky/dev/irssi/ version: 1.11 - authors: Victor Ivanov commands: rohira rokata rorest contact: v0rbiz@yahoo.com description: Dynamic romaji binds filename: romajibind.pl license: BSD 2-clause modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 name: romajibind url: http://irssi.org/scripts/ version: 1.0b - authors: BC-bd contact: bd@bc-bd.org description: 'Displaye a small, changeing statusbar item to show irssi is still running' filename: rotator.pl license: GPL v2 modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 name: rotator url: https://bc-bd.org/svn/repos/irssi/trunk/ version: 0.2.1 - authors: 'Simon Ruderich, Tom Feist' contact: 'simon@ruderich.org, shabble+irssi@metavore.org' description: Displays current position in scrollback. filename: sb_position.pl license: GPLv3 or later modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 name: sb_position version: 0.1 - authors: Demonen contact: demmydemon@gmail.com description: Scrolls specified text on the status bar filename: scroller.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 name: scroller version: 0.02 - authors: Jari Matilainen contact: vague!#irssi@freenode on irc description: timezones displayer filename: timezones.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 modules: DateTime name: timezones url: http://gplus.to/vague version: 0.2 - authors: John Engelbrecht contact: jengelbr@yahoo.com description: BitchX's CrackRock3 animated prompt bar. filename: twprompt.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 name: twprompt.pl url: "http://irssi.darktalker.net\n" version: 1.00 - authors: MarshalMeatball commands: ag_add ag_botadd ag_botrem ag_clearcache ag_help ag_list ag_rem ag_reset ag_run ag_server ag_stop contact: mobilegundamseed@hotmail.com description: 'XDCC Autoget, for automated searching and downloading of xdcc packs' filename: xdcc_autoget.pl license: BeerWare Version 42 modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 modules: File::HomeDir Try::Tiny name: autoget version: 2.1 - authors: prussian commands: fullwidth contact: genunrest@gmail.com description: talk like some vaporwave cool kid filename: fullwidth.pl license: Apache 2.0 modified: 2017-04-11 22:11:42 name: fullwidth url: http://github.com/GeneralUnRest/ version: 1.2.0 - authors: Michael Hansen contact: 'mh on IRCnet #help' description: 'statusbar item that shows user count (opers, ops, halfops, voice and total) and limit info (with opless/limit warning) in channels' filename: mh_sbuserinfo.pl license: BSD modified: 2017-04-24 09:50:42 name: mh_sbuserinfo url: http://scripts.irssi.org / https://github.com/mh-source/irssi-scripts version: 1.06 - authors: Michael Hansen contact: 'mh on IRCnet #help' description: Emulation of ircII per-window hold_mode filename: mh_hold_mode.pl license: BSD modified: 2017-04-24 10:41:11 name: mh_hold_mode url: http://scripts.irssi.org / https://github.com/mh-source/irssi-scripts version: 1.08 - authors: Michael Hansen contact: 'mh on IRCnet #help' description: provides a statusbar item showing if your server is in splitmode and /splitmode to show details filename: mh_sbsplitmode.pl license: BSD modified: 2017-04-27 19:01:44 name: mh_sbsplitmode url: http://scripts.irssi.org / https://github.com/mh-source/irssi-scripts version: 1.08 - authors: cxreg comments: - 2019-02-10 contact: cxreg@pobox.com description: Switch to the window with the given name or item filename: go2.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2017-05-02 11:42:35 name: go2 url: http://genericorp.net/~count/irssi/go version: 1.1 - authors: Paweł 'Styx' Chuchmała contact: styx@irc.pl description: Show hilight messages in active window filename: showhilight.pl license: GNU GPLv2 modified: 2017-05-23 10:54:02 name: showhilight version: 0.2 - authors: 'Jeroen Coekaerts, Koenraad Heijlen' contact: 'vipie@ulyssis.org, jeroen@coekaerts.be' description: "An OnScreenDisplay (osd) it show's who is talking to you, on what IRC Network." filename: osd.pl license: BSD modified: 2017-06-12 23:56:49 name: osd url: http://vipie.studentenweb.org/dev/irssi/ version: 0.3.4 - authors: Grzegorz Jaskiewicz commands: ryawn yawn contact: gj@pointblue.com.pl description: yawners toy filename: ziew.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2017-09-02 11:31:26 name: ziew url: http://gj.pointblue.com.pl/projects/ziew version: 0.56 - authors: Peter 'kinlo' Leurs contact: peter@pfoe.be description: 'Show whatever needs your attention in active window, and cleans your windows afterwards. Also provides a hilight window. This is a combination of the hilightwin, noisyquery and showhilight scripts' filename: showinactive.pl license: GNU GPLv2 modified: 2017-09-06 16:07:03 name: showinactive version: 1.0 - authors: wilk commands: qdelay qhint qignore qinit qoff qon qpause qreload qremind qskip qstats qteams qtime qtype quiz contact: http://mail.quizpl.net description: irssi quiz script filename: iquiz.pl license: GNU GPL v3 or any later version modified: 2017-09-06 20:23:36 name: iQuiz url: http://iquiz.quizpl.net version: 170819 - authors: c0ffee commands: ls contact: c0ffee@penguin-breeder.org description: Use /ls to show all nicks (including ident@host) matching regex in the current channel filename: ls.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2017-09-17 06:18:46 name: List nicks in channel url: http://www.penguin-breeder.org/irssi/ version: 0.03 - authors: "Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum " description: 'set (un)away, if screen is attached/detached' filename: screen_away.pl license: GPL v2 modified: 2017-10-30 01:39:53 name: screen_away url: none version: - authors: ilbelkyr contact: 'ilbelkyr on freenode, ilbelkyr@shalture.org' description: Display account identification status changes using CAP account-notify filename: account-notify.pl license: 'CC0 1.0 ' modified: 2017-11-05 00:04:25 name: account-notify version: 1.01 - authors: 'xlony, Axel Gembe' commands: ipupdate contact: anderfdez@yahoo.es description: Auto "/set dcc_own_ip IP" on connect. filename: ipupdate.pl license: GPL modified: 2017-11-08 18:41:21 modules: HTTP::Request::Common LWP::UserAgent name: IPupdate version: 1.3 www: - http://ifconfig.co/ip - authors: 'Tijmen "timing" Ruizendaal, Matt "f0rked" Sparks' commands: db_typing contact: 'tijmen.ruizendaal@gmail.com, root@f0rked.com' description: '1. Adds an item to the status bar wich shows [typing] when someone is typing a message on the supported IM-networks 2. Sends typing notices to the supported IM networks (the other way arround). (For bitlbee 3.0+)' filename: bitlbee_typing_notice.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2017-11-17 16:21:26 name: BitlBee_typing_notice url: 'http://the-timing.nl/stuff/irssi-bitlbee, http://f0rked.com' version: 1.7.3 - authors: 'Wouter Coekaerts, Emanuele Giaquinta' contact: 'wouter@coekaerts.be, exg@irssi.org' description: 'search in your scrollback, scroll to a match' filename: sb_search.pl license: GPLv2 or later modified: 2017-11-20 11:40:40 name: sb_search url: http://wouter.coekaerts.be/irssi/ version: 1.2 - authors: Adam James contact: atj@pulsewidth.org.uk description: Emails you private messages sent while you're away. Useful in combination with screen_away. Requires Email::Sender. filename: email_privmsgs.pl license: MIT modified: 2017-11-21 23:52:33 modules: Email::Sender::Simple Email::Simple Email::Simple::Creator name: email_privmsgs url: http://git.pulsewidth.org.uk/?p=irssi-scripts.git;a=summary version: 0.6 - authors: vague contact: vague!#irssi@freenode on irc description: Identd script for irssi filename: identd.pl license: GPL2 modified: 2017-11-23 20:27:26 modules: autovivification name: identd url: https://vague.se version: 0.4 - authors: Christoffer Holmberg contact: skug+irssiscripts@skug.fi description: 'Strips the annoying mentions of your nickname via on irc<->discord bridge, will work for any bridge using botnick: ' filename: discord_unhilight.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2017-11-25 10:40:23 name: discord_unhilight.pl url: http://scripts.irssi.org & https://github.com/mskug/scrips.irssi.org/blob/master/scripts/discord_unhilight.pl version: 0.1b - authors: 'Mike Quin, Krytarik Raido' contact: 'mike@elite.uk.com, krytarik@tuxgarage.com' description: Print account and realname information on joins where extended-join is available filename: cap-extjoin.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2017-12-12 14:37:51 name: cap-extjoin url: https://github.com/mquin/irssi-scripts version: 0.9.0 - authors: bcattaneo commands: toilet contact: c@ttaneo.uy description: Simple toilet implementation for Irssi filename: toilet.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2017-12-23 14:14:40 name: toilet url: http://github.com/bcattaneo version: 1.1.0 - authors: 'Matt "f0rked" Sparks, Miklos Vajna' commands: anames contact: ms+irssi@quadpoint.org description: a /names display with away nicks coloured filename: anames.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2018-01-05 13:56:55 modules: Text::CharWidth name: anames url: http://quadpoint.org version: 1.8 - authors: Joost Vunderink (Garion) commands: dejunk contact: joost@vunderink.net description: Prevents all kinds of junk from showing up filename: dejunk.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2018-01-07 11:55:29 name: Dejunk url: http://www.garion.org/irssi/ version: 1.2 - authors: 'Timo Sirainen, Ian Peters, David Leadbeater, Bruno Cattáneo' commands: color contact: tss@iki.fi description: assign a different color for each nick filename: nickcolor.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2018-01-09 10:41:20 name: Nick Color url: http://irssi.org/ version: 2.1 - authors: ferret contact: 'ferret(tA)explodingferret(moCtoD), ferret on irc.freenode.net' description: whois on every query open (and only then) filename: query_whois.pl modified: 2018-01-11 11:02:11 name: query_whois url: http://explodingferret.com/linux/irssi/query_whois.pl version: 0.02 - authors: darix contact: darix@irssi.org description: oidentd support for irssi filename: oidenty.pl license: BSD License modified: 2018-01-21 21:18:19 name: oidenty url: http://www.irssi.de version: 0.0.3 - authors: Carsten Otto commands: mlbw contact: c-otto@gmx.de description: "Shows your mldonkey's current down- and upload rate" filename: mldonkey_bandwidth.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2018-01-23 14:20:51 modules: HTTP::Request::Common LWP::UserAgent name: mldonkey bandwidth script url: http://www.c-otto.de version: 20180123 - authors: 'Christian Brassat, Niall Bunting, Walter Hop and Frantisek Sumsal' comments: - 2019-06-02 - no filter for mode changed contact: irssi-smartfilter@spam.lifeforms.nl description: 'Improved smart filter for join, part, quit, nick messages' filename: smartfilter.pl license: BSD modified: 2018-01-30 08:20:44 name: smartfilter.pl url: https://github.com/lifeforms/irssi-smartfilter version: 0.4 - HIDDEN: 1 comments: - remove by ailin-nemui description: This script has been replaced with trackbar.pl. filename: trackbar22.pl modified: 2018-02-01 16:16:29 name: trackbar22 travisfail: 'LOAD,HDR' version: 2.5 - authors: John Runyon commands: testsms contact: https://github.com/zonidjan/irssi-scripts/issues description: send highlights via Twilio sms filename: smshilight.pl license: CC0 modified: 2018-02-12 03:58:36 modules: LWP::UserAgent name: smshi url: https://github.com/zonidjan/irssi-scripts version: 1.0 www: - https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/Messages.json - authors: "Timo 'cras' Sirainen, Mark 'znx' Sangster, Kimberly 'rummik' Zick" comments: - 2019-07-18 by blep#freenode - "-!- Irssi: Create a window named 'hilight'" - but there is no window named 'hilight' contact: 'tss@iki.fi, znxster@gmail.com, git@zick.kim' description: Print hilighted messages to window named "hilight" filename: hilightwin.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2018-02-12 13:35:15 name: hilightwin url: http://irssi.org/ version: 1.00 - authors: 'Juerd, Eevee' contact: '#####@juerd.nl' description: Scrolls to previous or next highlight filename: hlscroll.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2018-02-15 11:19:47 name: Scroll to hilights url: http://juerd.nl/site.plp/irssi version: 0.03 - authors: Geert Hauwaerts commands: azerty qwerty contact: geert@irssi.org description: This script will set the proper keybindings on /AZERTY and /QWERTY. filename: keybinds.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2018-02-19 23:54:10 name: keybindings.pl url: http://irssi.hauwaerts.be/keybindings.pl version: 0.02 - authors: David Leadbeater comments: - 'issue #306' - 'pull #483' contact: dgl@dgl.cx description: 'Print short summaries about URLs from known services that are mentioned on IRC. (Including YouTube, etc.)' filename: urlinfo.pl license: 'WTFPL ' modified: 2018-02-23 09:46:28 modules: HTML::TreeBuilder URI name: urlinfo url: http://dgl.cx/irssi version: 1.6 - authors: Timo 'cras' Sirainen comments: - check 2018-03-15 contact: tss@iki.fi description: Swap between green and white format for public messages. I think this helps readability. Assumes you haven't changed message formats. filename: colorswap.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2002-03-04 22:47:00 name: colorswap url: http://irssi.org/ version: 0.1 - authors: Sebastian 'yath' Schmidt comments: - check 2018-03-15 contact: yathen@web.de description: This scripts sends unknown commands to the server filename: dispatch.pl license: GNU GPLv2 modified: 2002-03-05 14:55:29 name: Command dispatcher version: 0.0.2 - authors: Juerd commands: figlet comments: - check 2018-03-15 contact: juerd@juerd.nl description: Safe figlet implementation (with color support!) filename: figlet.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2002-03-10 14:46:00 name: Figlet url: http://juerd.nl/irssi/ version: 1.14 - authors: Johan "Ion" Kiviniemi comments: - check 2018-03-15 contact: ion at hassers.org description: "Answers \"$nick: No.\" if you're away and someone asks are you online on a channel" filename: notonline.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2002-03-12 22:20:00 name: NotOnline url: http://ion.amigafin.org/irssi/ version: 0.9 - authors: Juerd comments: - check 2018-03-15 contact: juerd@juerd.nl description: This script really does nothing. Sorry. filename: null.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2002-03-10 02:14:00 name: Nothing at all url: http://juerd.nl/irssi/ version: 1.00 - authors: Simon Huggins commands: clear_buffer paste comments: - check 2018-03-15 contact: huggie-irssi@earth.li description: Paste reformats long pieces of text typically pasted into your client from webpages so that they fit nicely into your channel. Width of client may be specified filename: paste_huggie.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2002-03-09 10:59:49 name: Paste url: http://the.earth.li/~huggie/irssi/ version: 0.5 - authors: Juerd commands: calc comments: - check 2018-03-16 contact: juerd@juerd.nl description: Simple /calc mechanism filename: calc.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2002-03-19 11:00:00 name: Calculator url: http://juerd.nl/irssi/ version: 1.10 - authors: Johan "Ion" Kiviniemi comments: - check 2018-03-16 contact: ion at hassers.org description: Answers to /msg's using Chatbot::Eliza when you're away. filename: eliza.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2002-03-14 05:29:00 modules: Chatbot::Eliza name: Eliza url: http://ion.amigafin.org/scripts/ version: 1.0 - authors: Juerd comments: - check 2018-03-16 contact: juerd@juerd.nl description: Access script information filename: scriptinfo.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2002-03-19 11:00:00 name: Script Information url: http://juerd.nl/irssi/ version: 1.20 - authors: Rick (strlen) Jansen commands: snmpup comments: - check 2018-03-16 contact: strlen@shellz.nl description: This script queries remote hosts (/snmpup ) running snmpd for it's uptime and cpu usage filename: snmpup.pl license: GPL/2 modified: 2002-04-06 17:57:28 modules: Net::SNMP name: snmpup version: 2.00 - authors: Christian 'mordeth' Weber comments: - check 2018-03-17 contact: chris@mac.ruhr.de description: Auto-CTCP Verison on every joining nick filename: autoversion.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2002-08-21 00:00:00 name: autoversion url: '' version: 0.0.1 - authors: Timo Sirainen commands: country comments: - 'output zb /eval echo ${whois_country}' - check 2018-03-17 contact: tss@iki.fi description: Print the country name in /WHOIS replies filename: country.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2002-10-28 00:29:26 name: country version: 1.0.1 - authors: Petr Baudis comments: - check 2018-03-17 contact: pasky@ji.cz description: Generates simple tree of IRC network based on the output of the LINKS command. filename: map.pl license: 'GPLv2, not later' modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:09 name: map url: http://pasky.ji.cz/~pasky/dev/irssi/ version: 1.2 - authors: Maciek 'fahren' Freudenheim comments: - check 2018-03-18 contact: fahren@bochnia.pl description: Hilights window refnumber in statusbar if someone ops/deops you on channel filename: opnotify.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2002-03-15 15:09:42 name: opnotify version: 1.0 - authors: Maciek 'fahren' Freudenheim commands: rk comments: - check 2018-03-18 contact: fahren@bochnia.pl description: '/RK [-o | -l | -a] - kicks random nick from ops | lusers | all on channel' filename: rk.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2002-03-15 15:09:42 name: Random kicker version: 0.9 - authors: Maciek 'fahren' Freudenheim commands: tlock comments: - check 2018-03-18 contact: fahren@bochnia.pl description: '/TLOCK [-d] [channel] [topic] - locks current or specified topic on [channel]' filename: tlock.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2002-03-15 15:09:42 name: Topic Lock version: 1.1 - authors: Juerd comments: - check 2018-03-19 contact: juerd@juerd.nl description: Automatically switch to active windows filename: follow.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2002-03-19 11:00:00 name: Follower url: http://juerd.nl/irssi/ version: 1.10 - authors: Maciek 'fahren' Freudenheim comments: - '? 2018-03-18' - /whois bw* - black on black - confusing - check 2018-03-19 contact: fahren@bochnia.pl description: Hilights '@' in whois channel reply filename: whois.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2002-03-15 15:09:42 name: cwhois version: 1.0 - authors: Gerfried Fuchs commands: dekenny kenny comments: - check 2018-03-23 contact: alfie@channel.debian.de description: 'autodekennyfies /kenny, adds /kenny, /dekenny. Based on Jan-Pieter Cornets signature version' filename: kenny.pl license: BSD modified: 2002-06-13 00:00:00 name: kenny speech url: http://alfie.ist.org/projects/irssi/scripts/kenny.pl version: 2.3.1 - authors: Juerd contact: juerd@juerd.nl description: 'Saves the buffer for /upgrade, so that no information is lost' filename: buf.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2018-03-29 13:14:39 name: Scroll buffer restorer url: http://juerd.nl/irssi/ version: 3.00 - authors: 'JamesOff, Ion' comments: - check 2018-04-03 contact: james@jamesoff.net description: Replaces lines in ALL CAPS with something easier on the eyes filename: nocaps.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2002-03-22 12:34:38 name: nocaps url: http://www.jamesoff.net version: 1.01 - authors: Stefan Heinemann contact: stefan.heinemann@codedump.ch description: Simple script that highlights links filename: hilite_url.pl license: GPL modified: 2018-04-03 10:23:02 name: HiliteUrl url: http://senseless.codedump.ch version: 0.2 - authors: "Timo 'cras' Sirainen, Leszek Matok" comments: - check 2018-04-04 contact: lam@lac.pl description: 'Automatically rejoin to channel after being kicked, after a (short) user-defined delay' filename: autorejoin.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2017-09-26 02:40:01 name: autorejoin version: 1.1.0 - authors: Paul 'laaama' Raade comments: - check 2018-04-04 contact: paul\@raade.org description: Kickbans or knockouts people who use autorejoin on kick. filename: autorejoinpunish.pl license: BSD modified: 2002-05-02 22:04:48 name: Autorejoin punisher url: http://www.raade.org/~paul/irssi/scripts/ version: 0.3 - authors: Bjoern 'fuchs' Krombholz comments: - hard-coded data dir - talkatively - check 2018-04-04 contact: bjkro@gmx.de description: Log maximum number of people ever been in a channel filename: chanpeak.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2002-06-02 17:00:00 name: chanpeak version: 0.2.2 - authors: Maciek 'fahren' Freudenheim commands: cwho comments: - check 2018-04-04 contact: fahren@bochnia.pl description: 'Usage: /CWHO [-a | -l | -o | -v ] [ mask ]' filename: cwho.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2002-05-06 14:02:25 name: Cached WHO version: 1.1 - authors: ulbkold comments: - config in script 2018-04-03 - pull irssi/scripts.irssi.org#498 - crash irssi - pull irssi/scripts.irssi.org#499 contact: solaris@sundevil.de description: Removes annoying characters from nicks filename: washnicks.pl license: GPL modified: 2018-04-04 21:23:35 name: washnicks url: n/a version: 1.02 - authors: Marcin Rozycki commands: ascii colkick colme colquit colsay coltopic comments: - check 2018-04-05 contact: derwan@irssi.pl description: 'Ascii-art bassed on figlet. Available commands: /ASCII, /COLSAY, /COLME, /COLTOPIC, /COLKICK, /COLQUIT.' filename: ascii.pl license: GNU GPL v2 modified: 2002-06-21 17:17:53 name: ascii-art url: http://derwan.irssi.pl version: 1.6.3 - authors: Dominic Battre commands: qc comments: - check 2018-04-12 contact: dominic@battre.de description: 'Better quoting of content from clipboard (without leading spaces) -- requires Perl/Tk' filename: clipboard.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2002-12-06 23:23:31 modules: Tk name: Quoting from X clipboard url: http://www.battre.de version: 1.2 - authors: Marcus Rueckert commands: hide comments: - check 2018-05-01 contact: darix@irssi.de description: a little interface to irssi's activity_hide_* settings filename: hide.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2002-07-21 06:53:21 name: hide tools url: http://scripts.irssi.de/ version: 0.0.7 - authors: Tomasz Poradowski comments: - check 2018-05-04 contact: batonik@irc.pl description: Kicks people using cp1250 charset filename: cp1250_kick.pl license: GPL modified: 2002-09-28 12:58:26 name: cp1250_kick version: 1.3 - authors: 'Juerd, Shiar' commands: rot comments: - hat probleme mit umlaute - check 2018-05-04 contact: 'juerd@juerd.nl, shiar@shiar.org' description: Rot n+i encryption and decryption filename: foo.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2003-01-21 01:40:00 name: UeberRot encryption url: http://juerd.nl/site.plp/irssi version: 3.00 - authors: Mantis comments: - check 2018-05-08 contact: mantis@inta-link.com description: shows events happening in all channels you are in that may concern you filename: highlite.pl license: GNU GPL v2 modified: 2003-01-03 00:00:00 name: highlite url: http://www.inta-link.com/ version: 1.0 - authors: Grigori Goronzy comments: - check 2018-05-11 contact: greg@chown.ath.cx description: notices users who "plenk" filename: antiplenk.pl license: BSD modified: 2003-02-12 07:00:05 name: antiplenk url: http://chown.ath.cx/~greg/antiplenk/ version: 0.2.1 - authors: Marcin Rozycki commands: autocycle comments: - check 2018-05-11 contact: derwan@irssi.pl description: Auto regain ops in empty opless channels filename: autocycle.pl license: GNU GPL v2 modified: 2003-01-03 23:20:06 name: autocycle url: http://derwan.irssi.pl version: 0.4 - authors: Uwe 'duden' Dudenhoeffer comments: - check 2018-05-11 contact: script@duden.eu.org description: Notify if Channellimit is reached filename: chanfull_duden.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2003-02-08 18:08:54 name: chanfull url: '' version: 0.1 - authors: 'Leszek Matok, Andrzej Jagodziñski' comments: - latin2 - check 2018-05-11 contact: lam@lac.pl description: 'Simple wordkick system, with extended polish dictionary for channels enforcing correct polish.' filename: miodek.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2002-10-03 20:10:00 name: miodek version: 1.0.2 - authors: Wouter Coekaerts comments: - check 2018-05-11 contact: 'wouter@coekaerts.be, coekie@#irssi' description: (tab)complete irssi special variables (words that start with $) by evaluating them filename: special_complete.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2003-07-28 00:00:00 name: special_complete url: http://wouter.coekaerts.be/irssi/ version: 1.1 - authors: Marcin Rozycki commands: sync-check comments: - check 2018-05-11 contact: derwan@irssi.pl description: 'Script checking channel synchronization. Usage: /sync-check [channel (servers)|-stop]' filename: synccheck.pl license: GNU GPL v2 modified: 2002-08-09 23:00:00 name: sync-check url: http://derwan.irssi.pl version: - authors: Leszek Matok commands: wiilm wilm comments: - check 2018-05-11 contact: lam@lac.pl description: 'Provides /wilm and /wiilm commands, which do a whois on a person who sent you last private message' filename: wilm.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2002-10-03 14:00:00 name: wilm version: 1.0.1 - authors: JamesOff comments: - check 2018-05-12 contact: james@jamesoff.net description: Stops eggdrop passwords showing up filename: hideauth.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2002-06-04 20:56:00 name: hideauth url: http://www.jamesoff.net version: 1.01 - authors: Kalle 'rpr' Marjola comments: - check 2018-05-12 contact: marjola@iki.fi description: "Ignores any nick changes when only the case or special characters are modified, like 'rpr -> Rpr' or 'rpr_ -> rpr', with optional pattern for more complicated ignores" filename: nickignore.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2003-08-26 00:00:00 name: ignore (minimal) nick changes url: http://iki.fi/rpr/irssi/nickignore.pl version: 0.03 - authors: Geert Hauwaerts comments: - check 2018-05-13 contact: geert@irssi.org description: This script will display notify messages into the active window or broadcast it so all the windows. filename: active_notify.pl license: GNU General Public License modified: 2003-09-17 23:00:11 name: active_notify.pl url: http://irssi.hauwaerts.be/active_notify.pl version: 0.07 - authors: Jørgen Tjernø comments: - check 2018-05-13 contact: darkthorne@samsen.com description: 'Simple script that removes colors and other formatting (bold, etc) from public channels' filename: cleanpublic.pl license: GPL modified: 2003-09-24 13:17:15 name: CleanPublic url: http://mental.mine.nu version: 0.3 - authors: Geert Hauwaerts commands: fuckem comments: - check 2018-05-13 contact: geert@irssi.org description: Simulates the BitchX /FUCKEM command. Deop/Dehalfop everyone on the channel including you. filename: fuckem.pl license: GNU General Public License modified: 2003-09-17 23:00:11 name: fuckem.pl url: http://irssi.hauwaerts.be/fuckem.pl version: 0.05 - authors: Marcin Rozycki commands: 42.pl shortenurl comments: - check 2018-05-20 - 2021-01-08 - 42.pl Maintenance - 2021-01-12 - 42.pl Maintenance contact: derwan@irssi.pl description: shortenurl filename: shortenurl.pl license: GNU GPL v2 modified: 2004-06-26 19:17:02 modules: LWP::UserAgent name: shortenurl url: http://derwan.irssi.pl version: 0.7.1 www: - http://42.pl/url/?auto=1&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghGoI7xVtSI - authors: 'Kimmo Lehto, Marcus Rueckert' commands: timer contact: 'kimmo@a-men.org, darix@irssi.org' description: Provides /timer command for mIRC/BitchX type timer functionality. filename: timer.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2018-05-20 11:39:42 name: Timer version: 0.8 - authors: Thomas Karlsson commands: findbotactivesends findbotqueue findbotreload findbotremove findbotreset contact: findbot@planet.eu.org description: Public command @find script filename: findbot.pl license: GPL modified: 2018-05-22 13:10:54 name: Findbot url: http://hem.passagen.se/thka2315/ version: 1.58 - authors: Koenraad Heijlen comments: - 2018-05-11 - 'pull #507' contact: vipie@ulyssis.org description: A script that scrambles all the letters in a word except the first and last. filename: wordscramble.pl license: GNU GPL version 2 modified: 2018-05-22 22:22:59 name: word_scramble url: http://vipie.studentenweb.org/dev/irssi/wordscramble version: 0.0.3 - authors: Julius Michaelis commands: feed feed_test comments: - old version - bug 2018-04-14 - pull irssi/scripts.irssi.org#501 contact: iRRSi@liftm.de description: Parses and announces XML/Atom feeds filename: irssi-feed.pl license: GPLv3 modified: 2018-05-27 09:58:35 modules: XML::Feed name: iRSSi feed reader url: https://github.com/jcaesar/irssi-feed version: 20180414 - authors: Marcin Rozycki comments: - check 2018-06-15 contact: derwan@irssi.pl description: stops public repeating filename: norepeat.pl license: GNU GPL v2 modified: 2003-09-09 16:34:44 name: norepeat url: http://derwan.irssi.pl version: 0.5 - authors: Svante Kvarnström comments: - check 2018-06-17 contact: sjk@ankeborg.nu description: warns you if someone kicks you out of a channel filename: warnkick.pl license: GPL modified: 2004-09-28 03:51:00 name: warnkick url: http://ankeborg.nu version: 0.0.3 - authors: Geert Hauwaerts commands: nickserv ns contact: geert@irssi.org description: This script will authorize you into NickServ. filename: nickserv.pl license: GNU General Public License modified: 2018-06-27 19:10:40 name: nickserv.pl url: https://github.com/irssi/scripts.irssi.org/blob/master/scripts/nickserv.pl version: 1.12 - authors: 'Lars Djerf, Nei, Phoenix616' contact: 'lars.djerf@gmail.com, Nei @ anti@conference.jabber.teamidiot.de, Phoenix616 @ mail@moep.tv' description: 'Replace words between :...: in messages according to a text file. Was intended for Unicode Emoji on certain proprietary platforms.' filename: colon_emoji.pl license: GPLv3 modified: 2018-07-10 20:06:14 name: colon_emoji version: 0.3 - authors: Karl Siegemund comments: - check 2018-07-14 contact: 'q [at] spuk.de' description: Filters msgs which appear the same on different channels. filename: doublefilter.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2005-04-22 09:50:00 name: doublefilter version: 0.3 - authors: Marcin Rozycki commands: paste comments: - 2018-07-14 - 'pull #520' contact: derwan@irssi.pl description: 'Pasting lines to specified targets, type "/paste -help" for help' filename: paste_derwan.pl license: GNU GPL v2 modified: 2018-07-14 17:49:40 name: paste url: http://derwan.irssi.pl version: 1.1 - authors: Peder Stray comments: - check 2018-07-15 contact: peder@ninja.no description: Auto add channels to channel list on join filename: autochannel.pl license: GPL modified: 2007-09-20 08:58:11 name: autochannel url: http://ninja.no/irssi/autochannel.pl version: 1.2 - authors: Geert Hauwaerts comments: - 'issue #519' - check 2018-07-15 contact: geert@hauwaerts.be description: This script will notice your away message in response to a hilight. filename: away_hilight_notice.pl license: GNU General Public License modified: 2015-06-25 22:51:33 name: away_hilight_notice.pl url: https://github.com/GeertHauwaerts/irssi-scripts/blob/master/src/away_hilight_notice.pl version: 15.01.01 - authors: 'Wouter Coekaerts, Koenraad Heijlen' comments: - check 2018-07-15 contact: 'vipie@ulyssis.org, wouter@coekaerts.be' description: 'A verbose away script, displays a verbose away/back message in the channels you are in. BUT it can limit the channels (not spamming every channel!)' filename: away_verbose.pl license: GNU GPL version 2 modified: 2004-01-01 00:00:00 name: away_verbose url: http://vipie.studentenweb.org/dev/irssi/ version: 0.0.7 - authors: 'Aaron Toponce, Knut Auvor Grythe' comments: - check 2018-07-15 contact: 'aaron.toponce@gmail.com, irssi@auvor.no' description: Prints the timestamp in binary format filename: binary_time.pl license: GPL modified: 2008-06-16 10:12:35 name: binary_time version: 20060826 - authors: Cybertinus commands: hello comments: - check 2018-07-15 contact: cybertinus@cybertinus.nl description: This script allows you to greet the channel You're joining with the command /hello. The text it shows depends on the time you're living. filename: hello.pl license: GPL2 modified: 2005-05-25 13:42:00 name: Greeter version: 1.00 - authors: Geert Hauwaerts commands: hignore comments: - check 2018-07-15 contact: geert@irssi.org description: 'This script will add the HIGNORE command, if you use this command in a query it will ignore the host.' filename: hignore.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2003-09-17 23:51:38 name: hignore.pl url: http://irssi.hauwaerts.be/hignore.pl version: 0.02 - authors: Pieter-Bas IJdens commands: joininfo comments: - check 2018-07-15 contact: irssi-scripts@nospam.mi4.org.uk description: Reports WHOIS information and channel list for those who join a channel filename: joininfo.pl license: GPLv2 or later modified: 2005-03-10 00:00:00 name: joininfo url: http://pieter-bas.ijdens.com/irssi/ version: 1.0.0 - authors: '' commands: ownage comments: - 2018-07-15 - 'issue #521' contact: '' description: "shows how many channels you're joined and how many in them you're op, and\r\nhow many nicks are in those channels" filename: ownage.pl license: '' modified: 2018-07-15 18:05:48 name: ownage version: 20180715 - authors: Kevin Siml commands: pushignore pushtest contact: kevinsiml@googlemail.com description: Push hilights and private messages when away by the pushsafer.com API filename: pushsafer.pl license: BSD modified: 2018-08-21 08:30:47 modules: LWP::UserAgent name: pushsafer url: https://www.pushsafer.com version: 0.0.2 www: - https://www.pushsafer.com/api - authors: 'David Leadbeater, Timo Sirainen, Georg Lukas' contact: 'dgl@dgl.cx, tss@iki.fi, georg@boerde.de' description: Adds a usercount for a channel as a statusbar item filename: usercount.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2018-08-21 10:23:36 name: usercount url: http://irssi.dgl.cx/ version: 1.20 - authors: Maciek 'fahren' Freudenheim comments: - check 2018-08-26 contact: fahren@bochnia.pl description: '/BAN [channel] [-normal|-host|-user|-domain|-crap|-ip|-class -before|-after "cmd" nick|mask] ... - bans several nicks/masks on channel, removes any conflicting bans before banning' filename: ban.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2002-11-19 18:11:09 name: ban version: 1.4d - authors: Michiel v Vaardegem comments: - check 2018-08-27 contact: michielv@zeelandnet.nl description: show host kicks filename: showhost.pl license: GPL modified: 2003-12-08 19:23:51 name: showhost version: 0.2 - authors: Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek commands: topics comments: - check 2018-08-28 contact: stefan@pico.ruhr.de description: records a topic history and locks the channel topic filename: topics.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:11 name: topics url: http://irssi.org/scripts/ version: 2003020801 - authors: Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek commands: trustweb comments: - check 2018-08-28 contact: stefan@pico.ruhr.de description: Illustrates the trust between ops filename: trustweb.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:11 name: TrustWeb version: 2003020801 - authors: Peder Stray commands: upgradeinfo comments: - check 2018-08-28 contact: peder@ninja.no description: Statusbaritem notifying you about updated binary filename: upgradeinfo.pl license: GPL modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:09 name: upgradeinfo url: http://ninja.no/irssi/upgradeinfo.pl version: 1.7 - authors: Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek commands: verstats comments: - check 2018-08-28 contact: stefan@pico.ruhr.de description: Draws a diagram of the used clients in a channel filename: verstats.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:11 name: VerStats url: http://scripts.irssi.org version: 20030208 - authors: Jakub Jankowski commands: vme vsay vtopic comments: - check 2018-08-28 contact: shasta@atn.pl description: 'Silly script, removes vowels, idea taken from #linuxnews ;-)' filename: vowels.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:11 name: vowels url: http://irssi.atn.pl/ version: 1.0 - authors: Wouter Coekaerts comments: - check 2018-08-29 contact: wouter@coekaerts.be description: 'show modes in parts, quits, kicks, topic changes or actions, like show_nickmode does for public messages' filename: showmode.pl license: GPLv2 or later modified: 2007-07-28 00:00:00 name: showmode version: 0.3 - authors: 'Morten Lied Johansen, Jonas Berlin, Ossi Hakkarainen' contact: mortenjo@ifi.uio.no description: 'Prefix nicks with @ when completing nicks to match conventions on networks like Slack, Flowdock, Gitter etc' filename: slack_complete.pl license: GPL modified: 2018-08-29 00:46:06 name: slack_complete version: 2.0 - authors: Marcin Rozycki commands: mkick comments: - check 2018-09-02 contact: derwan@irssi.pl description: 'Masskick, usage: /mkick [-aovdln6 (hostmask)] <[:]reason>' filename: mkick.pl license: GNU GPL v2 modified: 2004-10-06 20:58:38 name: mkick url: http://derwan.irssi.pl version: 0.9 - authors: Taneli Kaivola comments: - libary - signal "channel mode changed" - check 2018-09-04 contact: dist@sci.fi description: 'Expand "event mode" and emit "event mode {channel,user,server} *"' filename: events.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2002-05-20 04:04:47 name: Extended events url: http://scripts.irssi.de version: 1.0 - authors: Adam Wysocki comments: - check 2018-09-05 contact: gophi efnet.pl description: Replaces polish national characters with their corresponding letters filename: nopl.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2005-05-10 16:12:32 name: nopl url: http://www.gophi.rotfl.pl/ version: 1.00 - authors: Antti Vähäkotamäki comments: - check 2018-09-06 description: Maintains a representation of window activity status in a file filename: activity_file.pl license: GNU General Public License modified: 2006-07-19 23:59:00 name: activity_file version: 1.00 - authors: Clemens Heidinger commands: len comments: - check 2018-09-06 contact: heidinger@dau.pl description: 'If you try to get a nick with 11 characters but only 9 are allowed, this script will prevent the nickchange. The same for too long topics, kickmsgs, partmsgs and quitmsgs.' filename: len.pl license: BSD modified: 2006-03-11 19:30:09 name: len version: 1.0.0 - authors: Antti Ruokomäki comments: - check 2018-09-06 contact: antti.ruokomaki@mbnet.fi description: 'If timestamp_timeout is used, the text will be indented when the stamp is hidden' filename: wisestamp.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2006-04-12 22:46:00 name: wisestamp version: 1.1 - authors: Nei commands: neatcolor description: colourise nicks filename: nickcolor_expando.pl license: GPL v2 modified: 2018-09-06 14:56:14 name: nickcolor_expando version: 0.4.0 - authors: Michael Kowalchuk commands: _spellcheck spell comments: - 2018-09-05 - '@mkowalchuk' - 'pull #526' contact: michael_kowalchuk@umanitoba.ca description: A spell checker for irssi. Hit alt+s and your line will echoed to the active window with mistakes underlined and suggestions noted. /spell is also provided. Requires Lingua::Ispell and Ispell. filename: spell.pl license: MIT modified: 2018-09-06 19:23:44 modules: Lingua::Ispell name: spell url: http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~umkowa17/ version: 1.1 - authors: John Engelbrecht comments: - bug 2018-09-07 - /set twtopic_size 5 -> crash - 'pull #529' contact: jengelbr@yahoo.com description: Animated Topic bar. filename: twtopic.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2018-09-08 10:00:39 name: twtopic.pl url: "http://irssi.darktalker.net\n" version: 1.02 - authors: Tijmen "timing" Ruizendaal commands: blist comments: - check 2018-09-09 - 'pull #619' contact: tijmen.ruizendaal@gmail.com description: '/blist , greps from blist for bitlbee' filename: bitlbee_blist.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2013-12-09 23:09:23 name: bitlbee_blist url: http://the-timing.nl/stuff/irssi-bitlbee version: 0.5 - authors: Timo Sirainen commands: mlock comments: - check 2018-09-09 description: Channel mode locking filename: mlock.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2002-03-10 23:18:00 name: mlock version: 1.00 - authors: Doncho N. Gunchev commands: id comments: - brocken - 2018-08-27 - '@mr700' - 'pull #530' contact: mr_700@yahoo.com description: "Automaticaly \x02/msg ident NS yourpassword\x02 when you connect or services come back from death" filename: UNIBG-autoident.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2018-09-10 18:52:09 name: UNIBG-autoident url: http://not.available.yet/ version: 0.2 - authors: Michael Kowalchuk comments: - https://wiki.mibbit.com/index.php/Hexip - check 2018-09-16 contact: michael_kowalchuk@umanitoba.ca description: 'Every time a WHOIS or WHOWAS is run, this script checks the ident and realname for a hex encoded IP address, then decodes it, reverses it, and adds it to the printed WHOIS/WHOWAS result. Useful for looking at CGI::IRC clients.' filename: whois_hexip.pl license: MIT modified: 2005-12-24 00:00:00 name: whois_hexip url: http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~umkowa17/junk/whois_hexip.pl version: 1.4 - authors: Geert Hauwaerts commands: fctcp comments: - 2018-09-17 - bug ? contact: geert@irssi.org description: This script sends fake ctcp replies to a client using a fake ctcp list. filename: fakectcp.pl license: GNU General Public License modified: 2018-09-17 14:39:59 name: fakectcp.pl url: http://irssi.hauwaerts.be/default.pl version: 1.04 - authors: Irssi staff commands: cubes contact: staff@irssi.org description: 256 colour test script for Irssi. filename: cubes.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2018-10-02 16:00:23 name: cubes url: https://irssi.org version: 1.0 - authors: Wouter Coekaerts commands: nicklist contact: coekie@irssi.org description: 'draws a nicklist to another terminal, or at the right of your irssi in the same terminal' filename: nicklist.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2018-10-02 22:23:16 name: nicklist url: http://wouter.coekaerts.be/irssi version: 0.4.12 - authors: Nei contact: Nei @ anti@conference.jabber.teamidiot.de description: Adds a command to navigate to the previously active windows and an optional shortcut to go back when you try to switch to the current window. Think /window last² filename: jump.pl license: ISC modified: 2018-11-07 12:19:46 name: jump url: http://anti.teamidiot.de/ version: 1.1 - authors: Nei contact: Nei @ anti@conference.jabber.teamidiot.de description: 'Saves the commands you typed in the input prompt to a history file, so that they persist across /upgrade and restart.' filename: savecmdhist.pl license: ISC modified: 2018-11-07 14:02:31 name: savecmdhist url: http://anti.teamidiot.de/ version: 1.0 - authors: Uli Baumann contact: f-zappa@irc-muenster.de description: Disables hilighting for messages containing a lot of nicknames filename: mass_hilight_blocker.pl license: GPL modified: 2018-11-11 16:14:40 name: mass_hilight_blocker version: 0.4 - authors: Adrian Keet & John Sullivan comments: - 11:50 <+woky> Hello. I'm currently using server_time.pl script for server-time extension to get correct time from bouncer. It's super slow when fetching week old messages from some Freenode channels. - | Day changed to 11 Jun 2021 14:43 < Rodon> i used servertime.pl(ircv3) ..it automatically shoots up ram usage..even more than irssi itself ! though i am using it .. but i hope irssi would make ircv3 specs within part of core as other clients have done to reduce resource consumption ... 14:48 < Rodon> oh i just checked gitbuild already doing that.. thats awesome.. though servertime not yet implemented ... contact: johnsullivan.pem@gmail.com description: Implements the IRCv3 "server-time" capability filename: server_time.pl license: MIT modified: 2018-11-24 12:46:20 modules: DateTime DateTime::TimeZone name: server_time url: https://github.com/itsjohncs/irssi-server-time version: 1.0 - authors: Larry "Vizzie" Daffner commands: autoaway contact: vizzie@airmail.net description: Automatically goes away after defined inactivity filename: autoaway.pl license: BSD modified: 2018-12-02 10:47:21 name: Automagic away setting url: http://www.flamingpackets.net/~vizzie/irssi/ version: 0.5 - authors: ferret commands: logtail logview comments: - check 2018-12-14 contact: 'ferret(tA)explodingferret(moCtoD), ferret on irc.freenode.net' description: print last n lines of logs when opening queries/channels filename: logresume.pl modified: 2016-04-04 08:02:24 name: logresume url: http://explodingferret.com/linux/irssi/logresume.pl version: 0.6 - authors: Nei contact: Nei @ anti@conference.jabber.teamidiot.de description: Indicator for input prompt if you are inputting a command or text filename: cmdind.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2018-12-18 17:40:02 name: cmdind url: http://anti.teamidiot.de/ version: 1.1 - authors: ak commands: akftp comments: - check 2018-12-23 contact: ocb23@freenet.removethis.de description: Full configurable FTP advertiser for Irssi filename: akftp.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:09 name: ak FTP-Ad url: http://members.tripod.com.br/archiv/ version: 1.4 - authors: Christian 'mordeth' Weber commands: alamer comments: - check 2018-12-23 contact: mordeth\@mac.com description: Converts towards lame speech filename: alame.pl license: GPL v2 modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:09 name: alame url: http:// version: 0.0.1 - authors: Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek comments: - check 2018-12-23 contact: stefan@pico.ruhr.de description: Another auto away script filename: anotherway.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:11 name: anotherway version: 2003010201 - authors: Terry Lewis commands: start stop comments: - check 2018-12-23 contact: terry@kryogenic.co.uk description: This script Reminds people to do stuff! :) filename: autoreminder.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:11 name: Auto Reminder version: 0.01 - authors: Jan 'fissie' Sembera comments: - check 2018-12-23 contact: fis@ji.cz description: Configurable badword kickbanning script filename: badword.pl license: GPL v2 and any later modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:09 name: badword url: http://fis.bofh.cz/devel/irssi/ version: 0.0.3 - authors: Stefan Jakobs commands: fcountry comments: - check 2018-12-23 contact: stefan.jakobs@rus.uni-stuttgart.de description: Print the country name in /WHOIS replies filename: fcountry.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2008-05-11 20:20:00 modules: Geography::Countries IP::Country::Fast name: fast_country version: 1.0.0 - authors: Simon 'corecode' Schubert comments: - 2018-12-23 - '@corecode' - 'pull #567' contact: corecode@corecode.ath.cx description: Only beep when you are away filename: beepaway.pl license: BSD modified: 2018-12-23 22:07:33 name: beepaway version: 2018122301 - authors: Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek commands: bestoiber comments: - check 2018-12-26 contact: stefan@pico.ruhr.de description: stoibers your messages filename: bestoiber.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:09 name: BeStoiber url: '' version: 2003020801 - authors: Carl Fischer commands: binary unbinary comments: - check 2018-12-26 contact: carl.fischer@netcourrier.com description: 'adds /binary command that converts what you type into 2-base string representation, also decodes other peoples binary automatically' filename: binary.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:11 name: binary version: 1.2 - authors: 'Daniel K. Gebhart, Marcus Rückert' commands: bmi comments: - check 2018-12-26 contact: 'dkg@con-fuse.org, darix@irssi.org' description: a simple body mass index calculator for depression ;) filename: bmi.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:09 name: BMI Calculator url: http://dkg.con-fuse.org/irssi/scripts/ version: 2002121801 - authors: Joern 'Wulf' Heissler comments: - check 2018-12-26 contact: wulf@wulf.eu.org description: Notifies the user when some channel limit is reached filename: chanfull.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:09 name: chanfull url: '' version: 2003011700 - authors: Peder Stray commands: chansort comments: - check 2018-12-26 contact: peder@ninja.no description: Sort all channel and query windows filename: chansort.pl license: GPL modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:09 name: chansort url: http://ninja.no/irssi/chansort.pl version: 1.4 - authors: Jakub Jankowski commands: chops nops comments: - check 2018-12-26 contact: shasta@atn.pl description: Simulates BitchX's /CHOPS and /NOPS commands. filename: chops.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:11 name: chops url: http://irssi.atn.pl/ version: 20020223 - authors: Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek commands: crapbuster comments: - check 2018-12-26 contact: stefan@pico.ruhr.de description: Removes CRAP or CLIENTCRAP messages from your buffer filename: crapbuster.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:09 name: CRAPbuster version: 2003020801 - authors: Jakub Jankowski comments: - check 2018-12-26 contact: shasta@atn.pl description: Allows your client to automatically set desired chanmode upon a join to an empty channel. filename: defaultchanmode.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:11 name: Default Chanmode url: http://irssi.atn.pl/ version: 1.1 - authors: Marcel Kossin comments: - check 2018-12-26 contact: mkossin@enumerator.org description: A Dice Simulator for Roleplaying in Channels or just for fun. filename: dice.pl license: GNU GPL Version 2 or later modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:09 name: dice url: 'http://www.enumerator.org/component/option,com_docman/task,view_category/Itemid,34/subcat,7/' version: 0.00.04 - authors: David Leadbeater comments: - check 2018-12-26 contact: dgl@dgl.cx description: |- Extends the /foreach command to have /foreach user (users in a channel). Syntax: /foreach user [hostmask] command. filename: foreach_user.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:11 name: foreach user url: http://irssi.dgl.cx/ version: 1.0 - authors: Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek commands: forward comments: - check 2018-12-30 contact: stefan@pico.ruhr.de description: forward incoming messages to another nick filename: forward.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:09 name: Forward url: http://irssi.org/scripts/ version: 2003071904 - authors: Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek commands: demorse despell morse spell comments: - check 2018-12-30 contact: stefan@pico.ruhr.de description: turns your messages into morse or spelling code filename: morse.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:11 name: morse version: 2004021901 - authors: Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek commands: idle comments: - check 2018-12-31 contact: stefan@pico.ruhr.de description: Retrieves the idletime of any nick filename: idletime.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:11 name: idletime url: '' version: 20030208 - authors: 'original idea by valvoline, irssi porting by pallotron' commands: about erasepass greets manual setpass validate verify comments: - 2018-12-31 - 'pull #568' contact: pallotron@freaknet.org description: Have gpg-based trusting features in your irssi client! filename: gpgvalidator.pl license: GPL v2 modified: 2018-12-31 13:43:04 name: gpgvalidator v. 0.1.3 url: http://www.freaknet.org/~pallotron version: 0.1.3 - authors: Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek commands: multipaste comments: - check 2019-01-05 contact: stefan@pico.ruhr.de description: Helps pasting multiple lines to a channel filename: multipaste.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:11 name: multipaste url: '' version: 2003120617 - authors: Petr Baudis commands: nickmix comments: - '@pasky' - check 2019-01-05 contact: pasky@ji.cz description: Perturbates given nick (or just a word) in certain way. filename: nickmix_pasky.pl license: 'GPLv2, not later' modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:09 name: nickmix url: http://pasky.ji.cz/~pasky/dev/irssi/ version: 1.2 - authors: Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek comments: - 2019-01-05 - 'pull #570' contact: stefan@pico.ruhr.de description: Keeps track of the channel mood filename: mood.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2019-01-05 10:14:23 name: Mood version: 20190105 - authors: Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek commands: openurl comments: - check 2019-01-06 contact: stefan@pico.ruhr.de description: 'Stores URLs in a list and launches mail, web or ftp software' filename: openurl.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:11 name: OpenURL url: http://scripts.irssi.org version: 20030208 - authors: Mankeli commands: pelix comments: - check 2019-01-06 contact: mankeli@einari.org description: This script allows you flood shit. filename: pelix.pl license: GNU/GPL modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:11 name: '#pelix Helpers' version: 0.3 - authors: "Maciek Freudenheim, Marco d'Itri" commands: ppl comments: - check 2019-01-06 contact: 'fahren@bochnia.pl, md@linux.it' description: port of asmodean's /ppl command from skuld3 filename: ppl.pl license: GPL v2 modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:09 name: ppl url: http://www.linux.it/~md/irssi/ version: 20020128 - authors: David Leadbeater comments: - check 2019-01-06 contact: dgl@dgl.cx description: Resizes a split window when it is made active (see comments in script for details) filename: resize_split.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:11 name: resize_split url: http://irssi.dgl.cx/ version: 1 - authors: Victor Ivanov commands: romaji comments: - check 2019-01-07 contact: v0rbiz@yahoo.com description: translates romaji to hiragana or katakana in text enclosed in ^R filename: romaji.pl license: BSD 2-clause modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:11 name: romaji url: http://irssi.org/scripts/ version: 1.0b3 - authors: Mariusz 'Craig' Ciesla commands: rot13 unrot13 comments: - check 2019-01-07 contact: craig@fish.mac.edu.pl description: ROT13 encoding and reverse :) filename: rot13.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:09 name: rot13 version: 2003121202 - authors: 'jwz, irssified by Mikachu' commands: scrmable comments: - check 2019-01-07 contact: Mikachu @ freenode description: wtires lkie tihs filename: scrmable.pl license: as is modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:11 name: scrmable version: 1.01 - authors: Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk commands: forget listen say_seen seen comments: - check 2019-01-08 contact: qrczak@knm.org.pl description: Tell people when other people were online filename: seen.pl license: GPL modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:11 name: Seen url: http://qrnik.knm.org.pl/~qrczak/irssi/seen.pl version: 1.8 - authors: Jonne Piittinen commands: smiley comments: - check 2019-01-08 contact: jip@loota.org description: Very useful smiley-flooder filename: smiley.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:11 name: Smiley version: 0.69 - authors: Daemon @ ircd.foxchat.net comments: - check 2019-01-08 description: Oper script to kill Spam Bots. filename: spambot.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:09 name: Spam Bot Killer version: 1.2 - authors: "Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek, shabble" comments: - check 2019-01-08 contact: 'stefan@pico.ruhr.de, shabble@#irssi/Freenode' description: Replaces \t TAB characters with contents of /set tabstop_replacement filename: tab_stop.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2020-03-22 18:15:22 name: tab_stop version: 2011052400 - authors: Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek commands: target comments: - check 2019-01-08 contact: stefan@pico.ruhr.de description: advances IRC warfare to the next level ;) filename: target.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:09 name: Target url: http://scripts.irssi.org version: 2003020801 - authors: Clément "nodens" Hermann commands: xcmd comments: - '@nodens' - http://clement.hermann.free.fr/#Scripts - check 2019-01-13 contact: clement.hermann@free.fr description: makes Undernet's X commands easier and faster to use filename: xcmd.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:11 name: Xcmd version: 0.2 - authors: Matthäus 'JonnyBG' Wander comments: - check 2019-01-13 contact: jbg@swznet.de description: Better readable listing of channel names filename: xlist.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:09 name: xlist url: http://jbg.swznet.de/xlist/ version: 1.00 - authors: BC-bd commands: thankop comments: - check 2019-01-14 contact: bd@bc-bd.org description: Remembers the last person oping you on a channel filename: thankop.pl license: GPL v2 modified: 2008-05-22 09:10:50 name: thankop url: https://bc-bd.org/svn/repos/irssi/trunk/ version: 0.1.7 - authors: aluser commands: autovoice comments: - 2019-01-14 - 'pull #574' description: autovoice filename: autovoice.pl license: GPL modified: 2019-01-14 16:25:50 name: autovoice version: 0.06 - authors: Ilya Cassina commands: elist comments: - check 2019-01-15 contact: icassina@gmail.com description: 'This script allow advanced parametrization of the /list command. Accepted parameters are -minusers <#users> and -maxusers <#users>. ' filename: elist.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2019-05-09 10:26:14 name: Enanched LIST version: 1.1 - authors: bw1 and others comments: - 'see pull #516' - 'mineo/scripts.irssi.org #1' - 'pull #594' contact: bw1@aol.at description: turns 'll' and 'ls' in the beginning of a sent line into the names or whois commands filename: oops.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2019-01-15 15:07:59 name: oops version: 20180707 - authors: Bitt Faulk comments: - für irssi v0.8.15 - check 2019-01-16 contact: lxsfx3h02@sneakemail.com description: Automatically wraps long sent messages into multiple shorter sent messages filename: autowrap.pl license: BSD modified: 2008-05-25 14:51:58 name: autowrap url: none version: 2007031900 - authors: Daniel "dubkat" Reidy comments: - check 2019-01-19 contact: dubkat@dubkat.org (www.dubkat.org) description: |- Reformats CallerID (+g) Messages (Also known as Server-Side Ignore) on Hybrid & Ratbox IRCDs (EFnet) to be Easier on the Eyes filename: callerid.pl license: GPL modified: 2008-05-17 17:39:11 name: callerid url: http://scripts.irssi.org/ version: 1.0 - authors: Daenyth comments: - check 2019-01-19 contact: Daenyth /at/ gmail /dot/ com description: 'When using tab completion on an empty input buffer, complete to the nick of the person who spoke most recently.' filename: complete_lastspoke.pl license: GPL2 modified: 2008-12-07 19:07:31 name: Complete Last-Spoke version: 2.1 - authors: apic comments: - check 2019-01-19 contact: apic@IRCnet description: script to show ignored message in censored form filename: ignorsula.pl license: public domina modified: 2009-07-26 16:00:03 name: ignorsula url: http://irssi.apic.name/ignorsula.pl version: 1.999999999543675475473856-FDIV-final - authors: BC-bd commands: ircops comments: - check 2019-01-19 contact: bd@bc-bd.org description: '/IRCOPS - Display IrcOps in current channel' filename: ircops.pl license: GPL v2 modified: 2008-06-16 10:46:07 name: ircops url: https://bc-bd.org/svn/repos/irssi/trunk/ version: 0.1 - authors: Wouter Coekaerts commands: mouse mouse_xterm comments: - check 2019-01-19 contact: wouter@coekaerts.be description: control irssi using mouse clicks and gestures filename: mouse.pl license: GPLv2 or later modified: 2021-03-05 18:26:50 name: mouse url: http://wouter.coekaerts.be/irssi/ version: 1.1.2 - authors: c0ffee commands: nickmix stopmix comments: - check 2019-01-19 contact: c0ffee@penguin-breeder.org description: 'Perturbates your nick, use /nickmix nick/len where len is the number of chars you want to keep from your orig nick. use /stopmix to stop. Always issue the commands in a window of the server you want to mix in.' filename: nickmix-c0ffee.pl license: 'GPLv2, not later' modified: 2008-06-18 00:09:21 name: nickmix-c0ffee url: http://www.penguin-breeder.org/irssi/ version: v0.1 - authors: Juerd commands: autostuff comments: - check 2019-01-22 contact: '#####@juerd.nl' description: 'Save current servers, channels and windows for autoconnect and autojoin' filename: autostuff.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2010-10-24 14:35:00 name: autostuff url: http://juerd.nl/site.plp/irssi version: 0.02 - authors: Magnus Woldrich contact: m@japh.se description: Ignore the blob of text displayed when (re)joining a channel filename: ignore_join_blob.pl license: MIT modified: 2019-01-24 09:01:46 name: ignore_join_blob version: 0.02 - authors: Timo 'cras' Sirainen commands: dns comments: - bug no ipv6 - by wMw freenode#irssi - 2018-12-31 - 'pull #578' contact: tss@iki.fi description: /DNS || ... filename: dns.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2019-01-24 16:31:43 name: dns url: http://irssi.org/ version: 2.2 - authors: Kaveh Moini commands: mg mg_cancel mg_reset comments: - check 2019-01-27 contact: campanastra@gmail.com description: 'DCC MultiGet, for fetching from XDCC bots' filename: mg.pl license: 'ccBSD, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/BSD/' modified: 2009-08-13 21:43:12 name: mg version: 20090813 - authors: Rocco Caputo commands: ack ack_add ack_del ack_sorts ack_spoke comments: - check 2019-01-29 contact: rcaputo@cpan.org description: 'Jump to the next active window, with tiebreakers.' filename: ack.pl license: Perl modified: 2012-03-07 13:20:23 name: ack url: (none yet) version: 0.0000 - authors: BC-bd comments: - check 2019-01-29 contact: bd@bc-bd.org description: Hide duplicate lines filename: repeat.pl license: GPL v2 modified: 2012-08-30 11:52:40 name: repeat url: http://bc-bd.org/blog/irssi/ version: 0.2.0 - authors: Ivo Schooneman commands: ume usay comments: - 2019-01-30 - ein problem mit umlauten - 'pull #579' contact: ivo@schooneman.net description: Plugin to place text upsidedown filename: upsidedown.pl license: GNU GPLv2 modified: 2019-01-30 18:12:38 modules: Text::UpsideDown name: upsidedown url: https://github.com/Ivo-tje/Irssi-plugin-upsidedown version: 0.3 - authors: Robert Scheck commands: schwäbisch comments: - 2019-01-07 - 'pull #571' contact: irssi@robert-scheck.de description: '/schwäbisch - translates your messages from german to swabian' filename: schwaebisch.pl license: GNU GPL v2 modified: 2019-01-30 22:52:13 name: Schwaebisch url: http://ftp.robert-scheck.de/linux/irssi/scripts/ version: 1.0.1 - authors: David Leadbeater commands: on comments: - BUG - '@dgl' - 'pull #581' contact: dgl@dgl.cx description: "/on command - this is very simple and not really designed to be the same as ircII - it tries to fit into Irssi's usage style more than emulating ircII." filename: on.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2019-02-06 22:21:41 name: on.pl url: http://irssi.dgl.cx/ version: 1.13 - authors: Thiago de Arruda contact: tpadilha84@gmail.com description: displays a list of nicks in a separate tmux pane filename: tmux-nicklist-portable.pl license: WTFPL modified: 2019-02-07 00:08:18 name: tmux-nicklist version: 0.1.8 - authors: 'Valentin Batz, Nico R. Wohlgemuth' commands: banaffects comments: - check 2019-02-09 - '@vb-linetco' contact: 'senneth@irssi.org, nico@lifeisabug.com' description: Shows affected nicks by a ban on a new ban and defends yourself because IRC is serious. filename: banaffects.pl modified: 2012-10-27 01:57:13 name: banaffects_sd url: http://nico.lifeisabug.com/irssi/scripts/ version: 1.2 - authors: Fogel commands: mute next np pause play prev rhythmbox_help unmute vdown vol vup comments: - check 2019-02-09 contact: fogel@fogel.netmark.pl description: Rhythmbox now playing script filename: rhythmbox.pl license: BSD modified: 2009-06-16 23:11:03 name: rhythmbox url: www.fogel.com.pl version: 1.30 - authors: Nico R. Wohlgemuth commands: levelclear comments: - check 2019-02-10 contact: nico@lifeisabug.com description: Similar to crapbuster.pl but uses irssis internal scrollback levelclear functionality and is able to clear the previous window automatically after having switched to a new one when levelclear_autoclear is set to true. filename: levelclear.pl license: WTFPL modified: 2014-06-15 17:10:05 name: levelclear url: http://scripts.irssi.org/ version: 1.1 - authors: 'Ben Klein, based on noticemove by Timo Sirainen' comments: - check 2019-02-10 contact: shacklein@gmail.com description: Print private notices in query/channel where you're talking to them. Prefers active window if they're there with you. filename: noticelogic.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-07-10 09:21:39 name: notice logic url: http://irssi.org/ version: 2.0 - authors: Cyprien Debu commands: procmaillog comments: - check 2019-02-10 contact: frey@notk.org description: Gets new mails from procmail.log file filename: procmaillog.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-06-21 08:47:21 modules: Log::Procmail MIME::Words name: procmaillog url: '' version: 2.02 - authors: "Maciek 'fahren' Freudenheim, David Leadbeater" commands: sping comments: - check 2019-02-10 contact: fahren@bochnia.pl description: '/SPING [server] - checks latency between current server and [server]' filename: sping.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2014-06-15 19:18:39 name: Server Ping version: 1.0 - authors: Trevor "tee" Slocum comments: - check 2019-02-10 contact: tslocum@gmail.com description: Goto a window by its reference number with /## filename: winnum.pl license: GPLv3 modified: 2014-08-01 15:27:47 name: WinNum url: https://github.com/tslocum/irssi-scripts version: 1.0.0 - authors: Bjoern 'fuchs' Krombholz comments: - check 2019-02-11 contact: bjkro@gmx.de description: Split overlong PRIVMSGs to msgs with length allowed by ircd filename: splitlong.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-08-07 02:00:52 name: splitlong version: 0.20 - authors: David Leadbeater commands: charblocks unicode comments: - check 2019-02-11 contact: dgl@dgl.cx description: Get infomation about unicode characters filename: unicode.pl license: 'WTFPL ' modified: 2014-10-13 14:00:00 name: unicode url: http://dgl.cx/irssi version: 2 - authors: "David O'Rourke, Karl Siegemund" commands: whitelist comments: - check 2019-02-11 contact: 'phyber [at] #irssi, q [at] spuk.de' description: Whitelist specific nicks or hosts and ignore messages from anyone else. filename: whitelist.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2014-08-07 02:00:52 name: whitelist version: 1.0 - authors: Trevor "tee" Slocum commands: autocleared cleared comments: - 2019-02-10 - '@tslocum' - 'pull #584' contact: tslocum@gmail.com description: Automatically clears pending input when you are away. filename: autoclearinput.pl license: GPLv3 modified: 2019-02-11 10:29:06 name: AutoClearInput url: https://github.com/tslocum/irssi-scripts version: 1.0.2 - authors: Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek commands: ircsec comments: - 2018-07-15 - 'pull #575' contact: stefan@pico.ruhr.de description: secures your conversation filename: ircsec.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2019-02-11 13:59:43 modules: Crypt::CBC name: IRCSec version: 20190114 - authors: Daniel Kalør (Xnybre) comments: - check 2019-02-12 contact: irssi@kalor.dk description: Print window activity to a fifo filename: act_fifo.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2014-10-17 18:30:46 name: act_fifo version: 1.1 - authors: BC-bd commands: ai comments: - check 2019-02-12 contact: bd@bc-bd.org description: Puts people on ignore if they do a public away. See source for options. filename: ai.pl license: GPL v2 modified: 2014-10-17 18:30:46 name: ai url: https://bc-bd.org/svn/repos/irssi/trunk/ version: 0.3 - authors: Maciek 'fahren' Freudenheim comments: - check 2019-02-12 contact: fahren@bochnia.pl description: Antyidler with random time filename: aidle.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2014-10-17 18:30:46 name: Antyidler version: 1.1b - authors: Erkki Seppälä commands: armeija comments: - check 2019-02-12 contact: flux@inside.org description: 'Ignores people bringin up boring/repeated subjects, plus replies.' filename: armeija.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-10-17 18:30:46 name: Armeija Ignore url: http://xulfad.inside.org/~flux/software/irssi/ version: 0.4 - authors: Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum comments: - double - check 2019-02-12 contact: ads@ufp.de description: /WHOIS all the users who send you a private message. filename: auto_whois.pl license: GPL modified: 2014-10-17 18:30:46 name: auto_whois url: http://irssi.org/ version: 0.9 - authors: Timo 'cras' Sirainen comments: - double - check 2019-02-12 contact: tss@iki.fi description: /WHOIS all the users who send you a private message. filename: autowhois.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-10-17 18:30:46 name: autowhois url: http://irssi.org/ version: 1.1 - authors: Janne Mikola comments: - double - check 2019-02-12 contact: janne@mikola.info description: /WHOIS anyone querying you automatically. filename: autowhois_simple.pl license: GPL modified: 2014-10-17 18:30:46 name: autowhois_simple url: http://www.mikola.info version: 0.1 - authors: David Leadbeater comments: - 2019-02-12 - 'pull #586' contact: dgl@dgl.cx description: does an autolimit for a channel filename: autolimit.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2019-02-12 20:48:07 name: autolimit url: http://irssi.dgl.cx/ version: 1.01 - authors: Toni Salomäki commands: autoop_add autoop_check autoop_del autoop_dynamic autoop_load autoop_save autoop_show comments: - check 2019-02-13 contact: Toni@IRCNet description: Auto-op script with dynamic address support and random delay filename: autoopper.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2014-10-17 18:30:46 name: autoopper url: http://vinku.dyndns.org/irssi_scripts/ version: 3.7 - authors: 'Jean-Yves Lefort, Larry "Vizzie" Daffner, Kees Cook' comments: - check 2019-02-13 contact: 'jylefort@brutele.be, vizzie@airmail.net, kc@outflux.net' description: 'Away with reason, unaway, and autoaway' filename: away.pl license: BSD modified: 2014-10-17 18:30:46 name: away version: 0.23 - authors: Oskari 'Okko' Ojala comments: - check 2019-02-13 contact: sorter.irssi-scripts@okko.net description: Write /away information to a file to be used on web pages filename: away2web.pl license: BSD modified: 2014-10-17 18:30:46 name: away2web version: 2003100201 - authors: Jean-Yves Lefort comments: - check 2019-02-13 - 'vague: beep.pl may not work' contact: 'jylefort\@brutele.be, decadix on IRCNet' description: Replaces your terminal bell by a command specified via /set; adds a beep_when_not_away setting filename: beep.pl license: BSD modified: 2014-10-17 20:34:00 name: beep url: http://void.adminz.be/irssi.shtml version: 1.01 - authors: Georg Lukas comments: - check 2019-02-13 contact: georg@op-co.de description: 'runs arbitrary command instead of system beep, includes flood protection' filename: beep_beep.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-10-17 20:34:00 name: beep_beep url: http://op-co.de/irssi/ version: 0.10 - authors: Timo 'cras' Sirainen commands: chanshare comments: - 2019-02-13 - 'pull #587' contact: tss@iki.fi description: '/CHANSHARE - display people who are in more than one channel with you' filename: chanshare.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2019-02-13 21:13:53 name: chan share url: http://irssi.org/ version: 0.4 - authors: 'From irssi source, modified by David Leadbeater (dg)' commands: clones comments: - check 2019-02-14 description: '/CLONES - Display clones in the active channel (with added options)' filename: clones.pl license: Same as Irssi modified: 2014-10-17 20:34:00 name: clones url: http://irssi.dgl.cx/ version: 2.01 - authors: Matti 'qvr' Hiljanen commands: dccstat comments: - check 2019-02-17 contact: matti\@hiljanen.com description: 'Shows verbose or short information of dcc send/gets on statusbar (speed, size, eta etc.)' filename: dccstat.pl license: 'GPL, Version 2' modified: 2014-10-17 20:34:00 name: dccstat url: http://matin.maapallo.org/softa/irssi version: 1.52 - authors: 'ak5, bw1' comments: - 2019-02-17 - 'pull #589' contact: meister@hq.kroenk.remove-this-because-of-spam.de description: 'This script sets dcc_own_ip when starting a DCC send or chat.set dcc_ip_interface to your external interface, f.e. ppp0.If you are connecting though a router, set it to "router"' filename: dcc_ip.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2019-02-17 21:08:42 name: dcc_ip url: http://hq.kroenk.de/?gnu/irssi version: 0.6 - authors: 'Juerd (first version: Timo Sirainen)' comments: - check 2019-02-18 contact: juerd@juerd.nl description: Caching dictionary based tab completion filename: dictcomplete.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-10-17 20:34:00 name: Dictionary complete url: http://juerd.nl/irssi/ version: 1.31 - authors: PrincessLeia2 contact: 'lyz\@princessleia.com ' description: a script for accessing an email mysql database through irc filename: emaildb.pl license: GNU GPL v2 or later modified: 2019-02-18 23:01:29 modules: DBI name: emaildb url: http://www.princessleia.com/ version: 1.2 - authors: CrazyCat commands: aw back xahelp xanick xasave comments: - check 2019-02-19 contact: crazycat@c-p-f.org description: Extended Away & Back programm filename: extaway.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2014-10-17 22:54:13 name: ExtAway version: 1.0 - authors: Erkki Seppälä commands: find comments: - '@eras ?' - check 2019-02-19 contact: flux@inside.org description: "Finds a nick by real name, if he's on a channel with you." filename: find.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-10-17 22:54:13 name: Find url: http://xulfad.inside.org/~flux/software/irssi/ version: 0.2 - authors: David Leadbeater commands: file comments: - 2019-02-19 - 'pull #592' description: A command to output content of files in various ways filename: file.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2019-02-19 16:17:57 name: file.pl url: http://irssi.dgl.cx/ version: 1.1 - authors: David Leadbeater comments: - 2019-02-11 - 'pull #585' contact: dgl@dgl.cx description: 'Stops those silly mistakes being sent (spaces at start of line, /1/1 for window changes, etc).' filename: oopsie.pl license: 'WTFPL ' modified: 2019-02-19 16:46:39 name: oopsie url: http://dgl.cx/irssi version: 1.1 - authors: Peder Stray commands: addfriend friends comments: - check 2019-02-20 contact: peder@ninja.no description: Basicly an autoop script with a nice interface and nick coloring ;) filename: friends_peder.pl license: GPL modified: 2014-10-17 22:54:13 name: friends url: http://ninja.no/irssi/friends.pl version: 1.34 - authors: PrincessLeia2 comments: - check 2019-02-20 contact: 'lyz\@princessleia.com ' description: 'a bot script, using ! followed by anything the script will say (as an action): gets nickname anything' filename: gimmie.pl license: GNU GPL v2 or later modified: 2014-10-17 22:54:13 name: gimmie url: http://www.princessleia.com/ version: 1.0 - authors: "Timo 'cras' Sirainen, Wouter Coekaerts" commands: grep comments: - check 2019-02-20 contact: 'tss@iki.fi, wouter@coekaerts.be' description: '/GREP [-i] [-w] [-v] [-F] ' filename: grep.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-10-17 22:54:13 name: grep url: http://wouter.coekaerts.be/irssi/ version: 2.1 - authors: Jean-Yves Lefort commands: hostname comments: - check 2019-02-20 contact: 'jylefort\@brutele.be, decadix on IRCNet' description: 'Adds a /HOSTNAME command; it will list all IP addresses on all interfaces found on your machine, resolve them, and allow you to choose one easily' filename: hostname.pl license: BSD modified: 2014-10-17 22:54:13 modules: Socket6 name: hostname url: http://void.adminz.be/irssi.shtml version: 1.01 - authors: Dmitry "jsn" Kim comments: - check 2019-02-21 contact: jason@nichego.net description: script to log ignored messages filename: ignore_log.pl license: GPL modified: 2014-10-17 22:54:13 name: ignore_log url: http:// version: 0.1 - authors: Erik Fears commands: whos whoss comments: - 2019-01-09 - m/$parameter/ - 'pull #573' - close - search by input server - single /whos filter not by input server but by network name in irssi - 'pull #583' contact: strtok@softhome.net description: This script allows you to view all users on a specific server. filename: whos.pl license: GPL modified: 2019-02-21 18:32:39 name: whos version: 1.01 - authors: Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk commands: link comments: - check 2019-02-22 contact: qrczak@knm.org.pl description: Link several channels on serveral networks filename: linkchan.pl license: GNU GPL modified: 2014-10-17 22:54:13 name: LinkChan url: http://qrnik.knm.org.pl/~qrczak/irssi/linkchan.pl version: 1.5 - authors: Timo 'cras' Sirainen comments: - check 2019-02-22 contact: tss@iki.fi description: compress logfiles then they're rotated filename: logcompress.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-10-17 22:54:13 name: logcompress url: http://irssi.org/ version: 0.01 - authors: Mika commands: lwho comments: - check 2019-02-22 contact: '[Mika] @ IRCnet' description: 'Displays users logged on system in current window, simple one' filename: lwho.pl license: '-' modified: 2014-10-17 22:54:13 name: Local who url: '-' version: 0.01a - authors: Csaba Nagy commands: listen comments: - 2019-02-22 - lsof mag kein latin umlaute im utf8 terminal - 'pull #596' contact: lordpyre@negerno.hu description: 'A simple mp3 display script that will display what mp3 you are playing in which software (mpg123, xmms, mp3blaster, etc) to your active channel or to a query window.' filename: listen.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2019-02-22 12:10:58 name: listen version: 0.3 - authors: Ricardo Mesquita commands: mpg123 comments: - check 2019-02-23 contact: ricardomesquita@netcabo.pt description: Display current mpg123 track filename: mpg123.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2014-10-19 11:54:16 name: mpg123 url: http://pwp.netcabo.pt/ricardomesquita/irssi version: 0.01+1 - authors: Erkki Seppälä comments: - 2019-02-22 - settings in script - 'pull #597' contact: flux@inside.org description: Polls your unix mailbox for new mail filename: mailcheck_mbox_flux.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2019-02-23 14:25:18 name: Mail Check url: http://xulfad.inside.org/~flux/software/irssi/ version: 0.2 - authors: Kimmo Lehto commands: mail comments: - 2019-02-23 - 'pull #598' contact: kimmo@a-men.org description: POP3 new mail notification and listing of mailbox contents. Use "/mail help" for instructions. Requires Net::POP3. filename: mailcheck_pop3_kimmo.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2019-02-23 15:26:32 name: Mailcheck-POP3 version: 0.6 - authors: 'Riku Voipio, lite' comments: - 2019-02-23 - 'pull #599' contact: riku.voipio@iki.fi description: logs url's to mysql database filename: mysqlurllogger.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2019-02-23 17:56:43 modules: DBI name: myssqlurllogger url: http://nchip.ukkosenjyly.mine.nu/irssiscripts/ version: 1.1 - authors: Roeland 'Trancer' Nieuwenhuis comments: - 2019-02-23 - 'pull #600' contact: irssi@trancer.nl description: A simple nick banner. If it encounters a nick it bans its host filename: nickban.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2019-02-23 21:37:15 name: nickban version: 1.2 - authors: BC-bd commands: neatcolor comments: - check 2019-02-24 contact: bd@bc-bd.org description: right aligned nicks depending on longest nick filename: nm.pl license: GPL v2 modified: 2014-10-19 11:54:16 name: nm url: http://bc-bd.org/blog/irssi/ version: 0.3.10 - authors: unknown comments: - check 2019-02-24 contact: bd@bc-bd.org description: Prints an info about a newly started Query in your current window and runs a /whois on the nick. filename: noisyquery.pl license: GPL v2 modified: 2014-10-19 11:54:16 name: noisyquery url: http://bc-bd.org/software.php3#irssi version: 0.1.1 - authors: Timo Sirainen comments: - check 2019-02-24 contact: tss@iki.fi description: Prints private notices from people in the channel where they are joined with you. Useful when you get lots of private notices from some bots. filename: noticemove.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-10-19 11:54:16 name: notice move url: http://irssi.org/ version: 1.01 - authors: Terje "xerath" Tjeldnes commands: o comments: - check 2019-02-24 contact: terje@darkrealm.no filename: opnotice.pl license: GNU GPL v2 modified: 2014-10-19 11:54:16 name: Opnotice url: http://palantir.darkrealm.no/opnotice.pl version: 0.1 - authors: Thomas Graf commands: page comments: - check 2019-02-24 contact: irssi@reeler.org description: display and send CTCP PAGE filename: page_reeler.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2014-10-19 11:54:16 name: page url: http://irssi.reeler.org/ version: 0.2 - authors: 'Marcin Rozycki, Stanislaw Halik' commands: paste comments: - 2019-02-24 - see also paste_derwan.pl - check 2019-02-24 contact: derwan@irssi.pl description: 'Usage: /paste [-all|-msgs|-public] [-c|-b] [-s|-l| where] [lines]' filename: paste-derwan.pl license: GNU GPL v2 modified: 2014-10-19 11:54:16 name: paste url: http://derwan.irssi.pl version: 0.9 - authors: Kimmo Lehto commands: play see start stop comments: - check 2019-02-24 contact: kimmo@a-men.org description: 'Provides /start, /stop, /play <-nopack> <-nospace> paste mechanism - start and stop recording and then replay without linebreaks. Also /see to view what was recorded.' filename: paste_kimmoke.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-10-19 11:54:16 name: Paste-KimmoKe version: 0.1 - authors: Adam Duck commands: sound comments: - check 2019-02-24 contact: duck@cs.uni-frankfurt.de description: does CTCP SOUNDs and other similar things. filename: pggb_sound.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2014-10-19 11:54:16 modules: File::Listing name: PGGB_sound url: '' version: - authors: Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek comments: - check 2019-02-24 contact: stefan@pico.ruhr.de description: restores the last lines of a query on re-creation filename: queryresume.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2014-10-19 11:54:16 modules: Date::Format name: QueryResume version: 2003021201 - authors: Timo Sirainen comments: - check 2019-02-24 description: Random quit messages filename: quitmsg.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2020-07-22 19:10:12 name: quitmsg version: 1.01 - authors: Fernando J. Pereda comments: - check 2019-02-24 contact: ferdy@ferdyx.org description: 'Random quit messages - based on quitmsg (Timo Sirainen)' filename: quitrand.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2014-10-19 11:54:16 name: quitrand version: 1.00 - authors: legion commands: randname comments: - check 2019-02-24 contact: a.lepore(at)email.it description: Random "/set real_name" taken from a file. filename: randname.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-10-19 11:54:16 name: RandName version: 1.0 - authors: Maciek 'fahren' Freudenheim commands: relm comments: - 2019-02-25 - 'pull #601' contact: fahren@bochnia.pl description: Keeps last 15 messages in cache filename: relm.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2019-02-25 10:29:22 name: REdirect Last Message version: 1.1 - authors: David Leadbeater commands: remote comments: - 2019-02-25 - 'pull #602' contact: dgl@dgl.cx description: Lets you run commands remotely via /msg and a password filename: remote.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2019-02-25 21:11:57 name: remote url: http://irssi.dgl.cx/ version: 1.1 - authors: Timo Sirainen & Jostein Kjønigsen commands: autoop comments: - check 2019-02-27 description: Simple auto-op script filename: autoop.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-10-24 12:54:12 name: autoop version: 1.10 - authors: Maciek 'fahren' Freudenheim comments: - maybe a bug - maybe old and unneeded - 2019-02-27 - 'pull #604' contact: fahren@bochnia.pl description: Provides access to script's help filename: scripthelp.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2019-02-27 20:56:42 name: Scripts help version: 0.10 - authors: nohar commands: go contact: nohar@freenode description: Implements /go command that activates a window given a name/partial name. It features a nice completion. filename: go.pl license: GPLv2 or later modified: 2019-02-28 07:48:53 name: go to window version: 1.1.1 - authors: David Rudie commands: sysinfo comments: - brocken with alpine - check 2019-03-01 contact: david@inexistent.com description: Cross-platform/architecture system information script. filename: sysinfo270-irssi.pl license: BSD modified: 2014-10-24 23:01:30 name: SysInfo url: http://www.inexistent.com/ version: 2.70 - authors: Teemu Hjelt commands: thistory tinfo topichistory topicinfo comments: - check 2019-03-01 contact: temex@iki.fi description: Keeps information about the most recent topics of the channels you are on. filename: thistory.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2014-10-24 23:01:30 name: topic history url: http://www.iki.fi/temex/ version: 1.05 - authors: Michiel commands: u comments: - check 2019-03-01 contact: michiel@dotgeek.org description: BitchX /u clone. Use /u to show all nicks (including ident@host) matching regex in the current channel. filename: u.pl license: GNU GPL modified: 2014-10-24 23:01:30 name: List nicks in channel url: http://otoria.freecode.nl/~michiel/u.pl version: 1.3 - authors: Peder Stray comments: - check 2019-03-01 contact: peder@ninja.no description: Try a little harder to figure out client uptime filename: uptime.pl license: GPL modified: 2014-10-24 23:01:30 name: uptime url: http://ninja.no/irssi/uptime.pl version: 1.6 - authors: John Engelbrecht comments: - check 2019-03-02 contact: jengelbr@yahoo.com description: IRC version of Social Commands filename: twsocials.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-10-24 23:01:30 modules: DBI name: twsocials.pl url: http://irssi.darktalker.net/ version: 1.02 - authors: bwolf commands: url comments: - check 2019-03-02 contact: bwolf@geekmind.org description: URL grabber with HTML generation and cmd execution filename: urlplot.pl license: BSD modified: 2014-10-24 23:01:30 name: urlplot url: http://www.geekmind.net version: 1.2 - authors: Jean-Yves Lefort comments: - check 2019-03-02 contact: 'jylefort\@brutele.be, decadix on IRCNet' description: Adds a -cmd option to the /USERHOST builtin command filename: userhost.pl license: BSD modified: 2014-10-24 23:01:30 name: userhost url: http://void.adminz.be/irssi.shtml version: 0.23 - authors: Jean-Yves Lefort commands: users comments: - check 2019-03-02 contact: 'jylefort\@brutele.be, decadix on IRCnet' description: Implements /USERS filename: users.pl license: BSD modified: 2014-10-24 23:01:30 name: users version: 2.3 - authors: c0ffee commands: vstat comments: - check 2019-03-02 contact: c0ffee@penguin-breeder.org description: 'shows top[0-9]+ irc client versions in a channel' filename: version-stat.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-10-24 23:01:30 name: version-stats url: http://www.penguin-breeder.org/?page=irssi version: 0.1 - authors: ThEbUtChE commands: watch comments: - '/quote watch <- ircd?' - 7ter-himmel-irc.net - check 2019-03-02 contact: thebutche@interec.org description: Uso del comando watch para irssi. filename: watch.pl license: BSD modified: 2014-10-24 23:01:30 name: Watch script url: http://www.nebulosa.org version: 1.0 - authors: Thomas Graf commands: head url comments: - 2019-03-02 - 'pull #605' contact: irssi@reeler.org description: 'logs urls to textfile or/and database, able to list, quote, open or `http head` saved urls.' filename: url_log.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2019-03-02 09:10:49 modules: DBI HTTP::Status LWP LWP::UserAgent name: url_log url: http://irssi.reeler.org/url/ version: 0.3 - authors: Jakub Jankowski comments: - 2019-03-02 - 'pull #606' contact: shasta@toxcorp.com description: Provides RSS feeds with URLs pasted on your channels. filename: urlfeed.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2019-03-02 11:01:36 modules: Regexp::Common XML::RSS name: URLfeed url: http://toxcorp.com/irc/irssi/urlfeed/ version: 1.31 - authors: Matti 'qvr' Hiljanen comments: - 2019-03-02 - '@qvr' - 'pull #607' contact: matti@hiljanen.com description: A simple word kickbanner filename: wkb.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2019-03-02 20:57:01 name: wkb url: http://matin.maapallo.org/softa/irssi version: 1.2 - authors: Mikko 'Quidz' Salmi comments: - check 2019-03-03 contact: mikko@quidz.net description: adds public channel command for counting down something filename: countdown.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-11-06 21:34:32 name: countdown version: 1.0 - authors: Piotr Krukowiecki comments: - no output of echo in status window - check 2019-03-03 contact: piotr \at/ krukowiecki /dot\ net description: 'cron implementation, allows to execute commands at given interval/time' filename: cron.pl license: GNU GPLv2 modified: 2014-11-12 12:23:06 name: cron aka jobs url: http://www.krukowiecki.net/code/irssi/ version: 0.12 - authors: 'Marcel Kossin, Makaze' comments: - 2019-03-03 - 'pull #608' contact: izaya.orihara@gmail description: A concise dice simulator for channels. filename: dice_concise.pl license: GNU GPL v2 or later modified: 2019-03-03 11:25:30 name: dice_concise version: 0.1.6 - authors: Tijmen "timing" Ruizendaal & Wilmer van der Gaast comments: - check 2019-03-13 contact: tijmen.ruizendaal@gmail.com description: Intelligent Tab-completion for BitlBee commands. filename: bitlbee_tab_completion.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2009-08-11 00:00:00 name: BitlBee_tab_completion url: http://the-timing.nl/stuff/irssi-bitlbee version: 1.3 - authors: Tijmen "timing" Ruizendaal comments: - 2019-03-13 - 'pull #612' - 'pull #617' contact: tijmen.ruizendaal@gmail.com description: Replace Irssi's timestamps with those sent by BitlBee filename: bitlbee_timestamp.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2019-03-15 11:01:56 modules: DateTime name: bitlbee_timestamp url: http://the-timing.nl/stuff/irssi-bitlbee version: 0.6 - authors: Dawid 'rud0lf' Lekawski commands: emotes contact: rud0lf/IRCnet; rud0lf/freenode; xxrud0lf@gmail.com description: 'Replaces :emote_name: text in your sent messages into pre-defined emotes (unicode mostly).' filename: rud_emotes.pl license: GPLv3 modified: 2019-03-19 21:57:04 name: emotes script version: 1.20 - authors: Mantas Mikulėnas comments: - github @grawity - check 2019-05-02 contact: grawity@gmail.com description: Implements QuakeNet's CHALLENGE authentication filename: auth_quakenet.pl license: 'WTFPL v2 ' modified: 2014-12-18 08:54:54 modules: Digest::HMAC Digest::SHA1 name: auth_quakenet_challenge.pl url: http://purl.net/net/grawity/irssi.html version: 1.0 - authors: Roeland Nieuwenhuis commands: netswitch comments: - check 2019-05-02 contact: irc@trancer.nl description: Set all windows not bound to a network to a specified network. filename: netswitch.pl license: BSD modified: 2013-02-19 22:46:58 name: netswitch url: http://trancer.nl version: 1.0.0 - authors: Doug Freed comments: - check 2019-05-02 contact: dwfreed!#irssi@freenode description: Authenticates you to QuakeNet's Q immediately on connect using CHALLENGEAUTH filename: qchallengeauth.pl license: GPLv3+ modified: 2014-08-23 12:23:44 name: qchallengeauth.pl version: 1.0 - authors: Piotr Krukowiecki & others commands: fs comments: - check 2019-05-03 contact: piotr at pingu.ii.uj.edu.pl description: File server for irssi filename: fserve.pl license: GPL v2 modified: 2014-10-17 22:54:13 name: FServe url: http://pingu.ii.uj.edu.pl/~piotr/irssi version: 2.0.0 - authors: Piotr Krukowiecki commands: fleech comments: - check 2019-05-04 contact: piotr //at// krukowiecki //dot// net description: 'fserve leecher - helps you download files from file servers' filename: fleech.pl license: GNU GPL v2 modified: 2014-10-17 22:54:13 name: fleech url: http://www.krukowiecki.net/code/irssi/ version: 0.0.2i - authors: c0ffee commands: join18n msg18n part18n comments: - check 2019-05-04 contact: c0ffee@penguin-breeder.org description: Joins channels with non-utf8 non-ascii names. filename: intjoin.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-10-17 22:54:13 modules: Text::Iconv name: i18n /join url: http://www.penguin-breeder.org/irssi/ version: 0.2 - authors: Erkki Seppälä commands: irccomplete_typowords comments: - not utf8 clean - check 2019-05-04 contact: flux@inside.org description: 'Adds words from IRC to your tab-completion list, plus fixes typos' filename: irccomplete.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-10-17 22:54:13 name: IRC Completion url: http://xulfad.inside.org/~flux/software/irssi/ version: 0.1 - authors: kodgehopper (kodgehopper@netscape.net) commands: end_game comments: - braucht -> https://sourceforge.net/projects/irc-chess/files/irc-chess/irc-chess-0.1/ ✔ - 'pull #625' contact: kodgehopper@netscape.net description: Chess server for IRC. Allows for multiple 2-player games to be played simultaneously filename: irc_chess.pl license: GNU GPL modified: 2019-05-04 15:20:01 name: IRC-Chess url: http://irc-chess.sourceforge.net/ version: 0.2 - authors: Peder Stray commands: keepnick listnick unkeepnick comments: - 'issue #431' - new version https://ninja.no/irssi/keepnick.pl - 'pull #626' contact: peder@ninja.no description: Try to get your nick back when it becomes available. filename: keepnick.pl license: GPL modified: 2019-05-04 20:18:06 name: keepnick url: http://ninja.no/irssi/keepnick.pl version: 1.19 - authors: Nei comments: - maby a problem with nick sl4ckw4r3 - nick change not show by dim_nicks contact: Nei @ anti@conference.jabber.teamidiot.de description: Dims nicks that are not in channel anymore. filename: dim_nicks.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2019-05-16 09:16:26 name: dim_nicks url: http://anti.teamidiot.de/ version: 0.4.9 - authors: bw1 commands: boinc contact: bw1@aol.at description: interface to boinc filename: boinc.pl license: gpl modified: 2019-05-29 16:14:16 modules: YAML name: boinc url: https://scripts.irssi.org/ version: 0.1 - authors: Ilkka Pale commands: emo emolist comments: - check 2019-05-30 contact: ilkka.pale@gmail.com description: Outputs various unicode emoticons filename: emo.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2015-01-18 02:15:41 name: emo version: 0.0.1 - authors: Erkki Seppälä commands: ignoreoc comments: - check 2019-05-30 contact: flux@inside.org description: Ignore messages from people not on your channels.Now people you msg are added to bypass-list. filename: ignoreoc.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-10-17 22:54:13 name: Ignore-OC url: http://www.inside.org/~flux/software/irssi/ version: 0.6 - authors: lasers comments: - check 2019-05-30 contact: lasers on freenode description: Loads scripts from file instead of autorun directory filename: scriptsave.pl license: WTFPL modified: 2015-01-16 19:38:47 name: scriptsave version: 0.2 - authors: David Leadbeater commands: sysinfo comments: - check 2019-05-30 contact: dgl@dgl.cx description: Adds a /sysinfo command which prints system information (linux only). filename: sysinfo_dg.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2015-01-10 18:02:02 name: sysinfo-dg url: http://irssi.dgl.cx/ version: 1.3 - authors: Ivo Marino commands: fortune comments: - 2019-05-30 - 'pull #636' contact: eim@cpan.rg description: Send a random fortune cookie to an user in channel. filename: fortune.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2019-05-30 22:59:25 name: fortune version: 1.4 - authors: Peder Stray comments: - check 2019-06-01 contact: peder@ninja.no description: Move completed dcc gets to the subfolder done filename: dccmove.pl license: GPL modified: 2014-10-17 20:34:00 name: dccmove url: http://ninja.no/irssi/dccmove.pl version: 1.4 - authors: bw1 commands: gitscriptassist contact: bw1@aol.at description: script management with git filename: gitscriptassist.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2019-06-04 19:02:22 name: gitscriptassist url: https://scripts.irssi.org/ version: 0.2 - authors: Jakub Jankowski commands: addfriend addhost chdelay chflags chhandle chpass comment delchanrec delfriend delhost findfriends flushlearnt friendsversion isfriend listfriends loadfriends opfriends oppingtree queue savefriends comments: - check 2019-06-07 contact: shasta@toxcorp.com description: Maintains list of people you know. filename: friends_shasta.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2014-10-17 22:54:13 name: Friends url: http://toxcorp.com/irc/irssi/friends/ version: 2.4.9 - authors: David Leadbeater comments: - check 2019-06-07 contact: dgl@dgl.cx description: 'Tab complete servers and userhosts (irc. -> irc server, user@ -> user@host). Useful for lazy ircops for /squit and so on :)' filename: servercomplete.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2014-10-24 23:01:30 name: servercomplete url: http://irssi.dgl.cx/ version: 2 - authors: Filippo 'godog' Giunchedi comments: - 2019-06-07 - 'pull #638' contact: filippo\@esaurito.net description: Kicks (and bans) people with >= 4 dots in theirs hostname filename: kblamehost.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2019-06-07 14:41:57 name: kblamehost url: http://esaurito.net version: 0.0.2 - authors: Alexander Mieland comments: - 2019-06-07 - 'pull #639' contact: dma147\@mieland-programming.de description: This script talks to you *g*. It reads the chat-msgs for you. filename: talk.pl license: GPL2 modified: 2019-06-07 19:21:24 name: Talk version: 1.02 - authors: simon commands: np comments: - check 2019-06-08 contact: simon\@blueshell.dk description: Returns XMMS-InfoPipe data filename: xmms2.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-10-24 23:01:30 name: XMMS-InfoPipe Script note: Make sure InfoPipe is configured! url: http://irssi.dk/ version: 1.1.3+1 - authors: Timo Sirainen commands: findnick comments: - 2019-06-08 - 'pull #641' contact: tss@iki.fi description: "Are you ever tired of those people who keep changing their nicks? Or maybe you just don't like someone's nick? This script lets you see them with the real nick all the time no matter what nick they're currently using." filename: tracknick.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2019-06-08 16:12:11 name: tracknick url: http://irssi.org/ version: 0.02 - authors: Maciek 'fahren' Freudenheim commands: addgetop delgetop getop listgetop comments: - check 2019-06-12 contact: fahren@bochnia.pl description: Automatically request op from random opped person with specifed command from list after joining channel filename: getop.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2014-10-17 22:54:13 name: GetOP version: 0.9b - authors: 'Marcin Rozycki, Mathieu Doidy' commands: article comments: - check 2019-06-12 contact: derwan@irssi.pl description: 'News reader, usage: /article [-s ] [-p ] [-P -U ] [-l ] [-a] [-L ] ' filename: news.pl license: GNU GPL v2 modified: 2015-02-02 14:02:20 modules: News::NNTPClient name: news url: http://derwan.irssi.pl version: 0.5.9 - authors: Jakub Jankowski comments: - check 2019-06-12 contact: shasta@toxcorp.com description: Checks for spelling errors using Aspell. filename: spellcheck.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2015-02-01 12:23:25 modules: Text::Aspell name: Spellcheck url: http://toxcorp.com/irc/irssi/spellcheck/ version: 0.4 - authors: 'iMil,Skid,Foxmask,reiffert' commands: bconf blow blowhelp delkey perm setkey showkey comments: - check 2019-06-13 contact: 'imil@gcu-squad.org,blowjob@reifferscheid.org,#blowtest@freenode' description: 'Crypt IRC communication with blowfish encryption. Supports public #channels, !channels, +channel, querys and dcc chat. Roadmap for Version 1.0.0 is to get some feedback and cleanup. Join #blowtest on freenode (irc.debian.org) to get latest stuff available. Note to users upgrading from versions prior to 0.8.5: The blowjob.keys format has changed.' filename: blowjob.pl license: GNU GPL modified: 2015-04-22 22:27:27 modules: Crypt::Blowfish Crypt::CBC name: blowjob url: http://ftp.gcu-squad.org/misc/ version: 0.9.0 - authors: Aaron Bieber comments: - check 2019-06-13 contact: deftly@gmail.com description: Logs chats to a PostgreSQL database. filename: irssi_logger.pl license: BSD modified: 2015-02-04 11:16:03 modules: DBI name: irssi_logger url: https://github.com/qbit/irssi_logger version: 1.0 - authors: Svante Kvarnström comments: - check 2019-06-13 contact: sjk@ankeborg.nu description: Counts the number of matches in /who lists filename: whocount.pl license: GPL modified: 2015-03-24 12:50:11 name: whocount.pl url: http://sjk.ankeborg.nu version: 0.0.2 - authors: David O'Rourke commands: bantime comments: - check 2019-06-15 contact: 'phyber [at] #irssi' description: 'Print time when ban was set in a nicer way. eg. 23m, 40s ago.' filename: bantime.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2015-01-09 19:54:31 name: bantime version: 1.03 - authors: Thomas B. Ruecker commands: mqtt-notify mqtt-test comments: - check 2019-06-16 contact: 'thomas@ruecker.fi, tbr on irc.freenode.net' description: Sends out notifications via MQTT filename: mqtt-notify.pl license: BSD-3-Clause modified: 2015-06-30 12:01:33 name: MQTT-notify url: http://github.com/dm8tbr/irssi-mqtt-notify/ version: 1.0 - authors: Szymon Sokol commands: mangle contact: szymon@hell.pl description: 'translates your messages into Morse code, rot13 and other sillinesses.' filename: mangle.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2019-07-12 20:41:28 name: mangle url: http://irssi.org/scripts/ version: 2019071201 - authors: Patrik Akerfeldt comments: - 2019-07-16 - 'pull #652' contact: patrik.akerfeldt@gmail.com description: 'Dont like to take decisions? Have the 8-ball do it for you instead.' filename: 8-ball.pl license: GPL modified: 2019-07-16 23:37:33 name: 8-ball version: 0.23 - authors: 'Tyler Abair, Thorsten Leemhuis, James Shubin, Serge van Ginderachter, Michael Davies' contact: 'fedora@leemhuis.info, serge@vanginderachter.be' description: Write notifications to a file in a consistent format. filename: fnotify.pl license: GNU General Public License modified: 2019-07-22 21:07:28 name: fnotify url: http://www.leemhuis.info/files/fnotify/fnotify https://ttboj.wordpress.com/ version: 0.0.7 - authors: "David O'Rourke, Nico R. Wohlgemuth" comments: - check 2019-07-26 contact: nico@lifeisabug.com description: Hide the stupid "greet messages" posted by some bots after someone joins a channel. filename: greetignore.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2015-01-18 02:15:41 name: greetignore version: 1.1 - authors: Piotr 'Cvbge' Krukowiecki comments: - check 2019-07-26 description: When new send arrives checks if there are old identical sends (ie from the same nick on the same server and with the same filename) and closes them filename: kill_fake_gets.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2014-10-17 22:54:13 name: kill_fake_gets url: http://pingu.ii.uj.edu.pl/~piotr/irssi/ version: 1.1 - authors: Jilles Tjoelker commands: monitor comments: - check 2019-07-26 contact: jilles@stack.nl description: Interface to ratbox 2.1+ /monitor command filename: monitor.pl license: BSD (revised) modified: 2014-10-19 11:54:16 name: monitor version: 1.0 - authors: Tamas SZERB comments: - check 2019-07-27 contact: toma@rulez.org description: This script strips the hungarian accents. filename: accent.pl license: GPL modified: 2015-01-26 22:59:40 name: accent version: 1.34 - authors: Morten Lied Johansen commands: msg2notice comments: - check 2019-07-27 contact: mortenjo@ifi.uio.no description: 'For a configured list of nicks, convert all their messages to a notice' filename: msg2notice.pl license: GPL modified: 2015-04-29 16:06:27 name: msg2notice version: 1.0 - comments: - check 2019-07-27 contact: Nei @ anti@conference.jabber.teamidiot.de description: Scroll down on enter filename: send_scroll.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2015-01-26 23:46:22 name: send_scroll url: http://anti.teamidiot.de/ version: 0.1 - authors: Linostar commands: kbanref comments: - 2019-07-27 - 'pull #655' contact: linostar@sdf.org description: Script for kickbanning those who post referral links in a channel filename: kban-referrals.pl license: New BSD modified: 2019-07-27 18:25:35 name: KickBan Referrals Script version: 1.04 - authors: 'Igor Duarte Cardoso, Adam James' comments: - 2019-07-28 - 'pull #656' contact: 'igordcard@gmail.com, atj@pulsewidth.org.uk' description: "Emails you messages sent/received while you're away or not. Works for both public mentions and private messages.When away, it is very useful in combination with screen_away. Based on email_privmsgs, with advanced features and options. Requires Email::Sender." filename: email_msgs.pl license: MIT modified: 2019-07-28 13:38:54 modules: Email::Sender::Simple Email::Simple Email::Simple::Creator name: email_msgs url: http://www.igordcard.com version: 1.1 - authors: mniip commands: isbanned islisted ismuted isreset comments: - check 2019-07-30 contact: mniip @ freenode description: freenode-specific script that checks whether someone is banned on some channel filename: isbanned.pl license: Public domain modified: 2015-09-14 14:11:01 name: isbanned version: 0.7.0 - authors: Jakub Jankowski commands: rkick rknockout rme rsay rtopic comments: - check 2019-07-30 contact: shasta@atn.pl description: Prints colored text. Rather simple than sophisticated. filename: rainbow.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2015-11-25 15:47:52 name: rainbow url: http://irssi.atn.pl/ version: 1.6 - authors: "Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk, Johan 'ion' Kiviniemi" commands: find flag mask trust user comments: - check 2019-08-01 contact: qrczak@knm.org.pl description: 'Userlist with autoopping, autokicking etc.' filename: people.pl license: GNU GPL modified: 2015-02-01 18:29:23 modules: Crypt::PasswdMD5 name: People url: http://qrnik.knm.org.pl/~qrczak/irc/people.pl version: 1.8 - comments: - check 2019-08-02 description: colourise nicks filename: nickcolor_gay.pl license: ISC modified: 2020-05-15 11:42:24 name: nickcolor_gay version: 0.2 - authors: Geert Hauwaerts comments: - check 2019-08-03 contact: geert@hauwaerts.be description: This script shows incoming notices into the active channel. filename: active_notice.pl license: GNU General Public License modified: 2016-01-20 22:59:49 name: active_notice.pl url: https://github.com/GeertHauwaerts/irssi-scripts/blob/master/src/active_notice.pl version: 18.01.01 - authors: Jari Matilainen commands: prompt comments: - check 2019-08-03 contact: vague!#irssi@freenode on irc description: Intercept misprinted commands and offer to remove the first character before sending it on filename: intercept.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2015-11-25 14:54:47 name: intercept url: http://gplus.to/vague version: 0.2 - authors: cdidier comments: - check 2019-08-03 description: set (un)away if tmux session is attached/detached filename: tmux_away.pl license: GPL v2 modified: 2015-11-23 21:28:44 name: tmux_away url: http://cybione.org version: 2.1 - authors: 'Juerd (first version: Timo Sirainen, additions by: Qrczak)' comments: - check 2019-08-03 - interaction with nickcolor_gay.pl contact: 'tss@iki.fi, juerd@juerd.nl, qrczak@knm.org.pl' description: 'When someone uses s/foo/bar/, this really modifies the text' filename: typofix.pl license: Same as Irssi modified: 2015-11-16 19:36:52 modules: Algorithm::Diff name: Typofix url: http://juerd.nl/irssi/ version: 1.12 - authors: ResDev (Ben Reser) comments: - check 2019-08-16 contact: ben@reser.org description: Formats msgs and notices when the identify-msg and/or identify-ctcp capability is available. filename: format_identify.pl license: GPL2 modified: 2014-04-09 00:18:24 name: format_identify url: http://ben.reser.org/irssi/ version: 1.5-dev-coekie - authors: Ziddy commands: gather import track comments: - 2019-08-17 - 'pull #661' contact: DALnet description: 'Keeps track of users by building a databaseof online, joining and nickchanges. Regex-cabablefor the most part, AKA import available. Search byident, nick or host' filename: track.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2019-08-17 21:23:21 name: track url: none version: 2.2 - authors: Wouter Coekaerts comments: - check 2019-08-18 contact: coekie@irssi.org description: makes all window text start at the bottom of windows filename: messages_bottom.pl license: send-me-beer-or-i'll-sue-you-if-you-use-it license modified: 2015-11-16 19:36:52 name: messages_bottom url: http://bugs.irssi.org/index.php?do=details&id=290 version: 1.0 - authors: fprintf commands: pango comments: - 2019-08-18 - 'pull #662' contact: fprintf@github.com description: Render text with various color modifications using HTML tag syntax. filename: pangotext.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2019-08-18 13:24:22 name: pangotext version: 1.2 - authors: Wouter Coekaerts commands: history_search comments: - check 2019-08-19 contact: coekie@irssi.org description: Search within your typed history as you type (like ctrl-R in bash) filename: history_search.pl license: GPLv2 or later modified: 2015-12-09 23:35:34 name: history_search url: http://wouter.coekaerts.be/irssi/ version: 2.1 - authors: 'Tom Feist, Wouter Coekaerts' commands: ido_switch_start comments: - check 2019-08-19 contact: 'shabble+irssi@metavore.org, shabble@#irssi/freenode' description: 'Select window[-items] using an ido-mode like search interface' filename: ido_switcher.pl license: GPLv2 or later modified: 2015-12-09 23:35:34 name: ido_switcher url: http://github.com/shabble/irssi-scripts/tree/master/ido-mode/ version: 2.4 - authors: Michael Hansen comments: - check 2019-08-19 contact: 'mh on IRCnet #help' description: fill windows so scrolling starts bottom-up instead of top-down (screenshots linked in source) filename: mh_windowfill.pl license: BSD modified: 2016-02-07 18:30:57 name: mh_windowfill url: http://scripts.irssi.org / https://github.com/mh-source/irssi-scripts version: 1.07 - authors: Wouter Coekaerts commands: mouse comments: - 2019-08-19 - require awl - see also 'mouse.pl' - see also 'mouse_soliton.pl' - check 2019-08-19 contact: wouter@coekaerts.be description: control irssi using mouse clicks and gestures filename: mouse-awl.pl license: GPLv2 or later modified: 2015-11-16 19:36:52 name: mouse url: http://wouter.coekaerts.be/irssi/ version: 1.0.0-awl - authors: Wouter Coekaerts commands: mouse_xterm comments: - name trigger? - 'pull #663' contact: wouter@coekaerts.be description: experimental perl version of the irssi mouse patch filename: mouse_soliton.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2019-08-19 17:30:11 name: mouse_soliton url: http://wouter.coekaerts.be/irssi/ version: 0.0.1 - authors: vague commands: notes comments: - check 2019-08-23 contact: vague!#irssi@freenode description: Keeps notes on users and displayes the note in /whois output if the host/nick matches filename: notes.pl license: GPL2 modified: 2017-04-24 22:54:06 modules: DBI DBM::Deep List::MoreUtils autovivification name: notes version: 1.0 - authors: Nei contact: Nei @ anti@conference.jabber.teamidiot.de description: Removes and re-adds lines to the Irssi buffer view. filename: hideshow.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2019-08-23 22:35:23 name: hideshow url: http://anti.teamidiot.de/ version: 0.4.5 - authors: David O'Rourke comments: - 2019-08-01 - 'pull #658' - 'pull #660' - close by nei - /connect QuakeNet - /nick Nick - '/join #channel' - /umode +x - check 2019-08-27 contact: 'phyber [at] #irssi' description: Hide the stupid quit/join on QuakeNet when a user registers with nickserv. filename: quakequit.pl modified: 2015-01-09 16:05:06 name: quakequit version: 1.0 - authors: c0ffee commands: act comments: - check 2019-09-08 contact: c0ffee@penguin-breeder.org description: Reset window activity status. defines command /act filename: act.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2016-05-01 21:05:08 name: Reset window activity status url: http://www.penguin-breeder.org/irssi/ version: 0.15 - authors: Pablo Martín Báez Echevarría commands: clones_scanner_size comments: - check 2019-09-08 contact: pab_24n@outlook.com description: 'when a nick joins #channel, notifies you if there is (or there has been) someone in #channel with the same hostname' filename: clones_scanner.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2016-06-18 12:01:20 modules: Devel::Size name: clones_scanner url: http://reirssi.wordpress.com version: 1.6 - authors: 'Jari Matilainen, init[1]@irc.freenode.net' commands: cmp comments: - check 2019-09-08 contact: vague@vague.se description: Compare nicks in two channels filename: cmpchans.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2015-11-16 19:36:52 name: cmpchans url: http://vague.se version: 0.5 - authors: Atoms commands: tinyurl comments: - check 2019-09-08 contact: atoms@tups.lv description: create a tinyurl from a long one filename: tinyurl.pl license: GPL modified: 2016-06-16 10:07:39 modules: WWW::Shorten WWW::Shorten::TinyURL name: tinyurl version: 1.1 - authors: Toshio R. Spoor commands: auth xhelp xrehash comments: - check 2019-09-08 contact: t.spoor@gmail.com description: Undernet X Service Authentication Program filename: xauth.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2015-02-02 14:02:20 name: xauth version: 1.02 - authors: Liam Hopkins commands: betterlist comments: - 2019-09-08 - 'pull #667' contact: we.hopkins@gmail.com description: '/betterlist ' filename: betterlist.pl license: GPL modified: 2019-09-08 18:01:35 name: betterlist version: 2.2 - authors: Remco den Breeje comments: - 2019-09-08 - 'pull #668' contact: stacium or stek (most of the time) @ quakenet.org description: 'runs arbitrary command instead of system beep, includes flood protection' filename: my_beep.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2019-09-08 19:29:19 name: my_beep url: http://www.xs4all.nl/~stacium/irssi/my_beep.html version: 0.10 - authors: David Rudie commands: sysinfo contact: david@inexistent.com description: Cross-platform/architecture system information script. filename: sysinfo277-irssi.pl license: BSD modified: 2019-11-08 19:17:17 name: SysInfo url: http://www.inexistent.com/ version: 2.79 - authors: Ryan Freebern contact: ryan@freebern.org description: Summarizes multiple sequential joins/parts/quits. filename: revolve.pl license: GPL v2 or later modified: 2019-11-13 13:25:29 name: revolve url: http://github.com/rfreebern/irssi-revolving-door version: 0.0.6 - authors: Antoine Beaupré contact: anarcat@debian.org description: 'set (un)away, if dtach is attached/detached' filename: dtach_away.pl license: GPL v2 modified: 2019-11-16 09:56:03 name: dtach_away url: none version: 1.0 - authors: Valentin Batz comments: - undernet - maybe not need - check 2019-11-22 contact: vb\@g-23.org description: show the accountname (330) and real host on ircu filename: ircuwhois.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2015-11-16 19:36:52 name: ircuwhois url: http://www.hurzelgnom.homepage.t-online.de/irssi/scripts/quakenet.pl version: 1.2 - authors: bw1 commands: matryoshka contact: bw1@aol.at description: a password matryoshka filename: matryoshka.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2019-12-14 13:57:23 modules: Crypt::CBC Crypt::Cipher::AES name: matryoshka url: https://scripts.irssi.org/ version: 0.01 - authors: bw1 commands: tictactoe contact: bw1@aol.at description: tic-tac-toe game filename: tictactoe.pl license: LGPLv3 modified: 2019-12-23 21:22:43 name: tictactoe url: https://scripts.irssi.org/ version: 0.01 - authors: Jari Matilainen commands: dump_window_hash hide_levels_all show_levels_all contact: vague!#irssi@freenode on irc description: Toggle hidden levels on per window basis filename: toggle_hidelevel.pl modified: 2020-03-17 14:17:18 name: toggle_hidelevel version: 0.6.1 - authors: Wouter Coekaerts commands: trigger comments: - by nei ->trigger -send_text -channels - 'pull #623' contact: wouter@coekaerts.be description: 'execute a command or replace text, triggered by an event in irssi' filename: trigger.pl license: GPLv2 or later modified: 2020-03-24 17:19:55 name: trigger url: http://wouter.coekaerts.be/irssi/ version: 1.2.4 - authors: Gregory Colpart commands: unread contact: 'reg on #evolix@freenode' description: reset window to unread status filename: unread.pl license: GPLv2 or later modified: 2020-04-01 05:29:42 name: unread version: 0.1 - authors: aquanight commands: perlalias perlunalias contact: aquanight@gmail.com description: Quickly create commands from short perl blocks filename: perlalias.pl license: public domain modified: 2020-04-03 18:04:40 name: perlalias version: 1.3 - authors: bw1 commands: theme contact: bw1@aol.at description: 'activate, show or get theme' filename: theme.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2020-04-12 17:43:59 modules: YAML::XS name: theme url: https://scripts.irssi.org/ version: 0.04 - authors: Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek commands: scriptassist comments: - 'pull #621' contact: stefan@pico.ruhr.de description: keeps your scripts on the cutting edge filename: scriptassist.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2020-04-27 16:47:51 modules: LWP::UserAgent name: scriptassist url: https://scripts.irssi.org/ version: 2020042700 www: - http://ratings.irssi.de/irssirate.pl - https://scripts.irssi.org/scripts.dmp - authors: "Peter 'kinlo' Leurs, Uwe Dudenhoeffer, Michiel Holtkamp, Nico R. Wohlgemuth, Geert Hauwaerts" commands: mark trackbar contact: peter@pfoe.be description: Shows a bar where you have last read a window. filename: trackbar.pl license: GNU General Public License modified: 2020-05-08 15:44:31 modules: Text::CharWidth name: trackbar url: http://www.pfoe.be/~peter/trackbar/ version: 2.9 - authors: Nei contact: Nei @ anti@conference.jabber.teamidiot.de description: Colourise mention of nicks in the message body. filename: colorize_nicks.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2020-05-14 02:17:44 name: colorize_nicks url: http://anti.teamidiot.de/ version: 0.4.0 - authors: Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason contact: avarab@gmail.com description: 'Changes messages from myself to appear to come from my username, not my nickname' filename: munge_own_nickname_to_username.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2020-05-15 12:06:55 name: munge_own_nickname_to_username.pl url: http://scripts.irssi.org & https://github.com/avar/dotfiles/blob/master/.irssi/scripts/munge_own_nickname_to_username.pl version: 1.2 - authors: Michael Hansen comments: - 2021-01-12 - The script is not needed for this version of Irssi contact: mh (IRCnet) description: Fix for Irssi not fully supporting numeric 489 ERR_SECUREONLYCHAN filename: mh_secureonlychan_489.pl license: ISC/BSD modified: 2020-05-16 22:33:56 name: mh_secureonlychan_489 travisfail: LOAD url: https://github.com/irssi/scripts.irssi.org/tree/master/scripts version: 1.01 - authors: Sander Smeenk comments: - 2019-02-21 - 'pull #595' contact: irssi@freshdot.net description: Remembers what people said last on what channels filename: lastspoke.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2020-05-31 16:04:00 name: lastspoke url: http://irssi.freshdot.net/ version: 0.4 - authors: Isaac Good contact: irssi@isaacgood.com description: Sort the /list output by channel size filename: listsort.pl license: BSD modified: 2020-07-09 10:29:27 name: listsort url: https://github.com/IsaacG/irssi-scripts version: 0.1.1 - authors: zdleaf contact: zdleaf@zinc.london description: 'Log all urls from #channels and /msgs in a separate window' filename: urlwindow.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2020-07-13 09:17:33 name: urlwindow url: http://irssi.org/ version: 1.2 - authors: Andrew Slice contact: edward.andrew.slice@gmail.com description: Play a given sound when messages come in. filename: ding.pl license: MIT modified: 2020-08-11 11:55:26 name: ding.pl url: https://bitbucket.org/easlice/irssi-ding version: 0.1 - authors: 'Nathan Handler, Joseph Price' commands: bansearch comments: - 2019-06-26 - https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~nhandler/+junk/irssi-scripts/files - broken ? - 'irssi #1061 closed' - 'pull #653' contact: 'nathan.handler@gmail.com, pricechild@ubuntu.com' description: 'Searches for bans, quiets, and channel modes affecting a user' filename: bansearch.pl license: GPLv3+ modified: 2020-08-24 19:15:24 name: bansearch version: 1.3 - authors: Sebastian Paaske Tørholm commands: telegram-notify-activate contact: sebbe@cpan.org description: Send notifications of highlighted messages over Telegram filename: telegram-notify.pl license: MIT modified: 2020-08-24 22:31:21 modules: HTML::Entities WWW::Telegram::BotAPI name: telegram-notify version: 1.00 - authors: leocp1 commands: twitch_online description: Notify when a twitch channel comes onlineUses Twitch v5 API filename: twitch_notify.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2020-08-29 21:41:38 name: twitch_notify version: 0.0.1 - authors: 'vague,bw1' commands: copy contact: bw1@aol.at description: copy a line in a paste buffer filename: copy.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2020-09-26 23:09:04 name: copy url: https://scripts.irssi.org/ version: 0.10 - authors: Nei commands: awl contact: Nei @ anti@conference.jabber.teamidiot.de description: Adds a permanent advanced window list on the right or in a status bar. filename: adv_windowlist.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2020-10-08 13:41:57 modules: Text::CharWidth name: adv_windowlist url: http://anti.teamidiot.de/ version: 1.9.1 - authors: stryk contact: '$IRSSI{authors} + + protonmail + + <2-char Country Code for Switzerland>' description: Provides a single helper function to wrap mIRC-style color codes around strings filename: ez_color.pl license: WTFPL/2 @ http://www.wtfpl.net/about/ modified: 2020-10-09 13:29:18 name: ez_color version: 1.0 - authors: Nei contact: Nei @ anti@conference.jabber.teamidiot.de description: move matching lines from scrollback filename: sbmove.pl license: GPLv2 or later modified: 2020-10-22 16:20:48 name: sbmove alpha url: http://anti.teamidiot.de/ version: 0.1 - authors: Nei contact: Nei @ anti@conference.jabber.teamidiot.de description: conceals passwords on the input line filename: conceal.pl license: ISC modified: 2020-10-22 16:28:09 name: conceal url: http://anti.teamidiot.de/ version: 0.1 - authors: Nei contact: Nei @ anti@conference.jabber.teamidiot.de description: Automatically downloads and displays long messages from matrix. filename: long_messages.pl license: ISC modified: 2020-10-22 16:32:03 name: long_messages url: http://anti.teamidiot.de/ version: 0.2 - authors: Nei commands: requery contact: Nei @ anti@conference.jabber.teamidiot.de description: Merge queries with multiple resources of the same person. filename: merge_resources.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2020-10-22 16:34:10 name: merge_resources url: http://anti.teamidiot.de/ version: 1.1 - authors: Nei contact: Nei @ anti@conference.jabber.teamidiot.de description: partial tab completion for Irssi filename: partial.pl license: ISC modified: 2020-10-22 16:55:25 modules: Tree::Trie name: partial url: http://anti.teamidiot.de/ version: 0.3 - authors: Idiomdrottning contact: sandra.snan@idiomdrottning.org description: 'In channels with a discord bridge, turns " Message" into " Message", and hides spoilers.' filename: discord_unbridge.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2020-12-11 12:11:10 name: discord_unbridge.pl url: https://idiomdrottning.org/discord_unbridge.pl version: 1.6 - authors: Haw Loeung commands: matterircd_complete_msgthreadid_cache_dump matterircd_complete_nick_cache_dump matterircd_complete_replied_cache_dump message_thread_id_search nicknames_search contact: hloeung/Freenode description: Adds tab completion for Matterircd message threads filename: matterircd_complete.pl license: GPL modified: 2020-12-13 03:22:53 name: Matterircd Tab Auto Complete version: 1.00 - authors: "Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek, bw1" commands: chansearch comments: - web connect broken 2018-04-20 - 'pull #611' - 2021-01-12 - 'pull #742' contact: bw1@aol.at description: searches for specific channels filename: chansearch.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2021-01-04 15:23:17 modules: HTML::Entities LWP::Protocol::https LWP::UserAgent name: ChanSearch url: http://scripts.irssi.org/ version: 2.3 www: - http://www.ludd.luth.se/irc/bin/csearch.cgi - authors: Johan "Ion" Kiviniemi commands: kernel_version comments: - fix 2018-03-15 - 'pull #487' - check 2018-03-16 - check 2021-01-08 contact: ion at hassers.org description: Fetches the version(s) of the latest Linux kernel(s). filename: kernel.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2018-03-11 20:53:39 modules: LWP::Simple name: Kernel url: http://scripts.irssi.org/ version: 0.10 www: - https://www.kernel.org/finger_banner - authors: Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek commands: newsline comments: - check 2021-01-08 contact: stefan@pico.ruhr.de description: 'brings various newstickers to Irssi (Slashdot, Freshmeat, Heise etc.)' filename: newsline.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2017-04-04 23:08:20 modules: LWP::UserAgent Unicode::String XML::RSS name: Newsline version: 2017040101 www: - http://www.heise.de/newsticker/heise.rdf - http://freshmeat.net/backend/fm.rdf - authors: 'Olof "zibri" Johansson, Cyprien Debu' commands: vidinfo comments: - check 2021-01-08 contact: 'olof@ethup.se, frey@notk.org' description: Prints some info of a linked video automatically filename: vidinfo.pl license: GPL modified: 2017-10-09 18:50:19 modules: HTML::Entities JSON::Parse LWP::UserAgent Regexp::Common URI URI::QueryParam XML::Simple name: vidinfo version: 1.01 www: - 'https://api.dailymotion.com/video/1234?fields=title,duration' - http://vimeo.com/api/v2/video/1234.json - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghGoI7xVtSI - authors: 'eo, tsaavik' commands: shorturl shorturl_selfcheck comments: - https://metamark.net/ disable - one service disable 2018-04-21 - 2019-06-07 - '@tsaavik' - 'pull #743' contact: 'irssi@eosin.org, dave001@hellspark.com' description: Private/Public url reduction script. filename: shorturl.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2021-01-08 12:10:55 modules: LWP::Protocol::https LWP::Simple LWP::UserAgent name: shorturl.pl version: 20210108 www: - http://metamark.net/api/rest/simple?long_url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghGoI7xVtSI - http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghGoI7xVtSI - authors: Eric Jansen commands: imdb comments: - web connect brocken - 2018-04-09 - 'pull #500' - 'pull #744' contact: chaos@sorcery.net description: Automatically lookup IMDB-numbers in nicknames filename: imdb.pl license: GPL modified: 2021-01-08 17:12:41 modules: HTML::Entities LWP::UserAgent name: imdb url: http://xyrion.org/irssi/ version: 1.03 www: - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1234567/ - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0234567/ - authors: Marcus Rueckert commands: inputlength contact: darix@irssi.org description: adds a statusbar item which show length of the inputline filename: il.pl license: BSD License or something more liberal modified: 2021-01-11 08:48:06 name: inputlength url: http://www.irssi.de./ version: 0.0.6 - authors: bw1 commands: ontv2 contact: bw1@aol.at description: turns irssi into a tv program guide filename: ontv2.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2021-01-11 16:49:10 modules: DateTime DateTime::Format::Strptime XML::LibXML::Simple YAML::XS name: ontv2 url: https://scripts.irssi.org/ version: 0.01 - authors: bw1 commands: google comments: - 2018-09-18 - broken - 'pull #659' - check 2021-01-12 - 'pull #756' contact: bw1@aol.at description: This script queries google.com with googler and returns the results. filename: google.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2021-01-26 13:09:56 name: google url: https://scripts.irssi.org/ version: 2.01 www: - http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=test - authors: "Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek, bw1" commands: leodict comments: - 2018-12-31 - BUG - 'pull #614' - 'pull #616' - check 2021-01-12 - 'pull #757' contact: bw1@aol.at description: translates via dict.leo.org filename: leodict.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2021-01-26 16:18:20 modules: Mojo::DOM Mojo::UserAgent name: leodict url: http://irssi.org/scripts/ version: 20210126 www: - http://dict.leo.org/?search=hallo&relink=off - authors: 'Rocco Caputo (dngor), Nei' comments: - check 2021-01-12 contact: 'rcaputo@cpan.org, Nei @ anti@conference.jabber.teamidiot.de' description: Irssi 1.3.1 settings notes and documentation filename: settingshelp.pl license: 'CC BY-SA 2.5, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/' modified: 2021-04-12 18:20:42 modules: LWP::Simple name: settingshelp version: 1.3.1 www: - https://github.com/irssi/irssi.github.io/raw/master/documentation/settings/index.markdown - authors: Dani Soufi (compengi) commands: audacious mocp comments: - '@compengi' - 'pull #576' - check 2021-01-16 contact: 'IRC: Freenode network, #ubuntu-lb' description: Controls Audacious2 and MOCP from Irssi filename: Cirssi.pl license: GNU General Public License modified: 2019-01-20 23:16:01 name: Consolidate Irssi Player url: http://git.peersnode.net/ version: 2.2 - authors: 'Erik Scharwaechter, Tobias Böhm, Mikkel Kroman' commands: np comments: - check 2021-01-16 contact: 'diozaka@gmx.de, code@aibor.de, mk@maero.dk' description: print the song you are listening to filename: mpd.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2018-04-28 18:08:24 name: mpd version: 0.8 - authors: "Timo 'cras' Sirainen, Bastian Blank" comments: - 2018-05-04 - '~/versuche/script-irssi/scripts/autorealname.md' - 'pull #751' contact: 'tss@iki.fi, waldi@debian.org' description: Print realname of everyone who join to channels filename: autorealname.pl license: GPLv2 or later modified: 2021-01-16 09:14:39 name: auto realname url: http://irssi.org/ version: 0.8.7 - authors: Wouter Coekaerts commands: ws comments: - check 2021-01-17 by kjetilho contact: coekie@irssi.org description: makes switching windows easy filename: window_switcher.pl license: GPLv2 or later modified: 2017-04-07 16:34:31 name: window_switcher url: http://wouter.coekaerts.be/irssi/ version: 1.0 - authors: bw1 commands: 0x0st comments: - check 2021-01-24 - 'pull #750' contact: bw1@aol.at description: upload file to https://0x0.st/ filename: 0x0st.pl license: ISC modified: 2021-01-13 17:18:42 modules: HTTP::Request::Common LWP::UserAgent name: 0x0st url: https://scripts.irssi.org/ version: 0.04 - authors: bw1 commands: ddg comments: - check 2021-01-24 - 'pull #752' contact: bw1@aol.at description: search by https://duckduckgo.com/html/ filename: duckduckgo.pl license: lgplv3 modified: 2021-01-23 16:28:49 modules: HTML::Entities LWP::UserAgent URI::Escape name: duckduckgo url: http://scripts.irssi.org version: 0.02 - authors: bw1 commands: fpaste comments: - check 2021-01-24 - 'pull #754' contact: bw1@aol.at description: copy infos to fpaste filename: fpaste.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2021-01-24 16:18:01 name: fpaste url: https://scripts.irssi.org/ version: 0.02 - authors: Santabutthead commands: maap maasp madd maddall mas masp mcaap mcaasp mcap mcasp mclear mclearback mdel mhelp mhelpadv mhelpmpdbar minfo mloud mlouder mls mmove mmute mnext mpause mplay mplaylist mplaylistload mplaylistls mplaylistrm mplaylistsave mpls mprev mrandom mrepeat mrm msearch mseek mshuffle mstop mupdate mvolume mwa mwaa mwaas mwas mwipe contact: starz@antisocial.com description: This controls Music Player Daemon from the familiar irssi interface filename: iMPD.pl license: GPL v2 modified: 2021-01-25 21:56:36 name: iMPD url: http://www.musicpd.org version: 0.0.0o - authors: Simon 'simmel' Lundström comments: - 2021-01-11 - https://soy.se/code/lastfm.pl - new version - '@simmel' - 'pull #759' contact: simmel@(freenode|quakenet|efnet) http://last.fm/user/darksoy description: A now-playing-script which uses Last.fm filename: lastfm.pl license: BSD modified: 2021-01-31 21:10:49 modules: HTML::Entities LWP::UserAgent name: lastfm url: http://soy.se/code/ version: 5.9 www: - https://www.last.fm/user/darksoy - authors: 'David Leadbeater, Thorsten Scherf' commands: url contact: 'dgl@dgl.cx, tscherf@redhat.com' description: 'Captures urls said in channel and private messages and saves them to a file, also adds a /url command which loads the last said url into a browser.' filename: urlgrab.pl license: GNU GPLv2 or later modified: 2021-02-21 17:38:59 name: urlgrab url: http://irssi.dgl.cx/ version: 0.5 - authors: bcattaneo commands: dbnext dbpause dbplay dbprev dbrandom dbstop np contact: c@ttaneo.uy description: deadbeef control and now playing script filename: deadbeef.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2021-02-25 13:33:57 name: deadbeef url: http://github.com/bcattaneo version: 1.0.1 - authors: vague contact: vague!#irssi@fgreenode description: "compress logfiles then they're rotated, modified from original logcompress.pl to use perl modules instead" filename: logcompress_perl.pl license: Public Domain modified: 2021-04-10 11:44:52 name: logcompress_perl url: http://irssi.org/ version: 0.04 - authors: "Jari Matilainen, a lot of code borrowed from whitelist.pl by David O'Rourke and Karl Siegemund" commands: sm contact: 'vague`!#irssi@freenode on irc ' description: 'An irssi adaptation of securequery.mrc found in the Acidmax mIRC script. :), now with multiserver support' filename: securemsg.pl license: GPLv2 modified: 2021-05-18 14:48:18 name: securemsg version: 2.3.0