What's the relation among the following concepts:
- prosody
- sparsity vs. density
- consonance vs. dissonance
- boredom vs. interestingness
- comprehensibility
- separability
- entropy, information value
- complexity
Prosody studies the various tools that help creating interesting works in arts (music, visual, drama, etc.).
- What kind of signals make a human observer interested vs. bored?
- How this correlates with some objective features of that signals?
- How does it relate to some artifical observer, such as a deep neural network doing an unsupervised learning?
- interesting signals are somewhere in between being sparse and dense
- too sparse -> too simple to comprehend/predict -> boring
- too dense -> too hard to comprehend/predict -> boring
- imagine a log-normal distribution (interestingness vs. density)
- consonant music signals are sparse, dissonant dense
- consonant music signals are separable, dissonant aren't
- eg. two tones are perceived as not in tune for not being well-separable