Signal can be represented as a composition of sinusoid pulses in time-frequency plane.
- time domain - energy as a function of time
- energy from all frequencies for each time bin
- vertical stripes of TF plane
- disjoint coverage
- frequency domain - energy as a function of frequency
- energy from all time for each frequency bin
- obtained from time domain by Fourier transform
- horizontal stripes of TF plane
- disjoint coverage
- basis - sinusoids
- Short-time Fourier Transform (STFT)
- time divided into frames and windowed
- regular rectangular grid of samples in TF plane
- width/height proportion depends on the window size
- disjoint coverage
- basis - sinusoid pulses
- Wavelet transform (WT)
- irregular sampling of the TF plane - hyperbolic grid
- longer time interval, shorter frequency interval for lower frequencies
- shorter time interval, longer frequency interval for higher frequencies
- intervals sizes are scaled by two
- disjoint coverage
- Constant-Q transform (CQT)
- frequency bands dependent on their central frequency (constant quotient)
- frequencies sampled logarithmically
- time sampler regularly, but the window size is not constant
- not disjoint coverage
- Nonstationary Gabor Transform (NSGT)
- ??? - needs studing the papers
- not disjoint
- Reassigned STFT
- allows to compute precise location of TF plane sampled
- energy can be then requantized in an arbitrary way
- still dependent on window size
- possible to go multi-scale
- Sparse FT
- other possible approaches to sampling the TF plane:
- stochastic sampling
- eg. using samples with blue-noise distribution
- adaptive sampling
- iterative sampling
- stochastic sampling
- general TF plane transformations
- Fractional Fourier Transform
- rotation
- basis - chirps
- Linear canonical transformation
- linear transformation
- Fractional Fourier Transform
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Desirable properties:
- good time and frequency localisation
- efficient computation
- efficient storage
- invertibility