2.3.1 (2024-10-08)
- downgrade for python < 3.11 compatibility (#208) (97073f6)
- minor fixes to e2e runability (#203) (354c0b0)
- deps: update github-actions (#143) (ad31a0e)
- deps: update github-actions (#205) (6fc600e)
- remove black and white from entity plot (#199) (2a4e5a3)
2.3.0 (2024-07-31)
- only use entries with ADT_GEKID version 2.x (#186) (09409df)
- remove leading zeros from patient id (#190) (6e8c835)
- extract diagnosis date from XML data (#185) (1480267)
- zeros be gone - add information on how to sanitize Patient_ID (#189) (bc71206)
2.2.2 (2024-05-07)
2.2.1 (2024-05-06)
2.2.0 (2024-04-08)
2.1.5 (2024-03-27)
- additional column for patid to keep pat identifier for joins, include new data_dictionary (#165) (49ec635)
2.1.4 (2024-03-26)
- do not use semicolon at the end of SQL query (#157) (b3805f3)
- exchange pat identifier with actual id, handle empty condition_date (#164) (08c6273)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#142) (77e9e83)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#147) (833a09e)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#149) (9242de3)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#153) (03c1f4b)
- deps: update docker.io/bitnami/kafka:3.6.0 docker digest to cff659c (#133) (35016c0)
- deps: update docker.io/bitnami/kafka:3.6.1 docker digest to 80dfb40 (#151) (7693f07)
- deps: update docker.io/bitnami/kafka:3.6.1 docker digest to b525405 (#156) (c96934d)
- deps: update docker.io/library/postgres:15.5 docker digest to 15b7f8d (#154) (936b0b0)
- deps: update docker.io/library/postgres:15.5 docker digest to 7415b9c (#134) (be76059)
- deps: update docker.io/library/postgres:15.5 docker digest to 89d430f (#139) (92e7f35)
- deps: update docker.io/library/postgres:16.1 docker digest to 09f23e0 (#155) (04d73fb)
- deps: update docker.io/library/postgres:16.1 docker digest to 49c276f (#140) (f9ea488)
- deps: update docker.io/obiba/opal:4.6 docker digest to 50abaa4 (#141) (db11236)
- expose obds-to-fhir env vars (#148) (4f40596)
2.1.3 (2024-01-04)
- create SECURITY.md (ca09f85)
- bumps obds-to-fhir image (#136) (73b03ce)
- deps: update docker.io/hapiproject/hapi docker tag to v6.10.1 (#132) (8cab8b8)
- deps: update docker.io/obiba/opal:4.6 docker digest to 79782ac (#131) (ad52b39)
- remove image digest since it seems to interfere with docker save and docker load (f6fdb59)
2.1.2 (2023-11-28)
2.1.1 (2023-11-24)
2.1.0 (2023-11-21)
- bumps obds-to-fhir (#120) (e3035dd)
- deps: update github/codeql-action action to v2.22.6 (#122) (e1fef29)
2.0.0 (2023-11-08)
- affects (default) names of all created and used Kafka topics
- renamed
(581311b) - renamed adt to obds - BREAKING CHANGE - renames all container images (9300032)
- bumps obds-to-fhir (7be7d17)
- bumps obds-to-fhir images (a1a98ac)
- make megalinter black happy (3c6946c)
- markdownlint (8a59ef7)
- updates obds-to-fhir image registry (#118) (ed3398e)
1.6.2 (2023-10-12)
1.6.1 (2023-10-12)
1.6.0 (2023-10-04)
- added a sample deployment for datashield/opal (#105) (d18fa12)
- updated adtfhir-to-opal to produce uicc mapping, grouped uicc, age at diagnosis (#107) (3d223e8)
- added incomplete taskfile for demoing (0764e7a)
- deps: update actions/checkout action to v4 (#106) (09a8064)
- deps: update compose.onkoadt-to-fhir.yaml to use harbor image variant (#109) (9b546c0)
- deps: update ghcr.io/miracum/kafka-fhir-to-server docker tag to v2 (#96) (032906b)
- deps: update github-actions (#31) (51782af)
- deps: update github-actions (major) (#60) (26c1666)
- deps: update google-github-actions/release-please-action action to v3.7.12 (#108) (edeabf6)
- fixed KRaft config for newest Kafka (#101) (84df54e)
- unpin strimzi Operator Image for easier updates (f13faa8)
- updated FHIR Pseudonymizer to v2.20.0 (#104) (66897d4)
- use a smaller spark base image (#103) (862e124)
1.5.11 (2023-08-03)
1.5.10 (2023-07-10)
1.5.9 (2023-07-09)
- restart policy and output volume (16bd28d)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#89) (648b6f5)
- deps: update ghcr.io/miracum/kafka-fhir-to-server docker tag to v1.2.7 (#90) (6d3a476)
1.5.8 (2023-07-06)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#85) (8c22423)
- deps: update docker.io/library/python:3.11.4-slim docker digest to 364ee1a (#87) (f9b6946)
- deps: update kafka-connect-image to v1.1.0 (af0a423)
- release-please extra file fix (6f6e611)
1.5.7 (2023-06-27)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#81) (1b56665)
- deps: update container-images (#82) (16dc67c)
1.5.6 (2023-06-20)
- depend only on build for releases (1252348)
1.5.5 (2023-06-20)
- re-structured compose files (1f9f591)
- run tests only on PRs to keep the pipeline fast (a84d656)
1.5.4 (2023-06-20)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#73) (f070ed9)
- deps: update ghcr.io/miracum/kafka-fhir-to-server docker tag to v1.2.6 (#78) (1a9c7bd)
1.5.3 (2023-06-13)
- deps: update container-images (#71) (b1a7f81)
- deps: update docker.io/library/python:3.11.4-slim docker digest to 0f0fca2 (#75) (30b086b)
1.5.2 (2023-06-07)
1.5.1 (2023-06-05)
1.5.0 (2023-06-04)
- added input data preprocessor to decompose sammelmeldung xmls (#38) (ef3a73e)
- include decompose xml in compose installation (#66) (52c53b2)
- deps: update container-images (#61) (f125e2f)
- deps: update ghcr.io/miracum/kafka-fhir-to-server docker tag to v1.2.4 (#63) (81047f7)
- deps: update ghcr.io/miracum/kafka-fhir-to-server docker tag to v1.2.5 (#64) (1d34c23)
1.4.2 (2023-05-24)
1.4.1 (2023-05-23)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#55) (bb157b4)
- deps: update container-images (#54) (f0d70a4)
- deps: update harbor.miracum.org/streams-ume/onkoadt-to-fhir docker tag to v1.10.4 (#57) (e4f4e0f)
1.4.0 (2023-05-08)
- added onkostar db connector (787b21e)
- anonymization to work with multiple identifier coding types (787b21e)
- don't pin compose digests (#53) (787b21e)
- un-pin compose images due to missing repo names when docker-saving (787b21e)
1.3.1 (2023-05-08)
- split artifacts into multiple to deal with file sizes (0edbcf2)
1.3.0 (2023-05-07)
- not iterating over all images to download the air-gapped images (#45) (35f46c1)
- use digests consistently (#48) (6ceee8d)
- deps: update container-images (#42) (6a88ad6)
- deps: update container-images (#49) (74c02fd)
- deps: update harbor.miracum.org/streams-ume/onkoadt-to-fhir docker tag to v1.10.0 (#46) (2fc9707)
- deps: update harbor.miracum.org/streams-ume/onkoadt-to-fhir docker tag to v1.9.0 (#43) (dc1f1c8)
1.2.0 (2023-05-04)
1.1.2 (2023-05-02)
1.1.1 (2023-04-19)
- added prerequisites chart to release-please extra-files (bdf2146)
1.1.0 (2023-04-19)
- added air-gapped installer workflow (#33) (32aaaf2)
- added kafka bridge deployment (#29) (6bb2feb)
- added support for deploying KafkaBridge (6bb2feb)
- include fhir-gateway sub-chart and config to provide pseudonymization (#16) (8e9a503)
- use OCI chart in README and update version via release please (385708f)
- fix megalinter complaints and added scorecards workflow (#10) (1be905e)
- fixed cosign (#12) (2774c4f)
- add renovate.json (#4) (410f49b)
- deps: update actions/checkout action to v3.4.0 (#9) (0ab830d)
- deps: update actions/checkout action to v3.5.0 (#14) (04d8413)
- deps: update actions/checkout action to v3.5.2 (#27) (86972d5)
- deps: update github/codeql-action action to v2.2.7 (#11) (e920199)
- deps: update github/codeql-action action to v2.2.8 (#13) (319b2e8)
- deps: update github/codeql-action action to v2.2.9 (#17) (a11a505)
- deps: update google-github-actions/release-please-action action to v3.7.6 (#19) (673372e)
- deps: update google-github-actions/release-please-action action to v3.7.7 (#25) (8bd5be7)
- deps: update harbor.miracum.org/streams-ume/onkoadt-to-fhir docker tag to v1.7.0 (#32) (0722f52)
- deps: update helm release akhq to v0.24.0 (#21) (bf25c89)
- deps: update helm release fhir-gateway to v6.0.5 (#23) (6885339)
- deps: update helm release hapi-fhir-jpaserver to v0.11.1 (#5) (3c18bcc)
- deps: update ossf/scorecard-action action to v2.1.3 (#20) (a8bac91)
- deps: update oxsecurity/megalinter action to v6.20.1 (#6) (c3afbf4)
- deps: update sigstore/cosign-installer action to v3.0.2 (#24) (d7f882b)
- moved prerequisites in dedicated prerequsites chart (6bb2feb)
- renovate: group dependency updates (6bb2feb)