diff --git a/tla/.gitignore b/tla/.gitignore
index 9469ad2..bc67358 100644
--- a/tla/.gitignore
+++ b/tla/.gitignore
@@ -3,3 +3,5 @@
diff --git a/tla/double_buffer/original/double_buffer.tla b/tla/double_buffer/original/double_buffer.tla
index ec72c83..8e08d7d 100644
--- a/tla/double_buffer/original/double_buffer.tla
+++ b/tla/double_buffer/original/double_buffer.tla
@@ -105,18 +105,11 @@ begin
\* Asserts no torn reads, as it's possible for the writer to write to the same slot if we don't assert.
assert DataIsNotTorn(g_slots[FlipIndex(reader_slot_idx.idx)]);
+ \* If we got new data, the data we are reading should be larger than the known maximum data as we are always incrementing forward.
\/ ~reader_got_new_data
\/ g_slots[FlipIndex(reader_slot_idx.idx)][reader_data_read_idx] > reader_maximum_data;
- \* Assert the data we are reading is always greater than maximum data we have read thus far.
- \* If it is equal or lower, this means we have read old data.
- \* If simple model was ran, we can see a double exchange after the write, causing old data to be read.
- \* assert
- \* \/ g_slots[FlipIndex(reader_slot_idx.idx)][reader_data_read_idx] = 0 \* This is the initial value... we ignore it as this case is hit if the reader executes 100% before the writer.
- \* \/ g_slots[FlipIndex(reader_slot_idx.idx)][reader_data_read_idx] > reader_maximum_data;
- \* \/ (reader_maximum_data = g_writer_maximum_data /\ g_slots[FlipIndex(reader_slot_idx.idx)][reader_data_read_idx] = reader_maximum_data)
reader_local_data[reader_data_read_idx] := g_slots[FlipIndex(reader_slot_idx.idx)][reader_data_read_idx];
reader_data_read_idx := reader_data_read_idx + 1;
end while;
@@ -128,9 +121,7 @@ begin
assert DataIsNotTorn(reader_local_data);
\* Assert the data we read is the data wrote at the time of the exchange index.
- assert
- \/ reader_local_data = ObjectWithValue(reader_maximum_data)
- \/ reader_local_data = ObjectWithValue(0);
+ assert reader_local_data = ObjectWithValue(reader_maximum_data)
end while;
end process;
@@ -163,7 +154,7 @@ end process;
end algorithm; *)
-\* BEGIN TRANSLATION (chksum(pcal) = "24e6e222" /\ chksum(tla) = "98556c2c")
+\* BEGIN TRANSLATION (chksum(pcal) = "e7d07132" /\ chksum(tla) = "da8a2207")
CONSTANT defaultInitValue
VARIABLES g_slots, g_idx, g_writer_maximum_data, pc
@@ -280,7 +271,7 @@ ReaderReadDataLoop == /\ pc["reader"] = "ReaderReadDataLoop"
"Failure of assertion at line 106, column 21.")
/\ Assert(\/ ~reader_got_new_data
\/ g_slots[FlipIndex(reader_slot_idx.idx)][reader_data_read_idx] > reader_maximum_data,
- "Failure of assertion at line 108, column 21.")
+ "Failure of assertion at line 109, column 21.")
/\ reader_local_data' = [reader_local_data EXCEPT ![reader_data_read_idx] = g_slots[FlipIndex(reader_slot_idx.idx)][reader_data_read_idx]]
/\ reader_data_read_idx' = reader_data_read_idx + 1
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["reader"] = "ReaderReadDataLoop"]
@@ -298,10 +289,9 @@ ReaderReadDataLoop == /\ pc["reader"] = "ReaderReadDataLoop"
ReaderAfterReadData == /\ pc["reader"] = "ReaderAfterReadData"
/\ reader_maximum_data' = reader_maximum_data_tentative
/\ Assert(DataIsNotTorn(reader_local_data),
- "Failure of assertion at line 128, column 17.")
- /\ Assert(\/ reader_local_data = ObjectWithValue(reader_maximum_data')
- \/ reader_local_data = ObjectWithValue(0),
- "Failure of assertion at line 131, column 17.")
+ "Failure of assertion at line 121, column 17.")
+ /\ Assert(reader_local_data = ObjectWithValue(reader_maximum_data'),
+ "Failure of assertion at line 124, column 17.")
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["reader"] = "ReaderOuterLoop"]
/\ UNCHANGED << g_slots, g_idx, g_writer_maximum_data,
reader_outer_loop_idx, reader_slot_idx,
@@ -391,5 +381,5 @@ Termination == <>(\A self \in ProcSet: pc[self] = "Done")
\* Modification History
-\* Last modified Thu Apr 04 19:28:44 EDT 2024 by shuhao
+\* Last modified Thu Apr 04 19:46:55 EDT 2024 by shuhao
\* Created Wed Apr 03 20:06:15 EDT 2024 by shuhao
diff --git a/tla/double_buffer/original/double_buffer.toolbox/double_buffer___SimpleModel.launch b/tla/double_buffer/original/double_buffer.toolbox/double_buffer___SimpleModel.launch
index 93a082f..caf3fa9 100644
--- a/tla/double_buffer/original/double_buffer.toolbox/double_buffer___SimpleModel.launch
+++ b/tla/double_buffer/original/double_buffer.toolbox/double_buffer___SimpleModel.launch
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
diff --git a/tla/double_buffer/original2/double_buffer.cfg b/tla/double_buffer/original2/double_buffer.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8982a55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tla/double_buffer/original2/double_buffer.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+CONSTANT defaultInitValue = defaultInitValue
+\* Add statements after this line.
+CONSTANT kTotalIterationsCount = 3
+CONSTANT kObjectSize = 2
diff --git a/tla/double_buffer/original2/double_buffer.tla b/tla/double_buffer/original2/double_buffer.tla
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..824bd2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tla/double_buffer/original2/double_buffer.tla
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+---- MODULE double_buffer ----
+EXTENDS Sequences, Integers, TLC, FiniteSets
+ This implements the double buffer algorithm original introduced by by Dave
+ Rowland and Fabien Renn-Giles in Real-time 101 - Part II: The real-time audio
+ developer's toolbox (https://youtu.be/PoZAo2Vikbo?t=722).
+ This model contains two processes: a reader and a writer. Both of these
+ processes operates with a loop, which implies that reading and writing occurs
+ multiple times. While in the real-world the reader and writer can continue
+ indefinitely, the model has both of these processes quite after
+ kTotalIterationsCount, to bound the search space.
+ The reader and writer exchange data via g_slots. The data written is a sequence
+ of the same integer values that are monotonically increasing. The reader and
+ writer can only read or write one value atomically, allowing us to detect data
+ races via torn writes. Since the writer is supposed to write the same integer
+ value to the sequence, a torn write can be easily detected if the cardinality
+ of the set of sequence values is greater than 1. As a concrete example:
+ 1. Initially, the data in the slot is <<0, 0>>.
+ 2. The writer starts writing to the slot, changing the first value: <<1, 0>>.
+ If the reader starts reading the same slot, there's a data race and we can
+ detect this as the value in the slot is torn.
+ 3. The writer continues writing to the slot, changing the second value:
+ <<1, 1>>. At this point, the data is no longer torn.
+ 4. In the next iteration, the writer would try to write <<2, 2>>.
+ 5. In the iteration after that, the writer would try to writer <<3, 3>>
+ Since the writer is monotonically increasing the value written, it is also
+ relatively easier for the reader to detect that an older value has been
+ written. The reader shouldn't be able to read an older, invalid value. If the
+ algorithm is improperly coded, this can occur, as mentioned in the original
+ presentation, if the reader reads twice before the writer writes.
+ In the original presentation, bits are used to indicate the active slot, the
+ availability of new data, and the busy-ness of the writer. For simplicity, this
+ model uses a record and atomically updates it, which emulates the same
+ standard.
+ The model uses a number of state variables that are not actually a part of the
+ algorithm for modeling and assertion reasons. These variables are prefixed with
+ h and uses hCamelCase. State variables actually participating in the algorithm
+ are in snake_case. Global variables are prefixed with g, reader-local variables
+ are prefixed with r, and writer-local variables are prefixed with w.
+ ******************************************************************************)
+ This is the total number of iterations that both the reader and writer should
+ execute before the processes exit. While this can be infinite, it is finite
+ (>=3) in the model to make TLC feasible.
+ *)
+CONSTANT kTotalIterationsCount
+ This is the size of the object. Each object has kObjectSize elements.
+ For modeling purposes, we should set this to be greater than 1 to allow
+ detection of data race (with torn reads/writes).
+ *)
+CONSTANT kObjectSize
+ A helper operator to create an object.
+ *)
+ObjectWithValue(value) == [i \in 1..kObjectSize |-> value]
+ A helper operator to flip the index so the code is not repeated.
+ *)
+FlipIndex(index) == IF index = 1 THEN 2 ELSE 1
+ A helper operator to check if a particular data is torn or not.
+ *)
+DataIsNotTorn(data) == Cardinality({data[i] : i \in 1..kObjectSize}) = 1
+(*--algorithm double_buffer
+ kStartingIdx \in 1..2,
+ g_slots = <<
+ ObjectWithValue(0),
+ ObjectWithValue(0)
+ >>,
+ g_idx = [idx |-> kStartingIdx, newdata |-> FALSE, busy |-> FALSE],
+ hWriterMaximumData = 0;
+fair process reader = "reader"
+ \* current in the original code
+ r_current,
+ \* newValue in the original code
+ r_new_value,
+ \* This keeps track of the current index that the reader is reading from
+ \* the slots.
+ \* Not present in the original as reading of the data is done implicitly.
+ r_data_read_i,
+ \* This is a local copy of the data that is read.
+ \* Also not present in the original as this is done implicitly.
+ r_local_data,
+ \* Controls how many times the reader reads. This controls the size of
+ \* the model checking state space.
+ hReaderOuterLoopIdx = 1,
+ \* Keeps track whether or not we have new data or not. This is used for
+ \* assertion to ensure that when we get new data, we never read old data.
+ hReaderGotNewData,
+ \* Keeps track of the maximum data the reader have read so far.
+ hReaderMaximumData = 0;
+ ReaderOuterLoop:
+ while hReaderOuterLoopIdx <= kTotalIterationsCount do
+ \* Reset all the local variables for the start of the new iteration.
+ r_data_read_i := 1;
+ r_local_data := ObjectWithValue(0);
+ hReaderGotNewData := FALSE;
+ hReaderOuterLoopIdx := hReaderOuterLoopIdx + 1;
+ ReaderLoadIndex:
+ r_current := g_idx;
+ ReaderCheckNewData:
+ if (r_current.newdata = TRUE) then
+ ReaderCASPrep:
+ \* current &= ~BIT_BUSY
+ \* This negates the busy bit
+ r_current := [
+ idx |-> r_current.idx,
+ newdata |-> r_current.newdata,
+ busy |-> FALSE
+ ];
+ \* newValue = (current ^ BIT_IDX) & BIT_IDX
+ \* This flips the idx bit then negates everything except the idx bit.
+ r_new_value := [
+ idx |-> FlipIndex(r_current.idx),
+ newdata |-> FALSE,
+ busy |-> FALSE
+ ];
+ ReaderCAS:
+ \* while (!idx.compare_exchange_weak(current, newValue))
+ if (g_idx # r_current) then
+ r_current := g_idx;
+ goto ReaderCASPrep;
+ else
+ g_idx := r_new_value;
+ \* current = newValue
+ r_current := r_new_value;
+ hReaderGotNewData := TRUE;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ ReaderReadDataLoop:
+ \* Note, r_current.idx is the idx of the writer, not the reader.
+ \* Thus we need to flip the idx to read here.
+ while r_data_read_i <= kObjectSize do
+ \* This ensures that when we are reading the data, we cannot
+ \* have a torn write/data race at the same time.
+ \* TODO: see if there is a better way to check for data race.
+ assert DataIsNotTorn(g_slots[FlipIndex(r_current.idx)]);
+ r_local_data[r_data_read_i] := g_slots[FlipIndex(r_current.idx)][r_data_read_i];
+ r_data_read_i := r_data_read_i + 1;
+ end while;
+ ReaderAfterReadData:
+ \* This entire step is not in the original algorithm and only
+ \* exists to check for correctness in TLC.
+ \* Check to make sure that there's no torn read.
+ assert DataIsNotTorn(r_local_data);
+ \* Check to make sure that if we we got new data, the data read
+ \* is always newer than what we have read before.
+ \* TODO: this check has an issue where if the reader never got
+ \* new data, then the second part of the OR statement never gets
+ \* evaluated. This is not possible to fix within TLA+ as it is
+ \* linear-time temporal logic and would require some sort of
+ \* TLC-specific extensions.
+ \*
+ \* See https://groups.google.com/g/tlaplus/c/gVdl99UIkLU/m/aMkOQhieAQAJ
+ assert
+ \/ ~hReaderGotNewData
+ \/ \A i \in 1..kObjectSize: r_local_data[i] > hReaderMaximumData;
+ \* Record the new maximum data if we received new data so it can
+ \* be used for assertions in the next iteration.
+ if (hReaderGotNewData = TRUE) then
+ hReaderMaximumData := r_local_data[1];
+ end if;
+ end while;
+end process;
+fair process writer = "writer"
+ \* i in the original code, where the write index is read to by the writer.
+ w_idx,
+ \* This keeps track of the current position of the write.
+ \* This is technically not a part of the original code, as the memcpy there
+ \* is done implicitly, while we model it here explicitly.
+ w_data_write_i,
+ \* Controls how many times the writer writes. This controls the size of the
+ \* state checking space
+ hWriterOuterLoopIdx = 1;
+ WriterOuterLoop:
+ while hWriterOuterLoopIdx <= kTotalIterationsCount do
+ \* Reset variables to some initial state
+ hWriterOuterLoopIdx := hWriterOuterLoopIdx + 1;
+ w_data_write_i := 1;
+ WriterLoadIdx:
+ \* auto i = idx.fetch_or(BIT_BUSY) & BIT_IDX
+ \* fetch_or updates idx with the idx | BIT_BUSY and returns idx prior to the update
+ w_idx := g_idx.idx;
+ g_idx.busy := TRUE;
+ WriterWriteDataLoop:
+ \* mostRecentSpectrum[i] = freqSpec;
+ while w_data_write_i <= kObjectSize do
+ g_slots[w_idx][w_data_write_i] := hWriterMaximumData + 1;
+ w_data_write_i := w_data_write_i + 1;
+ end while;
+ WriterAfterWriteData:
+ \* idx.store((i & BIT_IDX) | BIT_NEWDATA)
+ g_idx.busy := FALSE || g_idx.newdata := TRUE;
+ hWriterMaximumData := hWriterMaximumData + 1;
+ end while;
+end process;
+end algorithm; *)
+\* BEGIN TRANSLATION (chksum(pcal) = "b28165af" /\ chksum(tla) = "7c2f2fcf")
+CONSTANT defaultInitValue
+VARIABLES kStartingIdx, g_slots, g_idx, hWriterMaximumData, pc, r_current,
+ r_new_value, r_data_read_i, r_local_data, hReaderOuterLoopIdx,
+ hReaderGotNewData, hReaderMaximumData, w_idx, w_data_write_i,
+ hWriterOuterLoopIdx
+vars == << kStartingIdx, g_slots, g_idx, hWriterMaximumData, pc, r_current,
+ r_new_value, r_data_read_i, r_local_data, hReaderOuterLoopIdx,
+ hReaderGotNewData, hReaderMaximumData, w_idx, w_data_write_i,
+ hWriterOuterLoopIdx >>
+ProcSet == {"reader"} \cup {"writer"}
+Init == (* Global variables *)
+ /\ kStartingIdx \in 1..2
+ /\ g_slots = <<
+ ObjectWithValue(0),
+ ObjectWithValue(0)
+ >>
+ /\ g_idx = [idx |-> kStartingIdx, newdata |-> FALSE, busy |-> FALSE]
+ /\ hWriterMaximumData = 0
+ (* Process reader *)
+ /\ r_current = defaultInitValue
+ /\ r_new_value = defaultInitValue
+ /\ r_data_read_i = defaultInitValue
+ /\ r_local_data = defaultInitValue
+ /\ hReaderOuterLoopIdx = 1
+ /\ hReaderGotNewData = defaultInitValue
+ /\ hReaderMaximumData = 0
+ (* Process writer *)
+ /\ w_idx = defaultInitValue
+ /\ w_data_write_i = defaultInitValue
+ /\ hWriterOuterLoopIdx = 1
+ /\ pc = [self \in ProcSet |-> CASE self = "reader" -> "ReaderOuterLoop"
+ [] self = "writer" -> "WriterOuterLoop"]
+ReaderOuterLoop == /\ pc["reader"] = "ReaderOuterLoop"
+ /\ IF hReaderOuterLoopIdx <= kTotalIterationsCount
+ THEN /\ r_data_read_i' = 1
+ /\ r_local_data' = ObjectWithValue(0)
+ /\ hReaderGotNewData' = FALSE
+ /\ hReaderOuterLoopIdx' = hReaderOuterLoopIdx + 1
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["reader"] = "ReaderLoadIndex"]
+ ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["reader"] = "Done"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << r_data_read_i, r_local_data,
+ hReaderOuterLoopIdx,
+ hReaderGotNewData >>
+ /\ UNCHANGED << kStartingIdx, g_slots, g_idx,
+ hWriterMaximumData, r_current, r_new_value,
+ hReaderMaximumData, w_idx, w_data_write_i,
+ hWriterOuterLoopIdx >>
+ReaderLoadIndex == /\ pc["reader"] = "ReaderLoadIndex"
+ /\ r_current' = g_idx
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["reader"] = "ReaderCheckNewData"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << kStartingIdx, g_slots, g_idx,
+ hWriterMaximumData, r_new_value,
+ r_data_read_i, r_local_data,
+ hReaderOuterLoopIdx, hReaderGotNewData,
+ hReaderMaximumData, w_idx, w_data_write_i,
+ hWriterOuterLoopIdx >>
+ReaderCheckNewData == /\ pc["reader"] = "ReaderCheckNewData"
+ /\ IF (r_current.newdata = TRUE)
+ THEN /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["reader"] = "ReaderCASPrep"]
+ ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["reader"] = "ReaderReadDataLoop"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << kStartingIdx, g_slots, g_idx,
+ hWriterMaximumData, r_current,
+ r_new_value, r_data_read_i, r_local_data,
+ hReaderOuterLoopIdx, hReaderGotNewData,
+ hReaderMaximumData, w_idx,
+ w_data_write_i, hWriterOuterLoopIdx >>
+ReaderCASPrep == /\ pc["reader"] = "ReaderCASPrep"
+ /\ r_current' = [
+ idx |-> r_current.idx,
+ newdata |-> r_current.newdata,
+ busy |-> FALSE
+ ]
+ /\ r_new_value' = [
+ idx |-> FlipIndex(r_current'.idx),
+ newdata |-> FALSE,
+ busy |-> FALSE
+ ]
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["reader"] = "ReaderCAS"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << kStartingIdx, g_slots, g_idx,
+ hWriterMaximumData, r_data_read_i,
+ r_local_data, hReaderOuterLoopIdx,
+ hReaderGotNewData, hReaderMaximumData, w_idx,
+ w_data_write_i, hWriterOuterLoopIdx >>
+ReaderCAS == /\ pc["reader"] = "ReaderCAS"
+ /\ IF (g_idx # r_current)
+ THEN /\ r_current' = g_idx
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["reader"] = "ReaderCASPrep"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_idx, hReaderGotNewData >>
+ ELSE /\ g_idx' = r_new_value
+ /\ r_current' = r_new_value
+ /\ hReaderGotNewData' = TRUE
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["reader"] = "ReaderReadDataLoop"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << kStartingIdx, g_slots, hWriterMaximumData,
+ r_new_value, r_data_read_i, r_local_data,
+ hReaderOuterLoopIdx, hReaderMaximumData, w_idx,
+ w_data_write_i, hWriterOuterLoopIdx >>
+ReaderReadDataLoop == /\ pc["reader"] = "ReaderReadDataLoop"
+ /\ IF r_data_read_i <= kObjectSize
+ THEN /\ Assert(DataIsNotTorn(g_slots[FlipIndex(r_current.idx)]),
+ "Failure of assertion at line 163, column 21.")
+ /\ r_local_data' = [r_local_data EXCEPT ![r_data_read_i] = g_slots[FlipIndex(r_current.idx)][r_data_read_i]]
+ /\ r_data_read_i' = r_data_read_i + 1
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["reader"] = "ReaderReadDataLoop"]
+ ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["reader"] = "ReaderAfterReadData"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << r_data_read_i, r_local_data >>
+ /\ UNCHANGED << kStartingIdx, g_slots, g_idx,
+ hWriterMaximumData, r_current,
+ r_new_value, hReaderOuterLoopIdx,
+ hReaderGotNewData, hReaderMaximumData,
+ w_idx, w_data_write_i,
+ hWriterOuterLoopIdx >>
+ReaderAfterReadData == /\ pc["reader"] = "ReaderAfterReadData"
+ /\ Assert(DataIsNotTorn(r_local_data),
+ "Failure of assertion at line 174, column 17.")
+ /\ Assert(\/ ~hReaderGotNewData
+ \/ \A i \in 1..kObjectSize: r_local_data[i] > hReaderMaximumData,
+ "Failure of assertion at line 185, column 17.")
+ /\ IF (hReaderGotNewData = TRUE)
+ THEN /\ hReaderMaximumData' = r_local_data[1]
+ /\ UNCHANGED hReaderMaximumData
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["reader"] = "ReaderOuterLoop"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << kStartingIdx, g_slots, g_idx,
+ hWriterMaximumData, r_current,
+ r_new_value, r_data_read_i,
+ r_local_data, hReaderOuterLoopIdx,
+ hReaderGotNewData, w_idx,
+ w_data_write_i, hWriterOuterLoopIdx >>
+reader == ReaderOuterLoop \/ ReaderLoadIndex \/ ReaderCheckNewData
+ \/ ReaderCASPrep \/ ReaderCAS \/ ReaderReadDataLoop
+ \/ ReaderAfterReadData
+WriterOuterLoop == /\ pc["writer"] = "WriterOuterLoop"
+ /\ IF hWriterOuterLoopIdx <= kTotalIterationsCount
+ THEN /\ hWriterOuterLoopIdx' = hWriterOuterLoopIdx + 1
+ /\ w_data_write_i' = 1
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["writer"] = "WriterLoadIdx"]
+ ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["writer"] = "Done"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << w_data_write_i,
+ hWriterOuterLoopIdx >>
+ /\ UNCHANGED << kStartingIdx, g_slots, g_idx,
+ hWriterMaximumData, r_current, r_new_value,
+ r_data_read_i, r_local_data,
+ hReaderOuterLoopIdx, hReaderGotNewData,
+ hReaderMaximumData, w_idx >>
+WriterLoadIdx == /\ pc["writer"] = "WriterLoadIdx"
+ /\ w_idx' = g_idx.idx
+ /\ g_idx' = [g_idx EXCEPT !.busy = TRUE]
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["writer"] = "WriterWriteDataLoop"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << kStartingIdx, g_slots, hWriterMaximumData,
+ r_current, r_new_value, r_data_read_i,
+ r_local_data, hReaderOuterLoopIdx,
+ hReaderGotNewData, hReaderMaximumData,
+ w_data_write_i, hWriterOuterLoopIdx >>
+WriterWriteDataLoop == /\ pc["writer"] = "WriterWriteDataLoop"
+ /\ IF w_data_write_i <= kObjectSize
+ THEN /\ g_slots' = [g_slots EXCEPT ![w_idx][w_data_write_i] = hWriterMaximumData + 1]
+ /\ w_data_write_i' = w_data_write_i + 1
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["writer"] = "WriterWriteDataLoop"]
+ ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["writer"] = "WriterAfterWriteData"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_slots, w_data_write_i >>
+ /\ UNCHANGED << kStartingIdx, g_idx, hWriterMaximumData,
+ r_current, r_new_value, r_data_read_i,
+ r_local_data, hReaderOuterLoopIdx,
+ hReaderGotNewData, hReaderMaximumData,
+ w_idx, hWriterOuterLoopIdx >>
+WriterAfterWriteData == /\ pc["writer"] = "WriterAfterWriteData"
+ /\ g_idx' = [g_idx EXCEPT !.busy = FALSE,
+ !.newdata = TRUE]
+ /\ hWriterMaximumData' = hWriterMaximumData + 1
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["writer"] = "WriterOuterLoop"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << kStartingIdx, g_slots, r_current,
+ r_new_value, r_data_read_i,
+ r_local_data, hReaderOuterLoopIdx,
+ hReaderGotNewData, hReaderMaximumData,
+ w_idx, w_data_write_i,
+ hWriterOuterLoopIdx >>
+writer == WriterOuterLoop \/ WriterLoadIdx \/ WriterWriteDataLoop
+ \/ WriterAfterWriteData
+(* Allow infinite stuttering to prevent deadlock on termination. *)
+Terminating == /\ \A self \in ProcSet: pc[self] = "Done"
+ /\ UNCHANGED vars
+Next == reader \/ writer
+ \/ Terminating
+Spec == /\ Init /\ [][Next]_vars
+ /\ WF_vars(reader)
+ /\ WF_vars(writer)
+Termination == <>(\A self \in ProcSet: pc[self] = "Done")