diff --git a/tla/.gitignore b/tla/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9469ad2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tla/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/tla/cas_exchange_loop/original/cas_exchange_loop.tla b/tla/cas_exchange_loop/original/cas_exchange_loop.tla
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f459913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tla/cas_exchange_loop/original/cas_exchange_loop.tla
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+------------------------- MODULE cas_exchange_loop -------------------------
+This algorithm was originally introduced by Dave Rowland and Fabien Renn-Giles
+in Real-time 101 - Part II: The real-time audio developer's toolbox
+The original idea for this algorithm is for the writer to be on the slow
+(non-real-time) path and reader to be on the fast (real-time) path.
+The idea is to use an atomic pointer and a heap-allocated object that's always
+tracked. The atomic pointer will point to nullptr if the fast-path reader is
+currently reading the value. Otherwise, it will point to the heap-allocated
+object (or an older version of the heap-allocated object). Effectively, this is
+using the nullptr as an "in-use" flag for this atomic pointer. The tracked
+heap-allocated object stores the "latest" object.
+The slow-path reader allocates a new object and CAS the atomic pointer if the
+atomic pointer is currently not null. If it is successfuly, it has exchanged
+the pointer to the new object with the pointer to the previous iteration of the
+object. The slow-path then updates the tracked heap-allocated object to be
+the new object, while deleting the previous object to avoid a memory leak.
+This algorithm is able to send an object of any size to the fast thread without
+copying. It requires memory allocation and deallocation on the slow-path. The
+fast-path is wait-free while the slow-path is lock-free (if memory allocation
+is lock-free). This supports at most one reader and one writer.
+The goal of this specification is to write the above down and check for the
+following properties:
+1. No memory leak occurs (InvariantNoMemoryLeak)
+2. No torn read occurs on the fast path (assertions in reader process)
+3. No use after free (assertions in readers and writers)
+4. No data race occurs (TODO)
+5. The data is passed from the writer to the reader successfully at the end.
+ ***************************************************************************)
+EXTENDS Sequences, Integers, TLC, FiniteSets
+This defines the maximum limit of the memory in the model.
+For modeling purposes, this should be above 2 as the algorithm should have
+at most two objects allocated at a time.
+ ***************************************************************************)
+CONSTANT kMemoryCapacity
+An Object is something we store in the memory. Each object consists of multiple
+ObjectElements, as we need to model torn writes/reads.
+For modeling purposes, these should be model values like {e0, e1}. Two
+elements is likely enough.
+ ***************************************************************************)
+CONSTANT ObjectElements
+This is the size of the object. Each object has kObjectSize ObjectElements.
+For modeling, it must be greater than 1.
+ ***************************************************************************)
+CONSTANT kObjectSize
+NULLPTR: A null pointer
+EMPTY: A marker showing the memory slot is empty
+ ***************************************************************************)
+An uninitialized object element.
+ ***************************************************************************)
+UninitializedElement == CHOOSE e: e \notin ObjectElements
+Ways to create objects
+ ***************************************************************************)
+ObjectWithValue(value) == [i \in 1..kObjectSize |-> value]
+DefaultObject == ObjectWithValue(UninitializedElement)
+\* Pick a random object element for the initial state. Could theoretically make
+\* the initial be different objects.
+InitialObject == ObjectWithValue(CHOOSE e \in ObjectElements: TRUE)
+(* --algorithm cas_exchange_loop
+ g_storage_pointer \in 1..kMemoryCapacity, \* storage in the original
+ g_memory = [i \in 1..kMemoryCapacity |-> IF i = g_storage_pointer THEN InitialObject ELSE EMPTY], \* Need to model the memory allocation
+ g_atomic_pointer = g_storage_pointer, \* biquadCoeff in the original
+ g_writer_written_data_for_assertion = EMPTY; \* We atomically use TLA+ to write to this variable, so we can do an equality assertion to make sure we read the right data.
+ MemoryUsage == Cardinality({i \in 1..kMemoryCapacity: g_memory[i] # EMPTY})
+ InvariantNoMemoryLeak == MemoryUsage <= 2
+ DataIsNotTorn(data) == Cardinality({data[i] : i \in 1..kObjectSize}) = 1
+end define;
+fair process reader = "reader"
+ reader_local_pointer, \* coeff in the original
+ read_index = 1, \* Used to model reading through the data in multiple steps.
+ reader_local_data = DefaultObject;
+ ReaderExchangePtr:
+ assert g_atomic_pointer # NULLPTR;
+ reader_local_pointer := g_atomic_pointer;
+ g_atomic_pointer := NULLPTR;
+ ReaderCopyObject:
+ while read_index <= kObjectSize do
+ assert g_memory[reader_local_pointer] # EMPTY;
+ assert DataIsNotTorn(g_memory[reader_local_pointer]);
+ reader_local_data[read_index] := g_memory[reader_local_pointer][read_index];
+ ReaderReadObjectInc:
+ read_index := read_index + 1;
+ end while;
+ ReaderStorePtr:
+ assert DataIsNotTorn(reader_local_data);
+ assert \/ g_writer_written_data_for_assertion = EMPTY
+ \/ g_writer_written_data_for_assertion = reader_local_data;
+ g_atomic_pointer := reader_local_pointer;
+end process;
+fair process writer = "writer"
+ writer_local_pointer, \* newBiquad in original
+ chosen_element, \* A shortcut variable to choose a single element from ObjectElements so it is stationary in the write loop. May be replaced with `with`?
+ writer_expected_ptr, \* expected in the origin
+ exchanged = FALSE, \* A variable to indicate if the exchange is successful.
+ write_index = 1; \* Used to model writing through the data in multiple steps.
+ \* We first start by finding a free slot in memory and allocate the memory
+ \* with a default initialized object.
+ \*
+ \* If this CHOOSE ever fails, it means we have run out of memory and likely
+ \* there was a memory leak.
+ WriterAllocateObject:
+ assert Cardinality({i \in DOMAIN g_memory : g_memory[i] = EMPTY}) > 0; \* Check OOM
+ writer_local_pointer := CHOOSE i \in DOMAIN g_memory: g_memory[i] = EMPTY;
+ \* Assign a default object.
+ g_memory[writer_local_pointer] := DefaultObject;
+ \* In this specification, we always write the same object element value to
+ \* the object. This makes it easy to check if a torn read/write occured
+ \* as the invariant for that simply becomes whether or not the number of
+ \* unique object values is 1 or not in an object.
+ \*
+ \* Maybe this is not the best way to choose an element as it introduces yet
+ \* another step. However, I'm not sure how to fix it.
+ \* TODO: fix this.
+ WriterChooseObjectElement:
+ with elem \in ObjectElements do
+ chosen_element := elem;
+ end with;
+ \* In this specification, we need to model the data write, to make sure
+ \* that writes here doesn't actually affect the reads. This is similar to
+ \* the copy constructor that's called when the original code's
+ \* changeBiquadParameters is called.
+ WriterWriteObject:
+ while write_index <= kObjectSize do
+ assert g_memory[writer_local_pointer] # EMPTY; \* Check use after free
+ g_memory[writer_local_pointer][write_index] := chosen_element;
+ WriterWriteObjectLoopInc:
+ write_index := write_index + 1;
+ end while;
+ WriterCASLoop:
+ while exchanged = FALSE do
+ writer_expected_ptr := g_storage_pointer;
+ WriterCASCAS:
+ if (writer_expected_ptr = g_atomic_pointer) then
+ g_atomic_pointer := writer_local_pointer || writer_local_pointer := g_atomic_pointer;
+ g_writer_written_data_for_assertion := ObjectWithValue(chosen_element); \* Not a part of the algorithm. Not implementable in real-life. Used for assertion instead.
+ exchanged := TRUE;
+ end if;
+ end while;
+ WriterUpdateStoragePointer:
+ g_storage_pointer := writer_local_pointer;
+ WriterDeleteOldData:
+ assert g_memory[writer_local_pointer] # EMPTY; \* Check double free
+ g_memory[writer_local_pointer] := EMPTY;
+end process;
+end algorithm; *)
+\* BEGIN TRANSLATION (chksum(pcal) = "68798429" /\ chksum(tla) = "4d4ee443")
+CONSTANT defaultInitValue
+VARIABLES g_storage_pointer, g_memory, g_atomic_pointer,
+ g_writer_written_data_for_assertion, pc
+(* define statement *)
+MemoryUsage == Cardinality({i \in 1..kMemoryCapacity: g_memory[i] # EMPTY})
+InvariantNoMemoryLeak == MemoryUsage <= 2
+DataIsNotTorn(data) == Cardinality({data[i] : i \in 1..kObjectSize}) = 1
+VARIABLES reader_local_pointer, read_index, reader_local_data,
+ writer_local_pointer, chosen_element, writer_expected_ptr,
+ exchanged, write_index
+vars == << g_storage_pointer, g_memory, g_atomic_pointer,
+ g_writer_written_data_for_assertion, pc, reader_local_pointer,
+ read_index, reader_local_data, writer_local_pointer,
+ chosen_element, writer_expected_ptr, exchanged, write_index >>
+ProcSet == {"reader"} \cup {"writer"}
+Init == (* Global variables *)
+ /\ g_storage_pointer \in 1..kMemoryCapacity
+ /\ g_memory = [i \in 1..kMemoryCapacity |-> IF i = g_storage_pointer THEN InitialObject ELSE EMPTY]
+ /\ g_atomic_pointer = g_storage_pointer
+ /\ g_writer_written_data_for_assertion = EMPTY
+ (* Process reader *)
+ /\ reader_local_pointer = defaultInitValue
+ /\ read_index = 1
+ /\ reader_local_data = DefaultObject
+ (* Process writer *)
+ /\ writer_local_pointer = defaultInitValue
+ /\ chosen_element = defaultInitValue
+ /\ writer_expected_ptr = defaultInitValue
+ /\ exchanged = FALSE
+ /\ write_index = 1
+ /\ pc = [self \in ProcSet |-> CASE self = "reader" -> "ReaderExchangePtr"
+ [] self = "writer" -> "WriterAllocateObject"]
+ReaderExchangePtr == /\ pc["reader"] = "ReaderExchangePtr"
+ /\ Assert(g_atomic_pointer # NULLPTR,
+ "Failure of assertion at line 110, column 9.")
+ /\ reader_local_pointer' = g_atomic_pointer
+ /\ g_atomic_pointer' = NULLPTR
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["reader"] = "ReaderCopyObject"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_storage_pointer, g_memory,
+ g_writer_written_data_for_assertion,
+ read_index, reader_local_data,
+ writer_local_pointer, chosen_element,
+ writer_expected_ptr, exchanged,
+ write_index >>
+ReaderCopyObject == /\ pc["reader"] = "ReaderCopyObject"
+ /\ IF read_index <= kObjectSize
+ THEN /\ Assert(g_memory[reader_local_pointer] # EMPTY,
+ "Failure of assertion at line 116, column 13.")
+ /\ Assert(DataIsNotTorn(g_memory[reader_local_pointer]),
+ "Failure of assertion at line 117, column 13.")
+ /\ reader_local_data' = [reader_local_data EXCEPT ![read_index] = g_memory[reader_local_pointer][read_index]]
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["reader"] = "ReaderReadObjectInc"]
+ ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["reader"] = "ReaderStorePtr"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED reader_local_data
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_storage_pointer, g_memory,
+ g_atomic_pointer,
+ g_writer_written_data_for_assertion,
+ reader_local_pointer, read_index,
+ writer_local_pointer, chosen_element,
+ writer_expected_ptr, exchanged,
+ write_index >>
+ReaderReadObjectInc == /\ pc["reader"] = "ReaderReadObjectInc"
+ /\ read_index' = read_index + 1
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["reader"] = "ReaderCopyObject"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_storage_pointer, g_memory,
+ g_atomic_pointer,
+ g_writer_written_data_for_assertion,
+ reader_local_pointer, reader_local_data,
+ writer_local_pointer, chosen_element,
+ writer_expected_ptr, exchanged,
+ write_index >>
+ReaderStorePtr == /\ pc["reader"] = "ReaderStorePtr"
+ /\ Assert(DataIsNotTorn(reader_local_data),
+ "Failure of assertion at line 124, column 9.")
+ /\ Assert(\/ g_writer_written_data_for_assertion = EMPTY
+ \/ g_writer_written_data_for_assertion = reader_local_data,
+ "Failure of assertion at line 125, column 9.")
+ /\ g_atomic_pointer' = reader_local_pointer
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["reader"] = "Done"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_storage_pointer, g_memory,
+ g_writer_written_data_for_assertion,
+ reader_local_pointer, read_index,
+ reader_local_data, writer_local_pointer,
+ chosen_element, writer_expected_ptr,
+ exchanged, write_index >>
+reader == ReaderExchangePtr \/ ReaderCopyObject \/ ReaderReadObjectInc
+ \/ ReaderStorePtr
+WriterAllocateObject == /\ pc["writer"] = "WriterAllocateObject"
+ /\ Assert(Cardinality({i \in DOMAIN g_memory : g_memory[i] = EMPTY}) > 0,
+ "Failure of assertion at line 144, column 9.")
+ /\ writer_local_pointer' = (CHOOSE i \in DOMAIN g_memory: g_memory[i] = EMPTY)
+ /\ g_memory' = [g_memory EXCEPT ![writer_local_pointer'] = DefaultObject]
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["writer"] = "WriterChooseObjectElement"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_storage_pointer, g_atomic_pointer,
+ g_writer_written_data_for_assertion,
+ reader_local_pointer, read_index,
+ reader_local_data, chosen_element,
+ writer_expected_ptr, exchanged,
+ write_index >>
+WriterChooseObjectElement == /\ pc["writer"] = "WriterChooseObjectElement"
+ /\ \E elem \in ObjectElements:
+ chosen_element' = elem
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["writer"] = "WriterWriteObject"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_storage_pointer, g_memory,
+ g_atomic_pointer,
+ g_writer_written_data_for_assertion,
+ reader_local_pointer, read_index,
+ reader_local_data,
+ writer_local_pointer,
+ writer_expected_ptr, exchanged,
+ write_index >>
+WriterWriteObject == /\ pc["writer"] = "WriterWriteObject"
+ /\ IF write_index <= kObjectSize
+ THEN /\ Assert(g_memory[writer_local_pointer] # EMPTY,
+ "Failure of assertion at line 171, column 13.")
+ /\ g_memory' = [g_memory EXCEPT ![writer_local_pointer][write_index] = chosen_element]
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["writer"] = "WriterWriteObjectLoopInc"]
+ ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["writer"] = "WriterCASLoop"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED g_memory
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_storage_pointer, g_atomic_pointer,
+ g_writer_written_data_for_assertion,
+ reader_local_pointer, read_index,
+ reader_local_data, writer_local_pointer,
+ chosen_element, writer_expected_ptr,
+ exchanged, write_index >>
+WriterWriteObjectLoopInc == /\ pc["writer"] = "WriterWriteObjectLoopInc"
+ /\ write_index' = write_index + 1
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["writer"] = "WriterWriteObject"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_storage_pointer, g_memory,
+ g_atomic_pointer,
+ g_writer_written_data_for_assertion,
+ reader_local_pointer, read_index,
+ reader_local_data,
+ writer_local_pointer,
+ chosen_element,
+ writer_expected_ptr, exchanged >>
+WriterCASLoop == /\ pc["writer"] = "WriterCASLoop"
+ /\ IF exchanged = FALSE
+ THEN /\ writer_expected_ptr' = g_storage_pointer
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["writer"] = "WriterCASCAS"]
+ ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["writer"] = "WriterUpdateStoragePointer"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED writer_expected_ptr
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_storage_pointer, g_memory, g_atomic_pointer,
+ g_writer_written_data_for_assertion,
+ reader_local_pointer, read_index,
+ reader_local_data, writer_local_pointer,
+ chosen_element, exchanged, write_index >>
+WriterCASCAS == /\ pc["writer"] = "WriterCASCAS"
+ /\ IF (writer_expected_ptr = g_atomic_pointer)
+ THEN /\ /\ g_atomic_pointer' = writer_local_pointer
+ /\ writer_local_pointer' = g_atomic_pointer
+ /\ g_writer_written_data_for_assertion' = ObjectWithValue(chosen_element)
+ /\ exchanged' = TRUE
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_atomic_pointer,
+ g_writer_written_data_for_assertion,
+ writer_local_pointer, exchanged >>
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["writer"] = "WriterCASLoop"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_storage_pointer, g_memory,
+ reader_local_pointer, read_index,
+ reader_local_data, chosen_element,
+ writer_expected_ptr, write_index >>
+WriterUpdateStoragePointer == /\ pc["writer"] = "WriterUpdateStoragePointer"
+ /\ g_storage_pointer' = writer_local_pointer
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["writer"] = "WriterDeleteOldData"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_memory, g_atomic_pointer,
+ g_writer_written_data_for_assertion,
+ reader_local_pointer, read_index,
+ reader_local_data,
+ writer_local_pointer,
+ chosen_element,
+ writer_expected_ptr, exchanged,
+ write_index >>
+WriterDeleteOldData == /\ pc["writer"] = "WriterDeleteOldData"
+ /\ Assert(g_memory[writer_local_pointer] # EMPTY,
+ "Failure of assertion at line 192, column 9.")
+ /\ g_memory' = [g_memory EXCEPT ![writer_local_pointer] = EMPTY]
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["writer"] = "Done"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_storage_pointer, g_atomic_pointer,
+ g_writer_written_data_for_assertion,
+ reader_local_pointer, read_index,
+ reader_local_data, writer_local_pointer,
+ chosen_element, writer_expected_ptr,
+ exchanged, write_index >>
+writer == WriterAllocateObject \/ WriterChooseObjectElement
+ \/ WriterWriteObject \/ WriterWriteObjectLoopInc
+ \/ WriterCASLoop \/ WriterCASCAS \/ WriterUpdateStoragePointer
+ \/ WriterDeleteOldData
+(* Allow infinite stuttering to prevent deadlock on termination. *)
+Terminating == /\ \A self \in ProcSet: pc[self] = "Done"
+ /\ UNCHANGED vars
+Next == reader \/ writer
+ \/ Terminating
+Spec == /\ Init /\ [][Next]_vars
+ /\ WF_vars(reader)
+ /\ WF_vars(writer)
+Termination == <>(\A self \in ProcSet: pc[self] = "Done")
+WriterWroteDataBeforeReaderAtLeastOnce ==
+ <>(
+ /\ (reader_local_data # DefaultObject)
+ /\ <>(g_writer_written_data_for_assertion # EMPTY)
+ /\ <>(g_writer_written_data_for_assertion = reader_local_data)
+ )
+\* Modification History
+\* Last modified Sat Mar 23 17:13:26 EDT 2024 by shuhao
+\* Created Sat Mar 23 11:26:21 EDT 2024 by shuhao
diff --git a/tla/cas_exchange_loop/original/cas_exchange_loop.toolbox/cas_exchange_loop___SimpleModel.launch b/tla/cas_exchange_loop/original/cas_exchange_loop.toolbox/cas_exchange_loop___SimpleModel.launch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e92a3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tla/cas_exchange_loop/original/cas_exchange_loop.toolbox/cas_exchange_loop___SimpleModel.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
diff --git a/tla/cas_exchange_loop/wrong/cas_exchange_loop_wrong.tla b/tla/cas_exchange_loop/wrong/cas_exchange_loop_wrong.tla
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e3f7e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tla/cas_exchange_loop/wrong/cas_exchange_loop_wrong.tla
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+------------------------- MODULE cas_exchange_loop_wrong--------------------
+This algorithm was originally introduced by Dave Rowland and Fabien Renn-Giles
+in Real-time 101 - Part II: The real-time audio developer's toolbox
+The original idea for this algorithm is for the writer to be on the slow
+(non-real-time) path and reader to be on the fast (real-time) path.
+The idea is to use an atomic pointer and a heap-allocated object that's always
+tracked. The atomic pointer will point to nullptr if the fast-path reader is
+currently reading the value. Otherwise, it will point to the heap-allocated
+object (or an older version of the heap-allocated object). Effectively, this is
+using the nullptr as an "in-use" flag for this atomic pointer. The tracked
+heap-allocated object stores the "latest" object.
+The slow-path reader allocates a new object and CAS the atomic pointer if the
+atomic pointer is currently not null. If it is successfuly, it has exchanged
+the pointer to the new object with the pointer to the previous iteration of the
+object. The slow-path then updates the tracked heap-allocated object to be
+the new object, while deleting the previous object to avoid a memory leak.
+This algorithm is able to send an object of any size to the fast thread without
+copying. It requires memory allocation and deallocation on the slow-path. The
+fast-path is wait-free while the slow-path is lock-free (if memory allocation
+is lock-free). This supports at most one reader and one writer.
+The goal of this specification is to write the above down and check for the
+following properties:
+1. No memory leak occurs.
+2. No torn read occurs on the fast path.
+3. No use after free
+4. No data race occurs.
+ ***************************************************************************)
+EXTENDS Sequences, Integers, TLC
+This defines the maximum limit of the memory in the model.
+For modeling purposes, this should be above 2 as the algorithm should have
+at most two objects allocated at a time.
+ ***************************************************************************)
+CONSTANT kMemoryCapacity
+An Object is something we store in the memory. Each object consists of multiple
+ObjectElements, as we need to model torn writes/reads.
+For modeling purposes, these should be model values like {e0, e1}. Two
+elements is likely enough.
+ ***************************************************************************)
+CONSTANT ObjectElements
+This is the size of the object. Each object has kObjectSize ObjectElements.
+For modeling, it must be greater than 1.
+ ***************************************************************************)
+CONSTANT kObjectSize
+NULLPTR: A null pointer
+EMPTY: A marker showing the memory slot is empty
+ ***************************************************************************)
+An uninitialized object element.
+ ***************************************************************************)
+UninitializedElement == CHOOSE e: e \notin ObjectElements
+This is a default constructed object to initialize the storage as per the
+original algorithm. We simply choose an arbitrary object of kObjectSize.
+It doesn't matter what the make up of the object is as it shouldn't be read.
+ ***************************************************************************)
+DefaultObject == [i \in 1..kObjectSize |-> UninitializedElement]
+(* --algorithm cas_exchange_loop
+ g_memory = [i \in 1..kMemoryCapacity |-> IF i = 1 THEN DefaultObject ELSE EMPTY], \* Need to model the memory allocation
+ g_storage_pointer = 1, \* storage in the original
+ g_in_use = FALSE; \* isInAudioThread in the original
+process reader = "reader"
+ reader_local_pointer, \* coeff in the original
+ read_index = 1, \* Used to model reading through the data in multiple steps.
+ local_data = DefaultObject;
+ ReaderSetInUseTrue:
+ g_in_use := TRUE;
+ ReaderReadPointer:
+ reader_local_pointer := g_storage_pointer;
+ ReaderCopyObject:
+ while read_index <= kObjectSize do
+ assert g_memory[reader_local_pointer] # EMPTY;
+ local_data[read_index] := g_memory[reader_local_pointer][read_index];
+ ReaderReadObjectInc:
+ read_index := read_index + 1;
+ end while;
+ ReaderSetInUseFalse:
+ g_in_use := FALSE;
+end process;
+process writer = "writer"
+ writer_local_pointer, \* ptr in original
+ chosen_element, \* A shortcut variable to choose a single element from ObjectElements so it is stationary in the write loop. May be replaced with `with`?
+ write_index = 1; \* Used to model writing through the data in multiple steps.
+ \* We first start by finding a free slot in memory and allocate the memory
+ \* with a default initialized object.
+ \*
+ \* If this CHOOSE ever fails, it means we have run out of memory and likely
+ \* there was a memory leak.
+ WriterAllocateObject:
+ writer_local_pointer := CHOOSE i \in DOMAIN g_memory: g_memory[i] = EMPTY;
+ \* Assign a default object.
+ g_memory[writer_local_pointer] := DefaultObject;
+ \* In this specification, we always write the same object element value to
+ \* the object. This makes it easy to check if a torn read/write occured
+ \* as the invariant for that simply becomes whether or not the number of
+ \* unique object values is 1 or not in an object.
+ \*
+ \* Maybe this is not the best way to choose an element as it introduces yet
+ \* another step. However, I'm not sure how to fix it.
+ \* TODO: fix this.
+ WriterChooseObjectElement:
+ with elem \in ObjectElements do
+ chosen_element := elem;
+ end with;
+ \* In this specification, we need to model the data write, to make sure
+ \* that writes here doesn't actually affect the reads. This is similar to
+ \* the copy constructor that's called when the original code's
+ \* changeBiquadParameters is called.
+ WriterWriteObject:
+ while write_index <= kObjectSize do
+ assert g_memory[writer_local_pointer] # EMPTY;
+ g_memory[writer_local_pointer][write_index] := chosen_element;
+ WriterWriteObjectLoopInc:
+ write_index := write_index + 1;
+ end while;
+ WriterWaitForNotInUse:
+ await g_in_use = FALSE;
+ WriterSwapPointer:
+ writer_local_pointer := g_storage_pointer || g_storage_pointer := writer_local_pointer;
+ WriterDeletePointer:
+ assert g_memory[writer_local_pointer] # EMPTY;
+ g_memory[writer_local_pointer] := EMPTY;
+end process;
+end algorithm; *)
+\* BEGIN TRANSLATION (chksum(pcal) = "18aa7fde" /\ chksum(tla) = "c8185e08")
+CONSTANT defaultInitValue
+VARIABLES g_memory, g_storage_pointer, g_in_use, pc, reader_local_pointer,
+ read_index, local_data, writer_local_pointer, chosen_element,
+ write_index
+vars == << g_memory, g_storage_pointer, g_in_use, pc, reader_local_pointer,
+ read_index, local_data, writer_local_pointer, chosen_element,
+ write_index >>
+ProcSet == {"reader"} \cup {"writer"}
+Init == (* Global variables *)
+ /\ g_memory = [i \in 1..kMemoryCapacity |-> IF i = 1 THEN DefaultObject ELSE EMPTY]
+ /\ g_storage_pointer = 1
+ /\ g_in_use = FALSE
+ (* Process reader *)
+ /\ reader_local_pointer = defaultInitValue
+ /\ read_index = 1
+ /\ local_data = DefaultObject
+ (* Process writer *)
+ /\ writer_local_pointer = defaultInitValue
+ /\ chosen_element = defaultInitValue
+ /\ write_index = 0
+ /\ pc = [self \in ProcSet |-> CASE self = "reader" -> "ReaderSetInUseTrue"
+ [] self = "writer" -> "WriterAllocateObject"]
+ReaderSetInUseTrue == /\ pc["reader"] = "ReaderSetInUseTrue"
+ /\ g_in_use' = TRUE
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["reader"] = "ReaderReadPointer"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_memory, g_storage_pointer,
+ reader_local_pointer, read_index,
+ local_data, writer_local_pointer,
+ chosen_element, write_index >>
+ReaderReadPointer == /\ pc["reader"] = "ReaderReadPointer"
+ /\ reader_local_pointer' = g_storage_pointer
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["reader"] = "ReaderCopyObject"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_memory, g_storage_pointer, g_in_use,
+ read_index, local_data,
+ writer_local_pointer, chosen_element,
+ write_index >>
+ReaderCopyObject == /\ pc["reader"] = "ReaderCopyObject"
+ /\ IF read_index <= kObjectSize
+ THEN /\ Assert(g_memory[reader_local_pointer] # EMPTY,
+ "Failure of assertion at line 109, column 13.")
+ /\ local_data' = [local_data EXCEPT ![read_index] = g_memory[reader_local_pointer][read_index]]
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["reader"] = "ReaderReadObjectInc"]
+ ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["reader"] = "ReaderSetInUseFalse"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED local_data
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_memory, g_storage_pointer, g_in_use,
+ reader_local_pointer, read_index,
+ writer_local_pointer, chosen_element,
+ write_index >>
+ReaderReadObjectInc == /\ pc["reader"] = "ReaderReadObjectInc"
+ /\ read_index' = read_index + 1
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["reader"] = "ReaderCopyObject"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_memory, g_storage_pointer, g_in_use,
+ reader_local_pointer, local_data,
+ writer_local_pointer, chosen_element,
+ write_index >>
+ReaderSetInUseFalse == /\ pc["reader"] = "ReaderSetInUseFalse"
+ /\ g_in_use' = FALSE
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["reader"] = "Done"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_memory, g_storage_pointer,
+ reader_local_pointer, read_index,
+ local_data, writer_local_pointer,
+ chosen_element, write_index >>
+reader == ReaderSetInUseTrue \/ ReaderReadPointer \/ ReaderCopyObject
+ \/ ReaderReadObjectInc \/ ReaderSetInUseFalse
+WriterAllocateObject == /\ pc["writer"] = "WriterAllocateObject"
+ /\ writer_local_pointer' = (CHOOSE i \in DOMAIN g_memory: g_memory[i] = EMPTY)
+ /\ g_memory' = [g_memory EXCEPT ![writer_local_pointer'] = DefaultObject]
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["writer"] = "WriterChooseObjectElement"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_storage_pointer, g_in_use,
+ reader_local_pointer, read_index,
+ local_data, chosen_element,
+ write_index >>
+WriterChooseObjectElement == /\ pc["writer"] = "WriterChooseObjectElement"
+ /\ \E elem \in ObjectElements:
+ chosen_element' = elem
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["writer"] = "WriterWriteObject"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_memory, g_storage_pointer,
+ g_in_use, reader_local_pointer,
+ read_index, local_data,
+ writer_local_pointer, write_index >>
+WriterWriteObject == /\ pc["writer"] = "WriterWriteObject"
+ /\ IF write_index <= kObjectSize
+ THEN /\ Assert(g_memory[writer_local_pointer] # EMPTY,
+ "Failure of assertion at line 156, column 13.")
+ /\ g_memory' = [g_memory EXCEPT ![writer_local_pointer][write_index] = chosen_element]
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["writer"] = "WriterWriteObjectLoopInc"]
+ ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["writer"] = "WriterWaitForNotInUse"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED g_memory
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_storage_pointer, g_in_use,
+ reader_local_pointer, read_index,
+ local_data, writer_local_pointer,
+ chosen_element, write_index >>
+WriterWriteObjectLoopInc == /\ pc["writer"] = "WriterWriteObjectLoopInc"
+ /\ write_index' = write_index + 1
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["writer"] = "WriterWriteObject"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_memory, g_storage_pointer,
+ g_in_use, reader_local_pointer,
+ read_index, local_data,
+ writer_local_pointer,
+ chosen_element >>
+WriterWaitForNotInUse == /\ pc["writer"] = "WriterWaitForNotInUse"
+ /\ g_in_use = FALSE
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["writer"] = "WriterSwapPointer"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_memory, g_storage_pointer, g_in_use,
+ reader_local_pointer, read_index,
+ local_data, writer_local_pointer,
+ chosen_element, write_index >>
+WriterSwapPointer == /\ pc["writer"] = "WriterSwapPointer"
+ /\ /\ g_storage_pointer' = writer_local_pointer
+ /\ writer_local_pointer' = g_storage_pointer
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["writer"] = "WriterDeletePointer"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_memory, g_in_use, reader_local_pointer,
+ read_index, local_data, chosen_element,
+ write_index >>
+WriterDeletePointer == /\ pc["writer"] = "WriterDeletePointer"
+ /\ Assert(g_memory[writer_local_pointer] # EMPTY,
+ "Failure of assertion at line 169, column 9.")
+ /\ g_memory' = [g_memory EXCEPT ![writer_local_pointer] = EMPTY]
+ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["writer"] = "Done"]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << g_storage_pointer, g_in_use,
+ reader_local_pointer, read_index,
+ local_data, writer_local_pointer,
+ chosen_element, write_index >>
+writer == WriterAllocateObject \/ WriterChooseObjectElement
+ \/ WriterWriteObject \/ WriterWriteObjectLoopInc
+ \/ WriterWaitForNotInUse \/ WriterSwapPointer
+ \/ WriterDeletePointer
+(* Allow infinite stuttering to prevent deadlock on termination. *)
+Terminating == /\ \A self \in ProcSet: pc[self] = "Done"
+ /\ UNCHANGED vars
+Next == reader \/ writer
+ \/ Terminating
+Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars
+Termination == <>(\A self \in ProcSet: pc[self] = "Done")
+\* Modification History
+\* Last modified Sat Mar 23 13:21:24 EDT 2024 by shuhao
+\* Created Sat Mar 23 11:26:21 EDT 2024 by shuhao
diff --git a/tla/cas_exchange_loop/wrong/cas_exchange_loop_wrong.toolbox/cas_exchange_loop_wrong___SmallModel.launch b/tla/cas_exchange_loop/wrong/cas_exchange_loop_wrong.toolbox/cas_exchange_loop_wrong___SmallModel.launch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a889eaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tla/cas_exchange_loop/wrong/cas_exchange_loop_wrong.toolbox/cas_exchange_loop_wrong___SmallModel.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@