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Capacitor Native Navigation example app

This example includes web, iOS and Android projects to test with while developing and evaluating Capacitor Native Navigation.


nvm use
pnpm install
pnpm start

Then navigate to the URL displayed.



  • rbenv for managing Ruby versions

Setup the iOS toolchain using Ruby and bundler to install Cocoapods:

cd ios
gem install bundler
bundle install
cd ..

From time to time we can update the iOS toolchain to the latest versions:

cd ios
bundle update
cd ..


Update the iOS (and Android) project with the latest plugin code, expecting to connect to a dev server running on your local machine:

nvm use
pnpm cap:local

This script configures the iOS app to use the example app's web code by connecting directly to vite. You can see that by inspecting the server.url property in ios/App/App/capacitor.config.json. So we also need to run vite and bind it to the LAN interface (otherwise the app will fail with a "Failed to load page content" fatal error):

pnpm start:host

Open the iOS project; build and run the app:

open ios/App/App.xcworkspace

Open the Android folder in Android Studio; build and run the app. Or compile on the command-line:

cd android
gradle bundle

Changes in the example app's web code should cause the app to automatically refresh.


To setup the app to run with built-in web code (not using a local development server):

pnpm exec cap sync