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+# CS184/284A Homework Webpage Repo
+The goal of this repo is to provide a template from which students can host CS184/284A homework writeups.
+## Enabling Github Pages
+To enable Github pages, go to the 'Settings' tab then click on 'Pages'. Under 'Build and Deployment' -> 'Branch', make sure that the branch is set to 'master' and the folder is set to 'root'. If these settings are correct, you should see a message saying "Your site is live at [website url]" at the top of the 'Pages' page, and navigating to the github page link should render index.html.
+## Adding Homework Webpages
+There are 4 folders, one for each homework. Each contains an index.html file. When the links from the mainpage are clicked, these files will be loaded, so edit these to add your homework webpages.
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+ For this project, we will develop an add-on for Blender that allows
+ users to procedurally generate furniture of four different kinds:
+ dressers, tables, chairs, and beds. Both the geometry and texture data
+ of each furniture will be different each time the addon is used,
+ allowing for a wide variety of unique furniture to be created.
Problem Description
+ Building multiple different shapes of furniture with realistic, detailed
+ texture takes a long time as it requires complex modeling skills for
+ each individual object. As a result, it takes too much time when
+ modeling a scene that involves a ton of different objects, which can
+ cause potential problems in the workflow when it comes to building a
+ massive project within a tight deadline. To avoid such problems caused
+ by this time-consuming modeling process, speeding up the development
+ process is necessary, which can be achieved by implementing an add-on
+ for Blender that procedurally generated furniture and texture.
Goals and Deliverables
Learn how to use and code in blender.
Build and render furniture needed for a bedroom.
+ Adjust the settings so that it changes the textures and geometries for
+ furniture.
+ Deliver the code in Python for the “add-on” function in Blender that
+ is able to build and render all the furniture (Dresser, Table, Chair
+ and Bed), and then change the geometry and textures.
+ An available add-on that is able to randomly generate the whole
+ settings of a simulated bedroom including furniture and their
+ geometries and textures.
Week 1: April 2 - 9
Everyone downloads Blender.
Everyone familiarizes themselves with Blender.
+ Everyone researches the Blender API to understand how to write code
+ for Blender.
We set up a GitHub for the project.
Week 2: April 9 - 16
Meet to discuss the structure of our code.
Write texture generation code.
Wood (Miller)
Plastic (Eugene)
Metal (Darren)
Cloth (Jiayi)
Week 3: April 16 - 23
Finalize texture generation code.
Start furniture generation code (if you have time).
Dresser (Miller)
Table (Eugene)
Chair (Darren)
Bed (Jiayi)
Week 4: April 23 - 30
Write + finish up our furniture generation code.
Week 5: April 30 - May 1
Prepare the final presentation!
+ Any last-minute work to put the addon together + make it available
+ online.
+ For this project, we will develop an add-on for Blender that allows
+ users to procedurally generate furniture of four different kinds:
+ dressers, tables, chairs, and beds. Both the geometry and texture data
+ of each furniture will be different each time the addon is used,
+ allowing for a wide variety of unique furniture to be created.
Problem Description
+ Building multiple different shapes of furniture with realistic, detailed
+ texture takes a long time as it requires complex modeling skills for
+ each individual object. As a result, it takes too much time when
+ modeling a scene that involves a ton of different objects, which can
+ cause potential problems in the workflow when it comes to building a
+ massive project within a tight deadline. To avoid such problems caused
+ by this time-consuming modeling process, speeding up the development
+ process is necessary, which can be achieved by implementing an add-on
+ for Blender that procedurally generated furniture and texture.
+ All team members have downloaded blender and learned how to use and
+ code in blender.
+ As schedule, we have finished setting up a repo and writing texture
+ generation codes for our assigned textures.
+ The assignment encompassed fundamental tasks such as drawing
+ single-color triangles using Barycentric Coordinates, optimizing
+ algorithms for efficiency, implementing supersampling for antialiasing,
+ and applying hierarchical transforms to create dynamic cubeman postures.
+ Additionally, we delved into advanced features like texture mapping with
+ both Nearest Neighbor Sampling and Bilinear Interpolation, and level
+ sampling with mipmaps for efficient rendering. The comparison of
+ performance metrics highlighted the trade-offs between pixel sampling
+ and level sampling, considering factors such as speed, memory usage, and
+ antialiasing quality.
Task 1: Drawing Single-Color Triangles (20 pts)
Solution Walk Though
+ In this task, we implemented a naive algorithm for pixel sampling within
+ triangle shapes. Initially, we utilized the provided helper function
+ rasterize_line
+ to draw the edges of the triangles. Subsequently, we determined the
+ position of the smallest bounding rectangle around the triangle. We then
+ iterated through every pixel within that rectangle, applying the
+ Barycentric Coordinate method to ascertain whether each pixel resides
+ inside the triangle and should be colored.
+ One way that we did to optimize the algorithm is to detect when we are
+ out of the triangle for the second time.
+ To be specific, we used the fact that when we iterating through the
+ circumscribed rectangle of the triangle, we will be out of the triangle
+ for at most twice. See point A and B in the graph above.
+ Point A
+ represents the first time we are out of the triangle, and
+ Point B
+ represents the second time we are out of the triangle. As we can see, we
+ are not going to be in the triangle for another time.
+ Therefore, we can stop the iteration when we are out of the triangle for
+ the second time. This will make sure that we don't need to iterate
+ through the whole circumscribed rectangle of the triangle.
+ Barycentric Coordinates are commonly used in computer graphics,
+ particularly in rendering techniques such as triangle interpolation and
+ texture mapping.
Task 2: Antialiasing by Supersampling (20 pts)
Solution Walk Though
+ This is one of the key parts of the whole homework coding part. In this
+ section, we are supersampling every one pixel of our buffer. As we can
+ see in the description diagram provided on the website (shown as above),
+ supersampling provides us a more precise result by checking on which
+ smaller pixel is in the area and which ones are not. Therefore, we can
+ combine them back to one pixel with color averaged from the smaller
+ pixels. This will make sure that we have a more precise result and the
+ edges of the triangle will be smoother.
+ The way we implemented it is to divide the pixel into
+ sample_rate
+ subpixels and then sample the color of the subpixels in
+ void RasterizerImp::rasterize_triangle
+ . We also need to update our algorithm for calculating Barycentric
+ Coordinates at the same time since our coordinates for
+ x0, y0, x1, ...., y3
+ have changed according to our sample_rate. The rest are quite the same
+ as in the previous task. We just iterate the whole rectangle and send
+ the colors to the
+ sample_buffer
+ .
+ We then average the color of the subpixels and assign it to the pixel in
+ RasterizerImp::resolve_to_framebuffer. To average the color, we just
+ simply add up the colors for every single subpixel for one original
+ pixel (
+ sample_rate
+ subpixels in total) and then divide it by the
+ sample_rate.
+ We then assign the result to the pixel in the framebuffer.
+ However, we also need to alter our
+ void RasterizerImp::fill_pixel
+ function for this one since our lines and points does not need to be
+ supersampled. We can simply alter this function by assigning the same
+ color to all
+ sample_rate
+ subpixels.
Sample Rate = 1
Sample Rate = 4
Sample Rate = 9
Sample Rate = 16
Task 3: Transforms (10 pts)
+ created a cubeman in running posture by doing the following operations.
+ rotate the head and torso by a certain angle to make it more natural.
+ adjusted the angle and position of the arms and legs to add dynamic to
+ the body.
Task 4: Barycentric Coordinate (10 pts)
Description about Barycentric Coordinates
+ Barycentric coordinates are a set of three values (usually denoted as
+ alpha, beta, and gamma) that represent the weights of the vertices of a
+ triangle in a coordinate system. These coordinates are used to express
+ any point within the triangle as a combination of its vertices.
Solution Walk Though
+ The function
+ void rasterize_interpolated_color_triangle
+ is responsible for rasterizing a triangle and interpolating colors
+ across it using barycentric coordinates. The barycentric coordinates are
+ calculated for each pixel within the bounding box of the triangle, and
+ the corresponding color is interpolated based on these coordinates. The
+ code iterates through each pixel in the bounding box, and for each
+ pixel, it performs subpixel sampling. For each subpixel, it calculates
+ the barycentric coordinates using the function
+ baryCalc and
+ checks whether the point is inside the triangle by verifying if the
+ barycentric coordinates are within certain bounds. If the point is
+ inside the triangle, the color is interpolated using the barycentric
+ coordinates, and the result is stored in the
+ sample_buffer.
+ This process is repeated for all subpixels within each pixel of the
+ bounding box, effectively filling the entire triangle with interpolated
+ colors.
Task 5: "Pixel sampling" for texture mapping (15 pts)
+ Pixel sampling involves determining the color of a pixel in an image. In
+ texture mapping, I implemented it by mapping texture coordinates to
+ corresponding pixels and then sample on the mipmap of level 0. Following
+ are two ways to do pixel sampling:
+ Nearest Neighbor Sampling: When an image is resized or transformed,
+ each pixel in the new image is assigned the color value of the nearest
+ pixel in the original image. This method is quick and computationally
+ less intensive but can result in jagged edges and blocky artifacts,
+ especially when scaling up. The way we implemented it was to take the
+ float cordinates and round it to the nearest int cordinates.
+ Bilinear Interpolation: It considers the weighted average of the four
+ nearest pixels in the original image to determine the color of a pixel
+ in the new image. This results in smoother transitions and better
+ image quality during resizing or transformations. The way we
+ implemented this was to do interpolations between two reference points
+ and the current point. At first, we have four reference points
+ (vertices of the pixel the current point in in). We do interpolation
+ according to the graph below from the lecture.
From the above imagines, we can see the order of smoothness is:
Nearest-1 < Nearest-16 < Bilinear-1 < Bilinear-16
+ The differences between Nearest Neighbor Sampling and Bilinear
+ Interpolation becomes noticeable when there are significant variations
+ in texture magnification or reduction. This is because that Nearest
+ Neighbor Sampling assigns the nearest pixel color, causing blockiness
+ during size changes. While Bilinear Interpolation blends neighboring
+ pixels, offering smoother transitions.
+ Task 6: "Level sampling" with mipmaps for texture mapping (25 pts)
Description about Level Sampling
+ Level sampling is a technique used in computer graphics for efficient
+ rendering. It involves sampling pixels at different levels of detail,
+ starting with a coarse level and gradually refining to finer levels.
+ Level sampling relies on the principle that people don't perceive
+ resolution changes over distances. It optimizes performance by adjusting
+ image details based on viewing distance, saving computational resources.
Solution Walk Though
+ The way that we implemented level sampling invloves functions:
+ float Texture::get_level,
+ Color Texture::sample
+ and
+ rasterize_textured_triangle.
+ float Texture::get_level: We determine the level of mipmap of a certain point by using the
+ derivative vectors passed into the function.
+ Color Texture::sample: Use the helper function
+ float Texture::get_level
+ that we implemented before to get a certain level of mipmap. And then
+ decide which combination of sampling methods that we want to use
+ according to field
+ sp->lsm and
+ sp->psm.
+ Collect the sampled color and return it to the
+ void RasterizerImp::rasterize_textured_triangle
+ function.
+ void RasterizerImp::rasterize_textured_triangle: We reused a lot of the codes from Task 2. The difference is that we
+ did three Barycentric interpolations separately on point (x, y), (x+1,
+ y), (x, y+1) and then calculate the Vector parameters in sp by doing
+ dot product of
+ [alpha, beta, gamma]
+ with
+ [u0, u1, u2]
+ and
+ [v0, v1, v2]. Finally, we fill the framebuffer with the color returned from the
+ sample function that we implemented above.
+ In this assignment, you will explore topics on geometric modeling
+ covered in lecture. You will build Bezier curves and surfaces using de
+ Casteljau algorithm, manipulate triangle meshes represented by half-edge
+ data structure, and implement loop subdivision.
Section I: Bezier Curves and Surfaces
Part 1: Bezier Curves with 1D de Casteljau Subdivision (10 pts)
explanation of De Casteljau's algorithm
+ De Casteljau's algorithm is a method used to evaluate points on a Bézier
+ curve. Bézier curves are defined by a set of control points, and De
+ Casteljau's algorithm recursively divides the control points to
+ calculate intermediate points on the curve. The process involves
+ creating a set of linear interpolations between control points and
+ repeating this process until a single point is obtained—the evaluated
+ point on the Bézier curve.
+ We followed the instruction on the spec: took in a
+ std::vector<Vector2D> controlPoints
+ of length n, applied the function \[ p_i' = \text{lerp}(p_i, p_{i+1}, t)
+ = (1 - t) * p_i + t * p_{i+1} \] to every point
+ <Vector2D> p_i and p_i_1, returning a new
+ <Vector2D> controlPoint curr. We will then push back "curr" to a new
+ std::vector <Vector2D> nextlevel
+ of length p - 1. Finally, we will return "nextlevel".
+ The curve with 6 control points are written in
+ bzc/curve3.bzc.
Part 2: Bezier Surfaces with Separable 1D de Casteljau (15 pts)
de Casteljau algorithm to Bezier surfaces
+ De Casteljau's algorithm, which is initially designed for Bézier curves,
+ can be extended to evaluate points on Bézier surfaces in a similar
+ recursive manner as in part1. Bézier surfaces are defined by a grid n*n
+ of control points, and the algorithm iteratively subdivides this grid to
+ calculate points on the surface.
+ std::vector<Vector3D>
+ BezierPatch::evaluateStep(std::vector<Vector3D> const &points,
+ double t): This function simulates one step of de Casteljau algorithm (same
+ functionality as part1), except that we are now taking in
+ std::vector<Vector3D> instead of
+ <Vector2D>.
+ Vector3D BezierPatch::evaluate1D(std::vector<Vector3D> const
+ &points, double t): calls
+ evaluateStep
+ one row of control points using a given parameter
+ t until we get
+ one final point for each row.(This must happen because each time we call
+ evaluateStep
+ on a vector of n points, the function will return a vector of n-1
+ points.)
+ Vector3D BezierPatch::evaluate(double u, double v)
+ In this function, we first loop through each rool of the N * N grid
+ controlPoints and call
+ evaluate1D
+ with the input
+ u on each
+ roll. We will get n returning points from the n loops and form a new
+ vector Final.
+ Finally, we call
+ evaluate1D
+ on
+ Final using
+ the input v.
+ (applying De Casteljau's algorithm across columns.)
Section II: Triangle Meshes and Half-Edge Data Structure
Part 3: Area-Weighted Vertex Normals (10 pts)
+ We first get the face the caller vertex belongs by calling
+ HalfedgeCIter he = halfedge();. We then iterate through all the other 5 triangles argound the caller
+ vertex by using the line
+ he = he->twin()->next();
+ (The halfedges he pointed to are shown in the following graph.) For each
+ triangle, we calculate the normal vector of it and add it to the
+ variable n. At
+ last, we return the normalized
+ n.
Part 4: Edge Flip (15 pts)
+ The function takes an iterator pointing to a halfedge as input. This
+ halfedge represents the edge that will be flipped.
+ Check for Boundary Edge: first checks if the input edge is a boundary
+ edge. If it is, flipping is not possible, so the function simply
+ returns the original edge iterator.
+ Get Halfedge: obtains iterators for several halfedges surrounding the
+ edge to be flipped, namely 3 halfedges for Left and 3 halfedges for
+ Right. These iterators are used to update connections between
+ halfedges after the flip.
+ Get Vertex: obtains iterators for the four vertices in the diagram
+ connected to the halfedges. These iterators are used to update the
+ vertices' halfedge pointers after the flip.
+ Get Face: obtains iterators for the two faces, namely Left and Right,
+ that the two halfedges being flipped belong to. These iterators are
+ used to update the faces' halfedge pointers after the flip.
+ Update Halfedge Neighbors (via
+ setNeighbors()): updates the neighbor pointers of the four halfedges involved in
+ the flip. This step reconfigures the connections between halfedges to
+ reflect the flipped edge.
+ Update Halfedge Next Pointers: updates the "next" pointers of two
+ halfedges to reverse their order in the counter-clockwise direction
+ around their respective faces.
+ Update Vertex Halfedge Pointers: updates the "halfedge" pointers of
+ the four vertices involved in the flip to point to their new
+ corresponding halfedges after the flip.
+ Update Face Halfedge Pointers: updates the "halfedge" pointers of the
+ two faces involved in the flip to point to their new starting
+ halfedges after the flip.
+ Return Flipped Edge: The function returns the iterator pointing to the
+ original edge, which now represents the flipped edge.
+ We used the diagram to help us understand the connections between the 4
+ halfedges and 4 vertices involved in the flip. We also used the diagram
+ to help us understand the connections between the 2 faces involved in
+ the flip.
Task 5: Edge Split (15 pts)
+ Please refer to the diagram below for the notations of the vertices,
+ halfedges and faces as we have created new ones.
+ For your reference, vertices starting with "M" means "from the
+ Midpoint", "U" means "from the Upper face", "D" means "from the Down
+ face", "L" means "from the Left face", "R" means "from the Right face".
+ Create New Mesh Elements: The function first creates several new
+ elements to be inserted into the mesh during the split:
+ A new vertex ("MID") to represent the midpoint of the split edge.
+ Three new edges ("MD", "MB", "MA") to form the new edges after the
+ split.
+ Six new halfedges ("UR3", "DR3", "DR0", "DL0", "DL3", "UL3") to
+ connect the new vertex and edges.
+ Two new faces ("UP", "DOWN") to fill the gaps created by the
+ split.
+ Get Iterators for Existing Elements: The function obtains iterators
+ for existing halfedges, faces, and vertices surrounding the edge to be
+ split. These iterators are used to update connections after the split.
+ Position the New Vertex The position of the new vertex ("MID") is set
+ to the average of the positions of the two original vertices connected
+ by the edge.
+ Set Initial Halfedge Pointers: The "halfedge" pointer of the new
+ vertex ("MID") is set to point to one of the original halfedges
+ ("L0_OLD"). The "halfedge" pointer of the original vertex's vertex is
+ updated to point to a new halfedge on the opposite face ("R1_OLD").
+ Set Face Halfedge Pointers: The "halfedge" pointers of the new and
+ existing faces are updated to point to appropriate halfedges, ensuring
+ correct face-vertex relationships.
+ Set Edge Halfedge Pointers: The "halfedge" pointers of the new edges
+ are set to point to their corresponding halfedges.
+ Update Existing Halfedge Neighbors: The neighbor pointers of the
+ existing halfedges are modified to accommodate the new vertex and
+ edges, maintaining mesh connectivity.
+ Set New Halfedge Neighbors: The neighbor pointers of the new halfedges
+ are set to correctly connect them to the existing mesh elements,
+ forming the new edges and faces.
+ Return the New Vertex: The function returns an iterator pointing to
+ the newly inserted vertex ("MID").
Task 6: Loop Subdivision for Mesh Upsampling (25 pts)
Generating newPosition for all old vertices
+ Loop through every vertex in the mesh and use the position update
+ function for old vertex
+ (1 - n * u) * original_position + u *
+ original_neighbor_position_sum
+ where
+ original_position
+ is the current vertex's position and
+ original_neighbor_position_sum
+ is the sum of the positions of all neighbor vertices of the current
+ vertex. We resued our code from Part3 to get all the neighbor
+ vertices. After we get the position, we put it into
+ v->newPosition.
Generating newPosition for all new vertices
+ Loop through every edge in the mesh and use the position update
+ function for new vertex
+ 3/8 * (A + B) + 1/8 * (C + D)
+ where
+ A, B and
+ C, D and not
+ neighbours of each other. We will be storing new positions of new
+ vertex in
+ e->newPosition. This works because after we split, each edge will have a new vertex
+ on it, so that we can get the new position of the new vertex by first
+ getting the edge that the new vertex is on and then get the previously
+ stored newPosition value.
Spliting each edge
+ Loop through each edge of the mesh and call the
+ splitEdge
+ function on one edge if
+ !(e->isNew)
+ and the two vertices at the end of e are not new. Then we set the
+ isNew
+ indicator of the two subEdge created by spliting
+ e as false
+ and the
+ isNew
+ indicator of the other two newly created edges by split as true. Set
+ the
+ isNew
+ indicator of the returned vertex by
+ splitEdge
+ function as true. Finally, we set the
+ newPosition
+ field of the returned vertex as
+ e->newPosition.
Fliping edges
+ Loop through each edge of the mesh and check if
+ e->isNew is
+ true and if the
+ isNew field
+ of the two vertices at the end of e are not equal (one new and one
+ old). If yes, flip the edge.
Setting new positions
+ Loop through each vertex of the mesh and update
+ v->position = v->newPosition
+ only if it is an old vertex. Then change
+ v->isNew = false.
Interesting Implementation and Debugging
+ For debugging, we did not really use any helper functions. We just used
+ printing messages and drawing down how the mesh acts as we walk through
+ our code. For Implementation, we were struggling with making sure we are
+ only fliping "newly created edges with one new vertex and one old
+ vertex". Before the current way, we tried to add a bool field to
+ EdgeIter called
+ splited. With
+ this field, we can set
+ isNew of all
+ edges around the new vertex as true so that in the split interation, we
+ only check if
+ e->isNew == false. While in the flip interation, we check if
+ e->splited == true
+ and if the edge has one new vertex and one old vertex.
+ After Subdividing, we noticed that the sharp edges and corners got
+ rounded in render view. We tried pre-spiliting but it creates some caves
+ on the smooth surface.
+ In this project, we developed a pathtracer with advanced features. In
+ Part 1, we focused on ray generation and scene intersection using
+ techniques like perspective projection and the Moller Trumbore algorithm
+ for triangle intersection. Part 2 introduced a Bounding Volume Hierarchy
+ (BVH) to accelerate ray tracing, reducing rendering times for complex
+ scenes. We covered steps such as computing bounding boxes, choosing
+ splitting axes, and recursively constructing the BVH. In Part 3, we
+ enhanced the pathtracer with direct illumination, comparing uniform
+ hemisphere sampling with importance sampling. The latter provided
+ smoother results in light-surface interactions. Part 4 explored global
+ illumination, addressing indirect lighting, maximum ray depth, Russian
+ Roulette rendering, and sample-per-pixel rates. Screenshots illustrated
+ the impact of settings on visual richness. Part 5 delved into adaptive
+ sampling, dynamically adjusting samples based on pixel color variance.
+ Confidence intervals and early termination for low-variance pixels
+ ensured computational efficiency without compromising quality. Our
+ project showcased a comprehensive pathtracer with optimizations,
+ demonstrating our grasp of computer graphics principles and effective
+ application in a complex rendering environment.
Part 1: Ray Generation and Scene Intersection
Generating Rays and Primitive Intersection
+ We determine the original point's position and project it onto the
+ screen. To find
+ new_x and
+ new_y, we
+ center the original rectangle screen defined by (0, 0) and (1, 1) at (0,
+ 0), resulting in (x - 0.5, y - 0.5). The relative positions of
+ x and
+ y in the
+ original screen remain the same as
+ new_x and
+ new_y. This
+ leads to the equations:
+ \[\frac{(x - 0.5)}{1} = \frac{\text{new_x}}{(2 \cdot
+ \tan(\text{radians(hFov) * .5}))}\] \[\frac{(y - 0.5)}{1} =
+ \frac{\text{new_y}}{(2 \cdot \tan(\text{radians(vFov) * .5}))}\]
+ We obtain
+ Vector3D ray_vector = Vector3D(new_x, new_y, -1.0). After obtaining the position of the projected point, we calculate the
+ direction vector of
+ result_ray
+ using matrix multiplication
+ c2w * ray_vector. Finally, we set the visible boundary for this ray between nClip and
+ fClip, which we will update later.
Process walkthrough
+ Ray generation begins with casting rays from the virtual camera into the
+ scene. Each ray is defined by its origin (the camera's position) and a
+ direction (pointing through a pixel on the camera plane). These rays
+ traverse the scene, interacting with objects along their directions. The
+ primitive intersection stage involves determining if a ray intersects
+ with any geometric primitives(sphere, triangle, etc.) in the scene. This
+ process employs the function
+ Triangle::intersect
+ or
+ Sphere::intersect. When an intersection is detected, information about the point of
+ intersection, such as its position, surface properties, and material
+ characteristics, will be upadted in the struct
+ Intersection* isect.
triangle intersection algorithm
+ We used the Moller Trumbore Algorithm that we have discussed in lecture.
+ After following the steps and get the vector containing [t, alpha,
+ beta], we first see if t is between
+ r.min_t and
+ r.max_t and if
+ alpha and beta are within [0, 1]. If any of the condition fails, the
+ intersection is not suppose to happen and we return false. If both
+ conditions are met, we update the intersection information to
+ Intersection* isect, including the filed t, primitive, bsdf and n(calculated by doing
+ barycentric interpolation with the current three norms and the alpha,
+ beta, gamma values that we calculated above.) We also updated ray.max_t
+ to t.
Part 2: Bounding Volume Hierarchy
BVH construction algorithm
Following are our steps for constructing BVH
+ Compute the Bounding Box (bbox): We start by computing the
+ bounding box that encloses all the primitives between
+ start and
+ end. The
+ bounding box is computed by iteratively expanding it to include the
+ bounding boxes of individual primitives using function
+ bbox.expand.
+ Choose Splitting Axis: We then choose the splitting axis based
+ on the maximum extent of the bounding box. The axis is selected to be
+ the one along which the bounding box has the maximum size. This
+ heuristic helps achieve a more balanced partitioning.
+ Check Leaf Node Condition: If the number of primitives in the
+ current range is less than or equal to
+ max_leaf_size, the current node becomes a leaf node. We just create a leaf node
+ and set its start and end field with the input
+ start and
+ end.
+ Partition Primitives: If the number of primitives exceeds
+ max_leaf_size, we partition the primitives along the chosen axis. We used the
+ function
+ nth_element
+ to partially sort the primitives based on their centroids along the
+ selected axis. This effectively places the median primitive at the
+ position that separates the primitives into two groups.
+ Construction: Then, we recursively constructs the left and
+ right child nodes of the current node, each covering a subset of the
+ primitives. The left child covers the range [start, start + size/2),
+ and the right child covers the range [start + size/2, end]. Finally,
+ we return the current node.
screenshots of large images with normal shading
Render Time Comparison Analysis
+ Before implementing BVH acceleration, the rendering time for cow and the
+ other .dae file shown in the screenshots below were close to a minute.
+ After implementing BVH, the rendering time for cow is around 1 second.
+ And all the other large .dae files(the ones above) all takes less than
+ 1.5 seconds to complete. The speed-up is much faster, we think this is
+ because once a ray does not intersect with a node's bbox, we do not test
+ for intersection between the ray and the primitives contained by the
+ node, which saves us a lot of computation.
Part 3: Direct Illumination
+ Walkthough for
+ Vector3D PathTracer::estimate_direct_lighting_hemisphere
+ Sampling Loop for Direct Lighting: We start a num_samples times
+ loop to sample the hemisphere around the hit point, considering the
+ lights in the scene.
+ Sample Light: Within the loop, we get the sampled light by
+ calling
+ isect.bsdf->sample_f. This function returns the sampled reflected direction wj and the
+ corresponding probability density function (pdf). Then, we multiply
+ the direction vector by
+ o2w to get
+ the transformed vector and normalize it. Then, we construct the
+ sampleray using hit_p as origin and the normalized vector as direction
+ with its min_t set to EPS_F and max_t set to INF_D.
+ Check for Intersection: If sampleray intersects with the scene,
+ we calculate the contribution for L_out by this sampleray using the
+ function
+ lightIsect.bsdf->get_emission() * f * abs_cos_theta(wj) / pdf
+ and add it to L_out.
+ Normalizing Output: Finally, we return the light estimator
+ equals to L_out / num_samples.
+ Walkthough for
+ Vector3D PathTracer::estimate_direct_lighting_importance
+ Calculate the hit point hit_p by extending the ray to the
+ intersection distance isect.t. Determine the direction of
+ the ray coming from the hit point (w_out) by transforming
+ the negative ray direction from world to object space.
+ Initialize variables for the loop over lights, determining the number
+ of samples based on whether the light is a delta light. For delta
+ lights, take only one sample; otherwise, use the variable
+ ns_area_light.
+ Inside the loop over light sources, sample the light using the
+ sample_L function to obtain the direction
+ wj towards the light, the distance to the light
+ distToLight, and the probability density function
+ pdf. Transform wj to object space and
+ normalize it.
+ Create a shadow ray from the hit point to the sampled light direction,
+ setting its minimum and maximum t-values to avoid self-intersection.
+ Perform a shadow ray intersection test with the BVH, checking for
+ obstructions between the hit point and the light source. Skip the
+ sample if an intersection occurs within the valid range.
+ Calculate the contribution of this light sample to the overall
+ lighting at the hit point. This involves evaluating the emission from
+ the light, the bidirectional scattering distribution function (BSDF)
+ using the f function, the cosine term, and dividing by
+ the probability density function. Accumulate these contributions for
+ all samples and lights.
+ The result L_out represents the estimated direct lighting
+ at the intersection point, considering importance sampling from light
+ sources. Return this result, taking into account the number of samples
+ used for each light source.
+ Comparison and Analysis of uniform hemisphere sampling and lighting
+ sampling
+ Uniform hemisphere sampling provides an unbiased, yet more visually
+ noisy representation, especially in regions where there are intricate
+ interactions between light and surfaces. In contrast, light sampling, by
+ strategically sampling directions based on the light source, tends to
+ produce smoother results with reduced noise levels in areas affected by
+ soft shadows.
+ Comparison Between Noise Levels in Soft Shadows Using Lighting Sampling
+ As the number of light rays (l) increases in the rendering process with
+ light sampling, the transitions of shadows become smoother and the
+ presence of noisy pixels diminishes. This improvement is attributed to
+ the increased number of samples per pixel, leading to more accurate and
+ refined estimations of soft shadows, resulting in a visually smoother
+ and less noisy appearance in the illuminated regions of the scene.
Part 4: Global Illumination
+ Get Vertex: obtains iterators for the four vertices in the diagram
+ connected to the halfedges. These iterators are used to update the
+ vertices' halfedge pointers after the flip.
+ Get Face: obtains iterators for the two faces, namely Left and Right,
+ that the two halfedges being flipped belong to. These iterators are
+ used to update the faces' halfedge pointers after the flip.
+ Update Halfedge Neighbors (via
+ setNeighbors()): updates the neighbor pointers of the four halfedges involved in
+ the flip. This step reconfigures the connections between halfedges to
+ reflect the flipped edge.
+ Update Halfedge Next Pointers: updates the "next" pointers of two
+ halfedges to reverse their order in the counter-clockwise direction
+ around their respective faces.
+ Update Vertex Halfedge Pointers: updates the "halfedge" pointers of
+ the four vertices involved in the flip to point to their new
+ corresponding halfedges after the flip.
Screenshots for global (direct and indirect) illumination
+ Comparison between rendered views using only direct illumination or
+ indirect illumination
+ ScreenShots and Analysis for mth bounce of light for CBbunny.dae with
+ isAccumBounces=false
+ The 2nd bounce represents light that bounces once off surfaces before
+ reaching the camera, and the 3rd bounce extends this process further. We
+ can see that as m gets highter, the rendered lights gets dimmer and and
+ smoother. This is because there are loss in light reflection using the
+ process according to the contiunous probability we we add in every
+ recursive call in
+ at_least_one_bounce_radiance
+ ScreenShots and Analysis for mth bounce of light for CBbunny.dae with
+ isAccumBounces = true
+ Higher max_ray_depth values result in more complex indirect lighting
+ effects, such as color bleeding, reflections, and global illumination.
+ These effects enhance the realism and visual richness of the rendered
+ image compared to rasterization, where indirect lighting is challenging
+ to achieve accurately.
ScreenShots for Russian Roulette rendering for CBbunny.dae
Comparison of rendered views with various sample-per-pixel rates
Task 5: Adaptive Sampling
Explanation of the Adaptive Sampling
+ Adaptive sampling dynamically adjusts the number of samples taken during
+ rendering based on the variance in pixel color. In the provided code,
+ after processing a batch of samples, the algorithm computes the mean and
+ variance of radiance values and calculates a confidence interval width.
+ If the interval width is below a specified tolerance relative to the
+ mean, the sampling loop breaks early, optimizing computational resources
+ by allocating more samples to pixels with higher uncertainty and fewer
+ samples to those with lower uncertainty.
Implementation of the Adaptive Sampling
+ Additional to our implementation from part1, we added the variables
+ s1 (sum of
+ xk)and
+ variance (sum
+ of xk{2}) Reuse the for loop that we had before, in each loop, we set xk
+ as the return value from
+ est_radiance_global_illumination.illum(), update s1 and s2. We also added a if statement checking if the number
+ of samples that we have sampled is a multiple of
+ samplesPerBatch, we check if 1.96 · √n
+ / σ < maxTolerance · mean. If false, the sample has not
+ converged and we will keep looping; if yes, the sample has converged and
+ we will break the loop. Finally, we update
+ sampleCountBuffer
+ at the corresponding index to be num_samples.
blob.dae -s 2048 -l 1 -m 5
CBdragon.dae -s 2048 -l 1 -m 5
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index 0000000..ccfa0b7
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index 0000000..10a868f
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b2041b
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index 0000000..6c292f5
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index 0000000..fb7b0a4
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index 0000000..e782014
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14edea0
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a5644d
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0582ead
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c228238
Binary files /dev/null and b/hw4/Part V-texture_mapping.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6cfc3b
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4eb464e
Binary files /dev/null and b/hw4/Part-II-high-damp-mid.png differ
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index 0000000..a8ceb71
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49ebd9d
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index 0000000..18fe76d
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new file mode 100644
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index 0000000..9f5dfb7
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--- /dev/null
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+ Homework 4 Report
+ Clothsim explores various aspects of cloth simulation, divided into
+ several parts. Part 1 introduces masses and springs, showcasing
+ wireframe images with different constraints. Part 2 delves into
+ numerical integration simulations, demonstrating the impact of
+ parameters like spring constant, damping, and density on cloth behavior.
+ Part 3 focuses on collision handling with other objects, illustrating
+ the effect of varying spring constants. Part 4 addresses
+ self-collisions, displaying cloth falling scenarios with different
+ densities and spring constants. Part 5 explores shader programs,
+ including the Blinn-Phong shading model, texture mapping, bump mapping,
+ and mirror shader effects, showcasing their visual outcomes and
+ computational complexities. Overall, the implementation proecss went
+ quite smooth for our team.
Part 1: Masses and springs
screenshots of scene/pinned2.json
screenshots of wireframe
Part 2: Simulation via numerical integration
screenshots of large images with normal shading
+ With a very low spring constant(ks), the cloth behaves sluggishly. It
+ stretches easily and doesn't snap back quickly. This results in a very
+ loose and wobbly cloth that doesn't hold its shape well. Conversely,
+ with a high spring constant, the cloth becomes stiff. It resists
+ deformation strongly, leading to less movement and more rigidity in the
+ cloth structure.
+ With low damping, the cloth oscillates more freely and takes longer to
+ come to rest after being disturbed. It may exhibit exaggerated movements
+ and fluttering. High damping damps out oscillations more quickly,
+ resulting in a smoother and more controlled movement of the cloth. It
+ settles down faster after being disturbed.
+ A low density cloth feels lighter and thus looks smoother and has less
+ wrinkles at the point of gravity. On the other hand, a high-density
+ cloth feels heavier and is less affected by external forces. It has
+ larger gravity which creates more folds in the middle.
screenshot of shaded cloth from scene/pinned4.json
Part 3: Handling collisions with other objects
Comparison between different ks
+ We can see that varying the spring constant in the cloth simulation will
+ directly impact its stiffness and how tightly it conforms to the
+ underlying surface. Lower values will yield a softer, more fluid-like
+ behavior, while higher values will produce a stiffer, more rigid
+ appearance.
Cloth resting on plane
Part 4: Handling self-collisions
Screenshots cloth falling
dense = 15, ks = 5000
Comparison between different ks and density
dense = 40, ks = 5000
dense = 5, ks = 5000
+ As the density grows, the gravity of the cloth gets larger and thus if
+ falls and go to a rest state faster. When reaching a final state, the
+ cloth with higher density will be piled together into several layers,
+ while the cloth with lower density will have less layers on the ground
+ and eventually become flat.
dense = 15, ks = 500
dense = 15, ks = 500
+ With a high ks, the cloth behaves stiffly and resists deformation. As
+ the cloth falls onto the plane, it maintains its shape relatively well.
+ The impact with the plane is absorbed quickly, causing the cloth to
+ bounce off with little deformation. While with lower ks, the cloth
+ behaves more flexibly and deforms easily. As it falls onto the plane,
+ the cloth stretches and wrinkles significantly due to the impact force.
+ It may even fold or bunch up upon contact with the surface. The low
+ stiffness allows the cloth to absorb more energy from the impact,
+ resulting in a slower settling process. When reaches a final state, the
+ cloth has more wrinkles and folds.
Part 5: Cloth Sim
Shader Program Definition and Usage Explaation
+ A shader program is a set of instructions written in a shading language
+ that runs on the GPU to compute rendering effects. Shaders are used to
+ manipulate the appearance of 3D objects in computer graphics
+ applications. They are typically categorized into two main types: vertex
+ shaders and fragment shaders.
+ Vertex shaders primarily handle vertex-level operations, transforming 3D
+ vertex positions from object space to screen space, and computing
+ lighting and material properties at each vertex. They also pass data to
+ fragment shaders which determine the color of each pixel on the screen
+ by interpolating values computed by vertex shaders across triangles, and
+ applying lighting equations, texture mapping, and material properties to
+ produce the final rendered image.
Blinn-Phong shading model
+ The Blinn-Phong shading model calculates the color of each pixel based
+ on its interaction with light sources. It considers ambient, diffuse,
+ and specular lighting components. The ambient component represents the
+ overall light in the scene. Diffuse lighting depends on the angle
+ between the surface normal and light direction. Specular lighting is
+ based on the reflection of light towards the viewer, with the intensity
+ influenced by the surface roughness. The model simulates realistic
+ material effects.
Screenshots for Blinn-Phong
Texture Mapping Shader Custom Sample
Bump Mapping Shader with texture_3
+ Bump mapping would produce a cloth and sphere with the illusion of bumps
+ and wrinkles, while displacement mapping would physically deform the
+ geometry of the sphere to represent the bumps and wrinkles. Displacement
+ mapping yields more realistic results at the cost of increased
+ computational complexity.
+ Bump mapping outperforms displacement mapping at this low sampling rate.
+ The blockiness of the sphere in the 16x16 displacement mapping image
+ illustrates this issue. This blockiness occurs because the fragment
+ shader interpolates height perturbations over the sphere from too few
+ samples, leading to inadequate representation of high frequency details
+ present in the texture. Conversely, with 128x128 samples, displacement
+ mapping matches the texture's high frequency content better, accurately
+ portraying both texture shading and physical deformations on the sphere.
Mirror Shader
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+ Darren Wang | CS184 Homework Webpages