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Tutorial: Creating a cal Target

Joshua Moody edited this page Oct 21, 2015 · 7 revisions

This tutorial describes how to create a -cal target. We will create a new Xcode application target by duplicating an existing production target. The -cal target is exactly like the original production application except that it will link to the calabash.framework. Linking the calabash.framework will start the Calabash iOS server when the -cal target application is launched.

Why a separate target?

The Calabash server contains symbols and methods that will cause any application that links to it to be rejected from the AppStore. A separate target with a different bundle identifier will ensure that you never accidently submit an application that has the Calabash server linked.

Some users like to have a physical and mental separation between their production and test applications.

Starting Point Completed Video
master demo/cal-target ~7 minutes

Step 1. Create the -cal Target

Right-click on the Production target and duplicate.


If you have an iPhone or iPad only app, you might see an alert like this one:


If so, be sure to select "Duplicate Only".

1.2 Rename with -cal


1.3 Change the bundle identifier


1.4 Change the Info.plist


1.5 Delete duplicate Info.plist


Step 2: Create the -cal Scheme


2.2 Set the Scheme name

Be sure to check both the "Show" and "Share" options.


2.3 Set Scheme Executable

This step may not be necessary. You should confirm that the Executable for the -cal scheme is the -cal target.


3. Link CFNetwork.framework

If your production app does not already link the CFNetwork.framework, you must add it to the -cal target.



4. Link calabash.framework

Create a Gemfile in the same directory as your .xcodeproj:

source ""

gem "calabash-cucubmer", ">= 0.16", "< 2.0"

Then execute the following commands in that directory:

$ bundle
$ bundle exec calabash-ios download

caution: excluded filename not matched:  __MACOSX/*
caution: excluded filename not matched:  calabash.framework/.DS_Store

4.2 Add the calabash.framework

Be sure to add the calabash.framework to no targets.


12-add-calabash framework-1

4.3 Link the calabash.framework

13-add-calabash framework-linker-flags

5. Build and Run

Be sure to select the -cal target scheme. You can target a simulator or physical device.

In your Xcode console you should see the following output - the exact content will differ by Calabash version:

2015-10-21 15:44:59.627 DEBUG CalabashServer:222 | Creating the server: <LPHTTPServer: 0x7f80b3d066e0>
2015-10-21 15:44:59.627 DEBUG CalabashServer:223 | Calabash iOS server version: CALABASH VERSION: 0.16.4
2015-10-21 15:44:59.627 DEBUG CalabashServer:226 | App Base SDK: iphonesimulator9.0
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