%eprintrest(1) irdmtools user manual | version 0.0.90 6e081d17 % R. S. Doiel and Tom Morrell % 2025-02-13
eprintrest [OPTIONS]
eprintrest is a Caltech Library oriented localhost web service that creates a functionally similar replica of the EPrints REST API for EPrints 3.3.x based repositories. It uses the path to the "archives" directory and a MySQL Database for the repository. It only supports "archive" eprint.eprint_status records and only the complete XML. Start up time is slow because it builds the data structures representing the content in memory. This makes the response times to request VERY fast compared to the EPrints REST API.
NOTE: the rest API does not enforce user permissions, restrictions or roles. It is a minimal READ ONLY re-implementation of the EPrints 3.3 REST API!
The application is configured from the environment. The following environment variables need to be set. The environment variables can be set at the shell level or in a ".env" file.
REPO_ID : The repository id string (e.g. caltechauthors). Also the name of the database for the repository.
EPRINT_ARCHIVES_PATH : A path to the "archives" directory holding your repository content (e.g. /usr/local/eprints/archives)
DB_USER : The user name needed to access the MySQL database1
DB_PASSWORD : The password needed to access the MySQL database1
REST_PORT : The localhost port to use for the read only REST API.
-help : display help
-license : display license
-version : display version
This is an example environment
Running the localhost REST API clone