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File metadata and controls

282 lines (203 loc) · 9.33 KB

%rdmutil(1) irdmtools user manual | version 0.0.90 6e081d17 % R. S. Doiel and Tom Morrell % 2025-02-13






rdmutil is way of interacting with Invenio-RDM through its Postgres database. It does NOT use the OAI-PMH API since that is far too slow. rdmutil uses environment variables for configuration. For accessing the JSON API it uses the following.

dataset related environment variables (i.e. for harvest action)

rdmutil environment variable for storing harvested content.


Environment can be read from the shell or loaded via a ".env" file.

C_NAME : A dataset collection name. Collection must exist. See dataset help init

rdmutil PostgreSQL related environment variabels are

REPO_ID : Repository id (i.e. the name of the Postgres database used by RDM)

RDM_DB_USER : The username used to access Postgres database

RDM_DB_PASSWORD : (optional) The password if needed to access the Postgres database.

RDM_DB_HOST : (optional) The hostname of the database server to access runing Postgres. by default it assumes localhost running on port 5432.


help : display help

license : display license

version : display version

config : provide a path to an alternate configuration file (e.g. "irdmtools.json")


rdmutil supports the following actions.

setup : Display an example JSON setup configuration file, if it already exists then it will display the current configuration file. No optional or required parameters. When displaying the JSON configuration a placeholder will be used for the token value.

get_modified_ids START [END] : Returns a list of modified record ids (created, updated, deleted) in the time range listed. If Postgres is not configured this method uses OAI-PMH for id retrieval. It is rate limited. Start and end dates are inclusive and should be specific in YYYY-MM-DD format.

get_all_ids : Returns a list of all repository record ids latest versions. The method requires Postgres database access.

get_all_stale_ids : Returns a list of public record ids that are NOT the latest version of the records, useful when prune a dataset collection of stale RDM records.

check_doi DOI : This takes a DOI and searches the .pids.doi.identifiers for matching rdm records or drafts. DOI is required.

query QUERY_STRING [size | size sort] : Returns a result using RDM's search engine. The JSON API access must be defined. It is limited to about 10K total results. You can use the see RDM's documentation for query construction. See, and Query takes one required parameter and two optional.

get_record RECORD_ID : Returns a specific simplified record indicated by RECORD_ID, e.g. bq3se-47g50. The RECORD_ID is a required parameter. If Postgres access is defined then it does this by SQL assembling an object similar to the one available via "/api/records/RECORD_ID" path in the JSON API. If Postgres is not configured then it retrieves the record via the JSON API.

get_raw_record RECORD_ID : Returns a specific map/dictionary record indicated by RECORD_ID, e.g. bq3se-47g50. The RECORD_ID is a required parameter. It uses the JSON API.

get_record_versions RECORD_ID : Get the records versions as a JSON array. It requires Postgres DB access and returns the versions found in the rdm_records_metadata_versions table.

get_files RECORD_ID : Return a list of files for record with RECORD_ID. RECORD_ID is required.

get_file RECORD_ID FILENAME : Returns the metadata for a file indicated by RECORD_ID and FILENAME, e.g. bq3se-47g50 is a record id and article.pdf is a filename. RECORD_ID and FILENAME are required parameters.

retrieve_file RECORD_ID FILENAME [OUTPUT_FILENAME] : Retrieves the file indicated by RECORD_ID and FILENAME, e.g. bq3se-47g50 is a record id and article.pdf is a filename. RECORD_ID and FILENAME arei required parameters. OUTPUT_FILENAME is optional, if present then the file will be save to this name on the file system.

get_versions : Retrieve metadata about versions for RECORD_ID. RECORD_ID is required.

get_latest_version : Retrieve the latest version metadata for a RECORD_ID. RECORD_ID is required.

set_version RECORD_ID VERSION_STRING : This sets the version string in .metadata.version of a draft. RECORD_ID and VERSION_STRING are required.

set_publication_date RECORD_ID PUBICLATION_DATE : This sets the publication date, .metadata.publication_date, in draft. RECORD_ID and PUBLICATION_DATE required. PUBLICATION_DATE can be in YYYY, YYYY-MM, YYYY-MM-DD format.

new_record [FILENAME] : Create a new record from JSON source. If FILENAME is set then json source is read from FILENAME otherwise it reads from standard input.

new_version RECORD_ID : This will create a new version of the record. RECORD_ID is required. NOTE: When you create a new version .metadata.publication_date and .metadata.version are removed. These need to be you recreated in the draft of the new version as well as to handle any files, access restrictions before publishing the new version draft.

publish_version RECORD_ID [VERSION_LABEL] [PUBLICATION_DATE] : This will publish a new draft version. RECORD_ID is required. VERSION_LABEL is optional. PUBLICATION_DATE is optional. PUBLICATION_DATE is in YYYY, YYYY-MM or YYYY-MM-DD format. Will need to set .metadata.publication_date, doi and version name in the versioned draft before publish_version is called. RECORD_ID is required.

new_draft RECORD_ID : Create a new draft for an existing record. RECORD_ID is required.

get_draft RECORD_ID : Retrieve an existing draft record for RECORD_ID. RECORD_ID is required. If draft of RECORD_ID does not exist you will see a 404 error.

update_draft RECORD_ID [FILENAME] : Update a draft record. RECORD_ID is required. FILENAME is optional, if one is provided the JSON document is used to update RDM, otherwise standard input is used to get the JSON required to do the update.

set_files_enable RECORD_ID true|false : This will flip the files.enabled value to true and update the draft. RECORD_ID is required. The one of the values true or false are required.

upload_files RECORD_ID FILENAME [FILENAME ...] : Upload files to a draft record. RECORD_ID is required as are one or more filenames.

get_files RECORD_ID : Retrieve the list of files attached to a draft. RECORD_ID is required.

delete_files RECORD_ID FILENAME [FILENAME ...] : Delete files in a draft record. RECORD_ID is required as are one or more filenames.

discard_draft : Discard (delete) a draft record from RDM. RECORD_ID is required.

review_comment RECORD_ID [FILENAME] : Submit a comment to a review. RECORD_ID is required. If FILENAME is provided the comment is read from a file otherwise it is read from standard input.

send_to_community RECORD_ID COMMUNITY_ID : Submit a draft record to a community for review. RECORD_ID and COMMUNITY_ID are required.

get_review : Get review requests associated with RECORD_ID. RECORD_ID is required.

review_request RECORD_ID accept|decline|cancel|"" [COMMENT] : Review a submitted draft record. the values "accept", "decline" or "" and an optional COMMENT.

get_access RECORD_ID [ACCESS_TYPE] : This will return the JSON for the access attribute in the record. If you include ACCESS_TYPE of "files" or "records" it will return just that attribute. RECORD_ID is always required.

set_access RECORD_ID ACCESS_TYPE ACCESS_VALUE : This will update a record with metadata access to the record. RECORD ID is required. ACCESS_TYPE is required and can be either "record" or "files". ACCESS_VALUE is required and can be "restricted" or "public".

harvest KEY_JSON : harvest takes a JSON file containing a list of keys and harvests each record into the dataset collection indicated by the environment variable C_NAME.

get_endpoint PATH : Perform a GET to the end point indicated by PATH. PATH is required.

post_endpoint PATH [FILENAME] : Perform a POST to the end point indicated by PATH. PATH is required. If FILENAME is provided then JSON source is read file the file otherwise it is read from standard input.

put_endpoint PATH [FILENAME] : Perform a PUT to the end point indicated by PATH. PATH is required. If FILENAME is provided then JSON source is read file the file otherwise it is read from standard input.

patch_endpoint PATH [FILENAME] : Perform a PATCH to the end point indicated by PATH. PATH is required. If FILENAME is provided then JSON source is read file the file otherwise it is read from standard input.


Action parameters are the specific optional or required parameters need to complete an action.


Setup for rdmutil by writing an example JSON configuration file. "nano" is an example text editor program, you need to edit the sample configuration appropriately.

rdmutil setup >rdmtools.json
nano rdmtools.json

Get a list of Invenio-RDM record ids modified from Jan 1, 2023 to Jan 31, 2023.

rdmutil get_modified_ids 2023-01-01 2023-01-31

Get a list of all Invenio-RDM record ids.

rdmutil get_all_ids

Get a specific Invenio-RDM record. Record is validated against irdmtool model.

rdmutil get_record bq3se-47g50

Get a specific Invenio-RDM record as it is returned by the RDM API.

rdmutil get_raw_record bq3se-47g50