A tool to colorize your cloud dashboards. At the moment only the GCP console is supported.
This add-on utilizes vue-cli-plugin-browser-extension to build. Unfortunately the package is a bit broken atm, so this build uses a patch.
- cd /in/to/project/folder
- npm run install
- npm run build
wolkenpinsel aspires to be Comfy Software:
- Customizability
- Keyboard-focused navigation
- Non-corporate governance
- Good documentation
- Make the common things easy
- A cute name
- Make storage format more extensible
- Add validation
- Add build scripts for Firefox, Chromium and Opera
- Add CI/Pipeline for publishing
- Add rule hierarchy
- Add support for regex
- Add rule for changing the GCP Avatar
- Add selenium GUI tests
- Add automatic screenshot creation for release
- Update logo to use colors form stylesheet
"wolkenpinsel": {
"formatVersion": "1.0.0",
"gcpStyleRules": [
"id": "e553c452-1c65-409e-8834-0ae060a59213",
"pattern": ".*live.*",
"styles": [
"name": "gcpNavbarColor",
"value": "#000000"