English | 简体中文
ZbxTable is a Zabbix report system developed using Go language.
- Custom drawing topology
- Device classification display and export
- Export Zabbix alert messages to xlsx within a specific time period
- Analyze the alarm messages in a specific time period, alarm Top 10, etc.
ZbxTable: Backend written using beego framework.
ZbxTable-Web: Front end written using Vue.
MS-Agent: Installed on Zabbix Server, used to receive alarms generated by Zabbix Server and send to ZbxTable.
Zabbix Version | Compatibility |
7.4.x | ✅ |
7.2.x | ✅ |
7.0.x LTS | ✅ |
6.4.x | ✅ |
6.2.x | ✅ |
6.0.x LTS | ✅ |
5.4.x | ✅ |
5.2.x | ✅ |
5.0.x LTS | ✅ |
4.4.x | ✅ |
4.2.x | ✅ |
4.0.x LTS | ✅ |
3.4.x | untested |
3.2.x | untested |
3.0.x LTS | untested |
ZbxTable: https://github.com/canghai908/zbxtable
ZbxTable-Web: https://github.com/canghai908/zbxtable-web
MS-Agent: https://github.com/canghai908/ms-agent
go >=1.22
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/canghai908
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/canghai908
git clone github.com/canghai908/zbxtable.git
cd zbxtable
wget -q -c https://dl.cactifans.com/stable/zbxtable/web-latest.tar.gz && tar xf web-latest.tar.gz
go install github.com/go-bindata/go-bindata/go-bindata@latest
./control build
./control pack
Back-end development
Front-end development
ZbxTable is available under the Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.