diff --git a/.github/test-pre-script.sh b/.github/test-pre-script.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ccf6b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/test-pre-script.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+# Call script with sudo to install the required native libraries for installing the plugin's dependencies
+sudo bash -xe "$(dirname "$0")"/../install-libs.sh
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.github/workflows/integration_test.yaml b/.github/workflows/integration_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9d539f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/integration_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+name: Integration tests
+ pull_request:
+ integration-tests:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ name: Integration Tests
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - name: Install required native libraries
+ run: sudo bash -xe install-libs.sh
+ - name: Install tox
+ run: python3 -m pip install tox
+ - name: Run integration tests
+ run: |
+ tox -e integration
diff --git a/.github/workflows/test.yaml b/.github/workflows/test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85e6b9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+name: Tests
+ pull_request:
+ unit-tests:
+ uses: canonical/operator-workflows/.github/workflows/test.yaml@main
+ secrets: inherit
+ with:
+ pre-run-script: .github/test-pre-script.sh
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af449cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# Flask-Multipass-SAML-Groups
+This package provides an identity provider for [Flask-Multipass](https://github.com/indico/flask-multipass),
+which allows you to use SAML groups. It is designed to be used
+as a plugin for [Indico](https://github.com/indico/indico).
+> **Warning**
+> The current code base has not been extensively tested and should be considered experimental.
+## Motivation
+The current SAML identity provider in Flask-Multipass does not support groups (see [issue](https://github.com/indico/flask-multipass/issues/66)),
+but groups are a very useful feature for Indico. This plugin provides a solution to this problem.
+## Installation
+### Package installation
+You need to install the package on the same virtual environment as your Indico instance.
+You might use the following commands to switch to the Indico environment
+su - indico
+source ~/.venv/bin/activate
+Some of the dependencies, like [xmlsec](https://xmlsec.readthedocs.io/en/stable/install.html),
+require native libraries to be installed on the system. To install these libraries on an
+Ubuntu system, you can use the `install-packages.sh` file:
+sudo bash install-libs.sh
+You can then install this package either via local source:
+git clone https://github.com/canonical/flask-multipass-saml-groups.git
+cd flask-multipass-saml-groups
+python setup.py install
+or with pip:
+pip install git+https://github.com/canonical/flask-multipass-saml-groups.git
+### Indico setup
+In your Indico setup, you should see that the plugin is now available:
+indico setup list-plugins
+In order to activate the plugin, you must add it to the list of active plugins in your Indico configuration file:
+PLUGINS = { ..., 'saml_groups' }
+Beyond that, the plugin uses its own database tables to persist the groups. Therefore you need to run
+indico db --all-plugins upgrade
+See [here](https://docs.getindico.io/en/latest/installation/plugins/) for more information on installing
+Indico plugins.
+### Identity provider configuration
+The configuration is almost identical to the SAML identity provider in Flask-Multipass,
+but you should use the type `saml_groups` instead of `saml`. The identity provider must be used
+together with the SAML auth Provider, in order to receive the SAML groups in the authentication
+The following is an example section in `indico.conf`:
+_my_saml_config = {
+ 'sp': {
+ 'entityId': 'https://events.example.com',
+ 'x509cert': '',
+ 'privateKey': '',
+ },
+ 'idp': {
+ 'entityId': 'https://login.example.com',
+ 'x509cert': 'YmFzZTY0IGVuY29kZWQgY2VydAo',
+ 'singleSignOnService': {
+ 'url': 'https://login.example.com/saml/',
+ 'binding': 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect'
+ },
+ 'singleLogoutService': {
+ 'url': 'https://login.example.com/+logout',
+ 'binding': 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect'
+ }
+ },
+ 'security': {
+ 'nameIdEncrypted': False,
+ 'authnRequestsSigned': False,
+ 'logoutRequestSigned': False,
+ 'logoutResponseSigned': False,
+ 'signMetadata': False,
+ 'wantMessagesSigned': False,
+ 'wantAssertionsSigned': False,
+ 'wantNameId' : False,
+ 'wantNameIdEncrypted': False,
+ 'wantAssertionsEncrypted': False,
+ 'allowSingleLabelDomains': False,
+ 'signatureAlgorithm': 'http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256',
+ 'digestAlgorithm': 'http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256'
+ },
+ 'ubuntu': {
+ 'type': 'saml',
+ 'title': 'SAML SSO',
+ 'saml_config': _my_saml_config,
+ },
+"ubuntu": {
+ "type": "saml_groups",
+ "trusted_email": True,
+ "mapping": {
+ "user_name": "username",
+ "first_name": "fullname",
+ "last_name": "",
+ "email": "email",
+ },
+ "identifier_field": "openid",
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/flask_multipass_saml_groups/__init__.py b/flask_multipass_saml_groups/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c8134c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flask_multipass_saml_groups/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+"""The package containing the SAML Groups plugin."""
diff --git a/flask_multipass_saml_groups/group_provider/__init__.py b/flask_multipass_saml_groups/group_provider/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e8a8e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flask_multipass_saml_groups/group_provider/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+"""The package containing the group providers for the SAML Groups plugin."""
diff --git a/flask_multipass_saml_groups/group_provider/base.py b/flask_multipass_saml_groups/group_provider/base.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..540519d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flask_multipass_saml_groups/group_provider/base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+"""Defines the interface for a group provider."""
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+from typing import Iterable, Optional
+from flask_multipass import Group, IdentityProvider
+class GroupProvider(metaclass=ABCMeta):
+ """A group provider is responsible for managing groups and their members.
+ Attrs:
+ group_class (type): The class to use for groups.
+ """
+ group_class = Group
+ def __init__(self, identity_provider: IdentityProvider):
+ """Initialize the group provider.
+ Args:
+ identity_provider: The associated identity provider. Usually required because the group
+ needs to know the identity provider.
+ """
+ @abstractmethod
+ def add_group(self, name: str) -> None: # pragma: no cover
+ """Add a group.
+ Args:
+ name: The name of the group.
+ """
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_group(self, name: str) -> Optional[Group]: # pragma: no cover
+ """Get a group.
+ Args:
+ name: The name of the group.
+ Returns:
+ The group or None if it does not exist.
+ """
+ return None
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_groups(self) -> Iterable[Group]: # pragma: no cover
+ """Get all groups.
+ Returns:
+ An iterable of all groups.
+ """
+ return []
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_user_groups(self, identifier: str) -> Iterable[Group]: # pragma: no cover
+ """Get all groups a user is a member of.
+ Args:
+ identifier: The unique user identifier used by the provider.
+ Returns:
+ iterable: An iterable of groups the user is a member of.
+ """
+ return []
+ @abstractmethod
+ def add_group_member(self, identifier: str, group_name: str) -> None: # pragma: no cover
+ """Add a user to a group.
+ Args:
+ identifier: The unique user identifier used by the provider.
+ group_name: The name of the group.
+ """
+ @abstractmethod
+ def remove_group_member(self, identifier: str, group_name: str) -> None: # pragma: no cover
+ """Remove a user from a group.
+ Args:
+ identifier: The unique user identifier used by the provider.
+ group_name: The name of the group.
+ """
diff --git a/flask_multipass_saml_groups/group_provider/sql.py b/flask_multipass_saml_groups/group_provider/sql.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f12672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flask_multipass_saml_groups/group_provider/sql.py
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+"""A group provider that persists groups and their members in a SQL database provided by Indico."""
+from typing import Iterable, Iterator, Optional
+from flask_multipass import Group, IdentityInfo, IdentityProvider
+from indico.core.db import db
+from flask_multipass_saml_groups.group_provider.base import GroupProvider
+from flask_multipass_saml_groups.models.saml_groups import SAMLGroup as DBGroup
+from flask_multipass_saml_groups.models.saml_groups import SAMLUser
+class SQLGroup(Group):
+ """A group whose group membership is persisted in a SQL database.
+ Attrs:
+ supports_member_list (bool): If the group supports getting the list of members
+ """
+ supports_member_list = True
+ def __init__(self, provider: IdentityProvider, name: str):
+ """Initialize the group.
+ Args:
+ provider: The associated identity provider.
+ name: The unique, case-sensitive name of this group.
+ """
+ super().__init__(provider, name)
+ self._provider = provider
+ self._name = name
+ def get_members(self) -> Iterator[IdentityInfo]:
+ """Return the members of the group.
+ Returns:
+ An iterator over IdentityInfo objects.
+ """
+ db_group = DBGroup.query.filter_by(name=self._name).first()
+ if db_group:
+ return iter(
+ map(
+ lambda m: IdentityInfo(provider=self._provider, identifier=m.identifier),
+ db_group.members,
+ )
+ )
+ return iter([])
+ def has_member(self, identifier: str) -> bool:
+ """Check if a given identity is a member of the group.
+ Args:
+ identifier: The unique user identifier used by the provider.
+ Returns:
+ True if the user is a member of the group, False otherwise.
+ """
+ return (
+ DBGroup.query.filter_by(name=self._name)
+ .join(DBGroup.members)
+ .filter_by(identifier=identifier)
+ .first()
+ is not None
+ )
+class SQLGroupProvider(GroupProvider):
+ """Provide access to Groups persisted with a SQL database.
+ Attrs:
+ group_class (class): The class to use for groups.
+ """
+ # pylint does not recognize the methods of db.session, which is a proxy object
+ # pylint: disable=no-member
+ group_class = SQLGroup
+ def __init__(self, identity_provider: IdentityProvider):
+ """Initialize the group provider.
+ Args:
+ identity_provider: The identity provider this group provider is associated with.
+ """
+ super().__init__(identity_provider)
+ self._identity_provider = identity_provider
+ def add_group(self, name: str) -> None:
+ """Add a group.
+ Args:
+ name: The name of the group.
+ """
+ grp = DBGroup.query.filter_by(name=name).first()
+ if not grp:
+ db.session.add(DBGroup(name=name))
+ db.session.commit()
+ def get_group(self, name: str) -> Optional[SQLGroup]:
+ """Get a group.
+ Args:
+ name: The name of the group.
+ Returns:
+ The group or None if it does not exist.
+ """
+ grp = DBGroup.query.filter_by(name=name).first()
+ if grp:
+ return SQLGroup(provider=self._identity_provider, name=grp.name)
+ return None
+ def get_groups(self) -> Iterable[SQLGroup]:
+ """Get all groups.
+ Returns:
+ An iterable of all groups.
+ """
+ return map(
+ lambda g: SQLGroup(provider=self._identity_provider, name=g.name),
+ DBGroup.query.all(),
+ )
+ def get_user_groups(self, identifier: str) -> Iterable[SQLGroup]:
+ """Get all groups a user is a member of.
+ Args:
+ identifier: The unique user identifier used by the provider.
+ Returns:
+ iterable: An iterable of groups the user is a member of.
+ """
+ user = SAMLUser.query.filter_by(identifier=identifier).first()
+ if user:
+ return map(
+ lambda g: SQLGroup(name=g.name, provider=self._identity_provider),
+ user.groups,
+ )
+ return []
+ def add_group_member(self, identifier: str, group_name: str) -> None:
+ """Add a user to a group.
+ Args:
+ identifier: The unique user identifier used by the provider.
+ group_name: The name of the group.
+ """
+ user = SAMLUser.query.filter_by(identifier=identifier).first()
+ grp = DBGroup.query.filter_by(name=group_name).first()
+ if not user:
+ user = SAMLUser(identifier=identifier)
+ db.session.add(user)
+ if not grp:
+ grp = DBGroup(name=group_name)
+ db.session.add(grp)
+ if user not in grp.members:
+ grp.members.append(user)
+ db.session.commit()
+ def remove_group_member(self, identifier: str, group_name: str) -> None:
+ """Remove a user from a group.
+ Args:
+ identifier: The unique user identifier used by the provider.
+ group_name: The name of the group.
+ """
+ user = SAMLUser.query.filter_by(identifier=identifier).first()
+ grp = DBGroup.query.filter_by(name=group_name).first()
+ if grp and user in grp.members:
+ grp.members.remove(user)
+ db.session.commit()
diff --git a/flask_multipass_saml_groups/migrations/20230725_1640_ae387f5fc14a_initial_migration.py b/flask_multipass_saml_groups/migrations/20230725_1640_ae387f5fc14a_initial_migration.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b07a15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flask_multipass_saml_groups/migrations/20230725_1640_ae387f5fc14a_initial_migration.py
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+# noqa disable qa, because file is autogenerated
+# flake8: noqa
+# type: ignore
+"""initial migration
+Revision ID: ae387f5fc14a
+Create Date: 2023-07-25 16:40:17.110259
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+from alembic import op
+from sqlalchemy.sql.ddl import CreateSchema, DropSchema
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = "ae387f5fc14a"
+down_revision = None
+branch_labels = None
+depends_on = None
+def upgrade(): # noqa
+ op.execute(CreateSchema("plugin_saml_groups"))
+ # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
+ op.create_table(
+ "saml_groups",
+ sa.Column("id", sa.Integer(), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column("name", sa.String(), nullable=False),
+ sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint("id"),
+ schema="plugin_saml_groups",
+ )
+ with op.batch_alter_table("saml_groups", schema="plugin_saml_groups") as batch_op:
+ batch_op.create_index(batch_op.f("ix_saml_groups_name"), ["name"], unique=True)
+ op.create_table(
+ "saml_users",
+ sa.Column("id", sa.Integer(), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column("identifier", sa.String(), nullable=False),
+ sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint("id"),
+ schema="plugin_saml_groups",
+ )
+ with op.batch_alter_table("saml_users", schema="plugin_saml_groups") as batch_op:
+ batch_op.create_index(batch_op.f("ix_saml_users_identifier"), ["identifier"], unique=True)
+ op.create_table(
+ "saml_group_members",
+ sa.Column("group_id", sa.Integer(), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column("user_id", sa.Integer(), nullable=False),
+ sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(
+ ["group_id"],
+ ["plugin_saml_groups.saml_groups.id"],
+ ),
+ sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(
+ ["user_id"],
+ ["plugin_saml_groups.saml_users.id"],
+ ),
+ sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint("group_id", "user_id"),
+ schema="plugin_saml_groups",
+ )
+ with op.batch_alter_table("saml_group_members", schema="plugin_saml_groups") as batch_op:
+ batch_op.create_index(
+ batch_op.f("ix_saml_group_members_group_id"), ["group_id"], unique=False
+ )
+ batch_op.create_index(
+ batch_op.f("ix_saml_group_members_user_id"), ["user_id"], unique=False
+ )
+ # ### end Alembic commands ###
+def downgrade(): # noqa
+ # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
+ with op.batch_alter_table("saml_group_members", schema="plugin_saml_groups") as batch_op:
+ batch_op.drop_index(batch_op.f("ix_saml_group_members_user_id"))
+ batch_op.drop_index(batch_op.f("ix_saml_group_members_group_id"))
+ op.drop_table("saml_group_members", schema="plugin_saml_groups")
+ with op.batch_alter_table("saml_users", schema="plugin_saml_groups") as batch_op:
+ batch_op.drop_index(batch_op.f("ix_saml_users_identifier"))
+ op.drop_table("saml_users", schema="plugin_saml_groups")
+ with op.batch_alter_table("saml_groups", schema="plugin_saml_groups") as batch_op:
+ batch_op.drop_index(batch_op.f("ix_saml_groups_name"))
+ op.drop_table("saml_groups", schema="plugin_saml_groups")
+ # ### end Alembic commands ###
+ op.execute(DropSchema("plugin_saml_groups"))
diff --git a/flask_multipass_saml_groups/models/__init__.py b/flask_multipass_saml_groups/models/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9a5ee1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flask_multipass_saml_groups/models/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+"""The package containing the SQLAlchemy models for the SAML Groups plugin."""
diff --git a/flask_multipass_saml_groups/models/saml_groups.py b/flask_multipass_saml_groups/models/saml_groups.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b135ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flask_multipass_saml_groups/models/saml_groups.py
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+"""The database models for the SAML Groups plugin."""
+from typing import List
+from indico.core.db import db
+from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped
+SCHEMA = "plugin_saml_groups"
+group_members_table = db.Table(
+ "saml_group_members",
+ db.metadata,
+ db.Column(
+ "group_id",
+ db.Integer,
+ db.ForeignKey(f"{SCHEMA}.saml_groups.id"),
+ primary_key=True,
+ nullable=False,
+ index=True,
+ ),
+ db.Column(
+ "user_id",
+ db.Integer,
+ db.ForeignKey(f"{SCHEMA}.saml_users.id"),
+ primary_key=True,
+ nullable=False,
+ index=True,
+ ),
+ schema=SCHEMA,
+class SAMLGroup(db.Model): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
+ """The model containing the groups.
+ Attrs:
+ id: The group's ID
+ name: The group's name
+ """
+ __tablename__ = "saml_groups"
+ __table_args__ = {"schema": SCHEMA}
+ id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
+ name = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False, unique=True, index=True)
+class SAMLUser(db.Model): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
+ """The model containing the user identifiers.
+ Attrs:
+ id: The user's ID in the database
+ identifier: The user's identifier from the identity provider
+ groups: The groups the user is a member of
+ """
+ __tablename__ = "saml_users"
+ __table_args__ = {"schema": SCHEMA}
+ id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
+ identifier = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False, unique=True, index=True)
+ groups: Mapped[List[SAMLGroup]] = db.relationship(
+ SAMLGroup,
+ secondary=group_members_table,
+ back_populates="members",
+ )
+SAMLGroup.members = db.relationship(
+ SAMLUser,
+ secondary=group_members_table,
+ back_populates="groups",
diff --git a/flask_multipass_saml_groups/plugin.py b/flask_multipass_saml_groups/plugin.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cad2a22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flask_multipass_saml_groups/plugin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+"""Marks the package in order to be used by the Indico plugin system."""
+from indico.core.plugins import IndicoPlugin
+class SAMLGroupsPlugin(IndicoPlugin): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
+ """SAML Groups Plugin.
+ The plugin provides an identity provider for SAML which supports groups.
+ """
diff --git a/flask_multipass_saml_groups/provider.py b/flask_multipass_saml_groups/provider.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c604aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flask_multipass_saml_groups/provider.py
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+"""SAML Groups Identity Provider."""
+import operator
+from typing import Dict, Iterable, Optional, Type
+from flask_multipass import (
+ AuthInfo,
+ Group,
+ IdentityInfo,
+ IdentityProvider,
+ IdentityRetrievalFailed,
+ Multipass,
+from flask_multipass_saml_groups.group_provider.base import GroupProvider
+from flask_multipass_saml_groups.group_provider.sql import SQLGroupProvider
+DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER_FIELD = "_saml_nameid_qualified"
+SAML_GRP_ATTR_NAME = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:profiles:attribute:DCE:groups"
+class SAMLGroupsIdentityProvider(IdentityProvider):
+ """Provides identity information using SAML and supports groups.
+ Attrs:
+ supports_get (bool): If the provider supports getting identity information
+ based from an identifier
+ supports_groups (bool): If the provider also provides groups and membership information
+ supports_get_identity_groups (bool): If the provider supports getting the list of groups an
+ identity belongs to
+ group_class (class): The class to use for groups. Defaults to flask_multipass.Group but
+ concrete class will be used from group_provider_class
+ """
+ supports_get = False
+ supports_groups = True
+ supports_get_identity_groups = True
+ group_class = Group
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ multipass: Multipass,
+ name: str,
+ settings: Dict,
+ group_provider_class: Type[GroupProvider] = SQLGroupProvider,
+ ):
+ """Initialize the identity provider.
+ Args:
+ multipass: The Flask-Multipass instance
+ name: The name of this identity provider instance
+ settings: The settings dictionary for this identity
+ provider instance
+ group_provider_class: The class to use for the group provider.
+ """
+ super().__init__(multipass=multipass, name=name, settings=settings)
+ self.id_field = self.settings.setdefault("identifier_field", DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER_FIELD)
+ self._group_provider = group_provider_class(identity_provider=self)
+ self.group_class = self._group_provider.group_class
+ def get_identity_from_auth(self, auth_info: AuthInfo) -> IdentityInfo:
+ """Retrieve identity information after authentication.
+ Args:
+ auth_info: An AuthInfo instance from an auth provider.
+ Raise:
+ IdentityRetrievalFailed: If the identifier is missing or there do exist multiple
+ in the saml response.
+ Returns:
+ IdentityInfo: An IdentityInfo instance containing identity information
+ or None if no identity was found.
+ """
+ identifier = auth_info.data.get(self.id_field)
+ if isinstance(identifier, list):
+ if len(identifier) != 1:
+ raise IdentityRetrievalFailed("Identifier has multiple elements", provider=self)
+ identifier = identifier[0]
+ if not identifier:
+ raise IdentityRetrievalFailed("Identifier missing in saml response", provider=self)
+ identity_info = IdentityInfo(self, identifier=identifier, **auth_info.data)
+ grp_names = auth_info.data.get(SAML_GRP_ATTR_NAME)
+ if grp_names:
+ if isinstance(grp_names, str):
+ # If only one group is returned, it is returned as a string by saml auth provider
+ grp_names = [grp_names]
+ user_groups = self._group_provider.get_user_groups(identifier=identifier)
+ for group in user_groups:
+ if group.name not in grp_names:
+ self._group_provider.remove_group_member(
+ group_name=group.name, identifier=identifier
+ )
+ for grp_name in grp_names:
+ self._group_provider.add_group_member(group_name=grp_name, identifier=identifier)
+ return identity_info
+ def get_group(self, name: str) -> Optional[Group]:
+ """Return a specific group.
+ Args:
+ name: The name of the group.
+ Returns:
+ group: An instance of group_class or None if the group does not exist.
+ """
+ return self._group_provider.get_group(name)
+ def search_groups(self, name: str, exact: bool = False) -> Iterable[Group]:
+ """Search groups by name.
+ Args:
+ name: The name to search for.
+ exact (bool, optional): If True, the name needs to match exactly,
+ i.e., no substring matches are performed.
+ Yields:
+ a matching group_class object.
+ """
+ compare = operator.eq if exact else operator.contains
+ for group in self._group_provider.get_groups():
+ if compare(group.name, name):
+ yield group
+ def get_identity_groups(self, identifier: str) -> Iterable[Group]:
+ """Retrieve the groups a user identity belongs to.
+ Args:
+ identifier: The unique user identifier used by the
+ provider.
+ Returns:
+ iterable: An iterable of groups
+ """
+ return self._group_provider.get_user_groups(identifier=identifier)
diff --git a/install-libs.sh b/install-libs.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8b6b3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install-libs.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+# Script that installs the required native libraries for installing the plugin's dependencies
+# on Ubuntu 22.04.
+if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]
+ then echo "Please run as root"
+ exit
+apt-get update
+apt-get install -y pkg-config libxml2-dev libxmlsec1-dev libxmlsec1-openssl libpython3-dev gcc libpq-dev
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25accef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+exclude_dirs = ["/venv/"]
+skips = ["*/*test.py", "*/test_*.py", "*tests/*.py"]
+# Testing tools configuration
+branch = true
+# Formatting tools configuration
+line-length = 99
+target-version = ["py38"]
+fail_under = 95
+show_missing = true
+# Linting tools configuration
+max-line-length = 99
+max-doc-length = 99
+max-complexity = 10
+exclude = [".git", "__pycache__", ".tox", "build", "dist", "*.egg_info", "venv"]
+select = ["E", "W", "F", "C", "N", "R", "D", "H"]
+# Ignore W503, E501 because using black creates errors with this
+# Ignore D107 Missing docstring in __init__
+ignore = ["W503", "E501", "D107"]
+# D100, D101, D102, D103: Ignore missing docstrings in tests
+per-file-ignores = ["tests/*:D100,D101,D102,D103,D104,D205,D212,D415"]
+docstring-convention = "google"
+# Check for properly formatted copyright header in each file
+copyright-check = "True"
+copyright-author = "Canonical Ltd."
+copyright-regexp = "Copyright\\s\\d{4}([-,]\\d{4})*\\s+%(author)s"
+line_length = 99
+profile = "black"
+check_untyped_defs = true
+disallow_untyped_defs = true
+ignore_missing_imports = true
+module = "tests.*"
+disallow_untyped_defs = false
+minversion = "6.0"
+log_cli_level = "INFO"
+markers = [
+ "requires_secrets: mark tests that require external secrets"
+disable = "wrong-import-order"
diff --git a/pytest.ini b/pytest.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b987764
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pytest.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+addopts = -p no:indico
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0012b68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e9ef6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+name = Flask-Multipass-SAML-Groups
+version = 0.0.1
+license = Apache-2.0
+author = launchpad.net/~canonical-is-devops
+author_email = is-devops-team@canonical.com
+packages = find:
+include_package_data = true
+python_requires = ~=3.8
+install_requires =
+ flask-multipass[saml]>=0.4.3
+include =
+ flask_multipass_saml_groups
+ flask_multipass_saml_groups.*
+flask_multipass.identity_providers =
+ saml_groups = flask_multipass_saml_groups.provider:SAMLGroupsIdentityProvider
+indico.plugins =
+ saml_groups = flask_multipass_saml_groups.plugin:SAMLGroupsPlugin
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b13e707
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+from setuptools import setup
diff --git a/tests/__init__.py b/tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb88756
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
diff --git a/tests/common.py b/tests/common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbafe91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+"""Add common functions for testing."""
+from flask import Flask
+from indico.core.db import db
+def setup_sqlite(app: Flask):
+ """Add sqlite to app config and setup the database.
+ Args:
+ app: The flask app.
+ """
+ app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"] = "sqlite://"
+ with app.app_context():
+ db.init_app(app)
+ # pylint does not recognize the methods of db.session, which is a proxy object
+ # pylint: disable=no-member
+ db.session.execute("attach ':memory:' as plugin_saml_groups;")
+ db.session.execute(
+ "CREATE TABLE plugin_saml_groups.saml_users "
+ )
+ db.session.execute(
+ "CREATE TABLE plugin_saml_groups.saml_groups "
+ )
+ db.session.execute(
+ "CREATE TABLE plugin_saml_groups.saml_group_members "
+ "(group_id INTEGER, user_id INTEGER);"
+ )
+ db.session.commit()
diff --git a/tests/integration/__init__.py b/tests/integration/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb88756
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/integration/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
diff --git a/tests/integration/common.py b/tests/integration/common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5828e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/integration/common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+"""Common functions for integration tests."""
+import base64
+from collections import namedtuple
+from typing import List
+from flask.testing import FlaskClient
+from flask_multipass_saml_groups.provider import SAML_GRP_ATTR_NAME
+SP_ENTITY_ID = "http://localhost"
+User = namedtuple("User", ["email", "identifier"])
+def mk_saml_response(groups: List[str], user_email: str):
+ """Create a SAML response with the given groups and user email.
+ Args:
+ groups: The groups to include in the response
+ user_email: The user email to include in the response
+ Returns:
+ The SAML response
+ """
+ if groups:
+ group_attr = f"""
+ {"".join(f'{grp}' for grp in groups)}
+ """
+ else:
+ group_attr = ""
+ return f"""
+ https://login.saml.com
+ https://login.saml.com
+ {user_email}
+ urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:Password
+ http://openid
+ {user_email}
+ foo
+ {user_email}
+ foo bar
+ {group_attr}
+def login(client: FlaskClient, user_email: str, groups: List[str]):
+ """Login a user with the given email and groups.
+ Args:
+ client: The test client
+ user_email: The user email
+ groups: The groups to include in the SAML response
+ """
+ resp = client.get("/login/ubuntu")
+ assert resp.status_code == 302
+ saml_response = mk_saml_response(groups=groups, user_email=user_email)
+ resp = client.post(
+ "/multipass/saml/ubuntu/acs",
+ data={
+ "SAMLResponse": base64.b64encode(saml_response.encode("utf-8")),
+ "RelayState": "/login/ubuntu",
+ },
+ )
+ assert resp.status_code == 302
diff --git a/tests/integration/conftest.py b/tests/integration/conftest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..925baca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/integration/conftest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+"""Common fixtures for integration tests."""
+from secrets import token_hex
+import onelogin
+import pytest
+from flask import Flask
+from flask_multipass import Multipass
+from flask_multipass_saml_groups.provider import SAMLGroupsIdentityProvider
+from tests.common import setup_sqlite
+from tests.integration.common import SP_ENTITY_ID, User
+def config_fixture():
+ """Return a config dict for the flask multipass plugin."""
+ saml_config = {
+ "sp": {
+ "entityId": SP_ENTITY_ID,
+ "x509cert": "",
+ "privateKey": "",
+ },
+ "idp": {
+ "entityId": "https://login.saml.com",
+ "x509cert": "dGVzdAo=",
+ "singleSignOnService": {
+ "url": "https://login.saml.com/saml/",
+ "binding": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect",
+ },
+ "singleLogoutService": {
+ "url": "https://login.saml.com/+logout",
+ "binding": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect",
+ },
+ },
+ "security": {
+ "nameIdEncrypted": False,
+ "authnRequestsSigned": False,
+ "logoutRequestSigned": False,
+ "logoutResponseSigned": False,
+ "signMetadata": False,
+ "wantMessagesSigned": False,
+ "wantAssertionsSigned": False,
+ "wantNameId": False,
+ "wantNameIdEncrypted": False,
+ "wantAssertionsEncrypted": False,
+ "allowSingleLabelDomains": False,
+ "signatureAlgorithm": "http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256",
+ "digestAlgorithm": "http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256",
+ },
+ }
+ multipass_auth_providers = {
+ "ubuntu": {
+ "type": "saml",
+ "title": "SAML SSO",
+ "saml_config": saml_config,
+ },
+ }
+ multipass_identity_providers = {
+ "ubuntu": {
+ "type": "saml_groups",
+ "title": "SAML",
+ "mapping": {
+ "name": "DisplayName",
+ "email": "EmailAddress",
+ "affiliation": "HomeInstitute",
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ multipass_provider_map = {
+ "ubuntu": "ubuntu",
+ }
+ return {
+ "MULTIPASS_AUTH_PROVIDERS": multipass_auth_providers,
+ "MULTIPASS_IDENTITY_PROVIDERS": multipass_identity_providers,
+ "MULTIPASS_PROVIDER_MAP": multipass_provider_map,
+ }
+def app_fixture(config):
+ """Return a properly setup flask app."""
+ app = Flask("test")
+ setup_sqlite(app)
+ app.config.update(config)
+ app.debug = True
+ app.secret_key = "fma-example" # nosec
+ app.add_url_rule("/", "index", lambda: "")
+ return app
+def multipass_fixture(app, monkeypatch):
+ """Return a properly set up flask multipass instance."""
+ multipass = Multipass()
+ multipass.register_provider(SAMLGroupsIdentityProvider, "saml_groups")
+ multipass.init_app(app)
+ multipass.identity_handler(lambda identity: None)
+ monkeypatch.setattr(
+ onelogin.saml2.response.OneLogin_Saml2_Response, "is_valid", lambda *args, **kwargs: True
+ ) # disable signature validation of SAML response
+ return multipass
+def user_fixture():
+ """Return a user email and identifier."""
+ user_email = token_hex(16)
+ user_identifier = f"{user_email}@{SP_ENTITY_ID}"
+ return User(email=user_email, identifier=user_identifier)
diff --git a/tests/integration/test_login.py b/tests/integration/test_login.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e937fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/integration/test_login.py
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+"""Integration tests which check if the groups are properly handled when a user logins."""
+from secrets import token_hex
+from typing import List
+from flask import Flask
+from flask_multipass import Multipass
+from tests.integration.common import login
+def test_login_extracts_groups_from_saml_attributes(app, multipass, user):
+ """
+ arrange: given an app
+ act: call login with a user that has groups in the SAML attributes
+ assert: the user is logged in and the groups are assigned to the user
+ """
+ client = app.test_client()
+ grp_names = [token_hex(16), token_hex(6)]
+ login(client, groups=grp_names, user_email=user.email)
+ _assert_user_only_in_groups(grp_names, app, multipass, user.identifier)
+def test_relogin_removes_previous_groups(app, multipass, user):
+ """
+ arrange: given an app and a user with groups
+ act: call login with a user and recall login with the same user but differing groups
+ assert: the user is logged in and the invalid group memberships from first login are removed
+ """
+ client = app.test_client()
+ grp_names = [token_hex(16), token_hex(6)]
+ other_grp_names = [token_hex(16), token_hex(6)]
+ login(client, groups=grp_names, user_email=user.email)
+ login(client, groups=other_grp_names, user_email=user.email)
+ _assert_user_only_in_groups(other_grp_names, app, multipass, user.identifier)
+def test_login_with_no_groups(app, multipass, user):
+ """
+ arrange: given an app
+ act: call login with a user that has no groups in the SAML attributes
+ assert: the user is logged in and no groups are assigned to the user
+ """
+ client = app.test_client()
+ login(client, groups=[], user_email=user.email)
+ _assert_user_only_in_groups([], app, multipass, user.identifier)
+def test_login_with_multiple_identical_groups(app, multipass, user):
+ """
+ arrange: given an app
+ act: call login with a user that has duplicate group names in the SAML attributes
+ assert: the user is logged in and the duplicate group names are not counted
+ """
+ client = app.test_client()
+ grp_name = token_hex(16)
+ login(client, groups=[grp_name, grp_name], user_email=user.email)
+ with app.app_context():
+ idp = multipass.identity_providers["ubuntu"]
+ grps = list(idp.get_identity_groups(user.identifier))
+ assert len(grps) == 1
+def _assert_user_only_in_groups(
+ groups: List[str], app: Flask, multipass: Multipass, user_identifier: str
+ """Assert that the user is only in the given groups.
+ Args:
+ groups: The groups the user should be in
+ app: The app
+ multipass: The multipass instance
+ user_identifier: The identifier of the user which is expected to belong to the groups.
+ """
+ with app.app_context():
+ idp = multipass.identity_providers["ubuntu"]
+ grps = list(idp.get_identity_groups(user_identifier))
+ assert len(grps) == len(groups)
+ for grp in grps:
+ assert grp.name in groups
+ assert isinstance(grp, idp.group_class)
+ assert grp.has_member(user_identifier)
diff --git a/tests/integration/test_provider.py b/tests/integration/test_provider.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68d8df3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/integration/test_provider.py
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+"""Integration tests which check if the provider works as expected."""
+from secrets import token_hex
+from typing import List
+from flask_multipass import Group, IdentityInfo
+from tests.integration.common import login
+def test_get_group(app, multipass, user):
+ """
+ arrange: given a logged-in user which is a member of a group
+ act: call get_group on identity provider
+ assert: the group is returned and group methods work as expected
+ """
+ client = app.test_client()
+ grp_name = token_hex(16)
+ login(client, groups=[grp_name], user_email=user.email)
+ with app.app_context():
+ idp = multipass.identity_providers["ubuntu"]
+ _assert_group_methods_work([idp.get_group(grp_name)], user.identifier)
+def test_get_identity_groups(app, multipass, user):
+ """
+ arrange: given a logged-in user which is a member of multiple group
+ act: call get_identity_groups on identity provider
+ assert: the groups of the user are returned and group methods work as expected
+ """
+ client = app.test_client()
+ grp_names = [token_hex(16), token_hex(6)]
+ login(client, groups=grp_names, user_email=user.email)
+ with app.app_context():
+ idp = multipass.identity_providers["ubuntu"]
+ groups = list(idp.get_identity_groups(user.identifier))
+ _assert_group_methods_work(groups, user.identifier)
+ _assert_group_names(groups, grp_names)
+def test_search_groups(app, multipass, user):
+ """
+ arrange: given a logged-in user which is a member of a group
+ act: call search_groups on identity provider
+ assert: only the matched groups of the user are returned and group methods work as expected
+ """
+ client = app.test_client()
+ login(client, groups=["x", "xy", "z"], user_email=user.email)
+ with app.app_context():
+ idp = multipass.identity_providers["ubuntu"]
+ groups = list(idp.search_groups("x"))
+ _assert_group_methods_work(groups, user.identifier)
+ _assert_group_names(groups, ["x", "xy"])
+def _assert_group_methods_work(groups: List[Group], user_identifier: str):
+ """Assert that all the group methods work as expected.
+ Args:
+ groups: The groups to check.
+ user_identifier: The identifier of the user which is expected to belong to the groups.
+ """
+ for grp in groups:
+ members = list(grp.get_members())
+ assert len(members) == 1
+ member = members[0]
+ assert isinstance(member, IdentityInfo)
+ assert member.identifier == user_identifier
+ assert grp.has_member(user_identifier)
+def _assert_group_names(groups: List[Group], expected_names: List[str]):
+ """Assert that the group names are as expected.
+ Args:
+ groups: The groups to check.
+ expected_names: The expected group names.
+ """
+ assert len(groups) == len(expected_names)
+ for grp in groups:
+ assert grp.name in expected_names
diff --git a/tests/unit/__init__.py b/tests/unit/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb88756
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
diff --git a/tests/unit/group_provider/__init__.py b/tests/unit/group_provider/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb88756
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/group_provider/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
diff --git a/tests/unit/group_provider/sql/__init__.py b/tests/unit/group_provider/sql/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb88756
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/group_provider/sql/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
diff --git a/tests/unit/group_provider/sql/conftest.py b/tests/unit/group_provider/sql/conftest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f65961
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/group_provider/sql/conftest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+"""Common functions for testing the sql group provider."""
+import pytest
+from flask import Flask
+from tests.common import setup_sqlite
+def app_fixture():
+ """Create a flask app with a properly setup sqlite db."""
+ app = Flask("test")
+ setup_sqlite(app)
+ return app
diff --git a/tests/unit/group_provider/sql/test_group.py b/tests/unit/group_provider/sql/test_group.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f35255
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/group_provider/sql/test_group.py
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+"""Unit tests for the sql group."""
+from secrets import token_hex
+import pytest
+from flask_multipass import IdentityInfo, Multipass
+from flask_multipass_saml_groups.group_provider.sql import SQLGroup, SQLGroupProvider
+from flask_multipass_saml_groups.provider import SAMLGroupsIdentityProvider
+def group_name_fixture():
+ """Return a group name"""
+ return token_hex(16)
+def provider_fixture(app):
+ """Create an identity provider"""
+ multipass = Multipass(app)
+ with app.app_context():
+ yield SAMLGroupsIdentityProvider(multipass=multipass, name="saml_groups", settings={})
+def group_provider_fixture(provider):
+ """Create a group provider"""
+ return SQLGroupProvider(identity_provider=provider)
+def group_fixture(provider, group_name):
+ """Create a group object.
+ The group is not created in the database, only the object is created.
+ """
+ return SQLGroup(provider=provider, name=group_name)
+def test_get_members(group, group_provider, group_name):
+ """
+ arrange: given group with users
+ act: call get_members
+ assert: the users are contained in the returned result
+ """
+ users = [token_hex(16), token_hex(6)]
+ group_provider.add_group_member(group_name=group_name, identifier=users[0])
+ group_provider.add_group_member(group_name=group_name, identifier=users[1])
+ members = list(group.get_members())
+ assert members
+ assert len(members) == 2
+ assert isinstance(members[0], IdentityInfo)
+ assert isinstance(members[1], IdentityInfo)
+ assert {member.identifier for member in members} == set(users)
+def test_get_members_returns_empty_list(group, group_provider, group_name):
+ """
+ arrange: given no users
+ act: call get_members
+ assert: get_members returns an empty iterator
+ """
+ group_provider.add_group(group_name)
+ members = list(group.get_members())
+ assert not members
+def test_get_members_returns_empty_list_for_non_existing_group(group):
+ """
+ arrange: given no underlying db group
+ act: call get_members
+ assert: get_members returns an empty iterator
+ """
+ members = list(group.get_members())
+ assert not members
+def test_has_member(group, group_provider, group_name):
+ """
+ arrange: given a user which belongs to a group
+ act: call has_member
+ assert: has_user returns True
+ """
+ user_identifier = token_hex(16)
+ group_provider.add_group_member(identifier=user_identifier, group_name=group_name)
+ assert group.has_member(user_identifier)
+def test_has_member_returns_false(group, group_provider, group_name):
+ """
+ arrange: given a user identifier which does not belong to a group
+ act: call has_member
+ assert: has_member returns False
+ """
+ user_identifiers = [token_hex(16), token_hex(6)]
+ group_provider.add_group_member(identifier=user_identifiers[0], group_name=group_name)
+ assert not group.has_member(user_identifiers[1])
+def test_has_member_returns_false_for_non_existing_group(group):
+ """
+ arrange: given no underlying db group
+ act: call has_member
+ assert: has_member returns False
+ """
+ user_identifier = token_hex(16)
+ assert not group.has_member(user_identifier)
diff --git a/tests/unit/group_provider/sql/test_provider.py b/tests/unit/group_provider/sql/test_provider.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3986815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/group_provider/sql/test_provider.py
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+"""Unit tests for the sql group provider."""
+from secrets import token_hex
+import pytest
+from flask_multipass import IdentityProvider, Multipass
+from indico.core.db import db
+from flask_multipass_saml_groups.group_provider.sql import SQLGroup, SQLGroupProvider
+from flask_multipass_saml_groups.models.saml_groups import SAMLGroup as DBGroup
+from flask_multipass_saml_groups.models.saml_groups import SAMLUser
+NOT_EXISTING_GRP_NAME = "not_existing"
+def group_names_fixture():
+ """Return group names"""
+ return [token_hex(16), token_hex(16)]
+def user_identifiers_fixture():
+ """Return user identifiers"""
+ return [token_hex(16), token_hex(16)]
+def group_provider_fixture(app, group_names, user_identifiers):
+ """Setup a group provider and place groups and users in the database.
+ The first user is placed in the first group.
+ The second user belongs to no group.
+ The second group has no members.
+ """
+ with app.app_context():
+ multipass = Multipass(app=app)
+ group_provider = SQLGroupProvider(
+ identity_provider=IdentityProvider(
+ multipass=multipass, name="saml_groups", settings={}
+ ),
+ )
+ user1 = SAMLUser(identifier=user_identifiers[0])
+ user2 = SAMLUser(identifier=user_identifiers[1])
+ # pylint does not recognize the methods of db.session, which is a proxy object
+ # pylint: disable=no-member
+ db.session.add(user1)
+ db.session.add(user2)
+ grp1 = DBGroup(name=group_names[0])
+ grp1.members.append(user1)
+ db.session.add(grp1)
+ db.session.add(DBGroup(name=group_names[1]))
+ db.session.commit()
+ yield group_provider
+def test_get_group(group_provider, group_names):
+ """
+ arrange: given a GroupProvider instance
+ act: call get_group with a specific group name
+ assert: returns a SQLGroup instance with the same name
+ """
+ grp = group_provider.get_group(group_names[0])
+ assert isinstance(grp, SQLGroup)
+ assert grp.name == group_names[0]
+def test_get_group_not_found(group_provider):
+ """
+ arrange: given a GroupProvider instance
+ act: call get_group with a non existing group name
+ assert: returns None
+ """
+ grp = group_provider.get_group("non-existing")
+ assert grp is None
+def test_get_groups(group_provider, group_names):
+ """
+ arrange: given a GroupProvider instance
+ act: call get_groups
+ assert: returns an iterable of all groups
+ """
+ grps = list(group_provider.get_groups())
+ assert grps
+ assert len(grps) == 2
+ assert {grp.name for grp in grps} == set(group_names)
+def test_get_user_groups(group_provider, user_identifiers, group_names):
+ """
+ arrange: given a user identifier
+ act: call get_user_groups
+ assert: returns an iterable of groups the user belongs to
+ """
+ grps = list(group_provider.get_user_groups(user_identifiers[0]))
+ assert grps
+ assert len(grps) == 1
+ assert grps[0].name == group_names[0]
+def test_get_user_groups_without_groups(group_provider, user_identifiers):
+ """
+ arrange: given a user identifier for a user who belongs to no groups
+ act: call get_user_groups
+ assert: returns empty list
+ """
+ grps = list(group_provider.get_user_groups(user_identifiers[1]))
+ assert not grps
+def test_get_user_groups_for_non_existing_user(group_provider):
+ """
+ arrange: given a user identifier for a non existing user
+ act: call get_user_groups
+ assert: returns empty list
+ """
+ grps = list(group_provider.get_user_groups("non-existing"))
+ assert not grps
+def test_add_group(group_provider):
+ """
+ arrange: given a GroupProvider instance
+ act: call add_group with a group name
+ assert: the group can be retrieved calling get_group
+ """
+ group_provider.add_group(NOT_EXISTING_GRP_NAME)
+ grp = group_provider.get_group(NOT_EXISTING_GRP_NAME)
+ assert isinstance(grp, SQLGroup)
+ assert grp.name == NOT_EXISTING_GRP_NAME
+def test_add_group_group_already_existing(group_provider, group_names):
+ """
+ arrange: given a group that already exists
+ act: call add_group with that group name
+ assert: the group can be retrieved calling get_group
+ """
+ group_name = group_names[0]
+ group_provider.add_group(group_name)
+ grp = group_provider.get_group(group_name)
+ assert isinstance(grp, SQLGroup)
+ assert grp.name == group_name
+def test_add_group_member(group_provider, user_identifiers, group_names):
+ """
+ arrange: given a user who does not belong to a group
+ act: call add_group_member with that user and group
+ assert: the user belongs to the group
+ """
+ user_identifier = user_identifiers[0]
+ group_name = group_names[1]
+ group_provider.add_group_member(user_identifier, group_name)
+ grp = group_provider.get_group(group_name)
+ assert isinstance(grp, SQLGroup)
+ assert grp.name == group_name
+ members = list(grp.get_members())
+ assert len(members) == 1
+ assert members[0].identifier == user_identifier
+def test_add_group_member_user_non_existing(group_provider, group_names):
+ """
+ arrange: given a non existing user identifier
+ act: call add_group_member with that user and a group name
+ assert: the user gets created and belongs to the group
+ """
+ group_name = group_names[1]
+ group_provider.add_group_member(NOT_EXISTING_USER_IDENTIFIER, group_name)
+ grp = group_provider.get_group(group_name)
+ assert isinstance(grp, SQLGroup)
+ assert grp.name == group_name
+ members = list(grp.get_members())
+ assert len(members) == 1
+ assert members[0].identifier == NOT_EXISTING_USER_IDENTIFIER
+def test_add_group_member_group_non_existing(group_provider, user_identifiers):
+ """
+ arrange: given a non existing group
+ act: call add_group_member with a user identifier that group
+ assert: the group gets created and the user belongs to the group
+ """
+ user_identifier = user_identifiers[0]
+ group_provider.add_group_member(user_identifier, NOT_EXISTING_GRP_NAME)
+ grp = group_provider.get_group(NOT_EXISTING_GRP_NAME)
+ assert isinstance(grp, SQLGroup)
+ assert grp.name == NOT_EXISTING_GRP_NAME
+ members = list(grp.get_members())
+ assert len(members) == 1
+ assert members[0].identifier == user_identifier
+def test_add_group_member_pair_already_existing(group_provider, user_identifiers, group_names):
+ """
+ arrange: given a user and a group to which the user does not belong
+ act: call add_group_member twice
+ assert: the user belongs to the group, but is returned only once
+ """
+ user_identifier = user_identifiers[0]
+ group_name = group_names[1]
+ group_provider.add_group_member(user_identifier, group_name)
+ group_provider.add_group_member(user_identifier, group_name)
+ grp = group_provider.get_group(group_name)
+ assert isinstance(grp, SQLGroup)
+ assert grp.name == group_name
+ members = list(grp.get_members())
+ assert len(members) == 1
+ assert members[0].identifier == user_identifier
+def test_remove_group_member(group_provider, user_identifiers, group_names):
+ """
+ arrange: given a user which belongs to a group
+ act: call remove_group_member
+ assert: the user does not belong to the group anymore
+ """
+ user_identifier = user_identifiers[0]
+ group_name = group_names[0]
+ group_provider.remove_group_member(user_identifier, group_name)
+ grp = group_provider.get_group(group_name)
+ assert isinstance(grp, SQLGroup)
+ assert grp.name == group_name
+ members = list(grp.get_members())
+ assert not members
+def test_remove_group_member_user_non_existing(group_provider, user_identifiers, group_names):
+ """
+ arrange: given a group with a user
+ act: call remove_group_member with a non existing user identifier and that group
+ assert: the member list without the user is returned
+ """
+ user_identifier = user_identifiers[0]
+ group_name = group_names[0]
+ group_provider.remove_group_member(NOT_EXISTING_USER_IDENTIFIER, group_name)
+ grp = group_provider.get_group(group_name)
+ assert isinstance(grp, SQLGroup)
+ assert grp.name == group_name
+ members = list(grp.get_members())
+ assert len(members) == 1
+ assert members[0].identifier == user_identifier
+def test_remove_group_member_group_non_existing(group_provider, user_identifiers):
+ """
+ arrange: given a user and a non existing group
+ act: call remove_group_member with that user and the non existing group
+ assert: the group does not exist
+ """
+ user_identifier = user_identifiers[0]
+ group_provider.remove_group_member(user_identifier, NOT_EXISTING_GRP_NAME)
+ grp = group_provider.get_group(NOT_EXISTING_GRP_NAME)
+ assert not grp
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_provider.py b/tests/unit/test_provider.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4310ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/test_provider.py
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+"""Unit tests for the identity provider."""
+from copy import copy
+from secrets import token_hex
+from unittest.mock import Mock
+import pytest
+from flask import Flask
+from flask_multipass import AuthInfo, IdentityRetrievalFailed, Multipass
+from werkzeug.datastructures import MultiDict
+from flask_multipass_saml_groups.provider import (
+ SAMLGroupsIdentityProvider,
+from tests.common import setup_sqlite
+USER_EMAIL = "user@example.com"
+OTHER_USER_EMAIL = "other@example.com"
+def group_names_fixture():
+ """A list of group names."""
+ return [token_hex(16), token_hex(16)]
+def saml_attrs_fixture(group_names):
+ """SAML attributes for a user.
+ The user belongs to all groups.
+ """
+ return {
+ "_saml_nameid": USER_EMAIL,
+ "email": USER_EMAIL,
+ "fullname": "Foo bar",
+ "openid": "https://openid",
+ "userid": USER_EMAIL,
+ "username": "user",
+ SAML_GRP_ATTR_NAME: group_names,
+ }
+def saml_attrs_other_user_fixture(group_names):
+ """SAML attributes for another user.
+ This user belongs only to the second group.
+ """
+ return {
+ "_saml_nameid": OTHER_USER_EMAIL,
+ "email": OTHER_USER_EMAIL,
+ "fullname": "Foo bar",
+ "openid": "https://openid",
+ "userid": OTHER_USER_EMAIL,
+ "username": "other",
+ SAML_GRP_ATTR_NAME: group_names[1], # single elements are expected as str
+ }
+def auth_info_fixture(saml_attrs):
+ """The AuthInfo object for a user."""
+ return AuthInfo(provider=Mock(), **saml_attrs)
+def auth_info_other_user_fixture(saml_attrs_other_user):
+ """The AuthInfo object for another user."""
+ return AuthInfo(provider=Mock(), **saml_attrs_other_user)
+def provider_fixture():
+ """Setup a SAMLGroupsIdentityProvider."""
+ app = Flask("test")
+ multipass = Multipass(app)
+ setup_sqlite(app)
+ with app.app_context():
+ yield SAMLGroupsIdentityProvider(multipass=multipass, name="saml_groups", settings={})
+def provider_custom_field_fixture():
+ """Setup a SAMLGroupsIdentityProvider with a custom identifier_field."""
+ app = Flask("test")
+ multipass = Multipass(app)
+ setup_sqlite(app)
+ with app.app_context():
+ yield SAMLGroupsIdentityProvider(
+ multipass=multipass,
+ name="saml_groups",
+ settings={"identifier_field": "fullname"},
+ )
+def test_get_identity_from_auth_returns_identity_info(provider, auth_info, saml_attrs):
+ """
+ arrange: given AuthInfo by AuthProvider
+ act: call get_identity_from_auth from identity provider
+ assert: the returned IdentityInfo object contains the expected data from AuthInfo
+ """
+ identity_info = provider.get_identity_from_auth(auth_info)
+ assert identity_info is not None
+ assert identity_info.provider == provider
+ assert identity_info.identifier == auth_info.data[DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER_FIELD]
+ assert identity_info.data == MultiDict(saml_attrs)
+def test_get_identity_from_auth_returns_identity_from_custom_field(
+ auth_info, provider_custom_field
+ """
+ arrange: given AuthInfo and provider using custom identifier_field
+ act: call get_identity_from_auth from SAMLGroupsIdentityProvider
+ assert: the returned IdentityInfo object uses the custom field as identifier
+ """
+ identity_info = provider_custom_field.get_identity_from_auth(auth_info)
+ assert identity_info is not None
+ assert identity_info.identifier == auth_info.data["fullname"]
+def test_get_identity_from_auth_returns_identity_from_list(auth_info, provider_custom_field):
+ """
+ arrange: given AuthInfo using a one element list for identifier_field
+ act: call get_identity_from_auth from SAMLGroupsIdentityProvider
+ assert: the returned IdentityInfo object uses value from the list as identifier
+ """
+ fullname = token_hex(10)
+ auth_info.data["fullname"] = [fullname]
+ identity_info = provider_custom_field.get_identity_from_auth(auth_info)
+ assert identity_info is not None
+ assert identity_info.identifier == fullname
+def test_get_identity_from_auth_raises_exc_for_multi_val_identifier(
+ auth_info, provider_custom_field
+ """
+ arrange: given AuthInfo using identifier_field with multiple values
+ act: call get_identity_from_auth from SAMLGroupsIdentityProvider
+ assert: an exception is raised
+ """
+ fullnames = [token_hex(10), token_hex(15)]
+ auth_info.data["fullname"] = fullnames
+ with pytest.raises(IdentityRetrievalFailed):
+ provider_custom_field.get_identity_from_auth(auth_info)
+def test_get_identity_from_auth_raises_exc_for_no_identifier(auth_info, provider):
+ """
+ arrange: given AuthInfo which does not provide value for identifier field
+ act: call get_identity_from_auth from SAMLGroupsIdentityProvider
+ assert: an exception is raised
+ """
+ del auth_info.data[DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER_FIELD]
+ with pytest.raises(IdentityRetrievalFailed):
+ provider.get_identity_from_auth(auth_info)
+def test_get_identity_from_auth_adds_user_to_group(auth_info, provider, group_names):
+ """
+ arrange: given AuthInfo by AuthProvider
+ act: call get_identity_from_auth from SAMLGroupsIdentityProvider
+ assert: the user is added to the groups
+ """
+ provider.get_identity_from_auth(auth_info)
+ for grp_name in group_names:
+ group = provider.get_group(grp_name)
+ members = list(group.get_members())
+ assert members
+ assert members[0].identifier == auth_info.data[DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER_FIELD]
+def test_get_identity_from_auth_adds_user_to_existing_group(
+ auth_info, auth_info_other_user, provider, group_names
+ """
+ arrange: given AuthInfo of two users by AuthProvider
+ act: call get_identity_from_auth twice and second time with another user
+ assert: the user is added to the existing group
+ """
+ provider.get_identity_from_auth(auth_info)
+ provider.get_identity_from_auth(auth_info_other_user)
+ group = provider.get_group(group_names[0])
+ members = list(group.get_members())
+ assert members
+ assert members[0].identifier == auth_info.data[DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER_FIELD]
+ group = provider.get_group(group_names[1])
+ members = list(group.get_members())
+ assert len(members) == 2
+ expected_identifiers = {
+ auth_info_other_user.data[DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER_FIELD],
+ }
+ assert members[0].identifier in expected_identifiers
+ assert members[1].identifier in expected_identifiers
+def test_get_identity_from_auth_removes_user_from_group(auth_info, provider, group_names):
+ """
+ arrange: given AuthInfo by AuthProvider
+ act: call get_identity_from_auth and afterwards again with a group removed
+ assert: the user is removed from the group
+ """
+ provider.get_identity_from_auth(auth_info)
+ group = provider.get_group(group_names[0])
+ members = list(group.get_members())
+ assert members
+ assert members[0].identifier == auth_info.data[DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER_FIELD]
+ auth_info_grp_removed = copy(auth_info)
+ auth_info_grp_removed.data[SAML_GRP_ATTR_NAME] = group_names[1]
+ provider.get_identity_from_auth(auth_info_grp_removed)
+ group = provider.get_group(group_names[0])
+ members = list(group.get_members())
+ assert not members
+ group = provider.get_group(group_names[1])
+ members = list(group.get_members())
+ assert members
+ assert members[0].identifier == auth_info.data[DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER_FIELD]
+def test_get_group_returns_specific_group(auth_info, provider, group_names):
+ """
+ arrange: given AuthInfo by AuthProvider
+ act: call get_identity_from_auth and afterwards get_group with a specific group name
+ assert: the returned group name is the one requested
+ """
+ provider.get_identity_from_auth(auth_info)
+ group = provider.get_group(group_names[0])
+ assert group.name == group_names[0]
+def test_get_group_returns_none_if_no_auth_handled(provider, group_names):
+ """
+ arrange: given only an SAMLGroupsIdentityProvider whose methods have never been called
+ act: call get_group from SAMLGroupsIdentityProvider with a specific group name
+ assert: the result is None
+ """
+ group = provider.get_group(group_names[0])
+ assert group is None
+def test_get_identity_groups(auth_info, provider, group_names):
+ """
+ arrange: given AuthInfo by AuthProvider
+ act: call get_identity_from_auth and afterwards get_identity_groups
+ assert: the returned groups of the user are the ones expected
+ """
+ provider.get_identity_from_auth(auth_info)
+ groups = list(provider.get_identity_groups(auth_info.data[DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER_FIELD]))
+ assert len(groups) == 2
+ assert set(g.name for g in groups) == set(group_names)
+def test_search_groups_returns_all_matched_groups(auth_info, provider, group_names):
+ """
+ arrange: given AuthInfo by AuthProvider
+ act: call get_identity_from_auth and afterwards search_groups
+ assert: the returned list of groups contains all the groups the user belongs to
+ """
+ provider.get_identity_from_auth(auth_info)
+ groups = list(provider.search_groups(group_names[0], exact=True))
+ assert len(groups) == 1
+ assert groups[0].name == group_names[0]
+def test_search_groups_non_exact_returns_all_matched_groups(auth_info, provider, group_names):
+ """
+ arrange: given AuthInfo by AuthProvider
+ act: call get_identity_from_auth and afterwards search_groups using exact=False
+ assert: the returned list of groups contains all the groups the user belongs to
+ """
+ provider.get_identity_from_auth(auth_info)
+ groups = list(provider.search_groups(group_names[0][:-1], exact=False))
+ assert len(groups) == 1
+ assert groups[0].name == group_names[0]
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f51d8cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
+# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
+skip_missing_interpreters = True
+envlist = lint, unit, static, coverage-report
+src_path = {toxinidir}/flask_multipass_saml_groups/
+tst_path = {toxinidir}/tests/
+all_path = {[vars]src_path} {[vars]tst_path}
+setenv =
+ PYTHONPATH = {toxinidir}:{[vars]src_path}
+ PYTHONBREAKPOINT=ipdb.set_trace
+passenv =
+description = Apply coding style standards to code
+deps =
+ black
+ isort
+commands =
+ isort {[vars]all_path}
+ black {[vars]all_path}
+description = Check code against coding style standards
+deps =
+ black
+ codespell
+ flake8<6.0.0
+ flake8-builtins
+ flake8-copyright<6.0.0
+ flake8-docstrings>=1.6.0
+ flake8-docstrings-complete>=1.0.3
+ flake8-test-docs>=1.0
+ isort
+ mypy
+ pep8-naming
+ pydocstyle>=2.10
+ pylint
+ pyproject-flake8<6.0.0
+ pytest
+ types-PyYAML
+ types-requests
+ -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
+commands =
+ pydocstyle {[vars]src_path}
+ codespell {toxinidir} --skip {toxinidir}/.git --skip {toxinidir}/.tox \
+ --skip {toxinidir}/build --skip {toxinidir}/venv \
+ --skip {toxinidir}/.mypy_cache
+ # pflake8 wrapper supports config from pyproject.toml
+ pflake8 {[vars]all_path} --ignore=W503
+ isort --check-only --diff {[vars]all_path}
+ black --check --diff {[vars]all_path}
+ mypy {[vars]all_path}
+ pylint {[vars]all_path}
+description = Run unit tests
+deps =
+ coverage[toml]
+ pytest
+ -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
+commands =
+ coverage run --source={[vars]src_path} --omit={[vars]src_path}/plugin.py \
+ -m pytest --ignore={[vars]tst_path}integration -v --tb native -s {posargs}
+ coverage report
+description = Create test coverage report
+deps =
+ coverage[toml]
+ pytest
+ -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
+commands =
+ coverage report
+description = Run static analysis tests
+deps =
+ bandit[toml]
+ -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
+commands =
+ bandit -c {toxinidir}/pyproject.toml -r {[vars]src_path} {[vars]tst_path}
+description = Run integration tests
+deps =
+ pytest
+ -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
+commands =
+ pytest -v --tb native --ignore={[vars]tst_path}unit --log-cli-level=INFO -s {posargs}