In the following example we will create a kubernetes
cluster on a StaticProvider
. A StaticProvider
is a provider, which has no or little API for automation, e.g legacy VM's or Bare Metal scenarios. For demonstration purposes, we use KVM to provision VM's here.
Install KVM according to the docs
Create a new SSH key pair
mkdir -p ~/.ssh && ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "VM bootstrap key" -P "" -f ~/.ssh/myorb_bootstrap -q
Create and setup two new Virtual Machines. Make sure you have a sudo user called orbiter on the guest OS
./examples/orbiter/static/kvm/ ./examples/orbiter/static/kvm/kickstart.cfg ~/.ssh/ master1
./examples/orbiter/static/kvm/ ./examples/orbiter/static/kvm/kickstart.cfg ~/.ssh/ worker1
Copy the files orbiter.yml and boom.yml to the root of your new git Repository
# Install the latest orbctl
curl -s | grep "browser_download_url.*orbctl-$(uname)-$(uname -m)" | cut -d '"' -f 4 | sudo wget -i - -O /usr/local/bin/orbctl
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/orbctl
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) /usr/local/bin/orbctl
# Create an orb file at ${HOME}/.orb/config
orbctl configure --repourl '[email protected]:me/my-orb.git' --masterkey "$(openssl rand -base64 21)"
# Add your bootstrap key pair to the remote orbiter.yml
orbctl writesecret orbiter.kvm.bootstrapkeyprivate --file ~/.ssh/myorb_bootstrap
orbctl writesecret orbiter.kvm.bootstrapkeypublic --file ~/.ssh/
# Note your machine names and IP addresses
for VM in $(virsh list --all --name); do echo $VM; virsh domifaddr $VM; done
# Update the pools section according to the output of the following command and push your changes to the remote repository
orbctl edit orbiter.yml
orbctl takeoff
As soon as the Orbiter has deployed itself to the cluster, you can decrypt the generated admin kubeconfig
mkdir -p ~/.kube
orbctl readsecret orbiter.k8s.kubeconfig > ~/.kube/config
Wait for grafana to become running
kubectl --namespace caos-system get po -w
Open your browser at localhost:8080 to show your new clusters dashboards
kubectl --namespace caos-system port-forward svc/grafana 8080:80
Cleanup your environment
for MACHINE in master1 worker1
virsh destroy $MACHINE
virsh undefine $MACHINE