- 🚀 Vanilla JS + Only 2 dependencies simple-get for HTTP requests and aws4 for signing S3 requests.
- 🌎 Provide one or a list of storages credentials: the SDK will switch storage if something goes wrong (Server/DNS not responding, timeout, error 500, too many redirection, authentication error, and more...). As soon as the main storage is available, the SDK returns to the main storage
- ✨ If a request fails due to an authentication token expiration, the SDK fetches a new authentication token and retry the initial request with it (Concerns only Swift Storage).
- 🚩 When initialising the Tiny SDK client, provide only a list of S3 or a list of Swift credentials, switching from one storage system to another is not supported.
- ✅ Production battle-tested against hundreds of GBs of file uploads & downloads
you need a minimum of one object storage container, or you can synchronize Object Storages containers in order to access same objects if a fallback occur:
- Sync 2 containers:
1 <=> 2
. They would both need to share the same secret synchronization key. - You can also set up a chain of synced containers if you want more than two. You would point
1 -> 2
, then2 -> 3
, and finally3 -> 1
for three containers. They would all need to share the same secret synchronization key. Learn more on the OpenStack documentation or on the OVHCloud documentation.
Quick tutorial to synchronise 1 container into another with OVHCloud Object Storage (1 -> 2 one way sync)
- Install the
, an easy way to access Storages is with the Swift command line client, run on your terminal:
$ pip install python-swiftclient
- Download the OpenStack RC file on the OVH account to change environment variables. Tab
Public Cloud
>Users & Roles
> Pick the user and “Download OpenStack’s RC file” - Open a terminal, load the contents of the file into the current environment:
$ source openrc.sh
- In order for the containers to identify themselves, a key must be created and then configured on each container:
$ sharedKey=$(openssl rand -base64 32)
- See which region you are connected to:
env | grep OS_REGION
- Retrieve the Account ID
of the destination container in order to configure the source container:
destContainer=$(swift --debug stat containerBHS 2>&1 | grep 'curl -i.*storage' | awk '{ print $4 }') && echo $destContainer
- Change to the source region:
- Upload the key and the destination sync url to the source container:
$ swift post -t ‘//OVH_PUBLIC_CLOUD/RegionDestination/AUTH_xxxxxxxxx/containerNameDestination’ -k "$sharedKey" containerNameSource
- You can check that this has been configured by using the following command:
$ swift stat containerName
- You can check if the synchronization worked by listing the files in each of the containers:
$ OS_REGION_NAME=RegionSource && swift list containerName
$ OS_REGION_NAME=RegionDestination && swift list containerName
$ npm install --save tiny-storage-client
// or
$ yarn add tiny-storage-client
Initialise the SDK with one or multiple storage, if something goes wrong, the next region will take over automatically. If any storage is available, an error message is returned Error: Object Storages are not available
const storageClient = require('tiny-storage-client');
let storage = storageClient([{
authUrl : 'https://auth.cloud.ovh.net/v3', // REQUIRED
username : 'username-1', // REQUIRED
password : 'password-1', // REQUIRED
region : 'region-1', // REQUIRED
tenantName : 'tenantName-1' // OPTIONAL
authUrl : 'https://auth.cloud.ovh.net/v3',
username : 'username-2',
password : 'password-2',
region : 'region-2'
storage.connection((err) => {
if (err) {
// Invalid credentials
// Success, connected!
const path = require(path);
/** SOLUTION 1: The file content can be passed by giving the file absolute path **/
storage.uploadFile('container', 'filename.jpg', path.join(__dirname, './assets/file.txt'), (err, resp) => {
if (err) {
// handle error
* Response details:
* - resp.headers
* - resp.statusCode
* - resp.body
/** SOLUTION 2: A Buffer can be passed for the file content **/
storage.uploadFile('container', 'filename.jpg', Buffer.from("File content"), (err, resp) => {
if (err) {
// handle error
* Response details:
* - resp.headers
* - resp.statusCode
* - resp.body
/** SOLUTION 3: Pass a function returning a ReadStream **/
storage.uploadFile('container', 'filename.jpg', () => fs.createReadStream(path.join(__dirname, './assets/file.txt')), (err, resp) => {
if (err) {
// handle error
* Response details:
* - resp.headers
* - resp.statusCode
* - resp.body
/** SOLUTION 4: the function accepts a optionnal fourth argument `option` including query parameters and headers. List of query parameters and headers: https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/object-store/?expanded=create-or-replace-object-detail#create-or-replace-object **/
storage.uploadFile('container', 'filename.jpg', Buffer.from("File content"), { queries: { temp_url_expires: '1440619048' }, headers: { 'X-Object-Meta-LocationOrigin': 'Paris/France' }}, (err, resp) => {
if (err) {
// handle error
* Response details:
* - resp.headers
* - resp.statusCode
* - resp.body
/** Solution 1: Download the file as Buffer **/
storage.downloadFile('containerName', 'filename.jpg', (err, resp) => {
if (err) {
// handle error
* Response details:
* - resp.headers
* - resp.statusCode
* - resp.body => the content of the file as a Buffer
/** Solution 2: Download the file as Stream, set the option `output` with a function returning the output Stream */
function createOutputStream(opts, res) {
const writer = fs.createWriteStream('2023-invoice.pdf')
writer.on('error', (e) => { /* clean up your stuff */ })
return writer
storage.downloadFile('containerName', '2023-invoice.pdf', { output: createOutputStream }, (err, resp) => {
if (err) {
return console.log("Error on download: ", err);
* Request reponse:
* - resp.headers
* - resp.statusCode
* When the callback is called, the stream is closed and the file created,
* you don't have to pipe yourself!
storage.deleteFile('templates', 'filename.jpg', (err, resp) => {
if (err) {
// handle error
* Response details:
* - resp.headers
* - resp.statusCode
* - resp.body
storage.listFiles('templates', function (err, resp) {
if (err) {
// handle error
* Response details:
* - resp.headers
* - resp.statusCode
* - resp.body => List of objects as an Array, example:
* [
* {
* "bytes": 47560,
* "last_modified": "2020-12-03T10:14:40.049830",
* "hash": "bd3593e317e71fd9992405f29475afd4",
* "name": "invoice.pdf",
* "content_type": "application/pdf"
* }
* ]
* Possible to pass queries and overwrite request headers, list of options: https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/object-store/? expanded=show-container-details-and-list-objects-detail#show-container-details-and-list-objects
storage.listFiles('templates', { queries: { prefix: 'prefixName' }, headers: { Accept: 'application/xml' } }, function (err, resp) {
if (err) {
// handle error
* Response details:
* - resp.headers
* - resp.statusCode
* - resp.body
Shows object metadata. Checkout the list of headers.
storage.getFileMetadata('templates', 'filename.jpg', (err, resp) => {
if (err) {
// handle error
* Response details:
* - resp.headers
* - resp.statusCode
* - resp.body
* Returned headers `resp.headers`: {
* Content-Length: 14
* Accept-Ranges: bytes
* Last-Modified: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 21:12:31 GMT
* Etag: 451e372e48e0f6b1114fa0724aa79fa1
* X-Timestamp: 1389906751.73463
* X-Object-Meta-Book: GoodbyeColumbus
* Content-Type: application/octet-stream
* X-Trans-Id: tx37ea34dcd1ed48ca9bc7d-0052d84b6f
* X-Openstack-Request-Id: tx37ea34dcd1ed48ca9bc7d-0052d84b6f
* Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 21:13:19 GMT
* X-Object-Meta-Custom-Metadata-1: Value
* X-Object-Meta-Custom-Metadata-2: Value
* }
* Related documentation: https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/object-store/?expanded=show-object-metadata-detail#show-object-metadata
To create or update custom metadata, use the "X-Object-Meta-name" header, where name
is the name of the metadata item. The function overwrite all custom metadata applied on the file.
Checkout the list of headers availables.
storage.setFileMetadata('templates', 'filename.jpg', { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'image/jpeg', 'X-Object-Meta-LocationOrigin': 'Paris/France', 'X-Delete-At': 1440619048 }} (err, resp) => {
if (err) {
// handle error
* Response details:
* - resp.headers
* - resp.statusCode
* - resp.body
Bulk delete files (Maximum 10 000 objects per requests).
* Provide a list of filenames as second argument, it can be:
* - a list of string ["object1.pdf", "object2.docx", "object3.pptx"]
* - a list of object with `keys` as attribute name [{ "keys": "object1.pdf"}, { "keys": "object2.docx" }, { "keys": "object3.pptx" }]
* - Or a list of objects with `name` as attribute for the filename: [{ "name" : "file1.png" }, { "name": "file2.docx" }]
* - Or a list of objects with a custom Key for filenames, you must define `fileNameKey` as option (third argument).
const filesToDelete = [ { name: '1685696359848.jpg' }, { name: 'template-column.docx' }, { name: 'test file |1234.odt' } ]
swift.deleteFiles('', filesToDelete, function(err, resp) {
if (err) {
// handle error
* Request reponse:
* - resp.headers
* - resp.statusCode
* - resp.body => body as Object, example: {"Response Status":"200 OK","Response Body":"","Number Deleted":3,"Number Not Found":0,"Errors":[]}
Shows container metadata, including the number of objects and the total bytes of all objects stored in the container.
storage.headBucket('templates', (err, resp) => {
if (err) {
// handle error
* Request reponse:
* - resp.headers
* - resp.statusCode
* - resp.body
Shows details for an account and lists containers, sorted by name, in the account.
storage.listBuckets((err, resp) => {
if (err) {
// handle error
* Request reponse:
* - resp.headers
* - resp.statusCode
* - resp.body > The response body returns a list of containers as an Array, example:
* [
* {
* name: 'container1',
* count: 55,
* bytes: 106522,
* last_modified: '2022-01-12T14:02:33.672010'
* }
* ]
The request
function can be used to request the object storage with custom options.
Prototype to get the data as Buffer:
request(method, path, { headers, queries, body }, (err, body, headers) => {}).
Prototype to get the data as Stream
Set the option output
with a function returning the output Stream.
When the callback is called, the stream is closed and the file created.
function createOutputStream(opts, res) {
const writer = fs.createWriteStream('file.pdf')
writer.on('error', (e) => { /* clean up your stuff */ })
return writer
request(method, path, { headers, queries, body, output: createOutputStream }, (err) => {})`.
The base URL requests by default the account, passing an empty string will request the account details. For container requests, pass the container name, such as: /{container}
. For file requests, pass the container and the file, such as: /{container}/{filename}
. Object Storage Swift API specification: https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/object-store/
The request
function automatically reconnects to the Object Storage or switch storage if something goes wrong.
Example of custom request, bulk delete file from a customerDocuments
const _headers = {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
'Accept' : 'application/json'
storage.request('POST', '/customerDocuments?bulk-delete', { headers: _headers, body: 'file1\nfile2\n' }, (err, resp) => {
* Response details:
* - resp.headers
* - resp.statusCode
* - resp.body => body as Javascript Object, example: {"Response Status":"200 OK","Response Body":"","Number Deleted":3,"Number Not Found":0,"Errors":[]}
By default, logs are printed with to console.log
. You can use the setLogFunction
to override the default log function. Create a function with two arguments: message
as a string, level
as a string and the value can be: info
. Example to use:
storage.setLogFunction((message, level) => {
console.log(`${level} : ${message}`);
The default request timeout is 5 seconds, change it by calling setTimeout
storage.setTimeout(30000); // 30 seconds
To simplify requests to custom named containers into different SWIFT providers, it is possible to create aliases by providing a buckets
object on credentials. When calling a function, define the bucket alias as first argument, it will request the current active storage automatically.
const storageClient = require('')
const swift = storageClient([
/** SWIFT Storage 1 **/
username : '',
password : '',
authUrl : '',
region : '',
buckets : {
invoices: "invoices-ovh-gra",
www : "www-ovh-gra"
/** SWIFT Storage 2 **/
username : '',
password : '',
authUrl : '',
region : '',
buckets : {
invoices: "invoices-aws-paris",
www : "www-aws-paris"
* On the following example, "downloadFile" will request the main storage "invoices-ovh-gra"
* or the backup "invoices-aws-paris" if something goes wrong.
swift.downloadFile('invoices', '2023-invoice.pdf', (err, resp) => {
if (err) {
return console.log("Error on download: ", err);
* Request reponse:
* - resp.body => downloaded file as Buffer
* - resp.headers
* - resp.statusCode