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Cardano Connect with Wallet Core

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This repository aims to provide framework-independent helper and wrapper functions for seamless interaction between Cardano decentralized applications (dApps) and wallets (CIP 8 and CIP 30). If you are looking for React.js components please move on to this repository.

Have fun building on Cardano! 🏗🎉

🚀 Getting Started

NPM Package

npm i @cardano-foundation/cardano-connect-with-wallet-core
import { Wallet } from '@cardano-foundation/cardano-connect-with-wallet-core';

Browser Import

<script src=""></script>
  const wallet = CardanoConnectWithWalletCore.Wallet;

Example Usage

The Wallet class contains static helper functions to simplify the dApp development. Please take a look into the React hook useCardano to see an example of how you can utilize Wallet in your module-based project. Get an idea of the usage in a static html, javascript, css context from our html-based wallet button.

The Wallet Module

Register a function to those events:

Wallet.addEventListener: void;
Wallet.removeEventListener: void;

// Starts a background thread to listen for new wallets in the window.cardano object
Wallet.startInjectWalletListener(): void;
Wallet.stopInjectWalletListener(): void;

// Connect or disconnect a wallet by name e.g. 'yoroi', 'eternl', 'flint', etc.
Wallet.connectToWallet(walletName: string, networkType: NetworkType, retries?: number, retryIntervalInMs?: number): Promise<void>;
Wallet.connect(walletName: string, network: NetworkType, onConnect?: () => void | undefined, onError?: (code: Error) => void): Promise<void>;
Wallet.disconnect(): void;

Wallet.checkEnabled(network: NetworkType): Promise<void>;
Wallet.getInstalledWalletExtensions(supportedWallets?: Array<string>): Array<string>;

Wallet.getRewardAddresses(): Promise<any>;

// sign a message
Wallet.signMessage(message: string, onSignMessage?: (signature: string, key: string | undefined) => void, onSignError?: (error: Error) => void, limitNetwork?: NetworkType): Promise<void>;

💪 Contributing

Please take a look at our contributing infos to familiarise yourself with our guidelines.