Generate "signature" and "token" for Tiktok Shop.
I am very happy and grateful for everyone's help. These meaningful contributions will greatly help me in expanding the useful library to help people.
- Content
- Installation
- Features
- Generate Signature using Url
- Generate Signature using Config
- Generate Token using Auth Code
- Generate Token using Refresh Token
- Using TikTok Shop Client API
Installation is done using the
npm install
$ npm install tiktok-shop-client
- Generate Signature
- Generate Token using Auth Code
- Generate Token using Refresh Token
const tiktokShop = require('tiktok-shop')
// Example Url.
// The package helps reorder the parameters and remove keys as Tiktok Shop's instructions.
const url = '×tamp=1697708762&version=202309';
const appSecret = '4ebxxx';
const signature = tiktokShop.signByUrl(url, appSecret);;
Response Data
signature: '96f15922fbacd220cea0d8370ba7dff2273674f2a2856868b7e32f7d98da0efe',
timestamp: 1697540200
const tiktokShop = require('tiktok-shop-client')
// Extract all query param EXCEPT ' sign ', ' access_token ', You do not need to reorder the params based on alphabetical order.
const config = {
app_key: 'yourAppKey', // Required
app_secret: 'yourAppSecret', // Required
shop_id: 'yourShopId', // Optional
shop_cipher: 'yourShopCipher', // Optional
version: '202306', // Default: 202212
// Tiktok API name, more detail:
const path = '/api/orders/search';
const signature = tiktokShop.signature(config, path);;
Response Data
signature: '96f15922fbacd220cea0d8370ba7dff2273674f2a2856868b7e32f7d98da0efe',
timestamp: 1697540200
const tiktokShop = require('tiktok-shop-client')
// Extract all query param EXCEPT ' sign ', ' access_token ', You do not need to reorder the params based on alphabetical order.
const config = {
app_key: 'yourAppKey', // Required
app_secret: 'yourAppSecret', // Required
// How to get Auth Code:
const authCode = 'yourAuthCode';
const accessToken = tiktokShop.authCodeToken(config, authCode);;
Response Data
"access_token": "ROW_-3_uKAAAAADYdCab***",
"access_token_expire_in": 1696992654,
"refresh_token": "ROW_RBHCjwAAAACgH1O***",
"refresh_token_expire_in": 4818450857,
"open_id": "D3MazQAAAAAi5AmxAvxkSaBRs***",
"seller_name": "Test",
"seller_base_region": "VN",
"user_type": 0
const tiktokShop = require('tiktok-shop-client')
// Extract all query param EXCEPT ' sign ', ' access_token ', You do not need to reorder the params based on alphabetical order.
const config = {
app_key: 'yourAppKey', // Required
app_secret: 'yourAppSecret', // Required
const refreshToken = 'yourRefreshToken';
const accessToken = tiktokShop.authCodeToken(config, refreshToken);;
Response Data
"access_token": "ROW_-3_uKAAAAADYdCab***",
"access_token_expire_in": 1696992654,
"refresh_token": "ROW_RBHCjwAAAACgH1O***",
"refresh_token_expire_in": 4818450857,
"open_id": "D3MazQAAAAAi5AmxAvxkSaBRs***",
"seller_name": "Test",
"seller_base_region": "VN",
"user_type": 0
The TikTok Shop Client API can be easily used to interact with the TikTok API. Here is an example of how it can be used:
const tiktokShop = require('tiktok-shop-client');
// Create a new client
const client = tiktokShop.TikTokClient(
// Now you can use the client to call the API
// For instance, here is how you can get a product:
client.getProduct('productId').then(product => {
In this example, we are creating a new TikTok client and then we use the getProduct method to get product details.