In order to prevent ill-format translation be putted to Zanata which might break on build stage or execution time, a project maintainer can suggest or even enforced the translation validation.
Related bug:
Validators: Validation to be performed.
HTML/XML tags: HTML/XML tags should be consistent.
XML entity reference: XML entry in correct format.
Java variables: java style ('{x}') variables are consistent.
Positional printf (XSI extension): positional printf style (%n$x) variables are consistent. It is conflict with printf.
Printf variables: print style (%x) variables are consistent. It is conflict with positional printf.
Leading/trailing newline (\n): Number of leading and trailing newline should be the same.
Tab characters: Number of tab character (\t) should be the same.
Validation levels: The degree of the validation is enforced. Default is Warning, except positional printf, which is Off.
Off: Validator is disabled.
Warning: Validation is recommended and enabled by default, translator can turn it off.
Error: Validation is enforced. Translator cannot save invalid messages.
Translator Validation Toggle: A toggle for translator to enable/disable Validator.
Invalid translation: A translation message that did not pass at least one enabled Validator.
Only project maintainer role can set the validation level for each validator.
Only translator role can toggle translator validation toggle.
Validation Level | Translation Validation Toggle Default | Can Translator Toggle |
Off |
Disabled |
Yes |
Warning |
Enabled |
Yes |
Error |
Enabled |
No |
Validation Level | Translation Validation Toggle | Show Invalid Message | Save as Translated |
Off |
Disabled |
No |
Yes |
Off |
Enabled |
As Warning |
Yes |
Warning |
Disabled |
No |
Yes |
Warning |
Enabled |
As Warning |
Yes |
Error |
Enabled Only |
As Error |
No |
During WebUI upload or client push, if an invalid translation is detected, depending on the validation level, following actions should be taken:
Level Off: No validation is executed, thus save as original state (Fuzzy is saved as fuzzy, Translated is saved as translated).
Level Warning: Warning is displayed, but still save as original state.
Level Error: Error is displayed, and invalid translation is skipped.
[Error] Validation <ValidatorName> failed: File: <Filename>, Message: "message"
[Warn] Validation <ValidatorName> failed: File: <Filename>, Message: "message"
However, valid translations in the same file should be save as original state. Following decision table summarizes the behavior:
Validation Level | Message State | Show Invalid Message | Save as |
Off |
Fuzzy |
No |
Fuzzy |
Off |
Translated |
No |
Translated |
Warning |
Fuzzy |
As Warning |
Fuzzy |
Warning |
Translated |
As Warning |
Translated |
Error |
Fuzzy |
As Error |
Not Saved |
Error |
Translated |
As Error |
Not Saved |
Translations of the Project-Version are not automatically rescan for system performance reason. However, validators should be run during the pull and download.
Validation Level | Show Invalid Message | Save to File |
Off |
No |
Yes |
Warning |
As Warning |
Yes |
Error |
As Error |
No |