Purpose: locate the code for a component or feature of Zanata.
Zanata has a number of projects (in the Eclipse IDE sense) located in several repositories. Use this table to find which repository a project is in. For repository locations, see [[Repositories]].
Repository | Projects |
zanata-parent | no projects, parent pom for other projects |
zanata-api | zanata-common-api |
zanata-common | zanata-adapter-glossary |
zanata-adapter-po | |
zanata-adapter-properties | |
zanata-adapter-xliff | |
zanata-common-util | |
zanata | functional-test |
zanata-model | |
zanata-war | |
zanata-client | zanata-client-ant-po |
zanata-client-ant-properties | |
zanata-client-commands | |
zanata-maven-plugin | |
zanata-rest-client |
Use this table to find the main packages containing code for the feature of interest. Package prefix "org.zanata" is shortened to "o.z" for brevity.
Feature | Project | Package(s) | Notes |
Webtrans (translation editor) | zanata-war | o.z.webtrans | Uses [[GWT|https://developers.google.com/web-toolkit/]]. |
REST API methods | zanata-common-api | o.z.rest.client | Client interfaces for REST endpoints. |
o.z.rest.dto | Objects transferred by REST methods. | ||
o.z.rest.service | REST method interfaces. | ||
zanata | o.z.rest.service | Concrete implementations of REST methods. | |
Project Pages | zanata | src/main/webapp and various packages | xhtml pages that use Seam components. Seam components are referred to like #{componentName.methodName}, which refers to a class ComponentName or with annotation @Name("componentName"). An understanding of Seam is very helpful in understanding this code. See [[Seam Framework|http://www.seamframework.org/]] or any introductory Seam book. |
Maven Plugin | zanata-maven-plugin | o.z.maven | Bindings of Zanata commands to Maven mojos. See [[Maven - Guide to Developing Java Plugins|http://maven.apache.org/guides/plugin/guide-java-plugin-development.html]] |
zanata-client-commands | o.z.client.commands | Fundamental client command logic. This code performs the main work of the Maven Plugin (and other clients). | |
TM (Translation Memory) | zanata | o.z.webtrans.client | Client-side logic (*.presenter.TransMemoryPresenter) and display (*.view.TransMemoryView) |
o.z.webtrans.shared.rpc | Descriptor for gwt-rpc method for fetching TM results. | ||
o.z.webtrans.server.rpc | Concrete implementation for gwt-rpc method for fetching TM results. | ||
o.z.dao | Core logic for retrieving TM matches is found in TextFlowDAO. | ||
Validators | zanata | o.z.webtrans.shared.validation |