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Vanilla JS Token Autocomplete Input

Small demo: click here


Name Description Default
selector A selector query string pointing to the div the field should be rendered in ''
name The name that should be used for the hidden input and when sending the selection as form parameters ''
noMatchesText An optional text that will be displayed when no suggestions were found for the text input null
placeholderText An optional text that will be displayed when no text was entered in the input area 'enter some text'
initialTokens An optional array of strings for the initial tokens when initial option elements arent provided null
initialSuggestions An optional array of strings for the initial autocomplete suggestions when initial option elements arent provided null
minCharactersForSuggestion The minimum number of letters the user has to enter after which autocompletion is triggered 1
selectMode One of the predefined select modes, defining the behaviour of the token field (SINGLE, MULTI, SEARCH) SelectModes.MULTI
suggestionsUri An optional URI which when defined is called to provide suggestions for the text entered by the user ''
suggestionsUriBuilder A function which is called before sending the suggestions request so the URI can be altered/updated. (query) -> return this.suggestionsUri + '?query=' + query
suggestionRenderer Function which creates the DOM element for each displayed suggestion. TokenAutocomplete.Autocomplete.defaultRenderer
allowDuplicates Allow duplicate tokens in the list true
searchWithin Search typed input at start (false) or somewhere within the suggestion (true) false
tokenInputValidator Function that validates the input text - when the function returns true, the token can be added to the token list
tokenAddValidator Function that validates the input text - when the function returns true, the token will be added to the token list

The difference between tokenInputValidator and tokenAddValidator is, that the input validator is called when the input is still visible in the suggestion text field - on error the field is not cleared and an error message will be displayed (e.g. validation of a specific format of input). The add validator is called when the token should be added to the list of tokens. When th validator returns false, the token will be ignored without any further notice.