To run these exercises, first, follow the contributing guide and run the end-to-end tests. After they have completed successfully, run the following command to show the contents of the replay_example.dlq topic:
docker compose exec kafka kafka-console-consumer \
--bootstrap-server kafka:9092 \
--from-beginning \
--timeout-ms=500 \
--property print.headers=true \
--topic replay_example.dlq
This will give you the following output:
__example_errors.topic:example1 {"message": "DLQ Message 1."}
__example_errors.topic:example2 {"message": "DLQ Message 2."}
__example_errors.topic:example2 {"message": "DLQ Message 3."}
[2024-08-11 12:13:59,927] ERROR Error processing message, terminating consumer process: ($)
Processed a total of 3 messages
One can ignore the message org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException
in this instance. From the output, we can see that we have messages that
can be summarised as:
# | Offset | Header Key | Header Value | Message |
1 | 0/0 | __example_errors.topic | example1 | {"message": "DLQ Message 1."} |
2 | 0/1 | __example_errors.topic | example2 | {"message": "DLQ Message 2."} |
3 | 0/2 | __example_errors.topic | example2 | {"message": "DLQ Message 3."} |
These examples are executed from the directory where you cloned this repo to
and utilise both the docker-compose.yml
in the root of the project and
another docker-compose.yml
in the examples
directory. In the services
configured in examples/docker-compose.yml
, please note the following:
- KAFKA_ROUTER_DLQ_MODE is set to 1 (for True).
- KAFKA_ROUTER_DRY_RUN_MODE can be set on the command line (an example of this is provided below).
- We have set KAFKA_ROUTER_TIMEOUT_MS to 3000 (3 seconds) so that the router doesn't close before all messages are processed.
Normally the routing rules are provided as minimised JSON, but to make these examples more readable, we will also provide well formatted JSON. In this example, we are going to:
- Run in dry-run mode to preview what is going to happen.
- Run the same job without dry-run mode.
- Confirm the contents of the destination topic.
In this example, the rule is the most basic it can be:
"destination_topics": "replay_example1",
"source_topic": "replay_example.dlq"
This simply takes any message found on the topic replay_example.dlq and routes them to replay_examples1. First let us run the container in dry-run mode:
KAFKA_ROUTER_DRY_RUN_MODE=1 docker compose -f docker-compose.yml \
-f examples/docker-compose.yml \
run --rm example1
This should give you output similar to the following:
INFO:router:Log level has been set to "DEBUG".
INFO:router:DLQ mode - True
INFO:router:Dry run mode - True
DEBUG:router:Timeout - 3000ms.
DEBUG:router:Message on topic "replay_example.dlq" (0/0) matches rule "REPLAY_ALL_DLQ_MESSAGES" (replay_example1).
DEBUG:router:Message on topic "replay_example.dlq" (0/1) matches rule "REPLAY_ALL_DLQ_MESSAGES" (replay_example1).
DEBUG:router:Message on topic "replay_example.dlq" (0/2) matches rule "REPLAY_ALL_DLQ_MESSAGES" (replay_example1).
DEBUG:router:No messages to consume.
DEBUG:router:No messages to consume.
DEBUG:router:No messages to consume.
WARNING:router:Timeout (3000ms) since last message consumed.
DEBUG:router:No messages to consume.
INFO:router:Closing the consumer.
INFO:router:Consumed 3 messages.
INFO:router:Produced 0 messages.
This tells us:
- The log level is DEBUG.
- We are running in DLQ mode (do not commit on the consumer so that we can start from the beginning of the topic in the consumer group).
- We are running in dry-run mode (no messages will be produced).
- The timeout has been configured to 3000ms (3 seconds).
- The rule REPLAY_ALL_DLQ_MESSAGES matched 3 messages.
- We had 3 seconds when no messages were received.
- The router timed out waiting for new messages (as configured) and closed the consumer.
- We consumed 3 messages.
- We produced 0 messages (dry-run mode).
No let's run the command without dry-run mode on:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml \
-f examples/docker-compose.yml \
run --rm example1
This time the output is:
INFO:router:Log level has been set to "DEBUG".
INFO:router:DLQ mode - True
INFO:router:Dry run mode - False
DEBUG:router:Timeout - 3000ms.
DEBUG:router:Message on topic "replay_example.dlq" (0/0) matches rule "REPLAY_ALL_DLQ_MESSAGES" (replay_example1).
DEBUG:router:Message on topic "replay_example.dlq" (0/1) matches rule "REPLAY_ALL_DLQ_MESSAGES" (replay_example1).
DEBUG:router:Message on topic "replay_example.dlq" (0/2) matches rule "REPLAY_ALL_DLQ_MESSAGES" (replay_example1).
DEBUG:router:No messages to consume.
DEBUG:router:No messages to consume.
DEBUG:router:No messages to consume.
WARNING:router:Timeout (3000ms) since last message consumed.
DEBUG:router:No messages to consume.
INFO:router:Closing the consumer.
INFO:router:Consumed 3 messages.
INFO:router:Produced 3 messages.
Telling us that dry-run mode was disabled and that this time, we produced 3 messages onto the replay_example1 topic.
We can confirm this with the following command:
docker compose exec kafka kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 --topic replay_example1 --from-beginning --timeout-ms 250
Which should give you output similar to the following:
{"message": "DLQ Message 1."}
{"message": "DLQ Message 2."}
{"message": "DLQ Message 3."}
[2024-08-11 12:46:10,481] ERROR Error processing message, terminating consumer process: ($)
Processed a total of 3 messages
In this example, the rule to be applied is:
destination_topics: "replay_example2",
header: "__example_errors.topic",
header_regexp: "^example2$",
source_topic: "replay_example.dlq"
- The destination topic will be replay_example2.
- The message must contain a header called __example_errors.topic
that matches the regular expression
. - The source topic must be replay_example.dlq.
Please not that these rules must ALL match (and logic).
Run the example container:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml \
-f examples/docker-compose.yml \
run --rm example2
Which will give you output similar to the following:
INFO:router:Log level has been set to "DEBUG".
INFO:router:DLQ mode - True
INFO:router:Dry run mode - False
DEBUG:router:Timeout - 3000ms.
DEBUG:router:Message on topic "replay_example.dlq" (0/1) matches rule "REPLAY_EXAMPLE2_HEADER" (replay_example2).
DEBUG:router:Message on topic "replay_example.dlq" (0/2) matches rule "REPLAY_EXAMPLE2_HEADER" (replay_example2).
DEBUG:router:No messages to consume.
DEBUG:router:No messages to consume.
DEBUG:router:No messages to consume.
WARNING:router:Timeout (3000ms) since last message consumed.
DEBUG:router:No messages to consume.
INFO:router:Closing the consumer.
INFO:router:Consumed 3 messages.
INFO:router:Produced 2 messages.
This can be confirmed with:
docker compose exec kafka kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 --topic replay_example2 --from-beginning --timeout-ms 250
Which will give output similar to:
{"message": "DLQ Message 2."}
{"message": "DLQ Message 3."}
[2024-08-11 12:56:20,341] ERROR Error processing message, terminating consumer process: ($)
Processed a total of 2 messages
Showing us that messages 2 and 3 were routed from the DLQ topic.
In this example, the rule to be applied is:
destination_topics: "replay_example2",
header: "__example_errors.topic",
header_regexp: "^example2$",
regexp: "Message 2",
source_topic: "replay_example.dlq"
This sets the same rules as in example 2 except with the additional condition
that the message value must match the regular expression Message 2
(this is
message 2 in our test data).
Run the container:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml \
-f examples/docker-compose.yml \
run --rm example3
Which should give output similar to the following:
INFO:router:Log level has been set to "DEBUG".
INFO:router:DLQ mode - True
INFO:router:Dry run mode - False
DEBUG:router:Timeout - 3000ms.
DEBUG:router:Message on topic "replay_example.dlq" (0/1) matches rule "REPLAY_EXAMPLE2_HEADER_AND_MESSAGE_2" (replay_example2).
DEBUG:router:No messages to consume.
DEBUG:router:No messages to consume.
DEBUG:router:No messages to consume.
WARNING:router:Timeout (3000ms) since last message consumed.
DEBUG:router:No messages to consume.
INFO:router:Closing the consumer.
INFO:router:Consumed 3 messages.
INFO:router:Produced 1 messages.
Confirm the outcome:
docker compose exec kafka kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 --topic replay_example3 --from-beginning --timeout-ms 250
Which will give output similar to the following:
{"message": "DLQ Message 2."}
[2024-08-11 13:05:52,757] ERROR Error processing message, terminating consumer process: ($)
Processed a total of 1 messages