diff --git a/js/language/scss.js b/js/language/scss.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..26b4658d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/language/scss.js
@@ -0,0 +1,832 @@
+ * SCSS patterns
+ *
+ * @author Fabio Bucci Di Monte
+ * @version 1.0.1
+ */
+ 'use strict';
+ var regexes = {
+ /* common */
+ anyChars : /(.+)/g,// <- added for SCSS
+ commonName : /(?=-?[\w#]+)((?:[\w-]+)*(?:#\{[^}]+})?(?:[\w-]*\w+)*)/g,// <- enhanced for SCSS (interpolations)
+ parameters : /\((.*)\)/g,// <- enhanced for SCSS (accepts void parameters)
+ parametersEnhanced : /\((.*)\)/g,// <- added for SCSS (same regex as above)
+ /* reserved words / symbols */
+ atDirective : /(?:@[a-z]+)/g,
+ exception : /!(?:important|default|optional)(?= *;)/g,// <- enhanced for SCSS
+ reserved : /(?:and|or|not|in|from|through|to(?! (?:top|bottom|right|left)))/g,// <- enhanced for SCSS
+ /* comments */
+ commentMulti : /\/\*([^]*?)\*\//gm,// <- enhanced for SCSS (interpolations)
+ commentSingle : /\/\/(.*?)$/gm,// <- added for SCSS
+ /* units */
+ unitAbsolute : /(?:p[xtc]|[cm]m|in)/g,
+ unitRelative : /(?:e[mx]|rem|ch)/g,
+ unitViewport : /(?:v(?:h|w|m(?:in|ax)))/g,
+ unitAngle : /(?:deg|g?rad|turn)/g,
+ unitTime : /(?:m?s)/g,
+ unitFrequency : /(?:k?Hz)/g,
+ unitResolution : /(?:dp(?:i|cm|px))/g,
+ unitPercentage : /%/g,
+ /* values */
+ valueText : /(-(?:webkit|moz|ms|o)-)?\b\w+(?:-\w+)*\b/g,
+ valueString : /('|")(.*?)\1/g,// <- enhanced for SCSS (grouped string content for interpolations recognition)
+ valuePath : /[\w/-]+\.[a-z0-9]{3,4}\b(?!["'])/gi,
+ valueHex : /#(?:[a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{3})\b/gi,
+ valueNumber : /(-?(?:\d*\.)?\d+)((?:p[xtc]|[cm]m|in)|(?:e[mx]|rem|ch)|(?:v(?:h|w|m(?:in|ax)))|(?:deg|g?rad|turn)|(?:m?s)|(?:k?Hz)|(?:dp(?:i|cm|px))|%)?/g,
+ /* css rules */
+ prefix : /-(?:webkit|moz|ms|o)-/g,
+ cssProperty : /([a-z-]+)/g,
+ cssMethod : /(-?\w+(?:-\w+)*)(\(.+\))/g,
+ cssMethodEnhanced : /(?=(?:-?[\w#{$} "'!=*/+])+\(.*\))((?:[\w-]+)*(?:#\{[^}]+})?(?:[\w-]*\w+)*)(\(.*\))/g,// <- added for SCSS
+ cssSelector : /((?:[\w.#:()%+>~\[="\] -]|\{.+}|,\s?|&(?:gt|amp);)+)(?=\{)/g,// <- enhanced for SCSS (interpolations, placeholders, parent selectors)
+ /* ie hacks */
+ cssPropertyWithHack : /([\*\+#_])?([a-z-]+)( *\/\*(?:\\\*)?\*\/)?(?= *:)/g,
+ hackValue : /((?:\\0|\\9|\\0\\9|\\9\\0)|!\w+?|\\0\/)(?= *[;}])/g,
+ ieHacks : /(_)|(\*|#|!.+)|(\*?\+|\+\*?)|(\\9)|(\\0\\9|\\9\\0)|(\/\*(?:\\\*)?\*\/)|(\\0\/)/g,
+ // TODO: improve entity regexes - eg. change [\w-]+ into \w+(?:-\w+)*
+ /* entities */
+ entityClass : /\.(?!\.)[\w-]*(#\{[^}]+})?[\w-]*/g,// <- enhanced for SCSS (interpolations)
+ entityId : /#(?!#[^{])[\w-]*(#\{[^}]+})?[\w-]*/g,// <- enhanced for SCSS (interpolations)
+ entityPseudo : /::?(?!::?)[a-z-]*(#\{[^}]+})?[a-z-]*/g,// <- enhanced for SCSS (interpolations)
+ entityTag : /[a-z]+\d?(#\{[^}]+})?(?! *:.*;)/gi,// <- enhanced for SCSS (interpolations)
+ entityAttribute : /\[([\w#{$}-]+)=(("|')?[\w#{$}-]+\3)]/g,// <- enhanced for SCSS (interpolations)
+ entityParent : /(?:&|&)(?!(?:&|&))/g,// <- added for SCSS
+ entityPlaceholder : /%(?!%)\w+(?:-\w+)*/g,// <- added for SCSS
+ /* siblings */
+ directChild : / ?(?:>|>) ?/g,
+ siblingGeneral : / ?~ ?/g,
+ siblingAdjacent : / ?\+ ?/g,
+ /* media queries */
+ mediaReserved : /\b(?:not|only|and)\b/g,
+ mediaType : /\b(?:all|aural|braille|handheld|print|projection|screen|tty|tv|embossed)\b/g,
+ mediaFeature : /(-(?:webkit|moz|ms|o)-)?\b(?:(?:(?:min|max)-)?(?:(?:device-)?(?:width|height|(?:pixel|aspect)-ratio)|color(?:-index)?|monochrome|resolution)|scan|grid|orientation)\b/g,
+ mediaExpression : /\(([^:]+)(?: *: *([^)]+))?\)/g,
+ mediaQuery : /(?:(not|only) +)?(.+)/g,
+ mediaQueryList : / *([^,\n\r]+) */g,
+ mediaQueryRule : /(@media) +(.+)(?=\{)/g,
+ /* scss only */
+ constant : /\b(?:true|false|null)\b/g,
+ variable : /\$\w+(?:-\w+)*/g,
+ operator : /(&[lg]t;|<|>|==|!=|\/|\*|\+|\-)(?!\1)/g,
+ interpolation : /#\{([^}]+)}/g,
+ /* scss directives */
+ scssList : /\(((?:[^,\s]+ ?, ?)+)([^,\s]+)\)/g,
+ scssExtend : /(@extend) +([.#%]?\w+(?:-\w+)*)(?= *;)/g,
+ scssImport : /(@import) +(('|").+\3)(?= *;)/g,
+ scssInclude : /(@include) +(\w+(?:-\w+)*)(\(.*\))?(?= *(?:;|\{))/g,
+ scssMethod : /(@function) +(\w+(?:-\w+)*)(\(.*\))/g,
+ scssMixin : /(@mixin) +(\w+(?:-\w+)*)(?: *(\(.*\)))?(?= *\{)?/g,
+ scssLoopFor : /(@for) +(.+)(?= *\{)/g,
+ scssLoopEach : /(@each) +(.+)(?= *\{)/g,
+ scssLoopWhile : /(@while)(?: |\((?=.+\)))+(.+?)\)?(?= *\{)/g,
+ scssCondition : /(@(?:else )?if)(?: |\((?=.+\)))+(.+?)\)?(?= *\{)/g,
+ scssTernary : /\b(if) *(\(.+,.+,.+\))/g,
+ scssMaps : /\(((?:\s*(?:("|')?\w+(?:-\w+)*\2 *: *.+|\/\*[^]*?\*\/|\/\/.*?$))+\s*\))(?=;)/gm,
+ /* scss directives syntax */
+ scssLoopForSyntax : /(.+) +(from) +(.+) +(to|through) +(.+)/g,
+ scssLoopEachSyntax : /(.+) +(in) +(.+)/g,
+ scssLoopWhileSyntax : /(.+) +(.+) +(.+)/g,
+ scssTernarySyntax : /\((.+),(.+),(.+)\)/g,
+ scssMapsSyntax : /(("|')?\w+(?:-\w+)*\2) *: *((?:[\w"' $\(\),\*\+-]|\/(?!\/))+)(?=,.*\n?|\n?\s*\)| \/\/)/g
+ };
+ /********************
+ ********************/
+ var atDirective = {
+ name: 'at-directive',
+ pattern: regexes.atDirective
+ };
+ /********************
+ ********************/
+ var reserved = {
+ name: 'reserved',
+ pattern: regexes.reserved
+ };
+ var exception = {
+ name: 'keyword.exception',
+ pattern: regexes.exception
+ };
+ var operator = {
+ name: 'constant.operator',
+ pattern: regexes.operator
+ };
+ var constant = {
+ name: 'scss.constant',
+ pattern: regexes.constant
+ };
+ var variable = {
+ name: 'scss.variable',
+ pattern: regexes.variable
+ };
+ var prefix = {
+ name: 'vendor-prefix',
+ pattern: regexes.prefix
+ };
+ /********************
+ ********************/
+ var unit = {
+ absolute: {
+ name: 'keyword.unit.absolute',
+ pattern: regexes.unitAbsolute
+ },
+ relative: {
+ name: 'keyword.unit.relative',
+ pattern: regexes.unitRelative
+ },
+ viewport: {
+ name: 'keyword.unit.viewport',
+ pattern: regexes.unitViewport
+ },
+ angle: {
+ name: 'keyword.unit.angle',
+ pattern: regexes.unitAngle
+ },
+ time: {
+ name: 'keyword.unit.time',
+ pattern: regexes.unitTime
+ },
+ frequency: {
+ name: 'keyword.unit.frequency',
+ pattern: regexes.unitFrequency
+ },
+ resolution: {
+ name: 'keyword.unit.resolution',
+ pattern: regexes.unitResolution
+ },
+ percentage: {
+ name: 'keyword.unit.percentage',
+ pattern: regexes.unitPercentage
+ }
+ };
+ var type = {
+ attribute: {
+ name: 'support.attribute-name',
+ pattern: regexes.valueText
+ },
+ text: {
+ name: 'support.text-value',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [prefix]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.valueText
+ },
+ string: {
+ name: 'string',
+ pattern: regexes.valueString
+ },
+ path: {
+ name: 'constant.path',
+ pattern: regexes.valuePath
+ },
+ hex: {
+ name: 'constant.hex-color',
+ pattern: regexes.valueHex
+ },
+ number: {
+ name: 'constant.numeric',
+ matches: {
+ 2: [
+ unit.absolute,
+ unit.relative,
+ unit.viewport,
+ unit.angle,
+ unit.time,
+ unit.frequency,
+ unit.resolution,
+ unit.percentage
+ ]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.valueNumber
+ }
+ };
+ var arr_parameters = [
+ operator,
+ variable,
+ constant,
+ type.number,
+ type.path,
+ type.text,
+ type.string,
+ type.hex
+ ];
+ var scssList = {
+ name: 'scss.list',
+ matches: {
+ 1: arr_parameters,
+ 2: arr_parameters
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.scssList
+ };
+ arr_parameters.unshift(scssList);
+ /********************
+ * HACKS (css attributes)
+ ********************/
+ var ieHacks = {
+ name: 'hack',
+ matches: {
+ 1: 'ie-6',
+ 2: 'ie-lte7',
+ 3: 'ie-7',
+ 4: 'ie-lte9',
+ 5: 'ie-9',
+ 6: 'ie-gt6',
+ 7: 'ie-8-9'
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.ieHacks
+ };
+ var cssHacks = {
+ matches: {
+ 1: [ieHacks]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.hackValue
+ };
+ /********************
+ ********************/
+ var cssProperties = {
+ name: 'css-property',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [prefix]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.cssProperty
+ };
+ var cssPropertiesHacked = {
+ matches: {
+ 1: [ieHacks],
+ 2: [cssProperties],
+ 3: [ieHacks]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.cssPropertyWithHack
+ };
+ var cssMethods = {
+ name: 'css-method',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [
+ {
+ name: 'method-name',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [prefix]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.commonName
+ }
+ ],
+ 2: [
+ {
+ name: 'method-params',
+ matches: {
+ 1: arr_parameters
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.parameters
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.cssMethod
+ };
+ // method inside a method (as parameter) – note: weirdly there is no easier way to achieve the same result..
+ var cssMethodsEnhanced = {
+ name: cssMethods.name,
+ matches: {
+ 1: cssMethods.matches[1],
+ 2: [
+ {
+ name: cssMethods.matches[2][0].name,
+ matches: {
+ 1: [cssMethods].concat(arr_parameters)
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.parametersEnhanced// same as regexps.parameters (won't work if using the same) (??)
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.cssMethodEnhanced
+ };
+ var interpolation = {
+ name: 'scss.interpolation',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [cssMethodsEnhanced].concat(arr_parameters)
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.interpolation
+ };
+ // interpolation inside a string
+ arr_parameters.unshift({
+ name: 'string',
+ matches: {
+ 2: [interpolation]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.valueString
+ });
+ // interpolation inside method name
+ // TODO (fix) weirdly will not consider methods inside interpolation that is part of another method's name
+ // eg: #{unquote($type)}-gradient($params); // unquote() method will not be recognized
+ cssMethodsEnhanced.matches['1'][0].matches['1'] = [prefix,interpolation];
+ // interpolation inside method parameters
+ cssMethodsEnhanced.matches['2'][0].matches['1'] = [cssMethods].concat(arr_parameters);
+ /********************
+ ********************/
+ var commentMultiline = {
+ name: 'comment',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [interpolation]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.commentMulti
+ };
+ var commentSingleline = {
+ name: 'scss.comment',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [interpolation]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.commentSingle
+ };
+ var arr_comments = [
+ commentMultiline,
+ commentSingleline
+ ];
+ /********************
+ ********************/
+ var entity = {
+ scssParent: {
+ name: 'entity.scss.parent',
+ pattern: regexes.entityParent
+ },
+ scssPlaceholder: {
+ name: 'entity.scss.placeholder',
+ pattern: regexes.entityPlaceholder
+ },
+ cssClass: {
+ name: 'entity.name.class',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [interpolation]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.entityClass
+ },
+ cssId: {
+ name: 'entity.name.id',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [interpolation]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.entityId
+ },
+ cssAttribute : {
+ name: 'entity.name.attribute',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [
+ interpolation,
+ type.attribute
+ ],
+ 2: [
+ interpolation,
+ type.text,
+ type.string
+ ]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.entityAttribute
+ },
+ cssPseudo: {
+ name: 'entity.name.pseudo',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [interpolation]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.entityPseudo
+ },
+ cssTag: {
+ name: 'entity.name.tag',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [interpolation]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.entityTag
+ }
+ };
+ var sibling = {
+ direct: {
+ name: 'direct-child',
+ pattern: regexes.directChild
+ },
+ general: {
+ name: 'general-sibling',
+ pattern: regexes.siblingGeneral
+ },
+ adjacent: {
+ name: 'adjacent-sibling',
+ pattern: regexes.siblingAdjacent
+ }
+ };
+ var arr_siblings = [
+ sibling.direct,
+ sibling.general,
+ sibling.adjacent
+ ];
+ var arr_commonEntities = [
+ entity.scssPlaceholder,
+ entity.cssClass,
+ entity.cssId,
+ entity.cssTag
+ ];
+ var arr_entities = arr_commonEntities.concat([
+ entity.cssPseudo,
+ entity.cssAttribute,
+ entity.scssParent
+ ]);
+ var cssSelectors = {
+ name: 'selector',
+ matches: {
+ 1: arr_siblings.concat([reserved]).concat(arr_entities)
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.cssSelector
+ };
+ /********************
+ * ref: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Media_Queries/Using_media_queries#Pseudo-BNF_%28for_those_of_you_that_like_that_kind_of_thing%29
+ ********************/
+ var media = {
+ reserved: {
+ name: 'mediaquery.reserved',
+ pattern: regexes.mediaReserved
+ },
+ types: {
+ name: 'mediaquery.type',
+ pattern: regexes.mediaType
+ },
+ features: {
+ name: 'mediaquery.feature',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [prefix]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.mediaFeature
+ }
+ };
+ media.expression = {
+ name: 'mediaquery.expression',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [media.features,variable,interpolation],
+ 2: [cssMethodsEnhanced].concat(arr_parameters)
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.mediaExpression
+ };
+ media.query = {
+ name: 'mediaquery.query',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [media.reserved],
+ 2: [
+ interpolation,
+ media.reserved,
+ media.types,
+ media.expression
+ ]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.mediaQuery
+ };
+ var mediaQuery = {
+ name: 'media-query',
+ matches: {
+ 1: 'at-directive',
+ 2: [
+ {
+ matches: {
+ 1: [media.query]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.mediaQueryList
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.mediaQueryRule
+ };
+ /********************
+ ********************/
+ var maps = {
+ name: 'scss.map',
+ matches: {
+ 1: arr_comments.concat([
+ {
+ name: 'scss.map-pair',
+ matches: {
+ 1: 'scss.map-name',
+ 3: arr_comments.concat([
+ {
+ name: 'scss.map-value',
+ matches: {
+ 1: arr_parameters
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.anyChars
+ }
+ ])
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.scssMapsSyntax
+ }
+ ])
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.scssMaps
+ };
+ var mixin = {
+ name: 'scss.mixin',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [atDirective],
+ 2: 'scss.mixin-name',
+ 3: [
+ {
+ name: 'scss.mixin-params',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [cssMethodsEnhanced].concat(arr_parameters)
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.parameters
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.scssMixin
+ };
+ // TODO: consider to let all loops recognize methods inside loop expressions
+ var loops = {
+ forLoop: {
+ name: 'scss.loop.for',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [atDirective],
+ 2: [
+ {
+ name: 'scss.loop-condition',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [variable],
+ 2: [reserved],
+ 3: [
+ variable,
+ type.number
+ ],
+ 4: [reserved],
+ 5: [
+ variable,
+ type.number
+ ]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.scssLoopForSyntax
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.scssLoopFor
+ },
+ eachLoop: {
+ name: 'scss.loop.each',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [atDirective],
+ 2: [
+ {
+ name: 'scss.loop-condition',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [variable],
+ 2: [reserved],
+ 3: [
+ scssList,
+ variable,
+ type.text
+ ]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.scssLoopEachSyntax
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.scssLoopEach
+ },
+ whileLoop: {
+ name: 'scss.loop.while',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [atDirective],
+ 2: [
+ {
+ name: 'scss.loop-condition',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [
+ variable,
+ type.number
+ ],
+ 2: [operator],
+ 3: [
+ variable,
+ type.number
+ ]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.scssLoopWhileSyntax
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.scssLoopWhile
+ }
+ };
+ var ternary = {
+ name: 'scss.condition.ternary',
+ matches: {
+ 1: 'scss.ternary-method',
+ 2: [
+ {
+ name: 'scss.ternary-params',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [
+ {
+ name: 'ternary-condition',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [cssMethodsEnhanced].concat(arr_parameters)
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.anyChars
+ }
+ ],
+ 2: [
+ {
+ name: 'ternary-true',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [cssMethodsEnhanced].concat(arr_parameters)
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.anyChars
+ }
+ ],
+ 3: [
+ {
+ name: 'ternary-false',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [cssMethodsEnhanced].concat(arr_parameters)
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.anyChars
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.scssTernarySyntax
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.scssTernary
+ };
+ var condition = {
+ name: 'scss.condition',
+ matches: {
+ 1: 'at-directive',
+ 2: [
+ {
+ name: 'scss.condition-expression',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [reserved,cssMethodsEnhanced].concat(arr_parameters)
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.anyChars
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.scssCondition
+ };
+ var method = {
+ name: 'scss.method',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [atDirective],
+ 2: 'scss.method-name',
+ 3: [
+ {
+ name: 'method-params',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [cssMethodsEnhanced].concat(arr_parameters)
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.parameters
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.scssMethod
+ };
+ var extend = {
+ name: 'scss.extend',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [atDirective],
+ 2: arr_commonEntities
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.scssExtend
+ };
+ var imports = {
+ name: 'scss.import',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [atDirective],
+ 2: [type.string]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.scssImport
+ };
+ var include = {
+ name: 'scss.include',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [atDirective],
+ 2: 'scss.mixin-name',
+ 3: [
+ {
+ name: 'scss.mixin-params',
+ matches: {
+ 1: [cssMethodsEnhanced].concat(arr_parameters)
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.parameters
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ pattern: regexes.scssInclude
+ };
+ /********************
+ ********************/
+ var cssSyntaxEnhanced = []
+ .concat([
+ commentMultiline,
+ exception,
+ mediaQuery,
+ atDirective,
+ cssSelectors,
+ cssPropertiesHacked,
+ cssHacks
+ ])
+ .concat(arr_parameters)
+ .concat([
+ cssMethodsEnhanced
+ ]);
+ var scssSyntax = [
+ commentSingleline,
+ interpolation,
+ maps,
+ mixin,
+ loops.forLoop,
+ loops.eachLoop,
+ loops.whileLoop,
+ ternary,
+ condition,
+ method,
+ extend,
+ imports,
+ include
+ ];
+ Rainbow.extend('scss', cssSyntaxEnhanced, true);
+ Rainbow.extend('scss', scssSyntax, true);
diff --git a/tests/language/test.scss.js b/tests/language/test.scss.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..afd50e84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/language/test.scss.js
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+/* global describe, run */
+var language = 'scss';
+describe(language, function() {
+ /********************
+ * FORMER CSS VALIDATION (moved in from test.css.js)
+ ********************/
+ run(
+ language,
+ 'scss',
+ 'article {\n' +
+ ' &.cool {\n' +
+ ' p {\n' +
+ ' margin-top: 20px;\n' +
+ ' }\n' +
+ ' }\n' +
+ '}',
+ 'article {\n' +
+ ' &.cool {\n' +
+ ' p {\n' +
+ ' margin-top: 20px;\n' +
+ ' }\n' +
+ ' }\n' +
+ '}'
+ );
+ /********************
+ ********************/
+ // attribute selector
+ run(
+ language,
+ 'attribute selector',
+ 'input[type="text"] { cursor: pointer; }\n'+
+ 'input[type=text] { cursor: pointer; }',
+ 'input[type="text"] { cursor: pointer; }\n'+
+ 'input[type=text] { cursor: pointer; }'
+ );
+ // siblings
+ run(
+ language,
+ 'child/sibling selectors',
+ 'div > p,\n'+
+ 'p + p,\n'+
+ 'p ~ span {',
+ ''+
+ 'div > p,\n'+
+ 'p + p,\n'+
+ 'p ~ span '+
+ '{'
+ );
+ // exception (!important keyword)
+ run(
+ language,
+ 'keyword exception',
+ 'border: none !important;',
+ 'border: none !important;'
+ );
+ // css method
+ run(
+ language,
+ 'css-method',
+ 'rgba(100, 200, 175, .6);',
+ ''+
+ 'rgba'+
+ '('+
+ '100, '+
+ '200, '+
+ '175, '+
+ '.6)'+
+ ';'
+ );
+ // asset path
+ run(
+ language,
+ 'asset path',
+ 'url(/path/to/image.jpg);',
+ ''+
+ 'url'+
+ '('+
+ '/path/to/image.jpg)'+
+ ';'
+ );
+ // media queries
+ run(
+ language,
+ 'media query',
+ '@media not print and (max-width: 1160px), screen and (orientation: landscape) {',
+ ''+
+ '@media '+
+ ''+
+ 'not '+
+ 'print '+
+ 'and '+
+ '('+
+ 'max-width: '+
+ '1160px)'+
+ ', '+
+ ''+
+ 'screen '+
+ 'and '+
+ '('+
+ 'orientation: '+
+ 'landscape)'+
+ ' '+
+ '{'
+ );
+ /********************
+ ********************/
+ // variable
+ run(
+ language,
+ 'variable',
+ '$variable',
+ '$variable'
+ );
+ /********************
+ ********************/
+ // placeholder selector
+ run(
+ language,
+ 'placeholder selector',
+ '%placeholder {',
+ ''+
+ '%placeholder '+
+ '{'
+ );
+ // extend placeholder (@extend directive)
+ run(
+ language,
+ 'extend placeholder',
+ '@extend %placeholder;',
+ ''+
+ '@extend '+
+ '%placeholder'+
+ ';'
+ );
+ /********************
+ ********************/
+ // mixin declaration (@mixin directive)
+ run(
+ language,
+ 'mixin declaration',
+ '@mixin rem($property, $size: 1) {',
+ ''+
+ '@mixin '+
+ 'rem'+
+ '('+
+ '$property, '+
+ '$size: '+
+ '1)'+
+ ' {'
+ );
+ // mixin usage (@include directive)
+ run(
+ language,
+ 'mixin usage',
+ '@include rem(\'margin-bottom\', 16);',
+ ''+
+ '@include '+
+ 'rem'+
+ '('+
+ '\'margin-bottom\', '+
+ '16)'+
+ ';'
+ );
+ /********************
+ ********************/
+ // for loop (@for directive)
+ run(
+ language,
+ 'for loop',
+ '@for $i from 1 through 3 {',
+ ''+
+ '@for '+
+ ''+
+ '$i '+
+ 'from '+
+ '1 '+
+ 'through '+
+ '3 '+
+ '{'
+ );
+ // each loop (@each directive)
+ run(
+ language,
+ 'each loop',
+ '@each $animal in puma, sea-slug, egret, salamander {',
+ ''+
+ '@each '+
+ ''+
+ '$animal '+
+ 'in '+
+ 'puma, '+
+ 'sea-slug, '+
+ 'egret, '+
+ 'salamander '+
+ '{'
+ );
+ // while loop (@while directive)
+ run(
+ language,
+ 'while loop',
+ '@while $i > 0 {',
+ ''+
+ '@while '+
+ ''+
+ '$i '+
+ '> '+
+ '0'+
+ ' {'
+ );
+ /********************
+ ********************/
+ // function declaration (@function directive)
+ run(
+ language,
+ 'function declaration',
+ '@function grid-width($n) {',
+ ''+
+ '@function '+
+ 'grid-width'+
+ '('+
+ '$n)'+
+ ' {'
+ );
+ /********************
+ ********************/
+ // if/else condition (@if/@else directive)
+ run(
+ language,
+ 'if/else condition',
+ '@if $var==true {\n'+
+ ' // result if true\n'+
+ '} @else if $var==false {\n'+
+ ' // result if false\n'+
+ '} @else {\n'+
+ ' // result if null\n'+
+ '}',
+ '@if $var==true {\n'+
+ ' \n'+
+ '} @else if $var==false {\n'+
+ ' \n'+
+ '} @else {\n'+
+ ' \n'+
+ '}'
+ );
+ // ternary condition
+ run(
+ language,
+ 'ternary condition',
+ 'if($bigger==true,28px,24px);',
+ ''+
+ 'if'+
+ '('+
+ ''+
+ '$bigger'+
+ '=='+
+ 'true'+
+ ','+
+ ''+
+ '28px'+
+ ','+
+ ''+
+ '24px'+
+ ')'+
+ ';'
+ );
+ /********************
+ ********************/
+ // simple interpolation
+ run(
+ language,
+ 'simple interpolation',
+ '#{$variable}',
+ ''+
+ '#{$variable}'+
+ ''
+ );
+ // interpolation as part of selector
+ run(
+ language,
+ 'interpolation as part of selector',
+ '.#{$animal}-icon {',
+ ''+
+ '.'+
+ ''+
+ '#{$animal}'+
+ ''+
+ '-icon '+
+ '{'
+ );
+ // interpolation inside a string
+ run(
+ language,
+ 'interpolation inside a string',
+ '"/images/#{$animal}.png"',
+ ''+
+ '"/images/'+
+ ''+
+ '#{$animal}'+
+ '.png"'+
+ ''
+ );
diff --git a/tests/rainbow.html b/tests/rainbow.html
index 2ac44d7d..15330280 100644
--- a/tests/rainbow.html
+++ b/tests/rainbow.html
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
@@ -48,6 +49,7 @@
diff --git a/themes/solarized-dark.css b/themes/solarized-dark.css
index 7f77841e..8511a81f 100644
--- a/themes/solarized-dark.css
+++ b/themes/solarized-dark.css
@@ -5,16 +5,18 @@
* @author Ethan Schoonover
* @author David Litmark
- * @version 1.0.0
+ * @author Fabio Bucci Di Monte (Additional styles for enhanced CSS syntax and SCSS syntax)
+ * @version 1.1.1
pre {
background: #002b36; /* base03 */
- word-wrap: break-word;
- margin: 0px;
- padding: 10px;
+ border-color: #333333;
color: #839496; /* base0 */
- font-size: 14px;
- margin-bottom: 20px;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ line-height: 20px;
+ margin: 0 0 20px 0;
+ padding: 10px;
+ word-wrap: break-word;
pre, code {
@@ -84,3 +86,74 @@ pre .support.property {
pre .variable.global, pre .variable.class, pre .variable.instance {
color: #839496; /* base0 */
+ * Additional styles for enhanced CSS syntax and SCSS syntax
+ */
+pre .entity, pre .mediaquery.type {
+ font: inherit;
+pre .pseudo, pre .vendor-prefix,
+pre .scss.interpolation {
+ font-style: italic;
+pre .at-directive, pre .reserved, pre .exception,
+pre .scss.constant, pre .scss.ternary-method {
+ font-weight: bold;
+pre .hack {
+ color: #ff0000; /* red */
+pre .selector,
+pre .scss.interpolation, pre .scss.map-pair {
+ color: #839496; /* base0 */
+pre .at-directive, pre .reserved, pre .exception, pre .attribute-name, pre .mediaquery.type,
+pre .scss.ternary-method {
+ color: #b58900; /* yellow */
+pre .method-name,
+pre .scss.method-name, pre .scss.mixin-name {
+ color: #c5ab0b; /* light yellow */
+pre .constant.numeric, pre .constant.hex-color {
+ color: #2aa198; /* cyan */
+pre .css-property, pre .mediaquery.feature,
+pre .scss.map-name, pre .scss.map-value {
+ color: #8866dd; /* purple */
+pre .entity.tag {
+ color: #ad5a18; /* orange */
+pre .constant.path,
+pre .scss.variable {
+ color: #268bd2; /* blue */
+pre .scss.constant {
+ color: #859900; /* green */
+pre .scss.interpolation {
+ background-color: #17436e; /* dark blue */
+pre .scss.map-pair {
+ background-color: #26254a; /* dark purple */
+pre .vendor-prefix {
+ opacity: 0.7;